by Wilkie Colllins

A Domestic Story

Affectionately Dedicated
to Holman Hunt


Miss Westerfield's Education

1.--The Trial.

THE gentlemen of the jury retired to consider their verdict.

Their foreman was a person doubly distinguished among his
colleagues. He had the clearest head, and the readiest tongue.
For once the right man was in the right place.

Of the eleven jurymen, four showed their characters on the
surface. They were:

The hungry juryman, who wanted his dinner.

The inattentive juryman, who drew pictures on his blotting paper.

The nervous juryman, who suffered from fidgets.

The silent juryman, who decided the verdict.

Of the seven remaining members, one was a little drowsy man who
gave no trouble; one was an irritable invalid who served under
protest; and five represented that vast majority of the
population--easily governed, tranquilly happy--which has no
opinion of its own.

The foreman took his place at the head of the table. His
colleagues seated themselves on either side of him. Then there
fell upon that assembly of men a silence, never known among an
assembly of women--the silence which proceeds from a general
reluctance to be the person who speaks first.

It was the foreman's duty, under these circumstances, to treat
his deliberative brethren as we treat our watches when they stop:
he wound the jury up and set them going.

"Gentlemen," he began, "have you formed any decided opinion on
the case--thus far?"

Some of them said "Yes," and some of them said "No." The little
drowsy man said nothing. The fretful invalid cried, "Go on!" The
nervous juryman suddenly rose. His brethren all looked at him,
inspired by the same fear of having got an orator among them. He
was an essentially polite man; and he hastened to relieve their
minds. "Pray don't be alarmed, gentlemen: I am not going to make
a speech. I suffer from fidgets. Excuse me if I occasionally
change my position." The hungry juryman (who dined early) looked
at his watch. "Half-past four," he said. "For Heaven's sake cut
it short." He was the fattest person present; and he suggested a
subject to the inattentive juryman who drew pictures on his
blotting-paper. Deeply interested in the progress of the
likeness, his neighbors on either side looked over his shoulders.
The little drowsy man woke with a start, and begged pardon of
everybody. The fretful invalid said to himself, "Damned fools,
all of them!" The patient foreman, biding his time, stated the

"The prisoner waiting our verdict, gentlemen, is the Honorable
Roderick Westerfield, younger brother of the present Lord Le
Basque. He is charged with willfully casting away the British
bark _John Jerniman_, under his command, for the purpose of
fraudulently obtaining a share of the insurance money; and
further of possessing himself of certain Brazilian diamonds,
which formed part of the cargo. In plain words, here is a
gentleman born in the higher ranks of life accused of being a
thief. Before we attempt to arrive at a decision, we shall only
be doing him justice if we try to form some general estimate of
his character, based on the evidence--and we may fairly begin by
inquiring into his relations with the noble family to which he
belongs. The evidence, so far, is not altogether creditable to
him. Being at the time an officer of the Royal Navy, he appears
to have outraged the feelings of his family by marrying a barmaid
at a public-house."

The drowsy juryman, happening to be awake at that moment,
surprised the foreman by interposing a statement. "Talking of
barmaids," he said, "I know a curate's daughter. She's in
distressed circumstances, poor thing; and she's a barmaid
somewhere in the north of England. Curiously enough, the name of
the town has escaped my memory. If we had a map of England--"
There he was interrupted, cruelly interrupted, by one of his

"And by what right," cried the greedy juryman, speaking under the
exasperating influence of hunger--"by what right does Mr.
Westerfield's family dare to suppose that a barmaid may not be a
perfectly virtuous woman?"

Hearing this, the restless gentleman (in the act of changing his
position) was suddenly inspired with interest in the proceedings.
"Pardon me for putting myself forward," he said, with his
customary politeness. "Speaking as an abstainer from fermented
liquors, I must really protest against these allusions to

"Speaking as a consumer of fermented liquors," the invalid
remarked, "I wish I had a barmaid and a bottle of champagne
before me now."

Superior to interruption, the admirable foreman went on:

"Whatever you may think, gentlemen, of the prisoner's marriage,
we have it in evidence that his relatives turned their backs on
him from that moment--with the one merciful exception of the head
of the family. Lord Le Basque exerted his influence with the
Admiralty, and obtained for his brother (then out of employment)
an appointment to a ship. All the witnesses agree that Mr.
Westerfield thoroughly understood his profession. If he could
have controlled himself, he might have risen to high rank in the
Navy. His temper was his ruin. He quarreled with one of his
superior officers--"

"Under strong provocation," said a member of the jury.

"Under strong provocation," the foreman admitted. But provocation
is not an excuse, judged by the rules of discipline. The prisoner
challenged the officer on duty to fight a duel, at the first
opportunity, on shore; and, receiving a contemptuous refusal,
struck him on the quarter-deck. As a matter of course, Mr.
Westerfield was tried by court-martial, and was dismissed the
service. Lord Le Basque's patience was not exhausted yet. The
Merchant Service offered a last chance to the prisoner of
retrieving his position, to some extent at least. He was fit for
the sea, and fit for nothing else. At my lord's earnest request
the owners of the _John Jerniman_, trading between Liverpool and
Rio, took Mr. Westerfield on trial as first mate, and, to his
credit be it said, he justified his brother's faith in him. In a
tempest off the coast of Africa the captain was washed overboard
and the first mate succeeded to the command. His seamanship and
courage saved the vessel, under circumstances of danger which
paralyzed the efforts of the other officers.. He was confirmed,
rightly confirmed, in the command of the ship. And, so far, we
shall certainly not be wrong if we view his character on the
favorable side."

There the foreman paused, to collect his ideas.

Certain members of the assembly--led by the juryman who wanted
his dinner, and supported by his inattentive colleague, then
engaged in drawing a ship in a storm, and a captain falling
overboard--proposed the acquittal of the prisoner without further
consideration. But the fretful invalid cried "Stuff!" and the
five jurymen who had no opinions of their own, struck by the
admirable brevity with which he expressed his sentiments, sang
out in chorus, "Hear! hear! hear!" The silent juryman, hitherto
overlooked, now attracted attention. He was a bald-headed person
of uncertain age, buttoned up tight in a long frockcoat, and
wearing his gloves all through the proceedings. When the chorus
of five cheered, he smiled mysteriously. Everybody wondered what
that smile meant. The silent juryman kept his opinion to himself.
From that moment he began to exercise a furtive influence over
the jury. Even the foreman looked at him, on resuming the

"After a certain term of service, gentlemen, during which we
learn nothing to his disadvantage, the prisoner's merits appear
to have received their reward. He was presented with a share in
the ship which he commanded, in addition to his regular salary as
master. With these improved prospects he sailed from Liverpool on
his last voyage to Brazil; and no one, his wife included, had the
faintest suspicion that he left England under circumstances of
serious pecuniary embarrassment. The testimony of his creditors,
and of other persons with whom he associated distinctly  proves
that his leisure hours on shore had been employed in card-playing
and in betting on horse races. After an unusually long run of
luck, his good fortune seems to have deserted him. He suffered
considerable losses, and was at last driven to borrowing at a
high rate of interest, without any reasonable prospect of being
able to repay the money-lenders into whose hands he had fallen.
When he left Rio on the homeward voyage, there is no sort of
doubt that he was returning to England to face creditors whom he
was unable to pay. There, gentlemen, is a noticeable side to his
character which we may call the gambling side, and which (as I
think) was too leniently viewed by the judge."

He evidently intended to add a word or two more. But the
disagreeable invalid insisted on being heard.

"In plain English," he said, "you are for finding the prisoner

"In plain English," the foreman rejoined, "I refuse to answer
that question."


"Because it is no part of my duty to attempt to influence the

"You have been trying to influence the verdict, sir, ever since
you entered this room. I appeal to all the gentlemen present."

The patience of the long-suffering foreman failed him at last.
"Not another word shall pass my lips," he said, "until you find
the prisoner guilty or not guilty among yourselves--and then I'll
tell you if I agree to your verdict."

He folded his arms, and looked like the image of a man who
intended to keep his word.

The hungry juryman laid himself back in his chair, and groaned.
The amateur artist, who had thus far found a fund of amusement in
his blotting-paper, yawned discontentedly and dropped his pen.
The courteous gentleman who suffered from fidgets requested leave
to walk up and down the room; and at the first turn he took woke
the drowsy little man, and maddened the irritable invalid by the
creaking of his boots. The chorus of five, further than ever from
arriving at an opinion of their own, looked at the silent
juryman. Once more he smiled mysteriously; and once more he
offered an explanation of what was passing in his mind--except
that he turned his bald head slowly in the direction of the
foreman. Was he in sympathy with a man who had promised to be as
silent as himself?

In the meantime, nothing was said or done. Helpless silence
prevailed in every part of the room.

"Why the devil doesn't somebody begin?" cried the invalid. "Have
you all forgotten the evidence?"

This startling question roused the jury to a sense of what was
due to their oaths, if not to themselves. Some of them
recollected the evidence in one way, and some of them recollected
it in another; and each man insisted on doing justice to his own
excellent memory, and on stating his own unanswerable view of the

The first man who spoke began at the middle of the story told by
the witnesses in court. "I am for acquitting the captain,
gentlemen; he ordered out the boats, and saved the lives of the
crew."--"And I am for finding him guilty, because the ship struck
on a rock in broad daylight, and in moderate weather."--"I agree
with you, sir. The evidence shows that the vessel was steered
dangerously near to the land, by direction of the captain, who
gave the course."--"Come, come, gentlemen! let us do the captain
justice. The defense declares that he gave the customary course,
and that it was not followed when he left the deck. As for his
leaving the ship in moderate weather, the evidence proves that he
believed he saw signs of a storm brewing."--"Yes, yes, all very
well, but what were the facts? When the loss of the ship was
reported, the Brazilian authorities sent men to the wreck, on the
chance of saving the cargo; and, days afterward, there the ship
was found, just as the captain and the crew had left
her."--"Don't forget, sir, that the diamonds were missing when
the salvors examined the wreck."--"All right, but that's no proof
that the captain stole the diamonds; and, before they had saved
half the cargo, a storm did come on and break the vessel up; so
the poor man was only wrong in the matter of time, after
all."--"Allow me to remind you, gentlemen that the prisoner was
deeply in debt, and therefore had an interest in stealing the
diamonds."--Wait a little, sir. Fair play's a jewel. Who was in
charge of the deck when the ship struck? The second mate. And
what did the second mate do, when he heard that his owners had
decided to prosecute? He committed suicide! Is there no proof of
guilt in that act?"--"You are going a little too fast, sir. The
coroner's jury declared that the second mate killed himself in a
state of temporary insanity."--"Gently! gently! we have nothing
to do with what the coroner's jury said. What did the judge say
when he summed up?"--"Bother the judge! He said what they all
say: 'Find the prisoner guilty, if you think he did it; and find
him not guilty, if you think he didn't.' And then he went away to
his comfortable cup of tea in his private room. And here are We
perishing of hunger, and our families dining without us."--"Speak
for yourself, sir, _I_ haven't got a family."--"Consider yourself
lucky, sir; _I_ have got twelve, and my life is a burden to me,
owing to the difficulty of making both ends meet."--"Gentlemen!
gentlemen! we are wandering again. Is the captain guilty or not?
Mr. Foreman, we none of us intended to offend you. Will you tell
us what _you_ think?"

No; the foreman kept his word. "Decide for yourselves first," was
his only reply.

In this emergency, the member afflicted with fidgets suddenly
assumed a position of importance. He started a new idea.

"Suppose we try a show of hands," he suggested. "Gentlemen who
find the prisoner guilty will please hold up their hands."

Three votes were at once registered in this way, including the
vote of the foreman. After a moment of doubt, the chorus of five
decided on following the opinion which happened to be the first
opinion expressed in point of time. Thereupon, the show of hands
for the condemnation of the prisoner rose to eight. Would this
result have an effect on the undecided minority of four? In any
case, they were invited to declare themselves next. Only three
hands were held up. One incomprehensible man abstained from
expressing his sentiments even by a sign. Is it necessary to say
who that man was? A mysterious change had now presented itself in
his appearance, which made him an object of greater interest than
ever. His inexplicable smile had vanished. He sat immovable, with
closed eyes. Was he meditating profoundly? or was he only asleep?
The quick-witted foreman had long since suspected him of being
simply the stupidest person present--with just cunning enough to
conceal his own dullness by holding his tongue. The jury arrived
at no such sensible conclusion. Impressed by the intense
solemnity of his countenance, they believed him to be absorbed in
reflections of the utmost importance to the verdict. After a
heated conference among themselves, they decided on inviting the
one independent member present--the member who had taken no part
in their proceedings--to declare his opinion in the plainest
possible form. "Which way does your view of the verdict incline,
sir? Guilty or not guilty?"

The eyes of the silent juryman opened with the slow and solemn
dilation of the eyes of an owl. Placed between the alternatives
of declaring himself in one word or in two, his taciturn wisdom
chose the shortest form of speech. "Guilty," he answered--and
shut his eyes again, as if he had had enough of it already.

An unutterable sense of relief pervaded the meeting. Enmities
were forgotten and friendly looks were exchanged. With one
accord, the jury rose to return to court. The prisoner's fate was
sealed. The verdict was Guilty."

2.--The Sentence.

The low hum of talk among the persons in court ceased when the
jury returned to their places. Curiosity now found its center of
attraction in the prisoner's wife--who had been present
throughout the trial. The question of the moment was: How will
she bear the interval of delay which precedes the giving of the

In the popular phrase, Mrs. Westerfield was a showy woman. Her
commanding figure was f inely robed in dark colors; her profuse
light hair hung over her forehead in little clusters of ringlets;
her features, firmly but not delicately shaped, were on a large
scale. No outward betrayal of the wife's emotion rewarded the
public curiosity: her bold light-gray eyes sustained the general
gaze without flinching. To the surprise of the women present, she
had brought her two young children with her to the trial. The
eldest was a pretty little girl of ten years old; the second
child (a boy) sat on his mother's knee. It was generally observed
that Mrs. Westerfield took no notice of her eldest child. When
she whispered a word from time to time, it was always addressed
to her son. She fondled him when he grew restless; but she never
looked round to see if the girl at her side was as weary of the
proceedings as the boy.

The judge took his seat, and the order was given to bring the
prisoner up for judgment.

There was a long pause. The audience--remembering his ghastly
face when he first appeared before them--whispered to each other,
"He's taken ill"; and the audience proved to be right.

The surgeon of the prison entered the witness-box, and, being
duly sworn, made his medical statement

The prisoner's heart had been diseased for some time past, and
the malady had been neglected. He had fainted under the prolonged
suspense of waiting for the verdict. The swoon had proved to be
of such a serious nature that the witness refused to answer for
consequences if a second fainting-fit was produced by the
excitement of facing the court and the jury.

Under these circumstances, the verdict was formally recorded, and
sentence was deferred. Once more, the spectators looked at the
prisoner's wife.

She had risen to leave the court. In the event of an adverse
verdict, her husband had asked for a farewell interview; and the
governor of the prison, after consultation with the surgeon, had
granted the request. It was observed, when she retired, that she
held her boy by the hand, and left the girl to follow. A
compassionate lady near her offered to take care of the children
while she was absent. Mrs. Westerfield answered quietly and
coldly: "Thank you--their father wishes to see them."

The prisoner was dying; nobody could look at him and doubt it.

His eyes opened wearily, when his wife and children approached
the bed on which he lay helpless--the wreck of a grandly-made
man. He struggled for breath, but he could still speak a word or
two at a time. "I don't ask you what the verdict is," he said to
his wife; "I see it in your face."

Tearless and silent, she waited by her husband's side. He had
only noticed her for a moment. All his interest seemed to be
centered in his children. The girl stood nearest to him, he
looked at her with a faint smile.

The poor child understood him. Crying piteously, she put her arms
around his neck and kissed him. "Dear papa," she said; "come home
and let me nurse you."

The surgeon, watching the father's face, saw a change in him
which the other persons present had not observed. The failing
heart felt that parting moment, and sank under it. "Take the
child away," the surgeon whispered to the mother. Brandy was near
him; he administered it while he spoke, and touched the
fluttering pulse. It felt, just felt, the stimulant. He revived
for a moment, and looked wistfully for his son. "The boy," he
murmured; "I want my boy." As his wife brought the child to him,
the surgeon whispered to her again. "If you have anything to say
to him be quick about it!" She shuddered; she took his cold hand.
Her touch seemed to nerve him with new strength; he asked her to
stoop over him. "They won't let me write here," he whispered,
"unless they see my letter." He paused to get his breath again.
"Lift up my left arm," he gasped. "Open the wrist-band."

She detached the stud which closed the wrist-band of the shirt.
On the inner side of the linen there was a line written in red
letters--red of the color of blood. She saw these words: _Look in
the lining of my trunk._

"What for?" she asked.

The fading light in his eyes flashed on her a dreadful look of
doubt. His lips fell apart in the vain effort to answer. His last
sigh fluttered the light ringlets of her hair as she bent over

The surgeon pointed to her children. "Take the poor things home,"
he said; "they have seen the last of their father."

Mrs. Westerfield obeyed in silence. She had her own reasons for
being in a hurry to get home. Leaving the children under the
servant's care, she locked herself up in the dead man's room, and
emptied his trunk of the few clothes that had been left in it.

The lining which she was now to examine was of the customary
material, and of the usual striped pattern in blue and white. Her
fingers were not sufficiently sensitive to feel anything under
the surface, when she tried it with her hand. Turning the empty
trunk with the inner side of the lid toward the light, she
discovered, on one of the blue stripes of the lining, a thin
little shining stain which looked like a stain of dried gum.
After a moment's consideration, she cut the gummed line with a
penknife. Something of a white color appeared through the
aperture. She drew out a folded sheet of paper.

It proved to be a letter in her husband's hand-writing. An
inclosure dropped to the floor when she opened it, in the shape
of a small slip of paper. She picked it up. The morsel of paper
presented letters, figures, and crosses arranged in lines, and
mingled together in what looked like hopeless confusion.

3.--The Letter.

Mrs. Westerfield laid the incomprehensible slip of paper aside,
and, in search of an explanation, returned to the letter. Here
again she found herself in a state of perplexity. Directed to
"Mrs. Roderick Westerfield," the letter began abruptly, without
the customary form of address. Did it mean that her husband was
angry with her when he wrote? It meant that he doubted her.

In these terms he expressed himself:

"I write to you before my trial takes place. If the verdict goes
in my favor, I shall destroy what I have written. If I am found
guilty, I must leave it to you to do what I should otherwise have
done for myself.

"The undeserved misfortune that has overtaken me began with the
arrival of my ship in the port of Rio. Our second mate (his duty
for the day being done) asked leave to go on shore--and never
returned. What motive determined him on deserting, I am not able
to say. It was my own wish to supply his place by promoting the
best seaman on board. My owners' agents overruled me, and
appointed a man of their own choosing.

"What nation he belonged to I don't know. The name he gave me was
Beljames, and he was reported to be a broken-down gentleman.
Whoever he might be, his manner and his talk were captivating.
Everybody liked him.

"After the two calamities of the loss of the ship and the
disappearance of the diamonds--these last being valued at five
thousand pounds--I returned to England by the first opportunity
that offered, having Beljames for a companion.

"Shortly after getting back to my house in London, I was
privately warned by a good friend that my owners had decided to
prosecute me for willfully casting away the ship, and (crueler
still) for having stolen the missing diamonds. The second mate,
who had been in command of the vessel when she struck on the
rock, was similarly charged along with me. Knowing myself to be
innocent, I determined, of course, to stand my trial. My wonder
was, what Beljames would do. Would he follow my example? or, if
he got the chance, would he try to make his escape?

"I might have thought it only friendly to give this person a word
of warning, if I had known where to find him. We had separated
when the ship reached the port of Falmouth, in Cornwall, and had
not met since. I gave him my address in London; but he gave me no
address in return.

"On the voyage home, Beljames told me that a legacy had been left
to him; being a small freehold house and garden in St. John's
Wood, London. His agent, writing to him on the subject, had
reported the place to be sadly out of repair, and had advised him
to find somebody who would take it off his hands
 on reasonable terms. This seemed to point to a likelihood of his
being still in London, trying to sell his house.

"While my mind was running on these recollections, I was told
that a decent elderly woman wanted to see me. She proved to be
the landlady of the house in which Beljames lodged; and she
brought an alarming message. The man was dying, and desired to
see me. I went to him immediately.

"Few words are best, when one has to write about one's own

"Beljames had heard of the intended prosecution. How he had been
made aware of it, death left him no time to tell me. The
miserable wretch had poisoned himself--whether in terror of
standing his trial, or in remorse of conscience, it is not any
business of mine to decide. Most unluckily for me, he first
ordered the doctor and the landlady out of the room; and then,
when we two were alone, owned that he had purposely altered the
course of the ship, and had stolen the diamonds.

"To do him justice, he was eager to save me from suffering for
his fault.

"Having eased his mind by confession, he gave me the slip of
paper (written in cipher) which you will find inclosed in this.
'There is my note of the place where the diamonds are hidden,' he
said. Among the many ignorant people who know nothing of ciphers,
I am one--and I told him so. 'That's how I keep my secret,' he
said; 'write from my dictation, and you shall know what it means.
Lift me up first.' As I did it, he rolled his head to and fro,
evidently in pain. But he managed to point to pen, ink, and
paper, on a table hard by, on which his doctor had been writing.
I left him for a moment, to pull the table nearer to the bed--and
in that moment he groaned, and cried out for help. I ran to the
room downstairs where the doctor was waiting. When we got back to
him he was in convulsions. It was all over with Beljames.

"The lawyers who are to defend me have tried to get Experts, as
they call them, to interpret the cipher. The Experts have all
failed. They will declare, if they are called as witnesses, that
the signs on the paper are not according to any known rules, and
are marks made at random, meaning nothing.

"As for any statement, on my part, of the confession made to me,
the law refuses to hear it, except from the mouth of a witness. I
might prove that the ship's course was changed, contrary to my
directions, after I had gone below to rest, if I could find the
man who was steering at the time. God only knows where that man

"On the other hand, the errors of my past life, and my being in
debt, are circumstances dead against me. The lawyers seem to
trust almost entirely in a famous counsel, whom they have engaged
to defend me. For my own part, I go to my trial with little or no

"If the verdict is guilty, and if you have any regard left for my
character, never rest until you have found somebody who can
interpret these cursed signs. Do for me, I say, what I cannot do
for myself. Recover the diamonds; and, when you restore them,
show my owners this letter.

"Kiss the children for me. I wish them, when they are old enough,
to read this defense of myself and to know that their father, who
loved them dearly, was an innocent man. My good brother will take
care of you, for my sake. I have done.

                                RODERICK WESTERFIELD."

Mrs. Westerfield took up the cipher once more. She looked at it
as if it were a living thing that defied her.

"If I am able to read this gibberish," she decided, "I know what
I'll do with the diamonds!"

4.--The Garret.

One year exactly after the fatal day of the trial, Mrs.
Westerfield (secluded in the sanctuary of her bedroom) celebrated
her release from the obligation of wearing widow's weeds.

The conventional graduations in the outward expression of grief,
which lead from black clothing to gray, formed no part of this
afflicted lady's system of mourning. She laid her best blue
walking dress and her new bonnet to match on the bed, and admired
them to her heart's content. Her discarded garments were left on
the floor. "Thank Heaven, I've done with you!" she said--and
kicked her rusty mourning out of the way as she advanced to the
fireplace to ring the bell.

"Where is my little boy?" she asked, when the landlady entered
the room.

"He's down with me in the kitchen, ma'am; I'm teaching him to
make a plum cake for himself. He's so happy! I hope you don't
want him just now?"

"Not the least in the world. I want you to take care of him while
I am away. By-the-by, where's Syd?"

The elder child (the girl) had been christened Sydney, in
compliment to one of her father's female relatives. The name was
not liked by her mother--who had shortened it to Syd, by way of
leaving as little of it as possible. With a look at Mrs.
Westerfield which expressed ill-concealed aversion, the landlady
answered: "She's up in the lumber-room, poor child. She says you
sent her there to be out of the way."

"Ah, to be sure, I did."

"There's no fireplace in the garret, ma'am. I'm afraid the little
girl must be cold and lonely."

It was useless to plead for Syd--Mrs. Westerfield was not
listening. Her attention was absorbed by her own plump and pretty
hands. She took a tiny file from the dressing-table, and put a
few finishing touches to her nails. "Send me some hot water," she
said; "I want to dress."

The servant girl who carried the hot water upstairs was new to
the ways of the house. After having waited on Mrs. Westerfield,
she had been instructed by the kind-hearted landlady to go on to
the top floor. "You will find a pretty little girl in the garret,
all by herself. Say you are to bring her down to my room, as soon
as her mamma has gone out."

Mrs. Westerfield's habitual neglect of her eldest child was known
to every person in the house. Even the new servant had heard of
it. Interested by what she saw, on opening the garret door, she
stopped on the threshold and looked in.

The lumber in the room consisted of two rotten old trunks, a
broken chair, and a dirty volume of sermons of the old-fashioned
quarto size. The grimy ceiling, slanting downward to a cracked
window, was stained with rain that had found its way through the
roof. The faded wall-paper, loosened by damp, was torn away in
some places, and bulged loose in others. There were holes in the
skirting-board; and from one of them peeped the brightly timid
eyes of the child's only living companion in the garret--a mouse,
feeding on crumbs which she had saved from her breakfast.

Syd looked up when the mouse darted back into its hole, on the
opening of the door. "Lizzie! Lizzie!" she said, gravely, "you
ought to have come in without making a noise. You have frightened
away my youngest child."

The good-natured servant burst out laughing. "Have you got a
large family, miss?" she inquired, humoring the joke.

Syd failed to see the joke. "Only two more," she answered as
gravely as ever--and lifted up from the floor two miserable
dolls, reduced to the last extremity of dirt and dilapidation.
"My two eldest," this strange child resumed, setting up the dolls
against one of the empty trunks. "The eldest is a girl, and her
name is Syd. The other is a boy, untidy in his clothes, as you
see. Their kind mamma forgives them when they are naughty, and
buys ponies for them to ride on, and always has something nice
for them to eat when they are hungry. Have you got a kind mamma,
Lizzie? And are you very fond of her?"

Those innocent allusions to the neglect which was the one sad
experience of Syd's young life touched the servant's heart. A
bygone time was present to her memory, when she too had been left
without a playfellow to keep her company or a fire to warm her,
and she had not endured it patiently.

"Oh, my dear," she said, "your poor little arms are red with
cold. Come to me and let me rub them."

But Syd's bright imagination was a better protection against the
cold than all the rubbing that the hands of a merciful woman
could offer. "You are very kind, Lizzie," she answered. "I don't
feel the cold when I am playing with my children. I am very
careful to give them plenty of exercise, we are going to walk in
the Park."

She gave a hand to each of the d olls, and walked slowly round
and round the miserable room, pointing out visionary persons of
distinction and objects of interest. "Here's the queen, my dears,
in her gilt coach, drawn by six horses. Do you see her scepter
poking out of the carriage window? She governs the nation with
that. Bow to the queen. And now look at the beautiful bright
water. There's the island where the ducks live. Ducks are happy
creatures. They have their own way in everything, and they're
good to eat when they're dead. At least they used to be good,
when we had nice dinners in papa's time. I try to amuse the poor
little things, Lizzie. Their papa is dead. I'm obliged to be papa
and mamma to them, both in one. Do you feel the cold, my dears?"
She shivered as she questioned her imaginary children. "Now we
are at home again," she said, and led the dolls to the empty
fireplace. "Roaring fires always in _my_ house," cried the
resolute little creature, rubbing her hands cheerfully before the
bleak blank grate.

Warm-hearted Lizzie could control herself no longer.

"If the child would only make some complaint," she burst out, "it
wouldn't be so dreadful! Oh, what a shame! what a shame!" she
cried, to the astonishment of little Syd. "Come down, my dear, to
the nice warm room where your brother is. Oh, your mother? I
don't care if your mother sees us; I should like to give your
mother a piece of my mind. There! I don't mean to frighten you;
I'm one of your bad children--I fly into a passion. You carry the
dolls and I'll carry _you_. Oh, how she shivers! Give us a kiss."

Sympathy which expressed itself in this way was new to Syd. Her
eyes opened wide in childish wonder--and suddenly closed again in
childish terror, when her good friend the servant passed Mrs.
Westerfield's door on the way downstairs. "If mamma bounces out
on us," she whispered, "pretend we don't see her." The nice warm
room received them in safety. Under no stress of circumstances
had Mrs. Westerfield ever been known to dress herself in a hurry.
A good half-hour more had passed before the house door was heard
to bang--and the pleasant landlady, peeping through the window,
said: "There she goes. Now, we'll enjoy ourselves!"

5.--The Landlord.

Mrs. Westerfield's destination was the public-house in which she
had been once employed as a barmaid. Entering the place without
hesitation, she sent in her card to the landlord. He opened the
parlor door himself and invited her to walk in.

"You wear well," he said, admiring her. "Have you come back here
to be my barmaid again?"

"Do you think I am reduced to that?" she answered.

"Well, my dear, more unlikely things have happened. They tell me
you depend for your income on Lord Le Basque--and his lordship's
death was in the newspapers last week."

"And his lordship's lawyers continue my allowance."

Having smartly set the landlord right in those words, she had not
thought it necessary to add that Lady Le Basque, continuing the
allowance at her husband's request, had also notified that it
would cease if Mrs. Westerfield married again.

"You're a lucky woman," the landlord remarked. "Well, I'm glad to
see you. What will you take to drink?"

"Nothing, thank you. I want to know if you have heard anything
lately of James Bellbridge?"

The landlord was a popular person in his own circle--not
accustomed to restrain himself when he saw his way to a joke.
"Here's constancy!" he said. "She's sweet on James, after having
jilted him twelve years ago!"

Mrs. Westerfield replied with dignity. "I am accustomed to be
treated respectfully," she replied. "I wish you good-morning."

The easy landlord pressed her back into her chair. "Don't be a
fool," he said; "James is in London--James is staying in my
house. What do you think of that?"

Mrs. Westerfield's bold gray eyes expressed eager curiosity and
interest. "You don't mean that he is going to be barman here

"No such luck, my dear; he is a gentleman at large, who
patronizes my house."

Mrs. Westerfield went on with her questions.

"Has he left America for good?"

"Not he! James Bellbridge is going back to New York, to open a
saloon (as they call it) in partnership with another man. He's in
England, he says, on business. It's my belief that he wants money
for this new venture on bad security. They're smart people in New
York. His only chance of getting his bills discounted is to
humbug his relations, down in the country."

"When does he go to the country?"

"He's there now."

"When does he come back?"

"You're determined to see him, it appears. He comes back

"Is he married?"

"Aha! now we're coming to the point. Make your mind easy. Plenty
of women have set the trap for him, but he has not walked into it
yet. Shall I give him your love?"

"Yes," she said, coolly. "As much love as you please."

"Meaning marriage?" the landlord inquired.

"And money," Mrs. Westerfield added.

"Lord Le Basque's money."

"Lord Le Basque's money may go to the Devil!"

"Hullo! Your language reminds me of the time when you were a
barmaid. You don't mean to say you have had a fortune left you?"

"I do! Will you give a message to James?"

"I'll do anything for a lady with a fortune."

"Tell him to come and drink tea with his old sweetheart tomorrow,
at six o'clock."

"He won't do it."

"He will."

With that difference of opinion, they parted.

6.--The Brute.

To-morrow came--and Mrs. Westerfield's faithful James justified
her confidence in him.

"Oh, Jemmy, how glad I am to see you! You dear, dear fellow. I'm
yours at last."

"That depends, my lady, on whether I want you. Let go of my

The man who entered this protest against imprisonment in the arms
of a fine woman, was one of the human beings who are grown to
perfection on English soil He had the fat face, the pink
complexion, the hard blue eyes, the scanty yellow hair, the smile
with no meaning in it, the tremendous neck and shoulders, the
mighty fists and feet, which are seen in complete combination in
England only. Men of this breed possess a nervous system without
being aware of it; suffer affliction without feeling it; exercise
courage without a sense of danger; marry without love; eat and
drink without limit; and sink (big as they are), when disease
attacks them, without an effort to live.

Mrs. Westerfield released her guest's bull-neck at the word of
command. It was impossible not to submit to him--he was so
brutal. Impossible not to admire him--he was so big.

"Have you no love left for me?" was all she ventured to say.

He took the reproof good-humoredly. "Love?" he repeated. "Come! I
like that--after throwing me over for a man with a handle to his
name. Which am I to call you: 'Mrs?' or 'My Lady'?"

"Call me your own. What is there to laugh at, Jemmy? You used to
be fond of me; you would never have gone to America, when I
married Westerfield, if I hadn't been dear to you. Oh, if I'm
sure of anything, I'm sure of that! You wouldn't bear malice,
dear, if you only knew how cruelly I have been disappointed."

He suddenly showed an interest in what she was saying: the brute
became cheery and confidential. "So he made you a bad husband,
did he? Up with his fist and knocked you down, I daresay, if the
truth was known?"

"You're all in the wrong, dear. He would have been a good husband
if I had cared about him. I never cared about anybody but you. It
wasn't Westerfield who tempted me to say Yes."

"That's a lie."

"No, indeed it isn't."

"Then why did you marry him?"

"When I married him, Jemmy, there was a prospect--oh, how could I
resist it? Think of being one of the Le Basques! Held in honor,
to the end of my life, by that noble family, whether my husband
lived or died!"

To the barman's ears, this sounded like sheer nonsense. His
experience in the public-house suggested an explanation. "I say,
my girl, have you been drinking?"

Mrs. Westerfield's first impulse led her to rise and point
indignantly to the door. He had only to look at her--and she sat
down again a tamed woman. "You don't understand how the chance
tempted me," she answered, gently.

"What chance do you mean?"

"The chance, dear, of being a lord's mother."

He was still puzzled, but he lowered his  ton e. The true-born
Briton bowed by instinct before the woman who had jilted him,
when she presented herself in the character of a lord's mother.
"How do you make that out, Maria?" he asked politely.

She drew her chair nearer to him, when he called her by her
Christian name for the first time.

"When Westerfield was courting me," she said, "his brother (my
lord) was a bachelor. A lady--if one can call such a creature a
lady!--was living under his protection. He told Westerfield he
was very fond of her, and he hated the idea of getting married.
'If your wife's first child turns out to be a son,' he said,
'there is an heir to the title and estates, and I may go on as I
am now.' We were married a month afterward--and when my first
child was born it was a girl. I leave you to judge what the
disappointment was! My lord (persuaded, as I suspect, by the
woman I mentioned just now) ran the risk of waiting another year,
and a year afterward, rather than be married. Through all that
time, I had no other child or prospect of a child. His lordship
was fairly driven into taking a wife. Ah, how I hate her! _Their_
first child was a boy--a big, bouncing, healthy brute of a boy!
And six months afterward, my poor little fellow was born. Only
think of it! And tell me, Jemmy, don't I deserve to be a happy
woman, after suffering such a dreadful disappointment as that? Is
it true that you're going back to America?"

"Quite true."

"Take me back with you."

"With a couple of children?"

"No. Only with one. I can dispose of the other in England. Wait a
little before you say No. Do you want money?"

"You couldn't help me, if I did."

"Marry me, and I can help you to a fortune."

He eyed her attentively and saw that she was in earnest. "What do
you call a fortune?" he asked.

"Five thousand pounds," she answered.

His eyes opened; his mouth opened; he scratched his head. Even
his impenetrable nature proved to be capable of receiving a
shock. Five thousand pounds! He asked faintly for "a drop of

She had a bottle of brandy ready for him.

"You look quite overcome," she said.

He was too deeply interested in the restorative influence of the
brandy to take any notice of this remark. When he had recovered
himself he was not disposed to believe in the five thousand

"Where's the proof of it?" he said, sternly.

She produced her husband's letter. "Did you read the Trial of
Westerfield for casting away his ship?" she asked.

"I heard of it."

"Will you look at this letter?"

"Is it long?"


"Then suppose you read it to me."

He listened with the closest attention while she read. The
question of stealing the diamonds (if they could only be found)
did not trouble either of them. It was a settled question, by
tacit consent on both sides. But the value in money of the
precious stones suggested a doubt that still weighed on his mind.

"How do you know they're worth five thousand pounds?" he

"You dear old stupid! Doesn't Westerfield himself say so in his

"Read that bit again."

She read it again: "After the two calamities of the loss of the
ship, and the disappearance of the diamonds--these last being
valued at five thousand pounds--I returned to England."

Satisfied so far, he wanted to look at the cipher next. She
handed it to him with a stipulation: "Yours, Jemmy, on the day
when you marry me."

He put the slip of paper into his pocket. "Now I've got it," he
said, "suppose I keep it?"

A woman who has been barmaid at a public-house is a woman not
easily found at the end of her resources.

"In that case," she curtly remarked, "I should first call in the
police, and then telegraph to my husband's employers in

He handed the cipher back. "I was joking," he said.

"So was I," she answered.

They looked at each other. They were made for each other--and
they both felt it. At the same time, James kept his own interests
steadily in view. He stated the obvious objection to the cipher.
Experts had already tried to interpret the signs, and had failed.

"Quite true," she added, "but other people may succeed."

"How are you to find them?"

"Leave me to try. Will you give me a fortnight from to-day?"

"All right. Anything else?"

"One thing more. Get the marriage license at once."


"To show that you are in earnest."

He burst out laughing. "It mightn't be much amiss," he said, "if
I took you back with me to America; you're the sort of woman we
want in our new saloon. I'll get the license. Good-night."

As he rose to go, there was a soft knock at the door. A little
girl, in a shabby frock, ventured to show herself in the room.

"What do you want here?" her mother asked sharply.

Syd held out a small thin hand, with a letter in it, which
represented her only excuse. Mrs. Westerfield read the letter,
and crumpled it up in her pocket. "One of your secrets?" James
asked. "Anything about the diamonds, for instance?

"Wait till you are my husband," she said, and then you may be as
inquisitive as you please." Her amiable sweetheart's guess had
actually hit the mark. During the year that had passed, she too
had tried her luck among the Experts, and had failed. Having
recently heard of a foreign interpreter of ciphers, she had
written to ask his terms. The reply (just received) not only
estimated his services at an extravagantly high rate, but asked
cautious questions which it was not convenient to answer. Another
attempt had been made to discover the mystery of the cipher, and
made in vain.

James Bellbridge had his moments of good-humor, and was on those
rare occasions easily amused. He eyed the child with
condescending curiosity. "Looks half starved," he said--as if he
were considering the case of a stray cat. "Hollo, there! Buy a
bit of bread." He tossed a penny to Syd as she left the room; and
took the opportunity of binding his bargain with Syd's mother.
"Mind! if I take you to New York, I'm not going to be burdened
with both your children. Is that girl the one you leave behind

Mrs. Westerfield smiled sweetly, and answered: "Yes, dear."

7.--The Cipher.

An advertisement in the newspapers, addressed to persons skilled
in the interpretation of ciphers, now represented Mrs.
Westerfield's only chance of discovering where the diamonds were
hidden. The first answer that she received made some amends for
previous disappointment. It offered references to gentlemen,
whose names were in themselves a sufficient guarantee. She
verified the references nevertheless, and paid a visit to her
correspondent on the same day

His personal appearance was not in his favor--he was old and
dirty, infirm and poor. His mean room was littered with shabby
books. None of the ordinary courtesies of life seemed to be known
to him; he neither wished Mrs. Westerfield good-morning nor asked
her to take a seat. When she attempted to enter into explanations
relating to her errand, he rudely interrupted her.

"Show me your cipher," he said; "I don't promise to study it
unless I find it worth my while."

Mrs. Westerfield was alarmed.

"Do you mean that you want a large sum of money?" she asked.

"I mean that I don't waste my time on easy ciphers invented by

She laid the slip of paper on his desk.

"Waste your time on _that_," she said satirically, "and see how
you like it!"

He examined it--first with his bleared red-rimmed eyes; then with
a magnifying-glass. The only expression of opinion that escaped
him was indicated by his actions. He shut up his book, and
gloated over the signs and characters before him. On a sudden he
looked at Mrs. Westerfield. "How did you come by this?" he asked.

"That's no business of yours."

"In other words, you have reasons of your own for not answering
my question?"


Drawing his own inferences from that reply, he showed his three
last-left yellow teeth in a horrid grin. "I understand!" he said,
speaking to himself. He looked at the cipher once more, and put
another question: "Have you got a copy of this?"

It had not occurred to her to take a copy. He rose and pointed to
his empty chair. His opinion of the cipher was, to all
appearance, forced to express itself by the discovery that there
was no copy.

"Do y ou know what might happen?" he asked. "The only cipher that
has puzzled me for the last ten years might be lost--or
stolen--or burned if there was a fire in the house. You deserve
to be punished for your carelessness. Make the copy yourself."

This desirable suggestion (uncivilly as it was expressed) had its
effect upon Mrs. Westerfield. Her marriage depended on that
precious slip of paper. She was confirmed in her opinion that
this very disagreeable man might nevertheless be a man to be

"Shall you be long in finding out what it means?" she asked when
her task was completed.

He carefully compared the copy with the original--and then he

"Days may pass before I can find the clew; I won't attempt it
unless you give me a week."

She pleaded for a shorter interval. He coolly handed back her
papers; the original and the copy.

"Try somebody else," he suggested--and opened his book again.
Mrs. Westerfield yielded with the worst possible grace. In
granting him the week of delay, she approached the subject of his
fee for the second time. "How much will it cost me?" she

"I'll tell you when I've done."

"That won't do! I must know the amount first."

He handed her back her papers for the second time. Mrs.
Westerfield's experience of poverty had never been the experience
of such independence as this. In sheer bewilderment, she yielded
again. He took back the original cipher, and locked it up in his
desk. "Call here this day week," he said--and returned to his

"You are not very polite," she told him, on leaving the room.

"At any rate," he answered, "I don't interrupt people when they
are reading."

The week passed.

Repeating her visit, Mrs. Westerfield found him still seated at
his desk, still surrounded by his books, still careless of the
polite attentions that he owed to a lady.

"Well?" she asked, "have you earned your money?"

"I have found the clew."

"What is it?" she burst out. "Tell me the substance. I can't wait
to read."

He went on impenetrably with what he had to say. "But there are
some minor combinations, which I have still to discover to my own
satisfaction. I want a few days more."

She positively refused to comply with this request. "Write down
the substance of it," she repeated, "and tell me what I owe you."

He handed her back her cipher for the third time.

The woman who could have kept her temper, under such provocation
as this, may be found when the mathematician is found who can
square the circle, or the inventor who can discover perpetual
motion. With a furious look, Mrs. Westerfield expressed her
opinion of the philosopher in two words: "You brute!" She failed
to produce the slightest impression on him.

"My work," he proceeded, "must be well done or not done at all.
This is Saturday, eleventh of the month. We will say the evening
of Wednesday next."

Mrs. Westerfield sufficiently controlled herself to be able to
review her engagements for the coming week. On Thursday, the
delay exacted by the marriage license would expire, and the
wedding might take place. On Friday, the express train conveyed
passengers to Liverpool, to be in time for the departure of the
steamer for New York on Saturday morning. Having made these
calculations, she asked, with sulky submission, if she was
expected to call again on the Wednesday evening.

"No. Leave me your name and address. I will send you the cipher,
interpreted, at eight o'clock."

Mrs. Westerfield laid one of her visiting cards on his desk, and
left him.

8.--The Diamonds.

The new week was essentially a week of events.

On the Monday morning, Mrs. Westerfield and her faithful James
had their first quarrel. She took the liberty of reminding him
that it was time to give notice of the marriage at the church,
and to secure berths in the steamer for herself and her son.
Instead of answering one way or another, James asked how the
Expert was getting on.

"Has your old man found out where the diamonds are?"

"Not yet."

"Then we'll wait till he does."

"Do you believe my word?" Mrs. Westerfield asked curtly.

James Bellbridge answered, with Roman brevity, "No."

This was an insult; Mrs. Westerfield expressed her sense of it.
She rose, and pointed to the door. "Go back to America, as soon
as you please," she said; "and find the money you want--if you

As a proof that she was in earnest she took her copy of the
cipher out of the bosom of her dress, and threw it into the fire.
"The original is safe in my old man's keeping," she added. "Leave
the room."

James rose with suspicious docility, and walked out, having his
own private ends in view.

Half an hour later, Mrs. Westerfield's old man was interrupted
over his work by a person of bulky and blackguard appearance,
whom he had never seen before.

The stranger introduced himself as a gentleman who was engaged to
marry Mrs. Westerfield: he requested (not at all politely) to be
permitted to look at the cipher. He was asked if he had brought a
written order to that effect, signed by the lady herself. Mr.
Bellbridge, resting his fists on the writing-table, answered that
he had come to look at the cipher on his own sole responsibility,
and that he insisted on seeing it immediately. "Allow me to show
you something else first," was the reply he received to this
assertion of his will and pleasure. "Do you know a loaded pistol,
sir, when you see it?" The barrel of the pistol approached within
three inches of the barman's big head as he leaned over the
writing-table. For once in his life he was taken by surprise. It
had never occurred to him that a professed interpreter of ciphers
might sometimes be trusted with secrets which placed him in a
position of danger, and might therefore have wisely taken
measures to protect himself. No power of persuasion is comparable
to the power possessed by a loaded pistol. James left the room;
and expressed his sentiments in language which has not yet found
its way into any English Dictionary.

But he had two merits, when his temper was in a state of repose.
He knew when he was beaten; and he thoroughly appreciated the
value of the diamonds. When Mrs. Westerfield saw him again, on
the next day, he appeared with undeniable claims on her mercy.
Notice of the marriage had been received at the church; and a
cabin had been secured for her on board the steamer.

Her prospects being thus settled, to her own satisfaction, Mrs.
Westerfield was at liberty to make her arrangements for the
desertion of poor little Syd.

The person on whose assistance she could rely was an unmarried
elder sister, distinguished as proprietor of a cheap girls'
school in one of the suburbs of London. This lady--known to local
fame as Miss Wigger--had already proposed to take Syd into
training as a pupil teacher. "I'll force the child on," Miss
Wigger promised, "till she can earn her board and lodging by
taking my lowest class. When she gets older she will replace my
regular governess, and I shall save the salary."

With this proposal waiting for a reply, Mrs. Westerfield had only
to inform her sister that it was accepted. "Come here," she
wrote, "on Friday next, at any time before two o'clock, and Syd
shall be ready for you. P.S.--I am to be married again on
Thursday, and start for America with my husband and my boy by
next Saturday's steamer."

The letter was posted; and the mother's anxious mind was, to use
her own phrase, relieved of another worry.

As the hour of eight drew near on Wednesday evening, Mrs.
Westerfield's anxiety forced her to find relief in action of some
kind. She opened the door of her sitting-room and listened on the
stairs. It still wanted for a few minutes to eight o'clock, when
there was a ring at the house-bell. She ran down to open the
door. The servant happened to be in the hall, and answered the
bell. The next moment, the door was suddenly closed again.

"Anybody there?" Mrs. Westerfield asked.

"No, ma'am."

This seemed strange. Had the old wretch deceived her, after all?
"Look in the letter-box," she called out. The servant obeyed, and
found a letter. Mrs. Westerfield tore it open, standing on the
stairs. It contained half a sheet of common note-paper. The
interpretation of  the c ipher was written on it in these words:

"Remember Number 12, Purbeck Road, St. John's Wood. Go to the
summer-house in the back garden. Count to the fourth plank in the
floor, reckoning from the side wall on the right as you enter the
summer-house. Prize up the plank. Look under the mould and
rubbish. Find the diamonds."

Not a word of explanation accompanied these lines. Neither had
the original cipher been returned. The strange old man had earned
his money, and had not attended to receive it--had not even sent
word where or how it might be paid! Had he delivered his letter
himself? He (or his messenger) had gone before the house-door
could be opened!

A sudden suspicion of him turned her cold. Had he stolen the
diamonds? She was on the point of sending for a cab, and driving
it to his lodgings, when James came in, eager to know if the
interpretation had arrived.

Keeping her suspicions to herself, she merely informed him that
the interpretation was in her hands. He at once asked to see it.
She refused to show it to him until he had made her his wife.
"Put a chisel in your pocket, when we go to church, to-morrow
morning," was the one hint she gave him. As thoroughly worthy of
each other as ever, the betrothed lovers distrusted each other to
the last.

At eleven o'clock the next morning they were united in the bonds
of wedlock; the landlord and the landlady of the public-house in
which they had both served being the only witnesses present. The
children were not permitted to see the ceremony. On leaving the
church door, the married pair began their honeymoon by driving to
St. John's Wood.

A dirty printed notice, in a broken window, announced that the
House was To Let; and a sour-tempered woman informed them that
they were free to look at the rooms.

The bride was in the best of humors. She set the bridegroom the
example of keeping up appearances by examining the dilapidated
house first. This done, she said sweetly to the person in charge,
"May we look at the garden?"

The woman made a strange answer to this request. "That's
curious," she said.

James interfered for the first time. "What's curious?" he asked

"Among all the idle people who have come here, at one time or
another, to see this house." the woman said, "only two have
wanted to look at the garden."

James turned on his heel, and made for the summer-house, leaving
it to his wife to pursue the subject or not as she pleased. She
did pursue the subject.

"I am one of the persons, of course," she said. "Who is the

"An old man came on Monday."

The bride's pleasant smile vanished.

"What sort of person was he?" she asked.

The sour-tempered woman became sourer than ever.

"Oh, how can I tell! A brute. There!"

"A brute!" The very words which the new Mrs. Bellbridge had
herself used when the Expert had irritated her. With serious
misgivings, she, too, turned her steps in the direction of the

James had already followed her instructions and used his chisel.
The plank lay loose on the floor. With both his big hands he
rapidly cleared away the mould and the rubbish. In a few minutes
the hiding-place was laid bare.

They looked into it. They looked at each other. There was the
empty hole, telling its own story. The diamonds were gone.

9.--The Mother.

Mrs. Bellbridge eyed her husband, prepared for a furious outbreak
of rage. He stood silent, staring stupidly straight before him.
The shock that had fallen on his dull brain had stunned it. For
the time, he was a big idiot--speechless, harmless, helpless.

She put back the rubbish, and replaced the plank, and picked up
the chisel. "Come, James," she said; "pull yourself together." It
was useless to speak to him. She took his arm and led him out to
the cab that was waiting at the door.

The driver, helping him to get in, noticed a piece of paper lying
on the front seat. Advertisements, seeking publicity under all
possible circumstances, are occasionally sent flying into the
open windows of vehicles. The driver was about to throw the paper
away, when Mrs. Bellbridge (seeing it on the other side) took it
out of his hand. "It isn't print," she said; "it's writing." A
closer examination showed that the writing was addressed to
herself. Her correspondent must have followed her to the church,
as well as to the house in St. John's Wood. He distinguished her
by the name which she had changed that morning, under the
sanction of the clergy and the law.

This was what she read: "Don't trouble yourself, madam, about the
diamonds. You have made a mistake--you have employed the wrong

Those words--and no more. Enough, surely, to justify the
conclusion that he had stolen the diamonds. Was it worth while to
drive to his lodgings? They tried the experiment. The Expert had
gone away on business--nobody knew where.

The newspaper came as usual on Friday morning. To Mrs.
Bellbridge's amazement it set the question of the theft at rest,
on the highest authority. An article appeared, in a conspicuous
position, thus expressed:

"Another of the many proofs that truth is stranger than fiction
has just occurred at Liverpool. A highly respected firm of
shipwreckers in that city received a strange letter at the
beginning of the present week. Premising that he had some
remarkable circumstances to communicate, the writer of the letter
entered abruptly on the narrative which follows: A friend of
his--connected with literature--had, it appeared, noticed a
lady's visiting card on his desk, and had been reminded by it (in
what way it was not necessary to explain) of a criminal case
which had excited considerable public interest at the time; viz.,
the trial of Captain Westerfield for willfully casting away a
ship under his command. Never having heard of the trial, the
writer, at his friend's suggestion, consulted a file of
newspapers--discovered the report--and became aware, for the
first time, that a collection of Brazilian diamonds, consigned to
the Liverpool firm, was missing from the wrecked vessel when she
had been boarded by the salvage party, and had not been found
since. Events, which it was impossible for him to mention (seeing
that doing so would involve a breach of confidence placed in him
in his professional capacity), had revealed to his knowledge a
hiding-place in which these same diamonds, in all probability,
were concealed. This circumstance had left him no alternative, as
an honest man, but to be beforehand with the persons, who (as he
believed) contemplated stealing the precious stones. He had,
accordingly, taken them under his protection, until they were
identified and claimed by the rightful owners. In now appealing
to these gentlemen, he stipulated that the claim should be set
forth in writing, addressed to him under initials at a
post-office in London. If the lost property was identified to his
satisfaction, he would meet--at a specified place and on a
certain day and hour--a person accredited by the firm and would
personally restore the diamonds, without claiming (or consenting
to receive) a reward. The conditions being complied with, this
remarkable interview took place; the writer of the letter,
described as an infirm old man very poorly dressed, fulfilled his
engagement, took his receipt, and walked away without even
waiting to be thanked. It is only an act of justice to add that
the diamonds were afterward counted, and not one of them was

Miserable, deservedly-miserable married pair. The stolen fortune,
on which they had counted, had slipped through their fingers. The
berths in the steamer for New York had been taken and paid for.
James had married a woman with nothing besides herself to bestow
on him, except an incumbrance in the shape of a boy.

Late on the fatal wedding-day his first idea, when he was himself
again after the discovery in the summer-house, was to get back
his passage-money, to abandon his wife and his stepson, and to
escape to America in a French steamer. He went to the office of
the English company, and offered the places which he had taken
for sale. The season of the year was against him; the
passenger-traffic to America was at its lowest ebb, and profits
depended upon freights  alone.
 If he still contemplated deserting his wife, he must also submit
to sacrifice his money. The other alternative was (as he
expressed it himself) to "have his pennyworth for his penny, and
to turn his family to good account in New York." He had not quite
decided what to do when he got home again on the evening of his

At that critical moment in her life the bride was equal to the
demand on her resources.

If she was foolish enough to allow James to act on his natural
impulses, there were probably two prospects before her. In one
state of his temper, he might knock her down. In another state of
his temper, he might leave her behind him. Her only hope of
protecting herself, in either case, was to tame the bridegroom.
In his absence, she wisely armed herself with the most
irresistible fascinations of her sex. Never yet had he seen her
dressed as she was dressed when he came home. Never yet had her
magnificent eyes looked at him as they looked now. Emotions for
which he was not prepared overcame this much injured man; he
stared at the bride in helpless surprise. That inestimable moment
of weakness was all Mrs. Bellbridge asked for. Bewildered by his
own transformation, James found himself reading the newspaper the
next morning sentimentally, with his arm round his wife's waist.

By a refinement of cruelty, not one word had been said to prepare
little Syd for the dreary change that was now close at hand in
her young life. The poor child had seen the preparations for
departure, and had tried to imitate her mother in packing up. She
had collected her few morsels of darned and ragged clothing, and
had gone upstairs to put them into one of the dilapidated old
trunks in the garret play ground, when the servant was sent to
bring her back to the sitting-room. There, enthroned in an
easy-chair, sat a strange lady; and there, hiding behind the
chair in undisguised dislike of the visitor, was her little
brother Roderick. Syd looked timidly at her mother; and her
mother said:

"Here is your aunt."

The personal appearance of Miss Wigger might have suggested a
modest distrust of his own abilities to Lavater, when that
self-sufficient man wrote his famous work on Physiognomy.
Whatever betrayal of her inner self her face might have
presented, in the distant time when she was young, was now
completely overlaid by a surface of a flabby fat which, assisted
by green spectacles, kept the virtues (or vices) of this woman's
nature a profound secret until she opened her lips. When she used
her voice, she let out the truth. Nobody could hear her speak,
and doubt for a moment that she was an inveterately ill-natured

"Make your curtsey, child!" said Miss Wigger. Nature had so toned
her voice as to make it worthy of the terrors of her face. But
for her petticoats, it would have been certainly taken for the
voice of a man.

The child obeyed, trembling.

"You are to go away with me," the school-mistress proceeded, "and
to be taught to make yourself useful under my roof."

Syd seemed to be incapable of understanding the fate that was in
store for her. She sheltered herself behind her merciless mother.
"I'm going away with you, mamma," she said--"with you and Rick."

Her mother took her by the shoulders, and pushed her across the
room to her aunt.

The child looked at the formidable female creature with the man's
voice and the green spectacles.

"You belong to me," said Miss Wigger, by way of encouragement,
"and I have come to take you away." At those dreadful words,
terror shook little Syd from head to foot. She fell on her knees
with a cry of misery that might have melted the heart of a
savage. "Oh, mamma, mamma, don't leave me behind! What have I
done to deserve it? Oh, pray, pray, pray have some pity on me!"

Her mother was as selfish and as cruel a woman as ever lived. But
even her hard heart felt faintly the influence of the most
intimate and most sacred of all human relationships. Her florid
cheeks turned pale. She hesitated.

Miss Wigger marked (through her own green medium) that moment of
maternal indecision--and saw that it was time to assert her
experience as an instructress of youth.

"Leave it to me," she said to her sister. "You never did know,
and you never will know, how to manage children."

She advanced. The child threw herself shrieking on the floor.
Miss Wigger's long arms caught her up--held her--shook her. "Be
quiet, you imp!" It was needless to tell her to be quiet. Syd's
little curly head sank on the schoolmistress's shoulder. She was
carried into exile without a word or a cry--she had fainted.

10.--The School.

Time's march moves slowly, where weary lives languish in dull

Dating from one unkempt and unacknowledged birthday to another,
Sydney Westerfield had attained the sixth year of her martyrdom
at School. In that long interval no news of her mother, her
brother, or her stepfather had reached England; she had received
no letter, she had not even heard a report. Without friends, and
without prospects, Roderick Westerfield's daughter was, in the
saddest sense of the word, alone in the world.

The hands of the ugly old clock in the school-room were
approaching the time when the studies of the morning would come
to an end. Wearily waiting for their release, the scholars saw an
event happen which was a novelty in their domestic experience.
The maid-of-all-work audaciously put her head in at the door, and
interrupted Miss Wigger conducting the education of the

"If you please, miss, there's a gentleman--"

Having uttered these introductory words, she was reduced to
silence by the tremendous voice of her mistress.

"Haven't I forbidden you to come here in school hours? Go away

Hardened by a life of drudgery, under conditions of perpetual
scolding, the servant stood her ground, and recovered the use of
her tongue.

"There's a gentleman in the drawing-room," she persisted. Miss
Wigger tried to interrupt her again. "And here's his card!" she
shouted, in a voice that was the louder of the two.

Being a mortal creature, the schoolmistress was accessible to the
promptings of curiosity. She snatched the card out of the girl's

_Mr. Herbert Linley, Mount Morven, Perthshire._ "I don't know
this person," Miss Wigger declared. "You wretch, have you let a
thief into the house?"

"A gentleman, if ever I see one yet," the servant asserted.

"Hold your tongue! Did he ask for me? Do you hear?"

"You told me to hold my tongue. No; he didn't ask for you."

"Then who did he want to see?"

"It's on his card."

Miss Wigger referred to the card again, and discovered (faintly
traced in pencil) these words: "To see Miss S.W."

The schoolmistress instantly looked at Miss Westerfield. Miss
Westerfield rose from her place at the head of her class.

The pupils, astonished at this daring act, all looked at the
teacher--their natural enemy, appointed to supply them with
undesired information derived from hated books. They saw one of
Mother Nature's favorite daughters; designed to be the darling of
her family, and the conqueror of hearts among men of all tastes
and ages. But Sydney Westerfield had lived for six weary years in
the place of earthly torment, kept by Miss Wigger under the name
of a school. Every budding beauty, except the unassailable beauty
of her eyes and her hair, had been nipped under the frosty
superintendence of her maternal aunt. Her cheeks were hollow, her
delicate lips were pale; her shabby dress lay flat over her
bosom. Observant people, meeting her when she was out walking
with the girls, were struck by her darkly gentle eyes, and by the
patient sadness of her expression. "What a pity!" they said to
each other. "She would be a pretty girl, if she didn't look so
wretched and so thin."

At a loss to understand the audacity of her teacher in rising
before the class was dismissed, Miss Wigger began by asserting
her authority. She did in two words: "Sit down!"

"I wish to explain, ma'am."

"Sit down."

"I beg, Miss Wigger, that you will allow me to explain."

"Sydney Westerfield, you are setting the worst possible example
to your class. I shall see this man myself. _Will_ you sit down?"

Pale already,
 Sydney turned paler still. She obeyed the word of command--to
the delight of the girls of her class. It was then within ten
minutes of the half hour after twelve--when the pupils were
dismissed to the playground while the cloth was laid for dinner.
What use would the teacher make of that half hour of freedom?

In the meanwhile Miss Wigger had entered her drawing-room. With
the slightest possible inclination of her head, she eyed the
stranger through her green spectacles. Even under that
disadvantage his appearance spoke for itself. The servant's
estimate of him was beyond dispute. Mr. Herbert Linley's good
breeding was even capable of suppressing all outward expression
of the dismay that he felt, on finding himself face to face with
the formidable person who had received him.

"What is your business, if you please?" Miss Wigger began.

Men, animals, and buildings wear out with years, and submit to
their hard lot. Time only meets with flat contradiction when he
ventures to tell a woman that she is growing old. Herbert Linley
had rashly anticipated that the "young lady," whom it was the
object of his visit to see, would prove to be young in the
literal sense of the word. When he and Miss Wigger stood face to
face, if the door had been set open for him, he would have left
the house with the greatest pleasure.

"I have taken the liberty of calling," he said, "in answer to an
advertisement. May I ask"--he paused, and took out a newspaper
from the pocket of his overcoat--"If I have the honor of speaking
to the lady who is mentioned here?"

He opened the newspaper, and pointed to the advertisement.

Miss Wigger's eyes rested--not on the passage indicated, but on
the visitor's glove. It fitted him to such perfection that it
suggested the enviable position in life which has gloves made to
order. He politely pointed again. Still inaccessible to the
newspaper, Miss Wigger turned her spectacles next to the front
window of the room, and discovered a handsome carriage waiting at
the door. (Money evidently in the pockets of those beautiful
trousers, worthy of the gloves!) As patiently as ever, Linley
pointed for the third time, and drew Miss Wigger's attention in
the right direction at last. She read the advertisement.

"A Young Lady wishes to be employed in the education of a little
girl. Possessing but few accomplishments, and having been only a
junior teacher at a school, she offers her services on trial,
leaving it to her employer to pay whatever salary she may be
considered to deserve, if she obtains a permanent engagement.
Apply by letter, to S.W., 14, Delta Gardens, N.E."

"Most impertinent," said Miss Wigger.

Mr. Linley looked astonished.

"I say, most impertinent!" Miss Wigger repeated.

Mr. Linley attempted to pacify this terrible woman. "It's very
stupid of me," he said; "I am afraid I don't quite understand

"One of my teachers has issued an advertisement, and has referred
to My address, without first consulting Me. Have I made myself
understood, sir?" She looked at the carriage again, when she
called him "sir."

Not even Linley's capacity for self-restraint could repress the
expression of relief, visible in his brightening face, when he
discovered that the lady of the advertisement and the lady who
terrified him were two different persons.

Have I made myself understood?" Miss Wigger repeated.

"Perfectly, madam. At the same time, I am afraid I must own that
the advertisement has produced a favorable impression on me."

"I fail entirely to see why," Miss Wigger remarked.

"There is surely," Linley repeated, "something straightforward--I
might almost say, something innocent--in the manner in which the
writer expresses herself. She seems to be singularly modest on
the subject of her own attainments, and unusually considerate of
the interests of others. I hope you will permit me--?"

Before he could add, "to see the young lady," the door was
opened: a young lady entered the room.

Was she the writer of the advertisement? He felt sure of it, for
no better reason than this: the moment he looked at her she
interested him. It was an interest new to Linley, in his
experience of himself There was nothing to appeal to his
admiration (by way of his senses) in the pale, worn young
creature who stood near the door, resigned beforehand to whatever
reception she might meet with. The poor teacher made him think of
his happy young wife at home--of his pretty little girl, the
spoiled child of the household. He looked at Sydney Westerfield
with a heartfelt compassion which did honor to them both.

"What do you mean by coming here?" Miss Wigger inquired.

She answered gently, but not timidly. The tone in which the
mistress had spoken had evidently not shaken her resolution, so

"I wish to know," she said, "if this gentleman desires to see me
on the subject of my advertisement?"

"Your advertisement?" Miss Wigger repeated. "Miss Westerfield!
how dare you beg for employment in a newspaper, without asking my

"I only waited to tell you what I had done, till I knew whether
my advertisement would be answered or not."

She spoke as calmly as before, still submitting to the insolent
authority of the schoolmistress with a steady fortitude very
remarkable in any girl--and especially in a girl whose face
revealed a sensitive nature. Linley approached her, and said his
few kind words before Miss Wigger could assert herself for the
third time.

"I am afraid I have taken a liberty in answering you personally,
when I ought to have answered by letter. My only excuse is that I
have no time to arrange for an interview, in London, by
correspondence. I live in Scotland, and I am obliged to return by
the mail to-night."

He paused. She was looking at him. Did she understand him?

She understood him only too well. For the first time, poor soul,
in the miserable years of her school life, she saw eyes that
rested on her with the sympathy that is too truly felt to be
uttered in words. The admirable resignation which had learned its
first hard lesson under her mother's neglect--which had endured,
in after-years, the daily persecution that heartless
companionship so well knows how to inflict--failed to sustain
her, when one kind look from a stranger poured its balm into the
girl's sore heart. Her head sank; her wasted figure trembled; a
few tears dropped slowly on the bosom of her shabby dress. She
tried, desperately tried, to control herself. "I beg your pardon,
sir," was all she could say; "I am not very well."

Miss Wigger tapped her on the shoulder and pointed to the door.
"Are you well enough to see your way out?" she asked.

Linley turned on the wretch with a mind divided between wonder
and disgust. "Good God, what has she done to deserve being
treated in that way?" he asked.

Miss Wigger's mouth widened; Miss Wigger's forehead developed new
wrinkles. To own it plainly, the schoolmistress smiled.

When it is of serious importance to a man to become acquainted
with a woman's true nature--say, when he contemplates
marriage--his one poor chance of arriving at a right conclusion
is to find himself provoked by exasperating circumstances, and to
fly into a passion. If the lady flies into a passion on her side,
he may rely on it that her faults are more than balanced by her
good qualities. If, on the other hand, she exhibits the most
admirable self-control, and sets him an example which ought to
make him ashamed of himself, he has seen a bad sign, and he will
do well to remember it.

Miss Wigger's self-control put Herbert Linley in the wrong,
before she took the trouble of noticing what he had said.

"If you were not out of temper," she replied, "I might have told
you that I don't allow my house to be made an office for the
engagement of governesses. As it is, I merely remind you that
your carriage is at the door."

He took the only course that was open to him; he took his hat.

Sydney turned away to leave the room. Linley opened the door for
her. "Don't be discouraged," he whispered as she passed him; "you
shall hear from me." Having said this, he made his parting bow to
the schoolmistress. Miss Wigger held up a peremptory forefinger,
and stopped him on  his way out. He waited, wondering what she
would do next. She rang the bell.

"You are in the house of a gentlewoman," Miss Wigger explained.
"My servant attends visitors, when they leave me." A faint smell
of soap made itself felt in the room; the maid appeared, wiping
her smoking arms on her apron. "Door. I wish you
good-morning"--were the last words of Miss Wigger.

Leaving the house, Linley slipped a bribe into the servant's
hand. "I am going to write to Miss Westerfield," he said. "Will
you see that she gets my letter?"

"That I will!"

He was surprised by the fervor with which the girl answered him.
Absolutely without vanity, he had no suspicion of the value which
his winning manner, his kind brown eyes, and his sunny smile had
conferred on his little gift of money. A handsome man was an
eighth wonder of the world, at Miss Wigger's school.

At the first stationer's shop that he passed, he stopped the
carriage and wrote his letter.

"I shall be glad indeed if I can offer you a happier life than
the life you are leading now. It rests with you to help me do
this. Will you send me the address of your parents, if they are
in London, or the name of any friend with whom I can arrange to
give you a trial as governess to my little girl? I am waiting
your answer in the neighborhood. If any hinderance should prevent
you from replying at once, I add the name of the hotel at which I
am staying--so that you may telegraph to me, before I leave
London to-night."

The stationer's boy, inspired by a private view of half-a-crown,
set off at a run--and returned at a run with a reply.

"I have neither parents nor friends, and I have just been
dismissed from my employment at the school. Without references to
speak for me, I must not take advantage of your generous offer.
Will you help me to bear my disappointment, permitting me to see
you, for a few minutes only, at your hotel? Indeed, indeed, sir,
I am not forgetful of what I owe to my respect for you, and my
respect for myself. I only ask leave to satisfy you that I am not
quite unworthy of the interest which you have been pleased to
feel in--S.W."

In those sad words, Sydney Westerfield announced that she had
completed her education.



Chapter I.

Mrs. Presty Presents Herself.

NOT far from the source of the famous river, which rises in the
mountains between Loch Katrine and Loch Lornond, and divides the
Highlands and the Lowlands of Scotland, travelers arrive at the
venerable gray walls of Mount Morven; and, after consulting their
guide books, ask permission to see the house.

What would be called, in a modern place of residence, the first
floor, is reserved for the occupation of the family. The great
hall of entrance, and its quaint old fireplace; the ancient rooms
on the same level opening out of it, are freely shown to
strangers. Cultivated travelers express various opinions relating
to the family portraits, and the elaborately carved ceilings. The
uninstructed public declines to trouble itself with criticism. It
looks up at the towers and the loopholes, the battlements and the
rusty old guns, which still bear witness to the perils of past
times when the place was a fortress--it enters the gloomy hall,
walks through the stone-paved rooms, stares at the faded
pictures, and wonders at the lofty chimney-pieces hopelessly out
of reach. Sometimes it sits on chairs which are as cold and as
hard as iron, or timidly feels the legs of immovable tables which
might be legs of elephants so far as size is concerned. When
these marvels have been duly admired, and the guide books are
shut up, the emancipated tourists, emerging into the light and
air, all find the same social problem presented by a visit to
Mount Morven: "How can the family live in such a place as that?"

If these strangers on their travels had been permitted to ascend
to the first floor, and had been invited (for example) to say
good-night to Mrs. Linley's pretty little daughter, they would
have seen the stone walls of Kitty's bed-chamber snugly covered
with velvet hangings which kept out the cold; they would have
trod on a doubly-laid carpet, which set the chilly influences of
the pavement beneath it at defiance; they would have looked at a
bright little bed, of the last new pattern, worthy of a child's
delicious sleep; and they would only have discovered that the
room was three hundred years old when they had drawn aside the
window curtains, and had revealed the adamantine solidity of the
outer walls. Or, if they had been allowed to pursue their
investigations a little further, and had found their way next
into Mrs. Linley's sitting room, here again a transformation
scene would have revealed more modern luxury, presented in the
perfection which implies restraint within the limits of good
taste. But on this occasion, instead of seeing the head of a
lively little child on the pillow, side by side with the head of
her doll, they would have encountered an elderly lady of
considerable size, fast asleep and snoring in a vast armchair,
with a book on her lap. The married men among the tourists would
have recognized a mother-in-law, and would have set an excellent
example to the rest; that is to say, the example of leaving the

The lady composed under the soporific influence of literature was
a person of importance in the house--holding rank as Mrs.
Linley's mother; and being otherwise noticeable for having
married two husbands, and survived them both.

The first of these gentlemen--the Right Honorable Joseph
Norman--had been a member of Parliament, and had taken office
under Government. Mrs. Linley was his one surviving child. He
died at an advanced age; leaving his handsome widow (young
enough, as she was always ready to mention, to be his daughter)
well provided for, and an object of matrimonial aspiration to
single gentlemen who admired size in a woman, set off by money.
After hesitating for some little time, Mrs. Norman accepted the
proposal of the ugliest and dullest man among the ranks of her
admirers. Why she became the wife of Mr. Presty (known in
commercial circles as a merchant enriched by the sale of vinegar)
she was never able to explain. Why she lamented him, with tears
of sincere sorrow, when he died after two years of married life,
was a mystery which puzzled her nearest and dearest friends. And
why when she indulged (a little too frequently) in recollections
of her married life, she persisted in putting obscure Mr. Presty
on a level with distinguished Mr. Norman, was a secret which this
remarkable woman had never been known to reveal. Presented by
their widow with the strictest impartiality to the general view,
the characters of these two husbands combined, by force of
contrast, the ideal of manly perfection. That is to say, the
vices of Mr. Norman were the virtues of Mr. Presty; and the vices
of Mr. Presty were the virtues of Mr. Norman.

Returning to the sitting-room after bidding Kitty goodnight, Mrs.
Linley discovered the old lady asleep, and saw that the book on
her mother's lap was sliding off. Before she could check the
downward movement, the book fell on the floor, and Mrs. Presty

"Oh, mamma, I am so sorry! I was just too late to catch it.

"It doesn't matter, my dear. I daresay I should go to sleep
again, if I went on with my novel."

"Is it really as dull as that?"

"Dull?" Mrs. Presty repeated. "You are evidently not aware of
what the new school of novel writing is doing. The new school
provides the public with soothing fiction."

"Are you speaking seriously, mamma?"

"Seriously, Catherine--and gratefully. These new writers are so
good to old women. No story to excite our poor nerves; no
improper characters to cheat us out of our sympathies, no
dramatic situations to frighten us; exquisite management of
details (as the reviews say), and a masterly anatomy of human
motives which--I know what I mean, my dear, but I can't explain

"I think I understand, mamma. A masterly anatomy of human motives
which is in itself a motive of human sleep. No; I won't borrow
your novel just now. I don't want to go to sleep; I am thinking
of Herbert in London."

Mrs. Presty consulted her watch.

"Your husb and is no longer in London," she announced; "he has
begun his journey home. Give me the railway guide, and I'll tell
you when he will be here tomorrow. You may trust me, Catherine,
to make no mistakes. Mr. Presty's wonderful knowledge of figures
has been of the greatest use to me in later life. Thanks to his
instructions, I am the only person in the house who can grapple
with the intricacies of our railway system. Your poor father, Mr.
Norman, could never understand time-tables and never attempted to
conceal his deficiencies. He had none of the vanity (harmless
vanity, perhaps) which led poor Mr. Presty to express positive
opinions on matters of which he knew nothing, such as pictures
and music. What do you want, Malcolm?"

The servant to whom this question was addressed answered: "A
telegram, ma'am, for the mistress."

Mrs. Linley recoiled from the message when the man offered it to
her. Not usually a very demonstrative person, the feeling of
alarm which had seized on her only expressed itself in a sudden
change of color. "An accident!" she said faintly. "An accident on
the railway!"

Mrs. Presty opened the telegram.

"If you had been the wife of a Cabinet Minister," she said to her
daughter, "you would have been too well used to telegrams to let
them frighten you. Mr. Presty (who received his telegrams at his
office) was not quite just to the memory of my first husband. He
used to blame Mr. Norman for letting me see his telegrams. But
Mr. Presty's nature had all the poetry in which Mr. Norman's
nature was deficient. He saw the angelic side of women--and
thought telegrams and business, and all that sort of thing,
unworthy of our mission. I don't exactly understand what our
mission is--"

"Mamma! mamma! is Herbert hurt?"

"Stuff and nonsense! Nobody is hurt; there has been no accident."

"They why does he telegraph to me?"

Hitherto, Mrs. Presty had only looked at the message. She now
read it through attentively to the end. Her face assumed an
expression of stern distrust. She shook her head.

"Read it yourself," she answered; "and remember what I told you,
when you trusted your husband to find a governess for my
grandchild. I said: 'You do not know men as I do.' I hope you may
not live to repent it."

Mrs. Linley was too fond of her husband to let this pass. "Why
shouldn't I trust him?" she asked. "He was going to London on
business--and it was an excellent opportunity."

Mrs. Presty disposed of this weak defense of her daughter's
conduct by waving her hand. "Read your telegram," she repeated
with dignity, "and judge for yourself."

Mrs. Linley read:

"I have engaged a governess. She will travel in the same train
with me. I think I ought to prepare you to receive a person whom
you may be surprised to see. She is very young, and very
inexperienced; quite unlike the ordinary run of governesses. When
you hear how cruelly the poor girl has been used, I am sure you
will sympathize with her as I do."

Mrs. Linley laid down the message, with a smile.

"Poor dear Herbert!" she said tenderly. "After we have been eight
years married, is he really afraid that I shall be jealous?
Mamma! Why are you looking so serious?"

Mrs. Presty took the telegram from her daughter and read extracts
from it with indignant emphasis of voice and manner.

"Travels in the same train with him. Very young, and very
inexperienced. And he sympathizes with her. Ha! I know the men,
Catherine--I know the men!"

Chapter II.

The Governess Enters.

Mr. Herbert Linley arrived at his own house in the forenoon of
the next day. Mrs. Linley, running out to the head of the stairs
to meet her husband, saw him approaching her without a traveling
companion. "Where is the governess?" she asked--when the first
salutes allowed her the opportunity of speaking.

"On her way to bed, poor soul, under the care of the
housekeeper," Linley answered.

"Anything infectious, my dear Herbert?" Mrs. Presty inquired
appearing at the breakfast-room door.

Linley addressed his reply to his wife:

"Nothing more serious, Catherine, than want of strength. She was
in such a state of fatigue, after our long night journey, that I
had to lift her out of the carriage."

Mrs. Presty listened with an appearance of the deepest interest.
"Quite a novelty in the way of a governess," she said. "May I ask
what her name is?"

"Sydney Westerfield."

Mrs. Presty looked at her daughter and smiled satirically.

Mrs. Linley remonstrated.

"Surely," she said, "you don't object to the young lady's name!"

"I have no opinion to offer, Catherine. I don't believe in the

"Oh, mamma, do you suspect that it's an assumed name?"

"My dear, I haven't a doubt that it is. May I ask another
question?" the old lady continued, turning to Linley. "What
references did Miss Westerfield give you?"

"No references at all."

Mrs. Presty rose with the alacrity of a young woman, and hurried
to the door. "Follow my example," she said to her daughter, on
her way out. "Lock up your jewel-box."

Linley drew a deep breath of relief when he was left alone with
his wife. "What makes your mother so particularly disagreeable
this morning?" he inquired.

"She doesn't approve, dear, of my leaving it to you to choose a
governess for Kitty."

"Where is Kitty?"

"Out on her pony for a ride over the hills. Why did you send a
telegram, Herbert, to prepare me for the governess? Did you
really think I might be jealous of Miss Westerfield?"

Linley burst out laughing. "No such idea entered my head," he
answered. "It isn't _in_ you, my dear, to be jealous."

Mrs. Linley was not quite satisfied with this view of her
character. Her husband's well-intended compliment reminded her
that there are occasions when any woman may be jealous, no matter
how generous and how gentle she may be. "We won't go quite so far
as that," she said to him, "because--" She stopped, unwilling to
dwell too long on a delicate subject. He jocosely finished the
sentence for her. "Because we don't know what may happen in the
future?" he suggested; making another mistake by making a joke.

Mrs. Linley returned to the subject of the governess.

"I don't at all say what my mother says," she resumed; "but was
it not just a little indiscreet to engage Miss Westerfield
without any references?"

"Unless I am utterly mistaken," Linley replied, "you would have
been quite as indiscreet, in my place. If you had seen the
horrible woman who persecuted and insulted her--"

His wife interrupted him. "How did all this happen, Herbert? Who
first introduced you to Miss Westerfield?"

Linley mentioned the advertisement, and described his interview
with the schoolmistress. Having next acknowledged that he had
received a visit from Miss Westerfield herself, he repeated all
that she had been able to tell him of her father's wasted life
and melancholy end. Really interested by this time, Mrs. Linley
was eager for more information. Her husband hesitated. "I would
rather you heard the rest of it from Miss Westerfield," he said,
"in my absence."

"Why in your absence?"

"Because she can speak to you more freely, when I am not present.
Hear her tell her own story, and then let me know whether you
think I have made a mistake. I submit to your decision
beforehand, whichever way it may incline."

Mrs. Linley rewarded him with a kiss. If a married stranger had
seen them, at that moment, he would have been reminded of
forgotten days--the days of his honeymoon.

"And now," Linley resumed, "suppose we talk a little about
ourselves. I haven't seen any brother yet. Where is Randal?"

"Staying at the farm to look after your interests. We expect him
to come back to-day. Ah, Herbert, what do we not all owe to that
dear good brother of yours? There is really no end to his
kindness. The last of our poor Highland families who have
emigrated to America have had their expenses privately paid by
Randal The wife has written to me, and has let out the secret.
There is an American newspaper, among the letters that are
waiting your brother's return, sent to him as a little mark of
attention by these good grateful people." Having alluded to the
neighbors who had left Scotland, Mrs. Linley was reminded of
other neighbors who had remain ed. She was still relating events
of local interest, when the clock interrupted her by striking the
hour of the nursery dinner. What had become of Kitty? Mrs. Linley
rose and rang the bell to make inquiries.

On the point of answering, the servant looked round at the open
door behind him. He drew aside, and revealed Kitty, in the
corridor, hand in hand with Sydney Westerfield--who timidly
hesitated at entering the room. "Here she is mamma," cried the
child. "I think she's afraid of you; help me to pull her in."

Mrs. Linley advanced to receive the new member of her household,
with the irresistible grace and kindness which charmed every
stranger who approached her. "Oh, it's all right," said Kitty.
"Syd likes me, and I like Syd. What do you think? She lived in
London with a cruel woman who never gave her enough to eat. See
what a good girl I am? I'm beginning to feed her already." Kitty
pulled a box of sweetmeats out of her pocket, and handed it to
the governess with a tap on the lid, suggestive of an old
gentleman offering a pinch of snuff to a friend.

"My dear child, you mustn't speak of Miss Westerfield in that
way! Pray excuse her," said Mrs. Linley, turning to Sydney with a
smile; "I am afraid she has been disturbing you in your room."

Sydney's silent answer touched the mother's heart; she kissed her
little friend. "I hope you will let her call me Syd," she said
gently; "it reminds me of a happier time." Her voice faltered;
she could say no more. Kitty explained, with the air of a grown
person encouraging a child. "I know all about it, mamma. She
means the time when her papa was alive. She lost her papa when
she was a little girl like me. I didn't disturb her. I only said,
'My name's Kitty; may I get up on the bed?' And she was quite
willing; and we talked. And I helped her to dress." Mrs. Linley
led Sydney to the sofa, and stopped the flow of her daughter's
narrative. The look, the voice, the manner of the governess had
already made their simple appeal to her generous nature. When her
husband took Kitty's hand to lead her with him out of the room,
she whispered as he passed: "You have done quite right; I haven't
a doubt of it now!"

Chapter III.

Mrs. Presty Changes Her Mind.

The two ladies were alone.

Widely as the lot in life of one differed from the lot in life of
the other, they presented a contrast in personal appearance which
was more remarkable still. In the prime of life, tall and
fair--the beauty of her delicate complexion and her brilliant
blue eyes rivaled by the charm of a figure which had arrived at
its mature perfection of development--Mrs. Linley sat side by
side with a frail little dark-eyed creature, thin and pale, whose
wasted face bore patient witness to the three cruelest privations
under which youth can suffer--want of fresh air, want of
nourishment, and want of kindness. The gentle mistress of the
house wondered sadly if this lost child of misfortune was capable
of seeing the brighter prospect before her that promised
enjoyment of a happier life to come.

"I was afraid to disturb you while you were resting," Mrs. Linley
said. "Let me hope that my housekeeper has done what I might have
done myself, if I had seen you when you arrived."

"The housekeeper has been all that is good and kind to me,

"Don't call me 'madam'; it sounds so formal--call me 'Mrs.
Linley.' You must not think of beginning to teach Kitty till you
feel stronger and better. I see but too plainly that you have not
been happy. Don't think of your past life, or speak of your past

"Forgive me, Mrs. Linley; my past life is my one excuse for
having ventured to come into this house."

"In what way, my dear?"

At the moment when that question was put, the closed curtains
which separated the breakfast-room from the library were softly
parted in the middle. A keen old face, strongly marked by
curiosity and distrust, peeped through--eyed the governess with
stern scrutiny--and retired again into hiding.

The introduction of a stranger (without references) into the
intimacy of the family circle was, as Mrs. Presty viewed it, a
crisis in domestic history. Conscience, with its customary
elasticity, adapted itself to the emergency, and Linley's
mother-in-law stole information behind the curtain--in Linley's
best interests, it is quite needless to say.

The talk of the two ladies went on, without a suspicion on either
side that it was overheard by a third person.

Sydney explained herself.

"If I had led a happier life," she said, "I might have been able
to resist Mr. Linley's kindness. I concealed nothing from him. He
knew that I had no friends to speak for me; he knew that I had
been dismissed from my employment at the school. Oh, Mrs. Linley,
everything I said which would have made other people suspicious
of me made _him_ feel for me! I began to wonder whether he was an
angel or a man. If he had not prevented it, I should have fallen
on my knees before him. Hard looks and hard words I could have
endured patiently, but I had not seen a kind look, I had not
heard a kind word, for more years than I can reckon up. That is
all I can say for myself; I leave the rest to your mercy."

"Say my sympathy," Mrs. Linley answered, "and you need say no
more.. But there is one thing I should like to know. You have not
spoken to me of your mother. Have you lost both your parents?"


"Then you were brought up by your mother?"


"You surely had some experience of kindness when you were a

A third short answer would have been no very grateful return for
Mrs. Linley's kindness. Sydney had no choice but to say plainly
what her experience of her mother had been.

"Are there such women in the world!" Mrs. Linley exclaimed.
"Where is your mother now?"

"In America--I think."

"You think?"

"My mother married again," said Sydney. "She went to America with
her husband and my little brother, six years ago."

"And left you behind?"


"And has she never written to you;"


This time, Mrs. Linley kept silence; not without an effort.
Thinking of Sydney's mother--and for one morbid moment seeing her
own little darling in Sydney's place--she was afraid to trust
herself to speak while the first impression was vividly present
to her mind.

"I will only hope," she replied, after waiting a little, "that
some kind person pitied and helped you when you were deserted.
Any change must have been for the better after that. Who took
charge of you?"

"My mother's sister took charge of me, an elder sister, who kept
a school. The time when I was most unhappy was the time when my
aunt began to teach me. 'If you don't want to be beaten, and kept
on bread and water,' she said, 'learn, you ugly little wretch,
and be quick about it."'

"Did she speak in that shameful way to the other girls?"

"Oh, no! I was taken into her school for nothing, and, young as I
was, I was expected to earn my food and shelter by being fit to
teach the lowest class. The girls hated me. It was such a
wretched life that I hardly like to speak of it now. I ran away,
and I was caught, and severely punished. When I grew older and
wiser, I tried to find some other employment for myself. The
elder girls bought penny journals that published stories. They
were left about now and then in the bedrooms. I read the stories
when I had the chance. Even my ignorance discovered how feeble
and foolish they were. They encouraged me to try if I could write
a story myself; I couldn't do worse, and I might do better. I
sent my manuscript to the editor. It was accepted and
printed--but when I wrote and asked him if he would pay me
something for it, he refused. Dozens of ladies, he said, wrote
stories for him for nothing. It didn't matter what the stories
were. Anything would do for his readers, so long as the
characters were lords and ladies, and there was plenty of love in
it. My next attempt to get away from the school ended in another
disappointment. A poor old man, who had once been an actor, used
to come to us twice a week, and get a few shillings by teaching
the girls to read aloud. He was called 'Professor of English
Literature,' and he taught out of a ragged book of verses which
smelled o f his pipe. I learned one of the pieces and repeated it
to him, and asked if there was any hope of my being able to go on
the stage. He was very kind; he told me the truth. 'My dear, you
have no dramatic ability; God forbid you should go on the stage.'
I went back again to the penny journals, and tried a new editor.
He seemed to have more money than the other one; or perhaps he
was kinder. I got ten shillings from him for my story. With that
money I made my last attempt--I advertised for a situation as
governess. If Mr. Linley had not seen my advertisement, I might
have starved in the streets. When my aunt heard of it, she
insisted on my begging her pardon before the whole school. Do
girls get half maddened by persecution? If they do, I think I
must have been one of those girls. I refused to beg pardon; and I
was dismissed from my situation without a character. Will you
think me very foolish? I shut my eyes again, when I woke in my
delicious bed today. I was afraid that the room, and everything
in it, was a dream." She looked round, and started to her feet.
"Oh, here's a lady! Shall I go away?"

The curtains hanging over the entrance to the library were opened
for the second time. With composure and dignity, the lady who had
startled Sydney entered the room.

"Have you been reading in the library?" Mrs. Linley asked. And
Mrs. Presty answered: "No, Catherine; I have been listening.

Mrs. Linley looked at her mother; her lovely complexion reddened
with a deep blush.

"Introduce me to Miss Westerfield," Mrs. Presty proceeded, as
coolly as ever.

Mrs. Linley showed some hesitation. What would the governess
think of her mother? Perfectly careless of what the governess
might think, Mrs. Presty crossed the room and introduced herself.

"Miss Westerfield, I am Mrs. Linley's mother. And I am, in one
respect, a remarkable person. When I form an opinion and find
it's the opinion of a fool, I am not in the least ashamed to
change my mind. I have changed my mind about you. Shake hands."

Sydney respectfully obeyed.

"Sit down again." Sydney returned to her chair.

"I had the worst possible opinion of you," Mrs. Presty resumed,
"before I had the pleasure of listening on the other side of the
curtain. It has been my good fortune--what's your Christian name?
Did I hear it? or have I forgotten it? 'Sydney,' eh? Very well. I
was about to say, Sydney, that it has been my good fortune to be
intimately associated, in early life, with two remarkable
characters. Husbands of mine, in short, whose influence over me
has, I am proud to say, set death and burial at defiance. Between
them they have made my mind the mind of a man. I judge for
myself. The opinions of others (when they don't happen to agree
with mine) I regard as chaff to be scattered to the winds. No,
Catherine, I am not wandering. I am pointing out to a young
person, who has her way to make in the world, the vast
importance, on certain occasions, of possessing an independent
mind. If I had been ashamed to listen behind those curtains,
there is no injury that my stupid prejudices might not have
inflicted on this unfortunate girl. As it is, I have heard her
story, and I do her justice. Count on me, Sydney, as your friend,
and now get up again. My grandchild (never accustomed to wait for
anything since the day when she was born) is waiting dinner for
you. She is at this moment shouting for her governess, as King
Richard (I am a great reader of Shakespeare) once shouted for his
horse. The maid (you will recognize her as a stout person
suffering under tight stays) is waiting outside to show you the
way to the nursery. _Au revoir._ Stop! I should like to judge the
purity of your French accent. Say 'au revoir' to me. Thank
you.--Weak in her French, Catherine," Mrs. Presty pronounced,
when the door had closed on the governess; "but what can you
expect, poor wretch, after such a life as she has led? Now we are
alone, I have a word of advice for your private ear. We have much
to anticipate from Miss Westerfield that is pleasant and
encouraging. But I don't conceal it from myself or from you, we
have also something to fear."

"To fear?" Mrs. Linley repeated. "I don't understand you."

"Never mind, Catherine, whether you understand me or not. I want
more information. Tell me what your husband said to you about
this young lady?"

Wondering at the demon of curiosity which appeared to possess her
mother, Mrs. Linley obeyed. Listening throughout with the closest
attention, Mrs. Presty reckoned up the items of information, and
pointed the moral to be drawn from them by worldly experience.

"First obstacle in the way of her moral development, her
father--tried, found guilty, and dying in prison. Second
obstacle, her mother--an unnatural wretch who neglected and
deserted her own flesh and blood. Third obstacle, her mother's
sister--being her mother over again in an aggravated form. People
who only look at the surface of things might ask what we gain by
investigating Miss Westerfield's past life. We gain this: we know
what to expect of Miss Westerfield in the future."

"I for one," Mrs. Linley interposed, "expect everything that is
good and true."

"Say she's naturally an angel," Mrs. Presty answered; "and I
won't contradict you. But do pray hear how my experience looks at
it. I remember what a life she has led, and I ask myself if any
human creature could have suffered as that girl has suffered
without being damaged by it. Among those damnable people--I beg
your pardon, my dear; Mr. Norman sometimes used strong language,
and it breaks out of me now and then--the good qualities of that
unfortunate young person can _not_ have always resisted the
horrid temptations and contaminations about her. Hundreds of
times she must have had deceit forced on her; she must have lied,
through ungovernable fear; she must have been left (at a critical
time in her life, mind!) with no more warning against the
insidious advances of the passions than--than--I'm repeating what
Mr. Presty said of a niece of his own, who went to a bad school
at Paris; and I don't quite remember what comparisons that
eloquent man used when he was excited. But I know what I mean. I
like Miss Westerfield; I believe Miss Westerfield will come out
well in the end. But I don't forget that she is going to lead a
new life here--a life of luxury, my dear; a life of ease and
health and happiness--and God only knows what evil seed sown in
her, in her past life, may not spring up under new influences. I
tell you we must be careful; I tell you we must keep our eyes
open. And so much the better for Her. And so much the better for

Mrs. Presty's wise and wary advice (presented unfavorably, it
must be owned, through her inveterately quaint way of expressing
herself) failed to produce the right impression on her daughter's
mind. Mrs. Linley replied in the tone of a person who was
unaffectedly shocked.

"Oh, mamma, I never knew you so unjust before! You can't have
heard all that Miss Westerfield said to me. You don't know her,
as I know her. So patient, so forgiving, so grateful to Herbert."

"So grateful to Herbert." Mrs. Presty looked at her daughter in
silent surprise. There could be no doubt about it; Mrs. Linley
failed entirely to see any possibilities of future danger in the
grateful feeling of her sensitive governess toward her handsome
husband. At this exhibition of simplicity, the old lady's last
reserves of endurance gave way: she rose to go. "You have an
excellent heart, Catherine," she remarked; "but as for your

"Well, and what of my head?"

"It's always beautifully dressed, my dear, by your maid." With
that parting shot, Mrs. Presty took her departure by way of the
library. Almost at the same moment, the door of the
breakfast-room was opened. A young man advanced, and shook hands
cordially with Mrs. Linley.

Chapter IV.

Randal Receives His Correspondence.

Self-revealed by the family likeness as Herbert's brother, Randal
Linley was nevertheless greatly Herbert's inferior in personal
appearance. His features were in no way remarkable for manly
beauty. In stature, he hardly reached the middle height; and
young as he was, either bad habit or physica l weakness had so
affected the upper part of his figure that he stooped. But with
these, and other disadvantages, there was something in his eyes,
and in his smile--the outward expression perhaps of all that was
modestly noble in his nature--so irresistible in its attractive
influence that men, women, and children felt the charm alike.
Inside of the house, and outside of the house, everybody was fond
of Randal; even Mrs. Presty included.

"Have you seen a new face among us, since you returned? were his
sister-in-law's first words. Randal answered that he had seen
Miss Westerfield. The inevitable question followed. What did he
think of her? "I'll tell you in a week or two more," he replied.

"No! tell me at once."

"I don't like trusting my first impression; I have a bad habit of
jumping to conclusions."

"Jump to a conclusion to please me. Do you think she's pretty?"

Randal smiled and looked away. "Your governess," he replied,
"looks out of health, and (perhaps for that reason) strikes me as
being insignificant and ugly. Let us see what our fine air and
our easy life here will do for her. In so young a woman as she
is, I am prepared for any sort of transformation. We may be all
admiring pretty Miss Westerfield before another month is over our
heads.--Have any letters come for me while I have been away?"

He went into the library and returned with his letters. "This
will amuse Kitty," he said, handing his sister-in-law the
illustrated New York newspaper, to which she had already referred
in speaking to her husband.

Mrs. Linley examined the engravings--and turned back again to
look once more at an illustration which had interested her. A
paragraph on the same page caught her attention. She had hardly
glanced at the first words before a cry of alarm escaped her.
"Dreadful news for Miss Westerfield!" she exclaimed. "Read it,

He read these words:

"The week's list of insolvent traders includes an Englishman
named James Bellbridge, formerly connected with a disreputable
saloon in this city. Bellbridge is under suspicion of having
caused the death of his wife in a fit of delirium tremens. The
unfortunate woman had been married, for the first time, to one of
the English aristocracy--the Honorable Roderick
Westerfield--whose trial for casting away a ship under his
command excited considerable interest in London some years since.
The melancholy circumstances of the case are complicated by the
disappearance, on the day of the murder, of the woman's young son
by her first husband. The poor boy is supposed to have run away
in terror from his miserable home, and the police are endeavoring
to discover some trace of him. It is reported that another child
of the first marriage (a daughter) is living in England. But
nothing is known about her."

"Has your governess any relations in England?" Randal asked.

"Only an aunt, who has treated her in the most inhuman manner."

"Serious news for Miss Westerfield, as you say," Randal resumed.
"And, as I think, serious news for us. Here is a mere girl--a
poor friendless creature--absolutely dependent on our protection.
What are we to do if anything happens, in the future, to alter
our present opinion of her?"

"Nothing of the sort is likely to happen," Mrs. Linley declared.

"Let us hope not," Randal said, gravely.

Chapter V.

Randal Writes to New York.

The members of the family at Mount Morven consulted together,
before Sydney Westerfield was informed of her brother's
disappearance and of her mother's death.

Speaking first, as master of the house, Herbert Linley offered
his opinion without hesitation. His impulsive kindness shrank
from the prospect of reviving the melancholy recollections
associated with Sydney's domestic life. "Why distress the poor
child, just as she is beginning to feel happy among us?" he
asked. "Give me the newspaper; I shan't feel easy till I have
torn it up."

His wife drew the newspaper out of his reach. "Wait a little,"
she said, quietly; "some of us may feel that it is no part of our
duty to conceal the truth."

Mrs. Presty spoke next. To the surprise of the family council ,
she agreed with her son-in-law.

"Somebody must speak out," the old lady began; "and I mean to set
the example. Telling the truth," she declared, turning severely
to her daughter, "is a more complicated affair than you seem to
think. It's a question of morality, of course; but--in family
circles, my dear--it's sometimes a question of convenience as
well. Is it convenient to upset my granddaughter's governess,
just as she is entering on her new duties? Certainly not! Good
heavens, what does it matter to my young friend Sydney whether
her unnatural mother lives or dies? Herbert, I second your
proposal to tear up the paper with the greatest pleasure."

Herbert, sitting next to Randal, laid his hand affectionately on
his brother's shoulder. "Are you on our side?" he asked.

 Randal hesitated.

"I feel inclined to agree with you," he said to Herbert. "It does
seem hard to recall Miss Westerfield to the miserable life that
she has led, and to do it in the way of all others which must try
her fortitude most cruelly. At the same time--"

"Oh, don't spoil what you have said by seeing the other side of
the question!" cried his brother "You have already put it
admirably; leave it as it is."

"At the same time," Randal gently persisted, "I have heard no
reasons which satisfy me that we have a right to keep Miss
Westerfield in ignorance of what has happened."

This serious view of the question in debate highly diverted Mrs.
Presty. "I do not like that man," she announced, pointing to
Randal; "he always amuses me. Look at him now! He doesn't know
which side he is on, himself."

"He is on my side," Herbert declared.

"Not he!"

Herbert consulted his brother. "What do you say yourself?"

"I don't know," Randal answered.

"There!" cried Mrs. Presty. "What did I tell you?"

Randal tried to set his strange reply in the right light. "I only
mean," he explained, "that I want a little time to think."

Herbert gave up the dispute and appealed to his wife. "You have
still got the American newspaper in your hand," he said. "What do
you mean to do with it?"

Quietly and firmly Mrs. Linley answered: "I mean to show it to
Miss Westerfield."

"Against my opinion? Against your mother's opinion?" Herbert
asked. "Have we no influence over you? Do as Randal does--take
time, my dear, to think."

She answered this with her customary calmness of manner and
sweetness of tone. "I am afraid I must appear obstinate; but it
is indeed true that I want no time to think; my duty is too plain
to me."

Her husband and her mother listened to her in astonishment. Too
amiable and too happy--and it must be added too indolent--to
assert herself in the ordinary emergencies of family life, Mrs.
Linley only showed of what metal she was made on the very rare
occasions when the latent firmness in her nature was stirred to
its innermost depths. The general experience of this
sweet-tempered and delightful woman, ranging over long intervals
of time, was the only experience which remained in the memories
of the persons about her. In bygone days, they had been amazed
when her unexpected readiness and firmness of decision presented
an exception to a general rule--just as they were amazed now.

Herbert tried a last remonstrance. "Is it possible, Catherine,
that you don't see the cruelty of showing that newspaper to Miss

Even this appeal to Mrs. Linley's sympathies failed to shake her
resolution. "You may trust me to be careful," was all she said in
reply; "I shall prepare her as tenderly for the sad news from
America, as if she was a daughter of my own."

Hearing this, Mrs. Presty showed a sudden interest in the
proceedings "When do you mean to begin?" she asked.

"At once, mamma."

Mrs. Presty broke up the meeting on the spot. "Wait till I am out
of the way," she stipulated. "Do you object to Herbert giving me
his arm? Distressing scenes are not in his line or in mine."

Mrs. Linley made no objection. Herbert resigned himself (not at
all unwillingly) to circumstances. Arm in arm, he and his wife's
mother left the room.

Randal showed no inte ntion of following them; he had given
himself time to think. "We are all wrong, Catherine," he said;
"and you alone are right. What can I do to help you?"

She took his hand gratefully. "Always kind! Never thinking of
yourself! I will see Miss Westerfield in my own room. Wait here,
in case I want you."

After a much shorter absence than Randal anticipated, Mrs. Linley
returned. "Has it been very distressing?" he asked, seeing the
traces of tears in her eyes.

"There are noble qualities," she answered, "in that poor ill-used
girl. Her one thought, as soon as she began to understand my
motive in speaking to her, was not for herself, but for me. Even
you, a man, must have felt the tears in your eyes, if you had
heard her promise that I should suffer no further anxiety on her
account. 'You shall see no distressing change in me,' she said,
'when we meet to-morrow.' All she asked was to be left in her
room for the rest of the day. I feel sure of her resolution to
control herself; and yet I should like to encourage her if I can.
Her chief sorrow (as it seems to me) must be--not for the mother
who has so shamefully neglected her--but for the poor little
brother, a castaway lost in a strange land. Can we do nothing to
relieve her anxiety?"

"I can write," Randal said. "to a man whom I know in New York; a
lawyer in large practice."

"The very person we want! Write--pray write by today's post.

The letter was dispatched. It was decided--and wisely decided, as
the result proved--to say nothing to Sydney until the answer was
received. Randal's correspondent wrote back with as little delay
as possible. He had made every inquiry without success. Not a
trace of the boy had been found, or (in the opinion of the
police) was likely to be found. The one event that had happened,
since the appearance of the paragraph in the New York journal,
was the confinement of James Bellbridge in an asylum, as a madman
under restraint without hope of recovery.

Chapter VI.

Sydney Teaches.

Mrs. Presty had not very seriously exaggerated the truth, when
she described her much-indulged granddaughter as "a child who had
never been accustomed to wait for anything since the day when she
was born."

Governesses in general would have found it no easy matter to
produce a favorable impression on Kitty, and to exert the
necessary authority in instructing her, at the same time. Spoiled
children (whatever moralists may say to the contrary) are
companionable and affectionate children, for the most
part--except when they encounter the unfortunate persons employed
to introduce them to useful knowledge. Mr. and Mrs. Linley
(guiltily conscious of having been too fond of their only child
to subject her to any sort of discipline) were not very willing
to contemplate the prospect before Miss Westerfield on her first
establishment in the schoolroom. To their surprise and relief
there proved to be no cause for anxiety after all. Without making
an attempt to assert her authority, the new governess succeeded
nevertheless when older and wiser women would have failed.

The secret of Sydney's triumph over adverse circumstances lay
hidden in Sydney herself.

Everything in the ordinary routine of life at Mount Morven was a
source of delight and surprise to the unfortunate creature who
had passed through six years of cruelty, insult, and privation at
her aunt's school Look where she might, in her new sphere of
action, she saw pleasant faces and heard kind words. At meal
times, wonderful achievements in the art of cookery appeared on
the table which she had not only never tasted, but never even
heard of. When she went out walking with her pupil they were free
to go where they pleased, without restriction of time--except the
time of dinner. To breathe the delicious air, to look at the
glorious scenery, were enjoyments so exquisitely exhilarating
that, by Sydney's own confession, she became quite light headed
with pleasure. She ran races with Kitty--and nobody reproved her.
She rested, out of breath, while the stronger child was ready to
run on--and no merciless voice cried "None of your laziness;
time's up!" Wild flowers that she had never yet seen might be
gathered, and no offense was committed. Kitty told her the names
of the flowers, and the names of the summer insects that flashed
and hummed in the hillside breezes; and was so elated at teaching
her governess that her rampant spirits burst out in singing.
"Your turn next," the joyous child cried, when she too was out of
breath. "Sing, Sydney--sing!" Alas for Sydney! She had not sung
since those happiest days of her childhood, when her good father
had told her fairy stories, and taught her songs. They were all
forgotten now. "I can't sing, Kitty; I can't sing." The pupil,
hearing this melancholy confession, became governess once more.
"Say the words, Syd; and hum the tune after me." They laughed
over the singing lesson, until the echoes of the hills mocked
them, and laughed too. Looking into the schoolroom, one day, Mrs.
Linley found that the serious business of teaching was not
neglected. The lessons went on smoothly, without an obstacle in
the way. Kitty was incapable of disappointing her friend and
playfellow, who made learning easy with a smile and a kiss. The
balance of authority was regulated to perfection in the lives of
these two simple creatures. In the schoolroom, the governess
taught the child. Out of the schoolroom, the child taught the
governess. Division of labor was a principle in perfect working
order at Mount Morven--and nobody suspected it! But, as the weeks
followed each other, one more remarkable circumstance presented
itself which every person in the household was equally quick to
observe. The sad Sydney Westerfield whom they all pitied had now
become the pretty Sydney Westerfield whom they all admired. It
was not merely a change--it was a transformation. Kitty stole the
hand-glass from her mother's room, and insisted that her
governess should take it and look at herself. "Papa says you're
as plump as a partridge; and mamma says you're as fresh as a
rose; and Uncle Randal wags his head, and tells them he saw it
from the first. I heard it all when they thought I was playing
with my doll--and I want to know, you best of nice girls, what
you think of your own self?"

"I think, my dear, it's time we went on with our lessons."

"Wait a little, Syd; I have something else to say."

"What is it?"

"It's about papa. He goes out walking with us--doesn't he?"


"He didn't go out walking with me--before you came here. I've
been thinking about it; and I'm sure papa likes you. What are you
looking in the drawer for?"

"For your lesson books, dear."

"Yes--but I haven't quite done yet. Papa talks a good deal to
you, and you don't talk much to papa. Don't you like him?"

"Oh, Kitty!"

"Then do you like him?"

"How can I help liking him? I owe all my happiness to your papa."

"Do you like him better than mamma?"

"I should be very ungrateful, if I liked anybody better than your

Kitty considered a little, and shook her head. "I don't
understand that," she declared roundly. "What do you mean?"

Sydney cleaned the pupil's slate, and set the pupil's sum--and
said nothing.

Kitty placed a suspicious construction of her own on her
governess's sudden silence. "Perhaps you don't like my wanting to
know so many things," she suggested. "Or perhaps you meant to
puzzle me?"

Sydney sighed, and answered, "I'm puzzled myself."

Chapter VII.

Sydney Suffers.

In the autumn holiday-time friends in the south, who happened to
be visiting Scotland, were invited to stop at Mount Morven on
their way to the Highlands; and were accustomed to meet the
neighbors of the Linleys at dinner on their arrival. The time for
this yearly festival had now come round again; the guests were in
the house; and Mr. and Mrs. Linley were occupied in making their
arrangements for the dinner-party. With her unfailing
consideration for every one about her, Mrs. Linley did not forget
Sydney while she was sending out her cards of invitation. "Our
table will be full at dinner," she said to her husband; "Miss
Westerfield had better join us in the evening with Kitty."

"I suppose so," Linley answered with some hesitation.

"You seem to doubt about it, Herbert. Why?"

"I was only wondering--"

"Wondering about what?"

"Has Miss Westerfield got a gown, Catherine, that will do for a

Linley's wife looked at him as if she doubted the evidence of her
own senses. "Fancy a man thinking of that!" she exclaimed.
"Herbert, you astonish me."

He laughed uneasily. "I don't know how I came to think of
it--unless it is that she wears the same dress every day. Very
neat; but (perhaps I'm wrong) a little shabby too."

"Upon my word, you pay Miss Westerfield a compliment which you
have never paid to me! Wear what I may, you never seem to know
how _I_ am dressed."

"I beg your pardon, Catherine, I know that you are always dressed

That little tribute restored him to his place in his wife's
estimation. "I may tell you now," she resumed, with her gentle
smile, "that you only remind me of what I had thought of already.
My milliner is at work for Miss Westerfield. The new dress must
be your gift."

"Are you joking?"

"I am in earnest. To-morrow is Sydney's birthday; and here is
_my_ present." She opened a jeweler's case, and took out a plain
gold bracelet. "Suggested by Kitty," she added, "pointing to an
inlaid miniature portrait of the child. Herbert read the
inscription: _To Sydney Westerfield with Catherine Linley's
love._ He gave the bracelet back to his wife in silence; his
manner was more serious than usual--he kissed her hand

The day of the dinner-party marked an epoch in Sydney's life.

For the first time, in all her past experience, she could look in
the glass, and see herself prettily dressed, with a gold bracelet
on her arm. If we consider how men (in one way) and milliners (in
another) profit by it, vanity is surely to be reckoned, not among
the vices but among the virtues of the sex. Will any woman, who
speaks the truth, hesitate to acknowledge that her first
sensations of gratified vanity rank among the most exquisite and
most enduring pleasures that she has ever felt? Sydney locked her
door, and exhibited herself to herself--in the front view, the
side view, and the back view (over the shoulder) with eyes that
sparkled and cheeks that glowed in a delicious confusion of pride
and astonishment. She practiced bowing to strangers in her new
dress; she practiced shaking hands gracefully, with her bracelet
well in view. Suddenly she stood still before the glass and
became serious and thoughtful. Kind and dear Mr. Linley was in
her mind now. While she was asking herself anxiously what he
would think of her, Kitty--arrayed in _her_ new finery, as vain
and as happy as her governess--drummed with both fists outside
the door, and announced at the top of her voice that it was time
to go downstairs. Sydney's agitation at the prospect of meeting
the ladies in the drawing-room added a charm of its own to the
flush that her exercises before the glass had left on her face.
Shyly following instead of leading her little companion into the
room, she presented such a charming appearance of youth and
beauty that the ladies paused in their talk to look at her. Some
few admired Kitty's governess with generous interest; the greater
number doubted Mrs. Linley's prudence in engaging a girl so very
pretty and so very young. Little by little, Sydney's
manner--simple, modest, shrinking from observation--pleaded in
her favor even with the ladies who had been prejudiced against
her at the outset. When Mrs. Linley presented her to the guests,
the most beautiful woman among them (Mrs. MacEdwin) made room for
her on the sofa, and with perfect tact and kindness set the
stranger at her ease. When the gentlemen came in from the
dinner-table, Sydney was composed enough to admire the brilliant
scene, and to wonder again, as she had wondered already, what Mr.
Linley would say to her new dress.

Mr. Linley certainly did notice her--at a distance.

He looked at her with a momentary fervor of interest and
admiration which made Sydney (so gratefully and so guiltlessly
attached to him) tremble with pleasure; he even stepped forward
as if to approach her, checked himself, and went back again among
his guests. Now, in one part of the room, and now in another, she
saw him speaking to them. The one neglected person whom he never
even looked at again, was the poor girl to whom his approval was
the breath of her life. Had she ever felt so unhappy as she felt
now? No, not even at her aunt's school!

Friendly Mrs. MacEdwin touched her arm. "My dear, you are losing
your pretty color. Are you overcome by the heat? Shall I take you
into the next room?"

Sydney expressed her sincere sense of the lady's kindness. Her
commonplace excuse was a true excuse--she had a headache; and she
asked leave to retire to her room.

Approaching the door, she found herself face to face with Mr.
Linley. He had just been giving directions to one of the
servants, and was re-entering the drawing-room. She stopped,
trembling and cold; but, in the very intensity of her
wretchedness, she found courage enough to speak to him.

"You seem to avoid me, Mr. Linley," she began, addressing him
with ceremonious respect, and keeping her eyes on the ground. "I
hope--" she hesitated, and desperately looked at him--"I hope I
haven't done anything to offend you?"

In her knowledge of him, up to that miserable evening, he
constantly spoke to her with a smile. She had never yet seen him
so serious and so inattentive as he was now. His eyes, wandering
round the room, rested on Mrs. Linley--brilliant and beautiful,
and laughing gayly. Why was he looking at his wife with plain
signs of embarrassment in his face? Sydney piteously persisted in
repeating her innocent question: "I hope I haven't done anything
to offend you?"

He seemed to be still reluctant to notice her--on the one
occasion of all others when she was looking her best! But he
answered at last.

"My dear child, it is impossible that you should offend me; you
have misunderstood and mistaken me. Don't suppose--pray don't
suppose that I am changed or can ever be changed toward you."

He emphasized the kind intention which those words revealed by
giving her his hand.

But the next moment he drew back. There was no disguising it, he
drew back as if he wished to get away from her. She noticed that
his lips were firmly closed and his eyebrows knitted in a frown;
he looked like a man who was forcing himself to submit to some
hard necessity that he hated or feared.

Sydney left the room in despair.

He had denied in the plainest and kindest terms that he was
changed toward her. Was that not enough? It was nothing like
enough. The facts were there to speak for themselves: he was an
altered man; anxiety, sorrow, remorse--one or the other seemed to
have got possession of him. Judging by Mrs. Linley's gayety of
manner, his wife could not possibly have been taken into his

What did it mean? Oh, the useless, hopeless question! And yet,
again and again she asked herself: what did it mean?

In bewildered wretchedness she lingered on the way to her room,
and stopped at the end of a corridor.

On her right hand, a broad flight of old oak stairs led to the
bed-chambers on the second floor of the house. On her left hand,
an open door showed the stone steps which descended to the
terrace and the garden. The moonlight lay in all its loveliness
on the flower-beds and the grass, and tempted her to pause and
admire it. A prospect of sleepless misery was the one prospect
before her that Sydney could see, if she retired to rest. The
cool night air came freshly up the vaulted tunnel in which the
steps were set; the moonlit garden offered its solace to the
girl's sore heart. No curious women-servants appeared on the
stairs that led to the bed-chambers. No inquisitive eyes could
look at her from the windows of the ground floor--a solitude
abandoned to the curiosity of tourists. Sydney took her hat and
cloak from the stand in a recess at the side of the door, and
went into the garden.

Chapter VIII.

Mrs. Presty Makes a Discovery.

The dinner-party had come to an end; the neighbors had taken
their departure; and the ladies at Mount Morven had retired
 for the night.

On the way to her room Mrs. Presty knocked at her daughter's
door. "I want to speak to you, Catherine. Are you in bed?"

"No, mamma. Come in."

Robed in a dressing-gown of delicately-mingled white and blue,
and luxuriously accommodated on the softest pillows that could be
placed in an armchair, Mrs. Linley was meditating on the events
of the evening. "This has been the most successful party we have
ever given," she said to her mother. "And did you notice how
charmingly pretty Miss Westerfield looked in her new dress?"

"It's about that girl I want to speak to you," Mrs. Presty
answered, severely. "I had a higher opinion of her when she first
came here than I have now."

Mrs. Linley pointed to an open door, communicating with a second
and smaller bed-chamber. "Not quite so loud," she answered, "or
you might wake Kitty. What has Miss Westerfield done to forfeit
your good opinion?"

Discreet Mrs. Presty asked leave to return to the subject at a
future opportunity.

"I will merely allude now," she said, "to a change for the worse
in your governess, which you might have noticed when she left the
drawing-room this evening. She had a word or two with Herbert at
the door; and she left him looking as black as thunder."

Mrs. Linley laid herself back on her pillows and burst out
laughing. "Black as thunder? Poor little Sydney, what a
ridiculous description of her! I beg your pardon, mamma; don't be

"On the contrary, my dear, I am agreeably surprised. Your poor
father--a man of remarkable judgment on most subjects--never
thought much of your intelligence. He appears to have been wrong;
you have evidently inherited some of my sense of humor. However,
that is not what I wanted to say; I am the bearer of good news.
When we find it necessary to get rid of Miss Westerfield--"

Mrs. Linley's indignation expressed itself by a look which, for
the moment at least, reduced her mother to silence. Always equal
to the occasion, however, Mrs. Presty's face assumed an
expression of innocent amazement, which would have produced a
round of applause on the stage. "What have I said to make you
angry?" she inquired. "Surely, my dear, you and your husband are
extraordinary people."

"Do you mean to tell me, mamma, that you have said to Herbert
what you said just now to me?"

"Certainly. I mentioned it to Herbert in the course of the
evening. He was excessively rude. He said: 'Tell Mrs. MacEdwin to
mind her own business--and set her the example yourself.'"

Mrs. Linley returned her mother's look of amazement, without her
mother's eye for dramatic effect. "What has Mrs. MacEdwin to do
with it?" she asked.

"If you will only let me speak, Catherine, I shall be happy to
explain myself. You saw Mrs. MacEdwin talking to me at the party.
That good lady's head--a feeble head, as all her friends
admit--has been completely turned by Miss Westerfield. 'The first
duty of a governess' (this foolish woman said to me) 'is to win
the affections of her pupils. _My_ governess has entirely failed
to make the children like her. A dreadful temper; I have given
her notice to leave my service. Look at that sweet girl and your
little granddaughter! I declare I could cry when I see how they
understand each other and love each other.' I quote our charming
friend's nonsense, verbatim (as we used to say when we were in
Parliament in Mr. Norman's time), for the sake of what it led to.
If, by any lucky chance, Miss Westerfield happens to be
disengaged in the future, Mrs. MacEdwin's house is open to
her--at her own time, and on her own terms. I promised to speak
to you on the subject, and I perform my promise. Think over it; I
strongly advise you to think over it."

Even Mrs. Linley's good nature declined to submit to this. "I
shall certainly not think over what cannot possibly happen," she
said. "Good-night, mamma."

"Good-night, Catherine. Your temper doesn't seem to improve as
you get older. Perhaps the excitement of the party has been too
much for your nerves. Try to get some sleep before Herbert comes
up from the smoking-room and disturbs you."

Mrs. Linley refused even to let this pass unanswered. "Herbert is
too considerate to disturb me, when his friends keep him up
late," she said. "On those occasions, as you may see for
yourself, he has a bed in his dressing-room."

Mrs. Presty passed through the dressing-room on her way out. "A
very comfortable-looking bed," she remarked, in a tone intended
to reach her daughter's ears. "I wonder Herbert ever leaves it."

The way to her own bed-chamber led her by the door of Sydney's
room. She suddenly stopped; the door was not shut. This was in
itself a suspicious circumstance.

Young or old, ladies are not in the habit of sleeping with their
bedroom doors ajar. A strict sense of duty led Mrs. Presty to
listen outside. No sound like the breathing of a person asleep
was to be heard. A strict sense of duty conducted Mrs. Presty
next into the room, and even encouraged her to approach the bed
on tip-toe. The bed was empty; the clothes had not been disturbed
since it had been made in the morning!

The old lady stepped out into the corridor in a state of
excitement, which greatly improved her personal appearance. She
looked almost young again as she mentally reviewed the list of
vices and crimes which a governess might commit, who had retired
before eleven o'clock, and was not in her bedroom at twelve. On
further reflection, it appeared to be barely possible that Miss
Westerfield might be preparing her pupil's exercises for the next
day. Mrs. Presty descended to the schoolroom on the first floor.

No. Here again there was nothing to see but an empty room.

Where was Miss Westerfield?

Was it within the limits of probability that she had been bold
enough to join the party in the smoking-room? The bare idea was

In another minute, nevertheless, Mrs. Presty was at the door,
listening. The men's voices were loud: they were talking
politics. She peeped through the keyhole; the smokers had, beyond
all doubt, been left to themselves. If the house had not been
full of guests, Mrs. Presty would now have raised an alarm. As
things were, the fear of a possible scandal which the family
might have reason to regret forced her to act with caution. In
the suggestive retirement of her own room, she arrived at a wise
and wary decision. Opening her door by a few inches, she placed a
chair behind the opening in a position which commanded a view of
Sydney's room. Wherever the governess might be, her return to her
bed-chamber, before the servants were astir in the morning, was a
chance to be counted on. The night-lamp in the corridor was well
alight; and a venerable person, animated by a sense of duty, was
a person naturally superior to the seductions of sleep. Before
taking the final precaution of extinguishing her candle, Mrs.
Presty touched up her complexion, and resolutely turned her back
on her nightcap. "This is a case in which I must keep up my
dignity," she decided, as she took her place in the chair.

One man in the smoking-room appeared to be thoroughly weary of
talking politics. That man was the master of the house.

Randal noticed the worn, preoccupied look in his brother's face,
and determined to break up the meeting. The opportunity for which
he was waiting occurred in another minute. He was asked as a
moderate politician to decide between two guests, both members of
Parliament, who were fast drifting into mere contradiction of
each other's second-hand opinions. In plain terms, they stated
the matter in dispute: "Which of our political parties deserves
the confidence of the English people?" In plain terms, on his
sides Randal answered: "The party that lowers the taxes." Those
words acted on the discussion like water on a fire. As members of
Parliament, the two contending politicians were naturally
innocent of the slightest interest in the people or the taxes;
they received the new idea submitted to them in helpless silence.
Friends who were listening began to laugh. The oldest man present
looked at his watch. In five minutes more the lights were out and
the smoking-room was deserted.

Linley was the last to retire--fevered by th e combined
influences of smoke and noise. His mind, oppressed all through
the evening, was as ill at ease as ever. Lingering, wakeful and
irritable, in the corridor (just as Sydney had lingered before
him), he too stopped at the open door and admired the peaceful
beauty of the garden.

The sleepy servant, appointed to attend in the smoking room,
asked if he should close the door. Linley answered: "Go to bed,
and leave it to me." Still lingering at the top of the steps, he
too was tempted by the refreshing coolness of the air. He took
the key out of the lock; secured the door after he had passed
through it; put the key in his pocket, and went down into the

Chapter IX.

Somebody Attends to the Door.

With slow steps Linley crossed the lawn; his mind gloomily
absorbed in thoughts which had never before troubled his easy
nature--thoughts heavily laden with a burden of self-reproach.

Arrived at the limits of the lawn, two paths opened before him.
One led into a quaintly pretty inclosure, cultivated on the plan
of the old gardens at Versailles, and called the French Garden.
The other path led to a grassy walk, winding its way capriciously
through a thick shrubbery. Careless in what direction he turned
his steps, Linley entered the shrubbery, because it happened to
be nearest to him.

Except at certain points, where the moonlight found its way
through open spaces in the verdure, the grassy path which he was
now following wound onward in shadow. How far he had advanced he
had not noticed, when he heard a momentary rustling of leaves at
some little distance in advance of him. The faint breeze had died
away; the movement among the leaves had been no doubt produced by
the creeping or the flying of some creature of the night. Looking
up, at the moment when he was disturbed by this trifling
incident, he noticed a bright patch of moonlight ahead as he
advanced to a new turn in the path.

The instant afterward he was startled by the appearance of a
figure, emerging into the moonlight from the further end of the
shrubbery, and rapidly approaching him. He was near enough to see
that it was the figure of a woman. Was it one of the female
servants, hurrying back to the house after an interview with a
sweetheart? In his black evening dress, he was, in all
probability, completely hidden by the deep shadow in which he
stood. Would he be less likely to frighten the woman if he called
to her than if he allowed her to come close up to him in the
dark? He decided on calling to her.

"Who is out so late?" he asked.

A cry of alarm answered him. The figure stood still for a moment,
and then turned back as if to escape him by flight.

"Don't be frightened," he said. "Surely you know my voice?"

The figure stood still again. He showed himself in the moonlight,
and discovered--Sydney Westerfield.

"You!" he exclaimed.

She trembled; the words in which she answered him were words in

"The garden was so quiet and pretty--I thought there would be no
harm--please let me go back--I'm afraid I shall be shut out--"

She tried to pass him. "My poor child!" he said, "what is there
to be frightened about? I have been tempted out by the lovely
night, like you. Take my arm. It is so close in here among the
trees. If we go back to the lawn, the air will come to you

She took his arm; he could feel her heart throbbing against it.
Kindly silent, he led her back to the open space. Some garden
chairs were placed here and there; he suggested that she should
rest for a while.

"I'm afraid I shall be shut out," she repeated. "Pray let me get

He yielded at once to the wish that she expressed. "You must let
me take you back," he explained. "They are all asleep at the
house by this time. No! no! don't be frightened again. I have got
the key of the door. The moment I have opened it, you shall go in
by yourself."

She looked at him gratefully. "You are not offended with me now,
Mr. Linley," she said. "You are like your kind self again ."

They ascended the steps which led to the door. Linley took the
key from his pocket. It acted perfectly in drawing back the lock;
but the door, when he pushed it, resisted him. He put his
shoulder against it, and exerted his strength, helped by his
weight. The door remained immovable.

Had one of the servants--sitting up later than usual after the
party, and not aware that Mr. Linley had gone into the
garden--noticed the door, and carefully fastened the bolts on the
inner side? That was exactly what had happened.

There was nothing for it but to submit to circumstances. Linley
led the way down the steps again. "We are shut out," he said.

Sydney listened in silent dismay. He seemed to be merely amused;
he treated their common misfortune as lightly as if it had been a

"There's nothing so very terrible in our situation," he reminded
her. "The servants' offices will be opened between six and seven
o'clock; the weather is perfect; and the summer-house in the
French Garden has one easy-chair in it, to my certain knowledge,
in which you may rest and sleep. I'm sure you must be tired--let
me take you there."

She drew back, and looked up at the house.

"Can't we make them hear us?" she asked.

"Quite impossible. Besides--" He was about to remind her of the
evil construction which might be placed on their appearance
together, returning from the garden at an advanced hour of the
night; but her innocence pleaded with him to be silent. He only
said, "You forget that we all sleep at the top of our old castle.
There is no knocker to the door, and no bell that rings upstairs.
Come to the summer-house. In an hour or two more we shall see the
sun rise."

She took his arm in silence. They reached the French Garden
without another word having passed between them.

The summer-house had been designed, in harmony with the French
taste of the last century, from a classical model. It was a rough
copy in wood of The Temple of Vesta at Rome. Opening the door for
his companion, Linley paused before he followed her in. A girl
brought up by a careful mother would have understood and
appreciated his hesitation; she would have concealed any feeling
of embarrassment that might have troubled her at the moment, and
would have asked him to come back and let her know when the
rising of the sun began. Neglected by her mother, worse than
neglected by her aunt, Sydney's fearless ignorance put a question
which would have lowered the poor girl cruelly in the estimation
of a stranger. "Are you going to leave me here by myself?" she
asked. 'Why don't you come in?"

Linley thought of his visit to the school, and remembered the
detestable mistress. He excused Sydney; he felt for her. She held
the door open for him. Sure of himself, he entered the

As a mark of respect on her part, she offered the armchair to
him: it was the one comfortable seat in the neglected place. He
insisted that she should take it; and, searching the
summer-house, found a wooden stool for himself. The small
circular room received but little of the dim outer light--they
were near each other--they were silent. Sydney burst suddenly
into a nervous little laugh.

"Why do you laugh?" he asked good-humoredly.

"It seems so strange, Mr. Linley, for us to be out here." In the
moment when she made that reply her merriment vanished; she
looked out sadly, through the open door, at the stillness of the
night. "What should I have done," she wondered, "if I had been
shut out of the house by myself?" Her eyes rested on him timidly;
there was some thought in her which she shrank from expressing.
She only said: "I wish I knew how to be worthy of your kindness."

Her voice warned him that she was struggling with strong emotion.
In one respect, men are all alike; they hate to see a woman in
tears. Linley treated her like a child; he smiled, and patted her
on the shoulder. "Nonsense!" he said gayly. "There is no merit in
being kind to my good little governess."

She took that comforting hand--it was a harmless impulse that she
was unable to resist--she bent over it, and kissed it gratefully.
He drew his hand away from her as if the soft touch of her lips
had been fire that burned it. "Oh ," she cried, "have I done

"No, my dear--no, no."

There was an embarrassment in his manner, the inevitable result
of his fear of himself if he faltered in the resolute exercise of
self-restraint, which was perfectly incomprehensible to Sydney.
He moved his seat back a little, so as to place himself further
away. Something in that action, at that time, shocked and
humiliated her. Completely misunderstanding him, she thought he
was reminding her of the distance that separated them in social
rank. Oh, the shame of it! the shame of it! Would other
governesses have taken a liberty with their master? A fit of
hysterical sobbing burst its way through her last reserves of
self-control; she started to her feet, and ran out of the

Alarmed and distressed, he followed her instantly.

She was leaning against the pedestal of a statue in the garden,
panting, shuddering, a sight to touch the heart of a far less
sensitive man than the man who now approached her. "Sydney!" he
said. "Dear little Sydney!" She tried to speak to him in return.
Breath and strength failed her together; she lifted her hand,
vainly grasping at the broad pedestal behind her; she would have
fallen if he had not caught her in his arms. Her head sank
faintly backward on his breast. He looked at the poor little
tortured face, turned up toward him in the lovely moonlight.
Again and again he had honorably restrained himself--he was
human; he was a man--in one mad moment it was done, hotly,
passionately done--he kissed her.

For the first time in her maiden's life, a man's lips touched her
lips. All that had been perplexing and strange, all that had been
innocently wonderful to herself in the feeling that bound Sydney
to her first friend, was a mystery no more. Love lifted its veil,
Nature revealed its secrets, in the one supreme moment of that
kiss. She threw her arms around his neck with a low cry of
delight--and returned his kiss.

"Sydney," he whispered, "I love you."

She heard him in rapturous silence. Her kiss had answered for

At that crisis in their lives, they were saved by an accident; a
poor little common accident that happens every day. The spring in
the bracelet that Sydney wore gave way as she held him to her;
the bright trinket fell on the grass at her feet. The man never
noticed it. The woman saw her pretty ornament as it dropped from
her arm--saw, and remembered Mrs. Linley's gift.

Cold and pale--with horror of herself confessed in the action,
simple as it was--she drew back from him in dead silence.

He was astounded. In tones that trembled with agitation, he said
to her: "Are you ill?"

"Shameless and wicked," she answered. "Not ill." She pointed to
the bracelet on the grass. "Take it up; I am not fit to touch it.
Look on the inner side."

He remembered the inscription: "To Sydney Westerfield, with
Catherine Linley's love." His head sank on his breast; he
understood her at last. "You despise me," he said, "and I deserve

"No; I despise myself. I have lived among vile people; and I am
vile like them."

She moved a few steps away with a heavy sigh. "Kitty!" she said
to herself. "Poor little Kitty!"

He followed her. "Why are you thinking of the child," he asked,
"at such a time as this?"

She replied without returning or looking round; distrust of
herself had inspired her with terror of Linley, from the time
when the bracelet had dropped on the grass.

"I can make but one atonement," she said. "We must see each other
no more. I must say good-by to Kitty--I must go. Help me to
submit to my hard lot--I must go."

He set her no example of resignation; he shrank from the prospect
that she presented to him.

"Where are you to go if you leave us?" he asked.

"Away from England! The further away from _you_ the better for
both of us. Help me with your interest; have me sent to the new
world in the west, with other emigrants. Give me something to
look forward to that is not shame and despair. Let me do
something that is innocent and good--I may find a trace of my
poor lost brother. Oh, let me go! Let me go!"

Her resolution shamed him. He rose to her level, in spite of

"I dare not tell you that you are wrong," he said. "I only ask
you to wait a little till we are calmer, before you speak of the
future again." He pointed to the summer-house. "Go in, my poor
girl. Rest, and compose yourself, while I try to think."

He left her, and paced up and down the formal walks in the
garden. Away from the maddening fascination of her presence, his
mind grew clearer. He resisted the temptation to think of her
tenderly; he set himself to consider what it would be well to do

The moonlight was seen no more. Misty and starless, the dark sky
spread its majestic obscurity over the earth. Linley looked
wearily toward the eastern heaven. The darkness daunted him; he
saw in it the shadow of his own sense of guilt. The gray
glimmering of dawn, the songs of birds when the pure light softly
climbed the sky, roused and relieved him. With the first radiant
rising of the sun he returned to the summer-house.

"Do I disturb you?" he asked, waiting at the door.


"Will you come out and speak to me?"

She appeared at the door, waiting to hear what he had to say to

"I must ask you to submit to a sacrifice of your own feelings,"
he began. "When I kept away from you in the drawing room, last
night--when my strange conduct made you fear that you had
offended me--I was trying to remember what I owed to my good
wife. I have been thinking of her again. We must spare her a
discovery too terrible to be endured, while her attention is
claimed by the guests who are now in the house. In a week's time
they will leave us. Will you consent to keep up appearances? Will
you live with us as usual, until we are left by ourselves?"

"It shall be done, Mr. Linley. I only ask one favor of you. My
worst enemy is my own miserable wicked heart. Oh, don't you
understand me? I am ashamed to look at you!"

He had only to examine his own heart, and to know what she meant.
"Say no more," he answered sadly. "We will keep as much away from
each other as we can."

She shuddered at that open recognition of the guilty love which
united them, in spite of their horror of it, and took refuge from
him in the summer-house. Not a word more passed between them
until the unbarring of doors was heard in the stillness of the
morning, and the smoke began to rise from the kitchen chimney.
Then he returned, and spoke to her.

"You can get back to the house," he said. "Go up by the front
stairs, and you will not meet the servants at this early hour. If
they do see you, you have your cloak on; they will think you have
been in the garden earlier than usual. As you pass the upper
door, draw back the bolts quietly, and I can let myself in."

She bent her head in silence. He looked after her as she hastened
away from him over the lawn; conscious of admiring her, conscious
of more than he dared realize to himself. When she disappeared,
he turned back to wait where she had been waiting. With his sense
of the duty he owed to his wife penitently present to his mind,
the memory of that fatal kiss still left its vivid impression on
him. "What a scoundrel I am!" he said to himself as he stood
alone in the summer-house, looking at the chair which she had
just left.

Chapter X.

Kitty Mentions Her Birthday.

A clever old lady, possessed of the inestimable advantages of
worldly experience, must submit nevertheless to the laws of
Nature. Time and Sleep together--powerful agents in the small
hours of the morning--had got the better of Mrs. Presty's
resolution to keep awake. Free from discovery, Sydney ascended
the stairs. Free from discovery, Sydney entered her own room.

Half-an-hour later, Linley opened the door of his dressing-room.
His wife was still sleeping. His mother-in-law woke two hours
later; looked at her watch; and discovered that she had lost her
opportunity. Other old women, under similar circumstances, might
have felt discouraged. This old woman believed in her own
suspicions more devoutly than ever. When the breakfast-bell rang,
Sydney found Mrs. Presty in the corridor, waiting to say good m

"I wonder what you were doing last night, when you ought to have
been in bed?" the old lady began, with a treacherous amiability
of manner. "Oh, I am not mistaken! your door was open, my dear,
and I looked in."

"Why did you look in, Mrs. Presty?"

"My young friend, I was naturally anxious about you. I am anxious
still. Were you in the house? or out of the house?"

"I was walking in the garden," Sydney replied.

"Admiring the moonlight?"

"Yes; admiring the moonlight."

"Alone, of course?" Sydney's friend suggested.

And Sydney took refuge in prevarication. "Why should you doubt
it?" she said.

Mrs. Presty wasted no more time in asking questions. She was
pleasantly reminded of the words of worldly wisdom which she had
addressed to her daughter on the day of Sydney's arrival at Mount
Morven. "The good qualities of that unfortunate young creature"
(she had said) "can _not_ have always resisted the horrid
temptations and contaminations about her. Hundreds of times she
must have lied through ungovernable fear." Elevated a little
higher than ever in her own estimation, Mrs. Presty took Sydney's
arm, and led her down to breakfast with motherly familiarity.
Linley met them at the foot of the stairs. His mother-in-law
first stole a look at Sydney, and then shook hands with him
cordially. "My dear Herbert, how pale you are! That horrid
smoking. You look as if you had been up all night."

Mrs. Linley paid her customary visit to the schoolroom that

The necessary attention to her guests had left little leisure for
the exercise of observation at the breakfast-table; the one
circumstance which had forced itself on her notice had been the
boisterous gayety of her husband. Too essentially honest to
practice deception of any kind cleverly, Linley had overacted the
part of a man whose mind was entirely at ease. The most
unsuspicious woman living, his wife was simply amused "How he
does enjoy society!" she thought. "Herbert will be a young man to
the end of his life."

In the best possible spirits--still animated by her successful
exertions to entertain her friends--Mrs. Linley opened the
schoolroom door briskly. "How are the lessons getting on?" she
began--and checked herself with a start, "Kitty!" she exclaimed,

The child ran to her mother with tears in her eyes. "Look at Syd!
She sulks; she cries; she won't talk to me--send for the doctor."

"You tiresome child, I don't want the doctor. I'm not ill."

"There, mamma!" cried Kitty. "She never scolded me before

In other words, here was a complete reversal of the usual order
of things in the schoolroom. Patient Sydney was out of temper;
gentle Sydney spoke bitterly to the little friend whom she loved.
Mrs. Linley drew a chair to the governess's side, and took her
hand. The strangely altered girl tore her hand away and burst
into a violent fit of crying. Puzzled and frightened, Kitty (to
the best of a child's ability) followed her example. Mrs. Linley
took her daughter on her knee, and gave Sydney's outbreak of
agitation time to subside. There were no feverish appearances in
her face, there was no feverish heat in her skin when their hands
had touched each other for a moment. In all probability the
mischief was nervous mischief, and the outburst of weeping was an
hysterical effort at relief.

"I am afraid, my dear, you have had a bad night," Mrs. Linley

"Bad? Worse than bad!"

Sydney stopped; looked at her good mistress and friend in terror;
and made a confused effort to explain away what she had just
said. As sensibly and kindly self-possessed as ever, Mrs. Linley
told her that she only wanted rest and quiet. "Let me take you to
my room," she proposed. "We will have the sofa moved into the
balcony, and you will soon go to sleep in the delicious warm air.
You may put away your books, Kitty; this is a holiday. Come with
me, and be petted and spoiled by the ladies in the morning-room."

Neither the governess nor the pupil was worthy of the sympathy so
frankly offered to them. Still strangely confused, Sydney made
commonplace apologies and asked leave to go out and walk in the
park. Hearing this, Kitty declared that where her governess went
she would go too. Mrs. Linley smoothed her daughter's pretty
auburn hair, and said, playfully: "I think I ought to be
jealous." To her surprise, Sydney looked up as if the words had
been addressed to herself "You mustn't be fonder, my dear, of
your governess," Mrs. Linley went on, "than you are of your
mother." She kissed the child, and, rising to go, discovered that
Sydney had moved to another part of the room. She was standing at
the piano, with a page of music in her hand. The page was upside
down--and she had placed herself in a position which concealed
her face. Slow as Mrs. Linley was to doubt any person (more
especially a person who interested her), she left the room with a
vague fear of something wrong, and with a conviction that she
would do well to consult her husband.

Hearing the door close, Sydney looked round. She and Kitty were
alone again; and Kitty was putting away her books without showing
any pleasure at the prospect of a holiday.

Sydney took the child fondly in her arms. "Would you be very
sorry," she asked, "if I was obliged to go away, some day, and
leave you?" Kitty turned pale with terror at the dreadful
prospect which those words presented. "There! there! I am only
joking," Sydney said, shocked at the effect which her attempt to
suggest the impending separation had produced. "You shall come
with me, darling; we will walk in the park together."

Kitty's face brightened directly. She proposed extending their
walk to the paddock, and feeding the cows. Sydney readily
consented. Any amusement was welcome to her which diverted the
child's attention from herself.

They had been nearly an hour in the park, and were returning to
the house through a clump of trees, when Sydney's companion,
running on before her, cried: "Here's papa!" Her first impulse
was to draw back behind a tree, in the hope of escaping notice.
Linley sent Kitty away to gather a nosegay of daisies, and joined
Sydney under the trees.

"I have been looking for you everywhere," he said. "My wife--"

Sydney interrupted him. "Discovered!" she exclaimed.

"There is nothing that need alarm you," he replied. "Catherine is
too good and too true herself to suspect others easily. She sees
a change in you that she doesn't understand--she asks if I have
noticed it--and that is all. But her mother has the cunning of
the devil. There is a serious reason for controlling yourself."

He spoke so earnestly that he startled her. "Are you angry with
me?" she asked.

"Angry! Does the man live who could be angry with you?"

"It might be better for both of us if you _were_ angry with me. I
have to control myself; I will try again. Oh, if you only knew
what I suffer when Mrs. Linley is kind to me!"

He persisted in trying to rouse her to a sense of the danger that
threatened them, while the visitors remained in the house. "In a
few days, Sydney, there will be no more need for the deceit that
is now forced on us. Till that time comes, remember--Mrs. Presty
suspects us."

Kitty ran back to them with her hands full of daisies before they
could say more.

"There is your nosegay, papa. No; I don't want you to thank me--I
want to know what present you are going to give me." Her father's
mind was preoccupied; he looked at her absently. The child's
sense of her own importance was wounded: she appealed to her
governess. "Would you believe it?" she asked. "Papa has forgotten
that next Tuesday is my birthday!"

"Very well, Kitty; I must pay the penalty of forgetting. What
present would you like to have?"

"I want a doll's perambulator."

"Ha! In my time we were satisfied with a doll."

They all three looked round. Another person had suddenly joined
in the talk. There was no mistaking the person's voice: Mrs.
Presty appeared among the trees, taking a walk in the park. Had
she heard what Linley and the governess had said to each other
while Kitty was gathering daisies?

"Quite a domestic scene!" the sly old lady remarked. "Papa,
looking like a saint in a picture, with flowers i n his hand.
Papa's spoiled child always wanting something, and always getting
it. And papa's governess, so sweetly fresh and pretty that I
should certainly fall in love with her, if I had the advantage of
being a man. You have no doubt remarked Herbert--I think I hear
the bell; shall we go to lunch?--you have no doubt, I say,
remarked what curiously opposite styles Catherine and Miss
Westerfield present; so charming, and yet such complete
contrasts. I wonder whether they occasionally envy each other's
good looks? Does my daughter ever regret that she is not Miss
Westerfield? And do you, my dear, some times wish you were Mrs.

"While we are about it, let me put a third question," Linley
interposed. "Are you ever aware of it yourself, Mrs. Presty when
you are talking nonsense?"

He was angry, and he showed it in that feeble reply. Sydney felt
the implied insult offered to her in another way. It roused her
to the exercise of self-control as nothing had roused her yet.
She ignored Mrs. Presty's irony with a composure worthy of Mrs.
Presty herself. "Where is the woman," she said, "who would _not_
wish to be as beautiful as Mrs. Linley--and as good?"

"Thank you, my dear, for a compliment to my daughter: a sincere
compliment, no doubt. It comes in very neatly and nicely," Mrs.
Presty acknowledged, "after my son-in-law's little outbreak of
temper. My poor Herbert, when will you understand that I mean no
harm? I am an essentially humorous person; my wonderful spirits
are always carrying me away. I do assure you, Miss Westerfield, I
don't know what worry is. My troubles--deaths in the family, and
that sort of thing--seem to slip off me in a most remarkable
manner. Poor Mr. Norman used to attribute it to my excellent
digestion. My second husband would never hear of such an
explanation as that. His high ideal of women shrank from
allusions to stomachs. He used to speak so nicely (quoting some
poet) of the sunshine of my breast. Vague, perhaps," said Mrs.
Presty, modestly looking down at the ample prospect of a personal
nature which presented itself below her throat, "but so
flattering to one's feelings. There's the luncheon bell again, I
declare! I'll run on before and tell them you are coming. Some
people might say they wished to be punctual. I am truth itself,
and I own I don't like to be helped to the underside of the fish.
_Au revoir!_ Do you remember, Miss Westerfield, when I asked you
to repeat _au revoir_ as a specimen of your French? I didn't
think much of your accent. Oh, dear me, I didn't think much of
your accent!"

Kitty looked after her affluent grandmother with eyes that stared
respectfully in ignorant admiration. She pulled her father's
coat-tail, and addressed herself gravely to his private ear. "Oh,
papa, what noble words grandmamma has!"

Chapter Xl.

Linley Asserts His Authority.

On the evening of Monday in the new week, the last of the
visitors had left Mount Morven. Mrs. Linley dropped into a chair
(in, what Randal called, "the heavenly tranquillity of the
deserted drawing-room") and owned that the effort of entertaining
her guests had completely worn her out. "It's too absurd, at my
time of life," she said with a faint smile; but I am really and
truly so tired that I must go to bed before dark, as if I was a
child again."

Mrs. Presty--maliciously observant of the governess, sitting
silent and apart in a corner--approached her daughter in a hurry;
to all appearance with a special object in view. Linley was at no
loss to guess what that object might be. "Will you do me a favor,
Catherine?" Mrs. Presty began. "I wish to say a word to you in
your own room."

"Oh, mamma, have some mercy on me, and put it off till

Mrs. Presty reluctantly consented to this proposal, on one
condition. "It is understood," she stipulated "that I am to see
you the first thing in the morning?"

Mrs. Linley was ready to accept that condition, or any condition,
which promised her a night of uninterrupted repose. She crossed
the room to her husband, and took his arm. "In my state of
fatigue, Herbert, I shall never get up our steep stairs, unless
you help me."

As they ascended the stairs together, Linley found that his wife
had a reason of her own for leaving the drawing-room.

"I am quite weary enough to go to bed," she explained. "But I
wanted to speak to you first. It's about Miss Westerfield. (No,
no, we needn't stop on the landing.) Do you know, I think I have
found out what has altered our little governess so strangely--I
seem to startle you?"


"I am only astonished," Mrs. Linley resumed, "at my own stupidity
in not having discovered it before. We must be kinder than ever
to the poor girl now; can't you guess why? My dear, how dull you
are! Must I remind you that we have had two single men among our
visitors? One of them is old and doesn't matter. But the other--I
mean Sir George, of course--is young, handsome, and agreeable. I
am so sorry for Sydney Westerfield. It's plain to me that she is
hopelessly in love with a man who has run through his fortune,
and must marry money if he marries at all. I shall speak to
Sydney to-morrow; and I hope and trust I shall succeed in winning
her confidence. Thank Heaven, here we are at my door at last! I
can't say more now; I'm ready to drop. Good-night, dear; you look
tired, too. It's a nice thing to have friends, I know; but, oh,
what a relief it is sometimes to get rid of them!"

She kissed him, and let him go.

Left by himself, to compare his wife's innocent mistake with the
terrible enlightenment that awaited her, Linley's courage failed
him. He leaned on the quaintly-carved rail that protected the
outer side of the landing, and looked down at the stone hall far
below. If the old woodwork (he thought) would only give way under
his weight, there would be an escape from the coming catastrophe,
found in an instant.

A timely remembrance of Sydney recalled him to himself. For her
sake, he was bound to prevent Mrs. Presty's contemplated
interview with his wife on the next morning.

Descending the stairs, he met his brother in the corridor on the
first floor.

"The very man I want to see," Randal said. "Tell me, Herbert,
what is the matter with that curious old woman?"

"Do you mean Mrs. Presty?"

"Yes. She has just been telling me that our friend Mrs. MacEdwin
has taken a fancy to Miss Westerfield, and would be only too glad
to deprive us of our pretty governess."

"Did Mrs. Presty say that in Miss Westerfield's presence?"

"No. Soon after you and Catherine left the room, Miss Westerfield
left it too. I daresay I am wrong, for I haven't had time to
think of it; but Mrs. Presty's manner suggested to me that she
would be glad to see the poor girl sent out of the house."

"I am going to speak to her, Randal, on that very subject. Is she
still in the drawing-room?"


"Did she say anything more to you?"

"I didn't give her the chance; I don't like Mrs. Presty. You look
worn and worried, Herbert. Is there anything wrong?"

"If there is, my dear fellow, you will hear of it tomorrow."

So they parted.

Comfortably established in the drawing-room, Mrs. Presty had just
opened her favorite newspaper. Her only companion was Linley's
black poodle, resting at her feet. On the opening of the door,
the dog rose--advanced to caress his master--and looked up in
Linley's face. If Mrs. Presty's attention had happened to be
turned that way, she might have seen, in the faithful creature's
sudden and silent retreat, a warning of her son-in-law's humor at
that moment. But she was, or assumed to be, interested in her
reading; and she deliberately overlooked Linley's appearance.
After waiting a little to attract her attention, he quietly took
the newspaper out of her hand.

"What does this mean?" Mrs. Presty asked.

"It means, ma'am, that I have something to say to you."

"Apparently, something that can't be said with common civility?
Be as rude as you please; I am well used to it."

Linley wisely took no notice of this.

"Since you have lived at Mount Morven," he proceeded, "I think
you have found me, on the whole, an easy man to get on with. At
the same time, when I do make up my mind to be master
 in my own house, I _am_ master."

Mrs. Presty crossed her hands placidly on her lap, and asked:
"Master of what?"

"Master of your suspicions of Miss Westerfield. You are free, of
course, to think of her and of me as you please. What I forbid is
the expression of your thoughts--either by way of hints to my
brother, or officious communications with my wife. Don't suppose
that I am afraid of the truth. Mrs. Linley shall know more than
you think for, and shall know it to-morrow; not from you, but
from me."

Mrs. Presty shook her head compassionately. "My good sir, surely
you know me too well to think that I am to be disposed of in that
easy way? Must I remind you that your wife's mother has 'the
cunning of the devil'?"

Linley recognized his own words. "So you were listening among the
trees!" he said.

"Yes; I was listening; and I have only to regret that I didn't
hear more. Let us return to our subject. I don't trust my
daughter's interests--my much-injured daughter's interests--in
your hands. They are not clean hands, Mr. Linley. I have a duty
to do; and I shall do it to-morrow

"No, Mrs. Presty, you won't do it to-morrow."

"Who will prevent me?"

"I shall prevent you."

"In what way, if you please?"

"I don't think it necessary to answer that question. My servants
will have their instructions; and I shall see myself that my
orders are obeyed."

"Thank you. I begin to understand; I am to be turned out of the
house. Very well. We shall see what my daughter says."

"You know as well as I do, Mrs. Presty, that if your daughter is
forced to choose between us she will decide for her husband. You
have the night before you for consideration. I have no more to

Among Mrs. Presty's merits, it is only just to reckon a capacity
for making up her mind rapidly, under stress of circumstances.
Before Linley had opened the door, on his way out, he was called

"I am shocked to trouble you again," Mrs. Presty said, "but I
don't propose to interfere with my night's rest by thinking about
_you_. My position is perfectly clear to me, without wasting time
in consideration. When a man so completely forgets what is due to
the weaker sex as to threaten a woman, the woman has no
alternative but to submit. You are aware that I had arranged to
see my daughter to-morrow morning. I yield to brute force, sir.
Tell your wife that I shall not keep my appointment. Are you

"Quite satisfied," Linley said--and left the room.

His mother-in-law looked after him with a familiar expression of
opinion, and a smile of supreme contempt.

"You fool!"

Only two words; and yet there seemed to be some hidden meaning in
them--relating perhaps to what might happen on the next
day--which gently tickled Mrs. Presty in the region assigned by
phrenologists to the sense of self-esteem.

Chapter XII.

Two of Them Sleep Badly.

Waiting for Sydney to come into the bedroom as usual and wish her
good-night, Kitty was astonished by the appearance of her
grandmother, entering on tiptoe from the corridor, with a small
paper parcel in her hand.

"Whisper!" said Mrs. Presty, pointing to the open door of
communication with Mrs. Linley's room. "This is your birthday
present. You mustn't look at it till you wake to-morrow morning."
She pushed the parcel under the pillow--and, instead of saying
good-night, took a chair and sat down.

"May I show my present," Kitty asked, "when I go to mamma in the

The present hidden under the paper wrapper was a sixpenny
picture-book. Kitty's grandmother disapproved of spending money
lavishly on birthday gifts to children. "Show it, of course; and
take the greatest care of it," Mrs. Presty answered gravely. "But
tell me one thing, my dear, wouldn't you like to see all your
presents early in the morning, like mine?"

Still smarting under the recollection of her interview with her
son-in-law, Mrs. Presty had certain ends to gain in putting this
idea into the child's head. It was her special object to raise
domestic obstacles to a private interview between the husband and
wife during the earlier hours of the day. If the gifts, usually
presented after the nursery dinner, were produced on this
occasion after breakfast, there would be a period of delay before
any confidential conversation could take place between Mr. and
Mrs. Linley. In this interval Mrs. Presty saw her opportunity of
setting Linley's authority at defiance, by rousing the first
jealous suspicion in the mind of his wife.

Innocent little Kitty became her grandmother's accomplice on the
spot. "I shall ask mamma to let me have my presents at
breakfast-time," she announced.

"And kind mamma will say Yes," Mrs. Presty chimed in. "We will
breakfast early, my precious child. Good-night."

Kitty was half asleep when her governess entered the room
afterward, much later than usual. "I thought you had forgotten
me," she said, yawning and stretching out her plump little arms.

Sydney's heart ached when she thought of the separation that was
to come with the next day; her despair forced its way to
expression in words.

"I wish I could forget you," she answered, in reckless

The child was still too drowsy to hear plainly. "What did you
say?" she asked. Sydney gently lifted her in the bed, and kissed
her again and again. Kitty's sleepy eyes opened in surprise. "How
cold your hands are!" she said; "and how often you kiss me. What
is it you have come to say to me--good-night or good-by?"

Sydney laid her down again on the pillow, gave her a last kiss,
and ran out of the room.

In the corridor she heard Linley's voice on the lower floor. He
was asking one of the servants if Miss Westerfield was in the
house or in the garden. Her first impulse was to advance to the
stairs and to answer his question. In a moment more the
remembrance of Mrs. Linley checked her. She went back to her
bed-chamber. The presents that she had received, since her
arrival at Mount Morven, were all laid out so that they could be
easily seen by any person entering the room, after she had left
the house. On the sofa lay the pretty new dress which she had
worn at the evening party. Other little gifts were arranged on
either side of it. The bracelet, resting on the pedestal of a
statue close by, kept a morsel of paper in its place--on which
she had written a few penitent words of farewell addressed to
Mrs. Linley. On the toilet-table three photographic portraits
showed themselves among the brushes and combs. She sat down, and
looked first at the likenesses of Mrs. Linley and Kitty.

Had she any right to make those dear faces her companions in the

She hesitated; her tears dropped on the photographs. "They're as
good as spoiled now," she thought; "they're no longer fit for
anybody but me." She paused, and abruptly took up the third and
last photograph--the likeness of Herbert Linley.

Was it an offense, now, even to look at his portrait? No idea of
leaving it behind her was in her mind. Her resolution vibrated
between two miseries--the misery of preserving her keep-sake
after she had parted from him forever, and the misery of
destroying it. Resigned to one more sacrifice, she took the card
in both hands to tear it up. It would have been scattered in
pieces on the floor, but for the chance which had turned the
portrait side of the card toward her instead of the back. Her
longing eyes stole a last look at him--a frenzy seized her--she
pressed her lips to the photograph in a passion of hopeless love.
"What does it matter?" she asked herself. "I'm nothing but the
ignorant object of his kindness--the poor fool who could see no
difference between gratitude and love. Where is the harm of
having him with me when I am starving in the streets, or dying in
the workhouse?" The fervid spirit in her that had never known a
mother's loving discipline, never thrilled to the sympathy of a
sister-friend, rose in revolt against the evil destiny which had
imbittered her life. Her eyes still rested on the photograph.
"Come to my heart, my only friend, and kill me!" As those wild
words escaped her, she thrust the card furiously into the bosom
of her dress--and threw herself on the floor. There was something
in the mad sel f-abandonment of that action which mocked the
innocent despair of her childhood, on the day when her mother
left her at the cruel mercy of her aunt.

That night was a night of torment in secret to another person at
Mount Morven.

Wandering, in his need of self-isolation, up and down the dreary
stone passages in the lower part of the house, Linley counted the
hours, inexorably lessening the interval between him and the
ordeal of confession to his wife. As yet, he had failed to find
the opportunity of addressing to Sydney the only words of
encouragement he could allow to pass his lips: he had asked for
her earlier in the evening, and nobody could tell him where she
was. Still in ignorance of the refuge which she might by bare
possibility hope to find in Mrs. MacEdwin's house, Sydney was
spared the torturing doubts which now beset Herbert Linley's
mind. Would the noble woman whom they had injured allow their
atonement to plead for them, and consent to keep their miserable
secret? Might they still put their trust in that generous nature
a few hours hence? Again and again those questions confronted
Linley; and again and again he shrank from attempting to answer

Chapter XIII.

Kitty Keeps Her Birthday.

They were all assembled as usual at the breakfast-table.

Preferring the request suggested to her by Mrs. Presty, Kitty had
hastened the presentation of the birthday gifts, by getting into
her mother's bed in the morning, and exacting her mother's
promise before she would consent to get out again. By her own
express wish, she was left in ignorance of what the presents
would prove to be. "Hide them from me," said this young epicure
in pleasurable sensations, "and make me want to see them until I
can bear it no longer." The gifts had accordingly been collected
in an embrasure of one of the windows; and the time had now
arrived when Kitty could bear it no longer.

In the procession of the presents, Mrs. Linley led the way.

She had passed behind the screen which had thus far protected the
hidden treasures from discovery, and appeared again with a vision
of beauty in the shape of a doll. The dress of this wonderful
creature exhibited the latest audacities of French fashion. Her
head made a bow; her eyes went to sleep and woke again; she had a
voice that said two words--more precious than two thousand in the
mouth of a mere living creature. Kitty's arms opened and embraced
her gift with a scream of ecstasy. That fervent pressure found
its way to the right spring. The doll squeaked: "Mamma!"--and
creaked--and cried again--and said: "Papa!" Kitty sat down on the
floor; her legs would support her no longer. "I think I shall
faint," she said quite seriously.

In the midst of the general laughter, Sydney silently placed a
new toy (a pretty little imitation of a jeweler's casket) at
Kitty's side, and drew back before the child could look at her.
Mrs. Presty was the only person present who noticed her pale face
and the trembling of her hands as she made the effort which
preserved her composure.

The doll's necklace, bracelets, and watch and chain, riveted
Kitty's attention on the casket. Just as she thought of looking
round for her dear Syd, her father produced a new outburst of
delight by presenting a perambulator worthy of the doll. Her
uncle followed with a parasol, devoted to the preservation of the
doll's complexion when she went out for an airing. Then there
came a pause. Where was the generous grandmother's gift? Nobody
remembered it; Mrs. Presty herself discovered the inestimable
sixpenny picture-book cast away and forgotten on a distant
window-seat. "I have a great mind to keep this," she said to
Kitty, "till you are old enough to value it properly." In the
moment of her absence at the window, Linley's mother-in-law lost
the chance of seeing him whisper to Sydney. "Meet me in the
shrubbery in half an hour," he said. She stepped back from him,
startled by the proposal. When Mrs. Presty was in the middle of
the room again, Linley and the governess were no longer near each

Having by this time recovered herself, Kitty got on her legs.
"Now," the spoiled child declared, addressing the company
present, "I'm going to play."

The doll was put into the perambulator, and was wheeled about the
room, while Mrs. Linley moved the chairs out of the way, and
Randal attended with the open parasol--under orders to "pretend
that the sun was shining." Once more the sixpenny picture-book
was neglected. Mrs. Presty picked it up from the floor,
determined by this time to hold it in reserve until her
ungrateful grandchild reached years of discretion. She put it in
the bookcase between Byron's "Don Juan" and Butler's "Lives of
the Saints." In the position which she now occupied, Linley was
visible approaching Sydney again. "Your own interests are
seriously concerned," he whispered, "in something that I have to
tell you."

Incapable of hearing what passed between them, Mrs. Presty could
see that a secret understanding united her son-in-law and the
governess. She looked round cautiously at Mrs. Linley.

Kitty's humor had changed; she was now eager to see the doll's
splendid clothes taken off and put on again. "Come and look at
it," she said to Sydney; "I want you to enjoy my birthday as much
as I do." Left by himself, Randal got rid of the parasol by
putting it on a table near the door. Mrs. Presty beckoned to him
to join her at the further end of the room.

"I want you to do me a favor," she began.

Glancing at Linley before she proceeded, Mrs. Presty took up a
newspaper, and affected to be consulting Randal's opinion on a
passage which had attracted her attention. "Your brother is
looking our way," she whispered: "he mustn't suspect that there
is a secret between us."

False pretenses of any kind invariably irritated Randal. "What do
you want me to do?" he asked sharply.

The reply only increased his perplexity.

"Observe Miss Westerfield and your brother. Look at them now."

Randal obeyed.

"What is there to look at?" he inquired.

"Can't you see?"

"I see they are talking to each other."

"They are talking confidentially; talking so that Mrs. Linley
can't hear them. Look again."

Randal fixed his eyes on Mrs. Presty, with an expression which
showed his dislike of that lady a little too plainly. Before he
could answer what she had just said to him, his lively little
niece hit on a new idea. The sun was shining, the flowers were in
their brightest beauty--and the doll had not yet been taken into
the garden! Kitty at once led the way out; so completely
preoccupied in steering the perambulator in a straight course
that she forgot her uncle and the parasol. Only waiting to remind
her husband and Sydney that they were wasting the beautiful
summer morning indoors, Mrs. Linley followed her daughter--and
innocently placed a fatal obstacle in Mrs. Presty's way by
leaving the room. Having consulted each other by a look, Linley
and the governess went out next. Left alone with Randal, Mrs.
Presty's anger, under the complete overthrow of her
carefully-laid scheme, set restraint at defiance.

"My daughter's married life is a wreck," she burst out, pointing
theatrically to the door by which Linley and Sydney Westerfield
had retired. "And Catherine has the vile creature whom your
brother picked up in London to thank for it! Now do you
understand me?"

"Less than ever," Randal answered--"unless you have taken leave
of your senses."

Mrs. Presty recovered the command of her temper.

On that fine morning her daughter might remain in the garden
until the luncheon-bell rang. Linley had only to say that he
wished to speak with his wife; and the private interview which he
had so rudely insisted on as his sole privilege, would assuredly
take place. The one chance left of still defeating him on his own
ground was to force Randal to interfere by convincing him of his
brother's guilt. Moderation of language and composure of manner
offered the only hopeful prospect of reaching this end. Mrs.
Presty assumed the disguise of patient submission, and used the
irresistible influence of good humor and good sense.

"I don't complain, dear Randal, of what you have said to me," she
replied . "My indiscretion has deserved it. I ought to have
produced my proofs, and have left it to you to draw the
conclusion. Sit down, if you please. I won't detain you for more
than a few minutes."

Randal had not anticipated such moderation as this; he took the
chair that was nearest to Mrs. Presty. They were both now sitting
with their backs turned to the entrance from the library to the

"I won't trouble you with my own impressions," Mrs. Presty went
on. "I will be careful only to mention what I have seen and
heard. If you refuse to believe me, I refer you to the guilty
persons themselves."

She had just got to the end of those introductory words when Mrs.
Linley returned, by way of the library, to fetch the forgotten

Randal insisted on making Mrs. Presty express herself plainly.
"You speak of guilty persons," he said. "Am I to understand that
one of those guilty persons is my brother?"

Mrs. Linley advanced a step and took the parasol from the table.
Hearing what Randal said, she paused, wondering at the strange
allusion to her husband. In the meanwhile, Mrs. Presty answered
the question that had been addressed to her.

"Yes," she said to Randal; "I mean your brother, and your
brother's mistress--Sydney Westerfield."

Mrs. Linley laid the parasol back on the table, and approached

She never once looked at her mother; her face, white and rigid,
was turned toward Randal. To him, and to him only, she spoke.

"What does my mother's horrible language mean?" she asked.

Mrs. Presty triumphed inwardly; chance had decided in her favor,
after all! "Don't you see," she said to her daughter, "that I am
here to answer for myself?"

Mrs. Linley still looked at Randal, and still spoke to him. "It
is impossible for me to insist on an explanation from my mother,"
she proceeded. "No matter what I may feel, I must remember that
she _is_ my mother. I ask you again--you who have been listening
to her--what does she mean?"

Mrs. Presty's sense of her own importance refused to submit to
being passed over in this way.

"However insolently you may behave, Catherine, you will not
succeed in provoking me. Your mother is bound to open your eyes
to the truth. You have a rival in your husband's affections; and
that rival is your governess. Take your own course now; I have no
more to say." With her head high in the air--looking the picture
of conscious virtue--the old lady walked out.

At the same moment Randal seized his first opportunity of

He addressed himself gently and respectfully to his
sister-in-law. She refused to hear him. The indignation which
Mrs. Presty had roused in her made no allowances, and was blind
to all sense of right.

"Don't trouble yourself to account for your silence," she said,
most unjustly. "You were listening to my mother without a word of
remonstrance when I came into the room. You are concerned in this
vile slander, too."

Randal considerately refrained from provoking her by attempting
to defend himself, while she was incapable of understanding him.
"You will be sorry when you find that you have misjudged me," he
said, and sighed, and left her.

She dropped into a chair. If there was any one distinct thought
in her at that moment, it was the thought of her husband. She was
eager to see him; she longed to say to him: "My love, I don't
believe a word of it!" He was not in the garden when she had
returned for the parasol; and Sydney was not in the garden.
Wondering what had become of her father and her governess, Kitty
had asked the nursemaid to look for them. What had happened
since? Where had they been found? After some hesitation, Mrs.
Linley sent for the nursemaid. She felt the strongest reluctance,
when the girl appeared, to approach the very inquiries which she
was interested in making.

"Have you found Mr. Linley?" she said--with an effort.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Where did you find him?"

"In the shrubbery."

"Did your master say anything?"

"I slipped away, ma'am, before he saw me."


"Miss Westerfield was in the shrubbery, with my master. I might
have been mistaken--" The girl paused, and looked confused.

Mrs. Linley tried to tell her to go on. The words were in her
mind; but the capacity of giving expression to them failed her.
She impatiently made a sign. The sign was understood.

"I might have been mistaken," the maid repeated--"but I thought
Miss Westerfield was crying."

Having replied in those terms, she seemed to be anxious to get
away. The parasol caught her eye. "Miss Kitty wants this," she
said, "and wonders why you have not gone back to her in the
garden. May I take the parasol?"

"Take it."

The tone of the mistress's voice was completely changed. The
servant looked at her with vague misgivings. "Are you not well,

"Quite well."

The servant withdrew.

Mrs. Linley's chair happened to be near one of the windows, which
commanded a view of the drive leading to the main entrance of the
house. A carriage had just arrived bringing holiday travelers to
visit that part of Mount Morven which was open to strangers. She
watched them as they got out, talking and laughing, and looking
about them. Still shrinking instinctively from the first doubt of
Herbert that had ever entered her mind, she found a refuge from
herself in watching the ordinary events of the day. One by one
the tourists disappeared under the portico of the front door. The
empty carriage was driven away next, to water the horses at the
village inn. Solitude was all she could see from the windows;
silence, horrible silence, surrounded her out of doors and in.
The thoughts from which she recoiled forced their way back into
her mind; the narrative of the nursemaid's discovery became a
burden on her memory once more. She considered the circumstances.
In spite of herself, she considered the circumstances again. Her
husband and Sydney Westerfield together in the shrubbery--and
Sydney crying. Had Mrs. Presty's abominable suspicion of them
reached their ears? or?--No! that second possibility might be
estimated at its right value by any other woman; not by Herbert
Linley's wife.

She snatched up the newspaper, and fixed her eyes on it in the
hope of fixing her mind on it next. Obstinately, desperately, she
read without knowing what she was reading. The lines of print
were beginning to mingle and grow dim, when she was startled by
the sudden opening of the door. She looked round.

Her husband entered the room.

Chapter XIV.

Kitty Feels the Heartache.

Linley advanced a few steps--and stopped.

His wife, hurrying eagerly to meet him, checked herself. It might
have been distrust, or it might have been unreasoning fear--she
hesitated on the point of approaching him.

"I have something to say, Catherine, which I'm afraid will
distress you."

His voice faltered, his eyes rested on her--then looked away
again. He said no more.

He had spoken a few commonplace words--and yet he had said
enough. She saw the truth in his eyes, heard the truth in his
voice. A fit of trembling seized her. Linley stepped forward, in
the fear that she might fall. She instantly controlled herself,
and signed to him to keep back. "Don't touch me!" she said. "You
come from Miss Westerfield!"

That reproach roused him.

"I own that I come from Miss Westerfield," he answered. "She
addresses a request to you through me."

"I refuse to grant it."

"Hear it first."


"Hear it--in your own interest. She asks permission to leave the
house, never to return again. While she is still innocent--"

His wife eyed him with a look of unutterable contempt. He
submitted to it, but not in silence.

"A man doesn't lie, Catherine, who makes such a confession as I
am making now. Miss Westerfield offers the one atonement in her
power, while she is still innocent of having wronged you--except
in thought."

"Is that all?" Mrs. Linley asked.

"It rests with you," he replied, "to say if there is any other
sacrifice of herself which will be more acceptable to you."

"Let me understand first what the sacrifice means. Does Miss
Westerfield make any conditions?"

"She has positively forbidden me to make conditions."

"And goes out into the world, helpless and friendless?"

"Yes ."

Even under the terrible trial that wrung her, the nobility of the
woman's nature spoke in her next words.

"Give me time to think of what you have said," she pleaded. "I
have led a happy life; I am not used to suffer as I am suffering

They were both silent. Kitty's voice was audible on the stairs
that led to the picture-gallery, disputing with the maid. Neither
her father nor her mother heard her.

"Miss Westerfield is innocent of having wronged me, except in
thought," Mrs. Linley resumed. "Do you tell me that on your word
of honor?"

"On my word of honor."

So far his wife was satisfied. "My governess," she said, "might
have deceived me--she has not deceived me. I owe it to her to
remember that. She shall go, but not helpless and not

Her husband forgot the restraints he had imposed on himself.

"Is there another woman in the world like you!" he exclaimed.

"Many other women," she answered, firmly. "A vulgar termagant,
feeling a sense of injury, finds relief in an outburst of
jealousy and a furious quarrel. You have always lived among
ladies. Surely you ought to know that a wife in my position, who
respects herself, restrains herself. I try to remember what I owe
to others as well as what they owe to me."

She approached the writing table, and took up a pen.

Feeling his position acutely, Linley refrained from openly
admiring her generosity. Until he had deserved to be forgiven, he
had forfeited the right to express an opinion on her conduct. She
misinterpreted his silence. As she understood it, he appreciated
an act of self-sacrifice on Miss Westerfield's side--but he had
no word of encouragement for an act of self-sacrifice on his
wife's side. She threw down the pen, with the first outbreak of
anger that had escaped her yet.

"You have spoken for the governess," she said to him. "I haven't
heard yet, sir, what you have to say for yourself. Is it you who
tempted her? You know how gratefully she feels toward you--have
you perverted her gratitude, and led her blindfold to love?
Cruel, cruel, cruel! Defend yourself if you can."

He made no reply.

"Is it not worth your while to defend yourself?" she burst out,
passionately. "Your silence is an insult!"

"My silence is a confession," he answered, sadly. "_She_ may
accept your mercy--I may not even hope for it."

Something in the tone of his voice reminded her of past days--the
days of perfect love and perfect confidence, when she had been
the one woman in the world to him. Dearly treasured remembrances
of her married life filled her heart with tenderness, and dimmed
with tears the angry light that had risen in her eyes. There was
no pride, no anger, in his wife when she spoke to him now.

"Oh, my husband, has she taken your love from me?"

"Judge for yourself, Catherine, if there is no proof of my love
for you in what I have resisted--and no remembrance of all that I
owe to you in what I have confessed."

She ventured a little nearer to him. "Can I believe you?"

"Put me to the test."

She instantly took him at his word. "When Miss Westerfield has
left us, promise not to see her again."

"I promise."

"And not even to write to her."

"I promise."

She went back to the writing-table. "My heart is easier," she
said, simply. "I can be merciful to her now."

After writing a few lines, she rose and handed the paper to him.
He looked up from it in surprise. "Addressed to Mrs. MacEdwin!"
he said.

"Addressed," she answered, "to the only person I know who feels a
true interest in Miss Westerfield. Have you not heard of it?"

"I remember," he said--and read the lines that followed:

"I recommend Miss Westerfield as a teacher of young children,
having had ample proof of her capacity, industry, and good temper
while she has been governess to my child. She leaves her
situation in my service under circumstances which testify to her
sense of duty and her sense of gratitude."

"Have I said," she asked, "more than I could honorably and truly
say--even after what has happened?"

He could only look at her; no words could have spoken for him as
his silence spoke for him at that moment. When she took back the
written paper there was pardon in her eyes already.

The last worst trial remained to be undergone; she faced it
resolutely. "Tell Miss Westerfield that I wish to see her."

On the point of leaving the room, Herbert was called back. "If
you happen to meet with my mother," his wife added, "will you ask
her to come to me?"

Mrs. Presty knew her daughter's nature; Mrs. Presty had been
waiting near at hand, in expectation of the message which she now

Tenderly and respectfully, Mrs. Linley addressed herself to her
mother. "When we last met, I thought you spoke rashly and
cruelly. I know now that there was truth--_some_ truth, let me
say--in what offended me at the time. If you felt strongly, it
was for my sake. I wish to beg your pardon; I was hasty, I was

On an occasion when she had first irritated and then surprised
him, Randal Linley had said to Mrs. Presty, "You have got a
heart, after all!" Her reply to her daughter showed that view of
her character to be the right one. "Say no more, my dear," she
answered "_I_ was hasty; _I_ was wrong."

The words had barely fallen from her lips, before Herbert
returned. He was followed by Sydney Westerfield.

The governess stopped in the middle of the room. Her head sank on
her breast; her quick convulsive breathing was the only sound
that broke the silence. Mrs. Linley advanced to the place in
which Sydney stood. There was something divine in her beauty as
she looked at the shrinking girl, and held out her hand.

Sydney fell on her knees. In silence she lifted that generous
hand to her lips. In silence, Mrs. Linley raised her--took the
writing which testified to her character from the table--and
presented it. Linley looked at his wife, looked at the governess.
He waited--and still neither the one nor the other uttered a
word. It was more than he could endure. He addressed himself to
Sydney first.

"Try to thank Mrs. Linley," he said.

She answered faintly: "I can't speak!"

He appealed to his wife next. "Say a last kind word to her," he

She made an effort, a vain effort to obey him. A gesture of
despair answered for her as Sydney had answered: "I can't speak!"

True, nobly true, to the Christian virtue that repents, to the
Christian virtue that forgives, those three persons stood
together on the brink of separation, and forced their frail
humanity to suffer and submit.

In mercy to the woman, Linley summoned the courage to part them.
He turned to his wife first.

"I may say, Catherine, that she has your good wishes for happier
days to come?"

Mrs. Linley pressed his hand.

He approached Sydney, and gave his wife's message. It was in his
heart to add something equally kind on his own part. He could
only say what we have all said--how sincerely, how sorrowfully,
we all know--the common word, "Good-by!"--the common wish, "God
bless you!"

At that last moment the child ran into the room, in search of her

There was a low murmur of horror at the sight of her. That
innocent heart, they had all hoped, might have been spared the
misery of the parting scene!

She saw that Sydney had her hat and cloak on. "You're dressed to
go out," she said. Sydney turned away to hide her face. It was
too late; Kitty had seen the tears. "Oh, my darling, you're not
going away!" She looked at her father and mother. "Is she going
away?" They were afraid to answer her. With all her little
strength, she clasped her beloved friend and play-fellow round
the waist. "My own dear, you're not going to leave me!" The dumb
misery in Sydney's face struck Linley with horror. He placed
Kitty in her mother's arms. The child's piteous cry, "Oh, don't
let her go! don't let her go!" followed the governess as she
suffered her martyrdom, and went out. Linley's heart ached; he
watched her until she was lost to view. "Gone!" he murmured to
himself--"gone forever!"

Mrs. Presty heard him, and answered him:--"She'll come back


Chapter XV.

The Doctor.

As the year advanced, the servants at Mount Morven remarked that
the weeks seeme d to follow each other more slowly than usual. In
the higher regions of the house, the same impression was
prevalent; but the sense of dullness among the gentlefolks
submitted to circumstances in silence.

If the question had been asked in past days: Who is the brightest
and happiest member of the family? everybody would have said:
Kitty. If the question had been asked at the present time,
differences of opinion might have suggested different
answers--but the whole household would have refrained without
hesitation from mentioning the child's name.

Since Sydney Westerfield's departure Kitty had never held up her

Time quieted the child's first vehement outbreak of distress
under the loss of the companion whom she had so dearly loved.
Delicate management, gently yet resolutely applied, held the
faithful little creature in check, when she tried to discover the
cause of her governess's banishment from the house. She made no
more complaints; she asked no more embarrassing questions--but it
was miserably plain to everybody about her that she failed to
recover her spirits. She was willing to learn her lessons (but
not under another governess) when her mother was able to attend
to her: she played with her toys, and went out riding on her
pony. But the delightful gayety of other days was gone; the
shrill laughter that once rang through the house was heard no
more. Kitty had become a quiet child; and, worse still, a child
who seemed to be easily tired.

The doctor was consulted.

He was a man skilled in the sound medical practice that learns
its lessons without books--bedside practice. His opinion declared
that the child's vital power was seriously lowered. "Some cause
is at work here," he said to the mother, "which I don't
understand. Can you help me?" Mrs. Linley helped him without
hesitation. "My little daughter dearly loved her governess; and
her governess has been obliged to leave us." That was her reply.
The doctor wanted to hear no more; he at once advised that Kitty
should be taken to the seaside, and that everything which might
remind her of the absent friend--books, presents, even articles
of clothing likely to revive old associations--should be left at
home. A new life, in new air. When pen, ink, and paper were
offered to him, that was the doctor's prescription

Mrs. Linley consulted her husband on the choice of the seaside
place to which the child should be removed.

The blank which Sydney's departure left in the life of the
household was felt by the master and mistress of Mount
Morven--and felt, unhappily, without any open avowal on either
side of what was passing in their minds. In this way the
governess became a forbidden subject between them; the husband
waited for the wife to set the example of approaching it, and the
wife waited for the husband. The trial of temper produced by this
state of hesitation, and by the secret doubts which it
encouraged, led insensibly to a certain estrangement--which
Linley in particular was morbidly unwilling to acknowledge. If,
when the dinner-hour brought them together, he was silent and
dull in his wife's presence, he attributed it to anxiety on the
subject of his brother--then absent on a critical business errand
in London. If he sometimes left the house the first thing in the
morning, and only returned at night, it was because the
management of the model farm had become one of his duties, in
Randal's absence. Mrs. Linley made no attempt to dispute this
view of the altered circumstances in home-life--but she submitted
with a mind ill at ease. Secretly fearing that Linley was
suffering under Miss Westerfield's absence, she allowed herself
to hope that Kitty's father would see a necessity, in his own
case, for change of scene, and would accompany them to the

"Won't you come with us, Herbert?" she suggested, when they had
both agreed on the choice of a place.

His temper was in a state of constant irritation. Without meaning
it he answered her harmless question sharply.

"How can I go away with you, when we are losing by the farm, and
when there is nobody to check the ruinous expenses but myself?"

Mrs. Linley's thoughts naturally turned to Randal's prolonged
absence. "What can be keeping him all this time in London?" she

Linley's failing patience suffered a severe trial.

"Don't you know," he broke out, "that I have inherited my poor
mother's property in England, saddled with a lawsuit? Have you
never heard of delays and disappointments, and quibbles and false
pretenses, encountered by unfortunate wretches like me who are
obliged to go to law? God only knows when Randal will be free to
return, or what bad news he may bring with him when he does come

"You have many anxieties, Herbert; and I ought to have remembered

That gentle answer touched him. He made the best apology in his
power: he said his nerves were out of order, and asked her to
excuse him if he had spoken roughly. There was no unfriendly
feeling on either side; and yet there was something wanting in
the reconciliation. Mrs. Linley left her husband, shaken by a
conflict of feelings. At one moment she felt angry with him; at
another she felt angry with herself.

With the best intentions (as usual) Mrs. Presty made mischief,
nevertheless. Observing that her daughter was in tears, and
feeling sincerely distressed by the discovery, she was eager to
administer consolation. "Make your mind easy, my dear, if you
have any doubt about Herbert's movements when he is away from
home. I followed him myself the day before yesterday when he went
out. A long walk for an old woman--but I can assure you he that
he does really go to the farm."

Implicitly trusting her husband--and rightly trusting
him--Linley's wife replied by a look which Mrs. Presty received
in silent indignation. She summoned her dignity and marched out
of the room.

Five minutes afterward, Mrs. Linley received an intimation that
her mother was seriously offended, in the form of a little note:

"I find that my maternal interest in your welfare, and my devoted
efforts to serve you, are only rewarded with furious looks. The
less we see of each other the better. Permit me to thank you for
your invitation, and to decline accompanying you when you leave
Mount Morven tomorrow." Mrs. Linley answered the note in person.
The next day Kitty's grandmother--ripe for more mischief--altered
her mind, and thoroughly enjoyed her journey to the seaside.

Chapter XVI.

The Child.

During the first week there was an improvement in the child's
health, which justified the doctor's hopeful anticipations. Mrs.
Linley wrote cheerfully to her husband; and the better nature of
Mrs. Linley's mother seemed, by some inscrutable process, to
thrive morally under the encouraging influences of the sea air.
It may be a bold thing to say, but it is surely true that our
virtues depend greatly on the state of our health.

During the second week, the reports sent to Mount Morven were
less encouraging. The improvement in Kitty was maintained; but it
made no further progress.

The lapse of the third week brought with it depressing results.
There could be no doubt now that the child was losing ground.
Bitterly disappointed, Mrs. Linley wrote to her medical adviser,
describing the symptoms, and asking for instructions. The doctor
wrote back: "Find out where your supply of drinking water comes
from. If from a well, let me know how it is situated. Answer by
telegraph." The reply arrived: "A well near the parish church."'
The doctor's advice ran back along the wires: "Come home

They returned the same day--and they returned too late.

Kitty's first night at home was wakeful and restless; her little
hands felt feverish, and she was tormented by perpetual thirst.
The good doctor still spoke hopefully; attributing the symptoms
to fatigue after the journey. But, as the days followed each
other, his medical visits were paid at shorter intervals. The
mother noticed that his pleasant face became grave and anxious,
and implored him to tell her the truth. The truth was told in two
dreadful words: "Typhoid Fever."

A day or two later, the doctor spoke privately with Mr. Linley.
The child' s debilitated condition--that lowered state of the
vital power which he had observed when Kitty's case was first
submitted to him--placed a terrible obstacle in the way of
successful resistance to the advance of the disease. "Say nothing
to Mrs. Linley just yet. There is no absolute danger so far,
unless delirium sets in." "Do you think it likely?" Linley asked.
The doctor shook his head, and said "God knows."

On the next evening but one, the fatal symptom showed itself.
There was nothing violent in the delirium. Unconscious of past
events in the family life, the poor child supposed that her
governess was living in the house as usual. She piteously
wondered why Sydney remained downstairs in the schoolroom. "Oh,
don't keep her away from me! I want Syd! I want Syd!" That was
her one cry. When exhaustion silenced her, they hoped that the
sad delusion was at an end. No! As the slow fire of the fever
flamed up again, the same words were on the child's lips, the
same fond hope was in her sinking heart.

The doctor led Mrs. Linley out of the room. "Is this the
governess?" he asked.


"Is she within easy reach?"

"She is employed in the family of a friend of ours, living five
miles away from us."

"Send for her instantly!"

Mrs. Linley looked at him with a wildly-mingled expression of
hope and fear. She was not thinking of herself--she was not even
thinking, for that one moment, of the child. What would her
husband say, if she (who had extorted his promise never to see
the governess again) brought Sydney Westerfield back to the

The doctor spoke to her more strongly still.

"I don't presume to inquire into your private reasons for
hesitating to follow my advice," he said; "but I am bound to tell
you the truth. My poor little patient is in serious danger--every
hour of delay is an hour gained by death. Bring that lady to the
bedside as fast as your carriage can fetch her, and let us see
the result. If Kitty recognizes her governess--there, I tell you
plainly, is the one chance of saving the child's life."

Mrs. Linley's resolution flashed on him in her weary eyes--the
eyes which, by day and night alike, had known so little rest. She
rang for her maid. "Tell your master I want to speak to him."

The woman answered: "My master has gone out."

The doctor watched the mother's face. No sign of hesitation
appeared in it--the one thought in her mind now was the thought
of the child. She called the maid back.

"Order the carriage."

"At what time do you want it, ma'am?"

"At once!"

Chapter XVII.

The Husband.

Mrs. Linley's first impulse in ordering the carriage was to use
it herself. One look at the child reminded her that her freedom
of action began and ended at the bedside. More than an hour must
elapse before Sydney Westerfield could be brought back to Mount
Morven; the bare thought of what might happen in that interval,
if she was absent, filled the mother with horror. She wrote to
Mrs. MacEdwin, and sent her maid with the letter.

Of the result of this proceeding it was not possible to entertain
a doubt.

Sydney's love for Kitty would hesitate at no sacrifice; and Mrs.
MacEdwin's conduct had already answered for her. She had received
the governess with the utmost kindness, and she had generously
and delicately refrained from asking any questions. But one
person at Mount Morven thought it necessary to investigate the
motives under which she had acted. Mrs. Presty's inquiring mind
arrived at discoveries; and Mrs. Presty's sense of duty
communicated them to her daughter.

"There can be no sort of doubt, Catherine, that our good friend
and neighbor has heard, probably from the servants, of what has
happened; and (having her husband to consider--men are so weak!)
has drawn her own conclusions. If she trusts our fascinating
governess, it's because she knows that Miss Westerfield's
affections are left behind her in this house. Does my explanation
satisfy you?"

Mrs. Linley said: "Never let me hear it again!"

And Mrs. Presty answered: "How very ungrateful!"

The dreary interval of expectation, after the departure of the
carriage, was brightened by a domestic event.

Thinking it possible that Mrs. Presty might know why her husband
had left the house, Mrs. Linley sent to ask for information. The
message in reply informed her that Linley had received a telegram
announcing Randal's return from London. He had gone to the
railway station to meet his brother.

Before she went downstairs to welcome Randal, Mrs. Linley paused
to consider her situation. The one alternative before her was to
acknowledge at the first opportunity that she had assumed the
serious responsibility of sending for Sydney Westerfield. For the
first time in her life, Catherine Linley found herself planning
beforehand what she would say to her husband.

A second message interrupted her, announcing that the two
brothers had just arrived. She joined them in the drawing-room.

Linley was sitting in a corner by himself. The dreadful discovery
that the child's life (by the doctor's confession) was in danger
had completely overwhelmed him: he had never even lifted his head
when his wife opened the door. Randal and Mrs. Presty were
talking together. The old lady's insatiable curiosity was eager
for news from London: she wanted to know how Randal had amused
himself when he was not attending to business.

He was grieving for Kitty; and he was looking sadly at his
brother. "I don't remember," he answered, absently. Other women
might have discovered that they had chosen their time badly. Mrs.
Presty, with the best possible intentions, remonstrated.

"Really, Randal, you must rouse yourself. Surely you can tell us
something. Did you meet with any agreeable people, while you were

"I met one person who interested me," he said, with weary

Mrs. Presty smiled. "A woman, of course!"

"A man," Randal answered; "a guest like myself at a club dinner."

"Who is he?"

"Captain Bennydeck."

"In the army?"

"No: formerly in the navy."

"And you and he had a long talk together?"

RandalÕs tones began to betray irritation. "No," he said "the
Captain went away early."

Mrs. Presty's vigorous intellect discovered an improbability
here. "Then how came you to feel interested in him?" she

Even Randal's patience gave way. "I can't account for it," he
said sharply. "I only know I took a liking to Captain Bennydeck."
He left Mrs. Presty and sat down by his brother. "You know I feel
for you," he said, taking Linley's hand. "Try to hope."

The bitterness of the father's despair broke out in his answer.
"I can bear other troubles, Randal, as well as most men. This
affliction revolts me. There's something so horribly unnatural in
the child being threatened by death, while the parents (who
should die first) are alive and well--" He checked himself. "I
had better say no more, I shall only shock you."

The misery in his face wrung the faithful heart of his wife. She
forgot the conciliatory expressions which she had prepared
herself to use. "Hope, my dear, as Randal tells you," she said,
"because there _is_ hope."

His face flushed, his dim eyes brightened. "Has the doctor said
it?" he asked.


"Why haven't I been told of it before?"

"When I sent for you, I heard that you had gone out."

The explanation passed by him unnoticed--perhaps even unheard.
"Tell me what the doctor said," he insisted; "I want it exactly,
word for word."

She obeyed him to the letter.

The sinister change in his face, as the narrative proceeded was
observed by both the other persons present, as well as by his
wife. She waited for a kind word of encouragement. He only said,
coldly: "What have you done?"

Speaking coldly on her side, she answered: "I have sent the
carriage to fetch Miss Westerfield."

There was a pause. Mrs. Presty whispered to Randal: "I knew she
would come back again! The Evil Genius of the family--that's what
I call Miss Westerfield. The name exactly fits her!"

The idea in Randal's mind was that the name exactly fitted Mrs.
Presty. He made no reply; his eyes rested in sympathy on his
sister-in-law. She saw, and felt, his kindness at a time when
kindness was  doubly precious. Her ton es trembled a little as she
spoke to her silent husband.

"Don't you approve of what I have done, Herbert?"

His nerves were shattered by grief and suspense; but he made an
effort this time to speak gently. "How can I say that," he
replied, "if the poor child's life depends on Miss Westerfield? I
ask one favor--give me time to leave the house before she comes

Mrs. Linley looked at him in amazement.

Her mother touched her arm; Randal tried by a sign to warn her to
be careful. Their calmer minds had seen what the wife's agitation
had prevented her from discovering. In Linley's position, the
return of the governess was a trial to his self-control which he
had every reason to dread: his look, his voice, his manner
proclaimed it to persons capable of quietly observing him. He had
struggled against his guilty passion--at what sacrifice of his
own feelings no one knew but himself--and here was the
temptation, at the very time when he was honorably resisting it,
brought back to him by his wife! Her motive did unquestionably
excuse, perhaps even sanction, what she had done; but this was an
estimate of her conduct which commended itself to others. From
his point of view--motive or no motive--he saw the old struggle
against himself in danger of being renewed; he felt the ground
that he had gained slipping from under him already.

In spite of the well-meant efforts made by her relatives to
prevent it, Mrs. Linley committed the very error which it was the
most important that she should avoid. She justified herself,
instead of leaving it to events to justify her. "Miss Westerfield
comes here," she argued, "on an errand that is beyond
reproach--an errand of mercy. Why should you leave the house?"

"In justice to you," Linley answered.

Mrs. Presty could restrain herself no longer. "Drop it
Catherine!" she said in a whisper.

Catherine refused to drop it; Linley's short and sharp reply had
irritated her. "After my experience," she persisted, "have I no
reason to trust you?"

"It is part of your experience," he reminded her, "that I
promised not to see Miss Westerfield again."

"Own it at once!" she broke out, provoked beyond endurance;
"though I may be willing to trust you--you are afraid to trust

Unlucky Mrs. Presty interfered again. "Don't listen to her,
Herbert. Keep out of harm's way, and you keep right."

She patted him on the shoulder, as if she had been giving good
advice to a boy. He expressed his sense of his mother-in-law's
friendly offices in language which astonished her.

"Hold your tongue!"

"Do you hear that?" Mrs. Presty asked, appealing indignantly to
her daughter.

Linley took his hat. "At what time do you expect Miss Westerfield
to arrive?" he said to his wife.

She looked at the clock on the mantelpiece. "Before the half-hour
strikes. Don't be alarmed," she added, with an air of ironical
sympathy; "you will have time to make your escape."

He advanced to the door, and looked at her.

"One thing I beg you will remember," he said. "Every half-hour
while I am away (I am going to the farm) you are to send and let
me know how Kitty is--and especially if Miss Westerfield
justifies the experiment which the doctor has advised us to try."

Having given those instructions he went out.

The sofa was near Mrs. Linley. She sank on it, overpowered by the
utter destruction of the hopes that she had founded on the
separation of Herbert and the governess. Sydney Westerfield was
still in possession of her husband's heart!

Her mother was surely the right person to say a word of comfort
to her. Randal made the suggestion--with the worst possible
result. Mrs. Presty had not forgotten that she had been told--at
her age, in her position as the widow of a Cabinet Minister--to
hold her tongue. "Your brother has insulted me," she said to
Randal. He was weak enough to attempt to make an explanation. "I
was speaking of my brother's wife," he said. "Your brother's wife
has allowed me to be insulted." Having received that reply,
Randal could only wonder. This woman went to church every Sunday,
and kept a New Testament, bound in excellent taste, on her
toilet-table! The occasion suggested reflection on the system
which produces average Christians at the present time. Nothing
more was said by Mrs. Presty; Mrs. Linley remained absorbed in
her own bitter thoughts. In silence they waited for the return of
the carriage, and the appearance of the governess.

Chapter XVIII.

The Nursemaid.

Pale, worn, haggard with anxiety, Sydney Westerfield entered the
room, and looked once more on the faces which she had resigned
herself never to see again. She appeared to be hardly conscious
of the kind reception which did its best to set her at her ease.

"Am I in time?" were the first words that escaped her on entering
the room. Reassured by the answer, she turned back to the door,
eager to hurry upstairs to Kitty's bedside.

Mrs. Linley's gentle hand detained her.

The doctor had left certain instructions, warning the mother to
guard against any accident that might remind Kitty of the day on
which Sydney had left her. At the time of that bitter parting,
the child had seen her governess in the same walking-dress which
she wore now. Mrs. Linley removed the hat and cloak, and laid
them on a chair.

"There is one other precaution which we must observe," she said;
"I must ask you to wait in my room until I find that you may show
yourself safely. Now come with me."

Mrs. Presty followed them, and begged earnestly for leave to wait
the result of the momentous experiment, at the door of Kitty's
bedroom. Her self-asserting manner had vanished; she was quiet,
she was even humble. While the last chance for the child's life
was fast becoming a matter of minutes only, the grandmother's
better nature showed itself on the surface. Randal opened the
door for them as the three went out together. He was in that
state of maddening anxiety about his poor little niece in which
men of his imaginative temperament become morbid, and say
strangely inappropriate things. In the same breath with which he
implored his sister-in-law to let him hear what had happened,
without an instant of delay, he startled Mrs. Presty by one of
his familiar remarks on the inconsistencies in her character.
"You disagreeable old woman," he whispered, as she passed him,
"you have got a heart, after all."

Left alone, he was never for one moment in repose, while the slow
minutes followed each other in the silent house.

He walked about the room, he listened at the door, he arranged
and disarranged the furniture. When the nursemaid descended from
the upper regions with her mistress's message for him, he ran out
to meet her; saw the good news in her smiling face; and, for the
first and last time in his life kissed one of his brother's
female servants. Susan--a well-bred young person, thoroughly
capable in ordinary cases of saying "For shame, sir!" and looking
as if she expected to feel an arm round her waist next--trembled
with terror under that astounding salute. Her master's brother, a
pattern of propriety up to that time, a man declared by her to be
incapable of kissing a woman unless she had a right to insist on
it in the licensed character of his wife, had evidently taken
leave of his senses. Would he bite her next? No: he only looked
confused, and said (how very extraordinary!) that he would never
do it again. Susan gave her message gravely. Here was an
unintelligible man; she felt the necessity of being careful in
her choice of words.

"Miss Kitty stared at Miss Westerfield--only for a moment,
sir--as if she didn't quite understand, and then knew her again
directly. The doctor had just called. He drew up the blind to let
the light in, and he looked, and he says: 'Only be careful'--"
Tender-hearted Susan broke down, and began to cry. "I can't help
it, sir; we are all so fond of Miss Kitty, and we are so happy.
'Only be careful' (those were the exact words, if you please),
'and I answer for her life.'--Oh, dear! what have I said to make
him run away from me?"

Randal had left her abruptly, and had shut himself into the
drawing-room. Susan's experience of men had not yet informed her
that a true Engli shman is ashamed to be seen (especially by his
inferiors) with the tears in his eyes.

He had barely succeeded in composing himself, when another
servant appeared--this time a man--with something to say to him.

"I don't know whether I have done right, sir," Malcolm began.
"There's a stranger downstairs among the tourists who are looking
at the rooms and the pictures. He said he knew you. And he asked
if you were not related to the gentleman who allowed travelers to
see his interesting old house."


"Well, sir, I said Yes. And then he wanted to know if you
happened to be here at the present time."

Randal cut the man's story short. "And you said Yes again, and he
gave you his card. Let me look at it."

Malcolm produced the card, and instantly received instructions to
show the gentleman up. The name recalled the dinner at the London
club--Captain Bennydeck.

Chapter XIX.

The Captain.

The fair complexion of the Captain's youthful days had been
darkened by exposure to hard weather and extreme climates. His
smooth face of twenty years since was scored by the telltale
marks of care; his dark beard was beginning to present variety of
color by means of streaks of gray; and his hair was in course of
undisguised retreat from his strong broad forehead. Not rising
above the middle height, the Captain's spare figure was well
preserved. It revealed power and activity, severely tested
perhaps at some former time, but capable even yet of endurance
under trial. Although he looked older than his age, he was still,
personally speaking, an attractive man. In repose, his eyes were
by habit sad and a little weary in their expression. They only
caught a brighter light when he smiled. At such times, helped by
this change and by his simple, earnest manner, they recommended
him to his fellow-creatures before he opened his lips. Men and
women taking shelter with him, for instance, from the rain, found
the temptation to talk with Captain Bennydeck irresistible; and,
when the weather cleared, they mostly carried away with them the
same favorable impression: "One would like to meet with that
gentleman again."

Randal's first words of welcome relieved the Captain of certain
modest doubts of his reception, which appeared to trouble him
when he entered the room. "I am glad to find you remember me as
kindly as I remember you." Those were his first words when he and
Randal shook hands.

"You might have felt sure of that," Randal said.

The Captain's modesty still doubted.

"You see, the circumstances were a little against me. We met at a
dull dinner, among wearisome worldly men, full of boastful talk
about themselves. It was all 'I did this,' and 'I said that'--and
the gentlemen who were present had always been right; and the
gentlemen who were absent had always been wrong. And, oh, dear.
when they came to politics, how they bragged about what they
would have done if they had only been at the head of the
Government; and how cruelly hard to please they were in the
matter of wine! Do you remember recommending me to spend my next
holiday in Scotland?"

"Perfectly. My advice was selfish--it really meant that I wanted
to see you again."

"And you have your wish, at your brother's house! The guide book
did it. First, I saw your family name. Then, I read on and
discovered that there were pictures at Mount Morven and that
strangers were allowed to see them. I like pictures. And here I

This allusion to the house naturally reminded Randal of the
master. "I wish I could introduce you to my brother and his
wife," he said. "Unhappily their only child is ill--"

Captain Bennydeck started to his feet. "I am ashamed of having
intruded on you," he began. His new friend pressed him back into
his chair without ceremony. "On the contrary, you have arrived at
the best of all possible times--the time when our suspense is at
an end. The doctor has just told us that his poor little patient
is out of danger. You may imagine how happy we are."

"And how grateful to God!" The Captain said those words in tones
that trembled--speaking to himself.

Randal was conscious of feeling a momentary embarrassment. The
character of his visitor had presented itself in a new light.
Captain Bennydeck looked at him--understood him--and returned to
the subject of his travels.

"Do you remember your holiday-time when you were a boy, and when
you had to go back to school?" he asked with a smile. "My mind is
in much the same state at leaving Scotland, and going back to my
work in London. I hardly know which I admire most--your beautiful
country or the people who inhabit it. I have had some pleasant
talk with your poorer neighbors; the one improvement I could wish
for among them is a keener sense of their religious duties."

This was an objection new in Randal's experience of travelers in

"Our Highlanders have noble qualities," he said. "If you knew
them as well as I do, you would find a true sense of religion
among them; not presenting itself, however, to strangers as
strongly--I had almost said as aggressively--as the devotional
feeling of the Lowland Scotch. Different races, different

"And all," the Captain added, gravely and gently, "with souls to
be saved. If I sent to these poor people some copies of the New
Testament, translated into their own language, would my gift be

Strongly interested by this time, in studying Captain Bennydeck's
character on the side of it which was new to him, Randal owned
that he observed with surprise the interest which his friend felt
in perfect strangers. The Captain seemed to wonder why this
impression should have been produced by what he had just said.

"I only try," he answered, "to do what good I can, wherever I

"Your life must be a happy one," Randal said.

Captain Bennydeck's head drooped. The shadows that attend on the
gloom of melancholy remembrance showed their darkening presence
on his face. Briefly, almost sternly, he set Randal right.

"No, sir."

"Forgive me, the younger man pleaded, "if I have spoken

"You have mistaken me," the Captain explained; "and it is my
fault. My life is an atonement for the sins of my youth. I have
reached my fortieth year--and that one purpose is before me for
the rest of my days. Sufferings and dangers which but few men
undergo awakened my conscience. My last exercise of the duties of
my profession associated me with an expedition to the Polar Seas.
Our ship was crushed in the ice. Our march to the nearest regions
inhabited by humanity was a hopeless struggle of starving men,
rotten with scurvy, against the merciless forces of Nature. One
by one my comrades dropped and died. Out of twenty men there were
three left with a last flicker in them of the vital flame when
the party of rescue found us. One of the three died on the
homeward journey. One lived to reach his native place, and to
sink to rest with his wife and children round his bed. The last
man left, out of that band of martyrs to a hopeless cause, lives
to be worthier of God's mercy--and tries to make God's creatures
better and happier in this world, and worthier of the world that
is to come."

Randal's generous nature felt the appeal that had been made to
it. "Will you let me take your hand, Captain?" he said.

They clasped hands in silence.

Captain Bennydeck was the first to speak again. That modest
distrust of himself, which a man essentially noble and brave is
generally the readiest of men to feel, seemed to be troubling him
once more--just as it had troubled him when he first found
himself in Randal's presence.

"I hope you won't think me vain," he resumed; "I seldom say so
much about myself as I have said to you."

"I only wish you would say more," Randal rejoined. "Can't you put
off your return to London for a day or two?"

The thing was not to be done. Duties which it was impossible to
trifle with called the Captain back. "It's quite likely," he
said, alluding pleasantly to the impression which he had produced
in speaking of the Highlanders, "that I shall find more strangers
to interest me in the great city."

"Are they always strangers?" Randal asked. "Have you never met by
accident with persons whom you may once have known?"

"Never--yet. But it may happen on my return."

"In what way?"

"In this way. I have been in search of a poor girl who has lost
both her parents: she has, I fear, been left helpless at the
mercy of the world. Her father was an old friend of mine--once an
officer in the Navy like myself. The agent whom I formerly
employed (without success) to trace her, writes me word that he
has reason to believe she has obtained a situation as
pupil-teacher at a school in the suburbs of London; and I am
going back (among other things) to try if I can follow the clew
myself. Good-by, my friend. I am heartily sorry to go!"

"Life is made up of partings," Randal answered.

"And of meetings," the Captain wisely reminded him. "When you are
in London, you will always hear of me at the club."

Heartily reciprocating his good wishes, Randal attended Captain
Bennydeck to the door. On the way back to the drawing-room, he
found his mind dwelling, rather to his surprise, on the Captain's
contemplated search for the lost girl.

Was the good man likely to find her? It seemed useless enough to
inquire--and yet Randal asked himself the question. Her father
had been described as an officer in the Navy. Well, and what did
that matter? Inclined to laugh at his own idle curiosity, he was
suddenly struck by a new idea. What had his brother told him of
Miss Westerfield? _She_ was the daughter of an officer in the
Navy; _she_ had been pupil-teacher at a school. Was it really
possible that Sydney Westerfield could be the person whom Captain
Bennydeck was attempting to trace? Randal threw up the window
which overlooked the drive in front of the house. Too late! The
carriage which had brought the Captain to Mount Morven was no
longer in sight.

The one other course that he could take was to mention Captain
Bennydeck's name to Sydney, and be guided by the result.

As he approached the bell, determining to send a message
upstairs, he heard the door opened behind him. Mrs. Presty had
entered the drawing-room, with a purpose (as it seemed) in which
Randal was concerned.

Chapter XX.

The Mother-in-Law.

Strong as the impression was which Captain Bennydeck had produced
on Randal, Mrs. Presty's first words dismissed it from his mind.
She asked him if he had any message for his brother.

Randal instantly looked at the clock. "Has Catherine not sent to
the farm, yet?" he asked in astonishment.

Mrs. Presty's mind seemed to be absorbed in her daughter. "Ah,
poor Catherine! Worn out with anxiety and watching at Kitty's
bedside. Night after night without any sleep; night after night
tortured by suspense. As usual, she can depend on her old mother
for sympathy. I have taken all her household duties on myself,
till she is in better health."

Randal tried again. "Mrs. Presty, am I to understand (after the
plain direction Herbert gave) that no messenger has been sent to
the farm?"

Mrs. Presty held her venerable head higher than ever, when Randal
pronounced his brother's name. "I see no necessity for being in a
hurry," she answered stiffly, "after the brutal manner in which
Herbert has behaved to me. Put yourself in my place--and imagine
what you would feel if you were told to hold your tongue."

Randal wasted no more time on ears that were deaf to
remonstrance. Feeling the serious necessity of interfering to
some good purpose, he asked where he might find his

"I have taken Catherine into the garden," Mrs. Presty announced.
"The doctor himself suggested--no, I may say, ordered it. He is
afraid that _she_ may fall ill next, poor soul, if she doesn't
get air and exercise."

In Mrs. Linley's own interests, Randal resolved on advising her
to write to her husband by the messenger; explaining that she was
not to blame for the inexcusable delay which had already taken
place. Without a word more to Mrs. Presty, he hastened out of the
room. That inveterately distrustful woman called him back. She
desired to know where he was going, and why he was in a hurry.

"I am going to the garden," Randal answered.

"To speak to Catherine?"


"Needless trouble, my dear Randal. She will be back in a quarter
of an hour, and she will pass through this room on her way

Another quarter of an hour was a matter of no importance to Mrs.
Presty! Randal took his own way--the way into the garden.

His silence and his determination to join his sister-in-law
roused Mrs. Presty's ready suspicions; she concluded that he was
bent on making mischief between her daughter and herself. The one
thing to do in this case was to follow him instantly. The active
old lady trotted out of the room, strongly inclined to think that
the Evil Genius of the family might be Randal Linley after all!

They had both taken the shortest way to the garden; that is to
say, the way through the library, which communicated at its
furthest end with the corridor and the vaulted flight of stairs
leading directly out of the house. Of the two doors in the
drawing-room, one, on the left, led to the grand staircase and
the hall; the other, on the right, opened on the backstairs, and
on a side entrance to the house, used by the family when they
were pressed for time, as well as by the servants.

The drawing-room had not been empty more than a few minutes when
the door on the right was suddenly opened. Herbert Linley,
entered with hurried, uncertain steps. He took the chair that was
nearest to him, and dropped into it like a man overpowered by
agitation or fatigue.

He had ridden from the farm at headlong speed, terrified by the
unexplained delay in the arrival of the messenger from home.
Unable any longer to suffer the torment of unrelieved suspense,
he had returned to make inquiry at the house. As he interpreted
the otherwise inexplicable neglect of his instructions, the last
chance of saving the child's life had failed, and his wife had
been afraid to tell him the dreadful truth.

After an interval, he rose and went into the library.

It was empty, like the drawing-room. The bell was close by him.
He lifted his hand to ring it--and drew back. As brave a man as
ever lived, he knew what fear was now. The father's courage
failed him before the prospect of summoning a servant, and
hearing, for all he knew to the contrary, that his child was

How long he stood there, alone and irresolute, he never
remembered when he thought of it in after-days. All he knew was
that there came a time when a sound in the drawing-room attracted
his attention. It was nothing more important than the opening of
a door.

The sound came from that side of the room which was nearest to
the grand staircase--and therefore nearest also to the hall in
one direction, and to the bed-chambers in the other.

Some person had entered the room. Whether it was one of the
family or one of the servants, he would hear in either case what
had happened in his absence. He parted the curtains over the
library entrance, and looked through.

The person was a woman. She stood with her back turned toward the
library, lifting a cloak off a chair. As she shook the cloak out
before putting it on, she changed her position. He saw the face,
never to be forgotten by him to the last day of his life. He saw
Sydney Westerfield.

Chapter XXI.

The Governess.

Linley had one instant left, in which he might have drawn, back
into the library in time to escape Sydney's notice. He was
incapable of the effort of will. Grief and suspense had deprived
him of that elastic readiness of mind which springs at once from
thought to action. For a moment he hesitated. In that moment she
looked up and saw him.

With a faint cry of alarm she let the cloak drop from her hands.
As helpless as he was, as silent as he was, she stood rooted to
the spot.

He tried to control himself. Hardly knowing what he said, he made
commonplace excuses, as if he had been a stranger: "I am sorry to
have startled you; I had no idea of finding you in this room."

Sydney pointed to her cloak on the floor, and to her hat on a
chair near it. Understanding the necessity which had brought her
into the room, he did his best to reconcile her to the meeting
that had followed.

"It's a relief to me
 to have seen you," he said, "before you leave us."

A relief to him to see her! Why? How? What did that strange word
mean, addressed to _her?_ She roused herself, and put the
question to him.

"It's surely better for me," he answered, "to hear the miserable
news from you than from a servant."

"What miserable news?" she asked, still as perplexed as ever.

He could preserve his self-control no longer; the misery in him
forced its way outward at last. The convulsive struggles for
breath which burst from a man in tears shook him from head to

"My poor little darling!" he gasped. "My only child!"

All that was embarrassing in her position passed from Sydney's
mind in an instant. She stepped close up to him; she laid her
hand gently and fearlessly on his arm. "Oh, Mr. Linley, what
dreadful mistake is this?"

His dim eyes rested on her with a piteous expression of doubt. He
heard her--and he was afraid to believe her. She was too deeply
distressed, too full of the truest pity for him, to wait and
think before she spoke. "Yes! yes!" she cried, under the impulse
of the moment. "The dear child knew me again, the moment I spoke
to her. Kitty's recovery is only a matter of time."

He staggered back--with a livid change in his face startling to
see. The mischief done by Mrs. Presty's sense of injury had led
already to serious results. If the thought in Linley, at that
moment, had shaped itself into words, he would have said, "And
Catherine never told me of it!" How bitterly he thought of the
woman who had left him in suspense--how gratefully he felt toward
the woman who had lightened his heart of the heaviest burden ever
laid on it!

Innocent of all suspicion of the feeling that she had aroused,
Sydney blamed her own want of discretion as the one cause of the
change that she perceived in him. "How thoughtless, how cruel of
me," she said, "not to have been more careful in telling you the
good news! Pray forgive me."

"You thoughtless! you cruel!" At the bare idea of her speaking in
that way of herself, his sense of what he owed to her defied all
restraint. He seized her hands and covered them with grateful
kisses. "Dear Sydney! dear, good Sydney!"

She drew back from him; not abruptly, not as if she felt
offended. Her fine perception penetrated the meaning of those
harmless kisses--the uncontrollable outburst of a sense of relief
beyond the reach of expression in words. But she changed the
subject. Mrs. Linley (she told him) had kindly ordered fresh
horses to be put to the carriage, so that she might go back to
her duties if the doctor sanctioned it.

She turned away to take up her cloak. Linley stopped her. "You
can't leave Kitty," he said, positively.

A faint smile brightened her face for a moment. "Kitty has fallen
asleep--such a sweet, peaceful sleep! I don't think I should have
left her but for that. The maid is watching at the bedside, and
Mrs. Linley is only away for a little while."

"Wait a few minutes," he pleaded; "it's so long since we have
seen each other."

The tone in which he spoke warned her to persist in leaving him
while her resolution remained firm. "I had arranged with Mrs.
MacEdwin," she began, "if all went well--"

"Speak of yourself," he interposed. "Tell me if you are happy."

She let this pass without a reply. "The doctor sees no harm," she
went on, "in my being away for a few hours. Mrs. MacEdwin has
offered to send me here in the evening, so that I can sleep in
Kitty's room."

"You don't look well, Sydney. You are pale and worn--you are not

She began to tremble. For the second time, she turned away to
take up her cloak. For the second time, he stopped her.

"Not just yet," he said. "You don't know how it distresses me to
see you so sadly changed. I remember the time when you were the
happiest creature living. Do you remember it, too?"

"Don't ask me!" was all she could say.

He sighed as he looked at her. "It's dreadful to think of your
young life, that ought to be so bright, wasting and withering
among strangers." He said those words with increasing agitation;
his eyes rested on her eagerly with a wild look in them. She made
a resolute effort to speak to him coldly--she called him "Mr.
Linley"--she bade him good-by.

It was useless. He stood between her and the door; he disregarded
what she had said as if he had not heard it. "Hardly a day
passes," he owned to her, "that I don't think of you."

"You shouldn't tell me that!"

"How can I see you again--and not tell you?"

She burst out with a last entreaty. "For God's sake, let us say

His manner became undisguisedly tender; his language changed in
the one way of all others that was most perilous to her--he
appealed to her pity: "Oh, Sydney, it's so hard to part with

"Spare me!" she cried, passionately. "You don't know how I

"My sweet angel, I do know it--by what I suffer myself! Do you
ever feel for me as I feel for you?"

"Oh, Herbert! Herbert!"

"Have you ever thought of me since we parted?"

She had striven against herself, and against him, till her last
effort at resistance was exhausted. In reckless despair she let
the truth escape her at last.

"When do I ever think of anything else! I am a wretch unworthy of
all the kindness that has been shown to me. I don't deserve your
interest; I don't even deserve your pity. Send me away--be hard
on me--be brutal to me. Have some mercy on a miserable creature
whose life is one long hopeless effort to forget you!" Her voice,
her look, maddened him. He drew her to his bosom; he held her in
his arms; she struggled vainly to get away from him. "Oh," she
murmured, "how cruel you are! Remember, my dear one, remember how
young I am, how weak I am. Oh, Herbert, I'm dying--dying--dying!"
Her voice grew fainter and fainter; her head sank on his breast.
He lifted her face to him with whispered words of love. He kissed
her again and again.

The curtains over the library entrance moved noiselessly when
they were parted. The footsteps of Catherine Linley were
inaudible as she passed through, and entered the room.

She stood still for a moment in silent horror.

Not a sound warned them when she advanced. After hesitating for a
moment, she raised her hand toward her husband, as if to tell him
of her presence by a touch; drew it back, suddenly recoiling from
her own first intention; and touched Sydney instead.

Then, and then only, they knew what had happened.

Face to face, those three persons--with every tie that had once
united them snapped asunder in an instant--looked at each other.
The man owed a duty to the lost creature whose weakness had
appealed to his mercy in vain. The man broke the silence.


With immeasurable contempt looking brightly out of her steady
eyes, his wife stopped him.

"Not a word!"

He refused to be silent. "It is I," he said; "I only who am to

"Spare yourself the trouble of making excuses," she answered;
"they are needless. Herbert Linley, the woman who was once your
wife despises you."

Her eyes turned from him and rested on Sydney Westerfield.

"I have a last word to say to _you_. Look at me, if you can."

Sydney lifted her head. She looked vacantly at the outraged woman
before her, as if she saw a woman in a dream.

With the same terrible self-possession which she had preserved
from the first--standing between her husband and her
governess--Mrs. Linley spoke.

"Miss Westerfield, you have saved my child's life." She
paused--her eyes still resting on the girl's face. Deadly pale,
she pointed to her husband, and said to Sydney: "Take him!"

She passed out of the room--and left them together.


Chapter XXII.


The autumn holiday-time had come to an end; and the tourists had
left Scotland to the Scots.

In the dull season, a solitary traveler from the North arrived at
the nearest post-town to Mount Morven. A sketchbook and a
color-box formed part of his luggage, and declared him to be an
artist. Falling into talk over his dinner with the waiter at the
hotel, he made inquiries about a picturesque house in the
neighborhood, which showed that Mount Morven was well known to
him by reputation. When he proposed paying a visit
 to the old border fortress the next day, the waiter said: "You
can't see the house." When the traveler asked Why, this man of
few words merely added: "Shut up."

The landlord made his appearance with a bottle of wine and proved
to be a more communicative person in his relations with
strangers. Presented in an abridged form, and in the English
language, these (as he related them) were the circumstances under
which Mount Morven had been closed to the public.

A complete dispersion of the family had taken place not long
since. For miles round everybody was sorry for it. Rich and poor
alike felt the same sympathy with the good lady of the house. She
had been most shamefully treated by her husband, and by a
good-for-nothing girl employed as governess. To put it plainly,
the two had run away together; one report said they had gone
abroad, and another declared that they were living in London. Mr.
Linley's conduct was perfectly incomprehensible. He had always
borne the highest character--a good landlord, a kind father, a
devoted husband. And yet, after more than eight years of
exemplary married life, he had disgraced himself. The minister of
the parish, preaching on the subject, had attributed this
extraordinary outbreak of vice on the part of an otherwise
virtuous man, to a possession of the devil. Assuming "the devil,"
in this case, to be only a discreet and clerical way of alluding
from the pulpit to a woman, the landlord was inclined to agree
with the minister. After what had happened, it was, of course,
impossible that Mrs. Linley could remain in her husband's house.
She and her little girl, and her mother, were supposed to be
living in retirement. They kept the place of their retreat a
secret from everybody but Mrs. Linley's legal adviser, who was
instructed to forward letters. But one other member of the family
remained to be accounted for. This was Mr. Linley's younger
brother, known at present to be traveling on the Continent. Two
trustworthy old servants had been left in charge at Mount
Morven--and there was the whole story; and that was why the house
was shut up.

Chapter XXIII.


In a cottage on the banks of one of the Cumberland Lakes, two
ladies were seated at the breakfast-table. The windows of the
room opened on a garden which extended to the water's edge, and
on a boat-house and wooden pier beyond. On the pier a little girl
was fishing, under the care of her maid. After a prevalence of
rainy weather, the sun was warm this morning for the time of
year; and the broad sheet of water alternately darkened and
brightened as the moving masses of cloud now gathered and now
parted over the blue beauty of the sky.

The ladies had finished their breakfast; the elder of the
two--that is to say, Mrs. Presty--took up her knitting and eyed
her silent daughter with an expression of impatient surprise.

"Another bad night, Catherine?"

The personal attractions that distinguished Mrs. Linley were not
derived from the short-lived beauty which depends on youth and
health. Pale as she was, her face preserved its fine outline; her
features had not lost their grace and symmetry of form.
Presenting the appearance of a woman who had suffered acutely,
she would have been more than ever (in the eyes of some men) a
woman to be admired and loved.

"I seldom sleep well now," she answered, patiently.

"You don't give yourself a chance," Mrs. Presty remonstrated.
"Here's a fine morning--come out for a sail on the lake.
To-morrow there's a concert in the town--let's take tickets.
There's a want of what I call elastic power in your mind,
Catherine--the very quality for which your father was so
remarkable; the very quality which Mr. Presty used to say made
him envy Mr. Norman. Look at your dress! Where's the
common-sense, at your age, of wearing nothing but black? Nobody's
dead who belongs to us, and yet you do your best to look as if
you were in mourning."

"I have no heart, mamma, to wear colors."

Mrs. Presty considered this reply to be unworthy of notice. She
went on with her knitting, and only laid it down when the servant
brought in the letters which had arrived by the morning's post.
They were but two in number--and both were for Mrs. Linley. In
the absence of any correspondence of her own, Mrs. Presty took
possession of her daughter's letters.

"One addressed in the lawyer's handwriting," she announced; "and
one from Randal. Which shall I open for you first?"

"Randal's letter, if you please."

Mrs. Presty handed it across the table. "Any news is a relief
from the dullness of this place," she said. "If there are no
secrets, Catherine, read it out."

There were no secrets on the first page.

Randal announced his arrival in London from the Continent, and
his intention of staying there for a while. He had met with a
friend (formerly an officer holding high rank in the Navy) whom
he was glad to see again--a rich man who used his wealth
admirably in the interest of his poor and helpless
fellow-creatures. A "Home," established on a new plan, was just
now engaging all his attention: he was devoting himself so
unremittingly to the founding of this institution that his doctor
predicted injury to his health at no distant date. If it was
possible to persuade him to take a holiday, Randal might return
to the Continent as the traveling-companion of his friend.

"This must be the man whom he first met at the club," Mrs. Presty
remarked. "Well, Catherine, I suppose there is some more of it.
What's the matter? Bad news?"

"Something that I wish Randal had not written. Read it
yourself--and don't talk of it afterward."

Mrs. Presty read:

"I know nothing whatever of my unfortunate brother. If you think
this is a too-indulgent way of alluding to a man who has so
shamefully wronged you, let my conviction that he is already
beginning to suffer the penalty of his crime plead my excuse.
Herbert's nature is, in some respects, better known to me than it
is to you. I am persuaded that your hold on his respect and his
devotion is shaken--not lost. He has been misled by one of those
passing fancies, disastrous and even criminal in their results,
to which men are liable when they are led by no better influence
than the influence of their senses. It is not, and never will be,
in the nature of women to understand this. I fear I may offend
you in what I am now writing; but I must speak what I believe to
be the truth, at any sacrifice. Bitter repentance (if he is not
already feeling it) is in store for Herbert, when he finds
himself tied to a person who cannot bear comparison with you. I
say this, pitying the poor girl most sincerely, when I think of
her youth and her wretched past life. How it will end I cannot
presume to say. I can only acknowledge that I do not look to the
future with the absolute despair which you naturally felt when I
last saw you."

Mrs. Presty laid the letter down, privately resolving to write to
Randal, and tell him to keep his convictions for the future to
himself. A glance at her daughter's face warned her, if she said
anything, to choose a new subject.

The second letter still remained unnoticed. "Shall we see what
the lawyer says?" she suggested--and opened the envelope. The
lawyer had nothing to say. He simply inclosed a letter received
at his office.

Mrs. Presty had long passed the age at which emotion expresses
itself outwardly by a change of color. She turned pale,
nevertheless, when she looked at the second letter.

The address was in Herbert Linley's handwriting.

Chapter XXIV.


When she was not eating her meals or asleep in her bed, absolute
silence on Mrs. Presty's part was a circumstance without
precedent in the experience of her daughter. Mrs. Presty was
absolutely silent now. Mrs. Linley looked up.

She at once perceived the change in her mother's face and asked
what it meant. "Mamma, you look as if something had frightened
you. Is it anything in that letter?" She bent over the table, and
looked a little closer at the letter. Mrs. Presty had turned it
so that the address was underneath; and the closed envelope was
visible still intact. "Why don't you open it?" Mrs. Linley asked.

Mrs. Presty made a strange reply. " I am thinking of throwing it
into the fire."

"My letter?"

"Yes; your letter."

"Let me look at it first."

"You had better not look at it, Catherine."

Naturally enough, Mrs. Linley remonstrated. "Surely I ought to
read a letter forwarded by my lawyer. Why are you hiding the
address from me? Is it from some person whose handwriting we both
know?" She looked again at her silent mother--reflected--and
guessed the truth. "Give it to me directly," she said; "my
husband has written to me."

Mrs. Presty's heavy eyebrows gathered into a frown. "Is it
possible," she asked sternly, "that you are still fond enough of
that man to care about what he writes to you?" Mrs. Linley held
out her hand for the letter. Her wise mother found it desirable
to try persuasion next. "If you really won't give way, my dear,
humor me for once. Will you let me read it to you?"

"Yes--if you promise to read every word of it."

Mrs. Presty promised (with a mental reservation), and opened the

At the two first words, she stopped and began to clean her
spectacles. Had her own eyes deceived her? Or had Herbert Linley
actually addressed her daughter--after having been guilty of the
cruelest wrong that a husband can inflict on a wife--as "Dear
Catherine"? Yes: there were the words, when she put her
spectacles on again. Was he in his right senses? or had he
written in a state of intoxication?

Mrs. Linley waited, with a preoccupied mind: she showed no signs
of impatience or surprise. As it presently appeared, she was not
thinking of the letter addressed to her by Herbert, but of the
letter written by Randal. "I want to look at it again." With that
brief explanation she turned at once to the closing lines which
had offended her when she first read them.

Mrs. Presty hazarded a guess at what was going on in her
daughter's mind. "Now your husband has written to you," she said,
"are you beginning to think Randal's opinion may be worth
considering again?" With her eyes still on Randal's letter, Mrs.
Linley merely answered: "Why don't you begin?" Mrs. Presty began
as follows, leaving out the familiarity of her son-in-law's
address to his wife.

"I hope and trust you will forgive me for venturing to write to
you, in consideration of the subject of my letter. I have
something to say concerning our child. Although I have deserved
the worst you can think of me, I believe you will not deny that
even your love for our little Kitty (while we were living
together) was not a truer love than mine. Bad as I am, my heart
has that tender place left in it still. I cannot endure
separation from my child."

Mrs. Linley rose to her feet. The first vague anticipations of
future atonement and reconciliation, suggested by her
brother-in-law, no longer existed in her mind: she foresaw but
too plainly what was to come. "Read faster," she said, "or let me
read it for myself."

Mrs. Presty went on: "There is no wish, on my part, to pain you
by any needless allusion to my claims as a father. My one desire
is to enter into an arrangement which shall be as just toward
you, as it is toward me. I propose that Kitty shall live with her
father one half of the year, and shall return to her mother's
care for the other half If there is any valid objection to this,
I confess I fail to see it."

Mrs. Linley could remain silent no longer.

"Does he see no difference," she broke out, "between his position
and mine? What consolation--in God's name, what consolation is
left to me for the rest of my life but my child? And he threatens
to separate us for six months in every year! And he takes credit
to himself for an act of exalted justice on his part! Is there no
such thing as shame in the hearts of men?"

Under ordinary circumstances, her mother would have tried to calm
her. But Mrs. Presty had turned to the next page of the letter,
at the moment when her daughter spoke.

What she found written, on that other side, produced a startling
effect on her. She crumpled the letter up in her hand, and threw
it into the fireplace. It fell under the grate instead of into
the grate. With amazing activity for a woman of her age, she ran
across the room to burn it. Younger and quicker, Mrs. Linley got
to the fireplace first, and seized the letter. "There is
something more!" she exclaimed. "And you are afraid of my knowing
what it is."

"Don't read it!" Mrs. Presty called out.

There was but one sentence left to read: "If your maternal
anxiety suggests any misgiving, let me add that a woman's loving
care will watch over our little girl while she is under my roof.
You will remember how fond Miss Westerfield was of Kitty, and you
will believe me when I tell you that she is as truly devoted to
the child as ever."

"I tried to prevent you from reading it," said Mrs. Presty.

Mrs. Linley looked at her mother with a strange unnatural smile.

"I wouldn't have missed this for anything!" she said. "The
cruelest of all separations is proposed to me--and I am expected
to submit to it, because my husband's mistress is fond of my
child!" She threw the letter from her with a frantic gesture of
contempt and burst into a fit of hysterical laughter.

The old mother's instinct--not the old mother's reason--told her
what to do. She drew her daughter to the open window, and called
to Kitty to come in. The child (still amusing herself by fishing
in the lake) laid down her rod. Mrs. Linley saw her running
lightly along the little pier, on her way to the house. _That_
influence effected what no other influence could have achieved.
The outraged wife controlled herself, for the sake of her child.
Mrs. Presty led her out to meet Kitty in the garden; waited until
she saw them together; and returned to the breakfast-room.

Herbert Linley's letter lay on the floor; his discreet
mother-in-law picked it up. It could do no more harm now, and
there might be reasons for keeping the husband's proposal.
"Unless I am very much mistaken," Mrs. Presty concluded, "we
shall hear more from the lawyer before long." She locked up the
letter, and wondered what her daughter would do next.

In half an hour Mrs. Linley returned--pale, silent,

She seated herself at her desk; wrote literally one line; signed
it without an instant's hesitation, and folded the paper. Before
it was secured in the envelope, Mrs. Presty interfered with a
characteristic request. "You are writing to Mr. Linley, of
course," she said. "May I see it?"

Mrs. Linley handed the letter to her. The one line of writing
contained these words: "I refuse positively to part with my
child.--Catherine Linley."

"Have you considered what is likely to happen, when he gets
this?" Mrs. Presty inquired.

"No, mamma."

"Will you consult Randal?"

"I would rather not consult him."

"Will you let me consult him for you?"

"Thank you--no."

"Why not?"

"After what Randal has written to me, I don't attach any value to
his opinion." With that reply she sent her letter to the post,
and went back again to Kitty.

After this, Mrs. Presty resolved to wait the arrival of Herbert
Linley's answer, and to let events take their course. The view
from the window (as she passed it, walking up and down the room)
offered her little help in forecasting the future. Kitty had
returned to her fishing; and Kitty's mother was walking slowly up
and down the pier, deep in thought. Was she thinking of what
might happen, and summoning the resolution which so seldom showed
itself on ordinary occasions?

Chapter XXV.


No second letter arrived. But a telegram was received from the
lawyer toward the end of the week.

"Expect me to-morrow on business which requires personal

That was the message. In taking the long journey to Cumberland,
Mrs. Linley's legal adviser sacrificed two days of his precious
time in London. Something serious must assuredly have happened.

In the meantime, who was the lawyer?

He was Mr. Sarrazin, of Lincoln's Inn Fields.

Was he an Englishman or a Frenchman?

He was a curious mixture of both. His ancestors had been among
the persecuted French people who found a refuge in England, when
the priest-ridden tyrant, Louis the Fourteenth, revoked the Edict
of Nantes. A British subje ct by birth, and a thoroughly
competent and trustworthy man, Mr. Sarrazin labored under one
inveterate delusion; he firmly believed that his original French
nature had been completely eradicated, under the influence of our
insular climate and our insular customs. No matter how often the
strain of the lively French blood might assert itself, at
inconvenient times and under regrettable circumstances, he never
recognized this foreign side of his character. His excellent
spirits, his quick sympathies, his bright mutability of mind--all
those qualities, in short, which were most mischievously ready to
raise distrust in the mind of English clients, before their
sentiment changed for the better under the light of later
experience--were attributed by Mr. Sarrazin to the exhilarating
influence of his happy domestic circumstances and his successful
professional career. His essentially English wife; his
essentially English children; his whiskers, his politics, his
umbrella, his pew at church, his plum pudding, his _Times_
newspaper, all answered for him (he was accustomed to say) as an
inbred member of the glorious nation that rejoices in hunting the
fox, and believes in innumerable pills.

This excellent man arrived at the cottage, desperately fatigued
after his long journey, but in perfect possession of his
incomparable temper, nevertheless.

He afforded a proof of this happy state of mind, on sitting down
to his supper. An epicure, if ever there was one yet, he found
the solid part of the refreshments offered to him to consist of a
chop. The old French blood curdled at the sight of it--but the
true-born Englishman heroically devoted himself to the national
meal. At the same time the French vivacity discovered a kindred
soul in Kitty; Mr. Sarrazin became her intimate friend in five
minutes. He listened to her and talked to her, as if the child
had been his client, and fishing from the pier the business which
had brought him from London. To Mrs. Presty's disgust, he turned
up a corner of the table-cloth, when he had finished his chop,
and began to conjure so deftly with the spoons and forks that
poor little Kitty (often dull, now, under the changed domestic
circumstances of her life) clapped her hands with pleasure, and
became the joyous child of the happy old times once more. Mrs.
Linley, flattered in her maternal love and her maternal pride,
never thought of recalling this extraordinary lawyer to the
business that was waiting to be discussed. But Mrs. Presty looked
at the clock, and discovered that her grandchild ought to have
been in bed half-an-hour ago.

"Time to say good-night," the grandmother suggested.

The grandchild failed to see the subject of bed in the same
light. "Oh, not yet," she pleaded; "I want to speak to Mr.--"
Having only heard the visitor's name once, and not finding her
memory in good working order after the conjuring, Kitty
hesitated. "Isn't your name something like Saracen?" she asked.

"Very like!" cried the genial lawyer. "Try my other name, my
dear. I'm Samuel as well as Sarrazin."

"Ah, that'll do," said Kitty. Grandmamma, before I go to bed,
I've something to ask Samuel."

Grandmamma persisted in deferring the question until the next
morning. Samuel administered consolation before he said
good-night. "I'll get up early," he whispered, "and we'll go on
the pier before breakfast and fish."

Kitty expressed her gratitude in her own outspoken way. "Oh,
dear, how nice it would be, Samuel, if you lived with us!" Mrs.
Linley laughed for the first time, poor soul, since the
catastrophe which had broken up her home. Mrs. Presty set a
proper example. She moved her chair so that she faced the lawyer,
and said: "Now, Mr. Sarrazin!"

He acknowledged that he understood what this meant, by a very
unprofessional choice of words. "We are in a mess," he began,
"and the sooner we are out of it the better."

"Only let me keep Kitty," Mrs. Linley declared, "and I'll do
whatever you think right."

"Stick to that, dear madam, when you have heard what I have to
tell you--and I shall not have taken my journey in vain. In the
first place, may I look at the letter which I had the honor of
forwarding some days since?"

Mrs. Presty gave him Herbert Linley's letter. He read it with the
closest attention, and tapped the breast-pocket of his coat when
he had done.

"If I didn't know what I have got here," he remarked, "I should
have said: Another person dictated this letter, and the name of
the person is Miss Westerfield."

"Just my idea!" Mrs. Presty exclaimed. "There can't be a doubt of

"Oh, but there is a very great doubt of it, ma'am; and you will
say so too when you know what your severe son-in-law threatens to
do." He turned to Mrs. Linley. "After having seen that pretty
little friend of mine who has just gone to bed (how much nicer it
would be for all of us if we could go to bed too!), I think I
know how you answered your husband's letter. But I ought perhaps
to see how you have expressed yourself. Have you got a copy?"

"It was too short, Mr. Sarrazin, to make a copy necessary."

"Do you mean you can remember it?"

"I can repeat it word for word. This was my reply: I refuse,
positively, to part with my child."

"No more like that?"

"No more."

Mr. Sarrazin looked at his client with undisguised admiration.
"The only time in all my long experience," he said, "in which I
have found a lady's letter capable of expressing itself strongly
in a few words. What a lawyer you will make, Mrs. Linley, when
the rights of women invade my profession!"

He put his hand into his pocket and produced a letter addressed
to himself.

Watching him anxiously, the ladies saw his bright face become
overclouded with anxiety. "I am the wretched bearer of bad news,"
he resumed, "and if I fidget in my chair, that is the reason for
it. Let us get to the point--and let us get off it again as soon
as possible. Here is a letter, written to me by Mr. Linley's
lawyer. If you will take my advice you will let me say what the
substance of it is, and then put it back in my pocket. I doubt if
a woman has influenced these cruel instructions, Mrs. Presty;
and, therefore, I doubt if a woman influenced the letter which
led the way to them. Did I not say just now that I was coming to
the point? and here I am wandering further and further away from
it. A lawyer is human; there is the only excuse. Now, Mrs.
Linley, in two words; your husband is determined to have little
Miss Kitty; and the law, when he applies to it, is his obedient
humble servant."

"Do you mean that the law takes my child away from me?"

"I am ashamed, madam, to think that I live by the law; but that,
I must own, is exactly what it is capable of doing in the present
case. Compose yourself, I beg and pray. A time will come when
women will remind men that the mother bears the child and feeds
the child, and will insist that the mother's right is the best
right of the two. In the meanwhile--"

"In the meanwhile, Mr. Sarrazin, I won't submit to the law."

"Quite right, Catherine!" cried Mrs. Presty. "Exactly what I
should do, in your place."

Mr. Sarrazin listened patiently. "I am all attention, good
ladies," he said, with the gentlest resignation. "Let me hear how
you mean to do it."

The good ladies looked at each other. They discovered that it is
one thing to set an abuse at defiance in words, and another thing
to apply the remedy in deeds. The kind-hearted lawyer helped them
with a suggestion. "Perhaps you think of making your escape with
the child, and taking refuge abroad?"

Mrs. Linley eagerly accepted the hint. "The first train to-morrow
morning starts at half-past seven," she said. "We might catch
some foreign steamer that sails from the east coast of Scotland."

Mrs. Presty, keeping a wary eye on Mr. Sarrazin, was not quite so
ready as her daughter in rushing at conclusions. "I am afraid,"
she acknowledged, "our worthy friend sees some objection. What is

"I don't presume to offer a positive opinion, ma'am; but I think
Mr. Linley and his lawyer have their suspicions. Plainly
speaking, I am afraid spies are set to watch us already."


"You shall hear. I travel second-class; one saves mone y and one
finds people to talk to--and at what sacrifice? Only a hard
cushion to sit on! In the same carriage with me there was a very
conversable person--a smart young man with flaming red hair. When
we took the omnibus at your station here, all the passengers got
out in the town except two. I was one exception, and the smart
young man was the other. When I stopped at your gate, the omnibus
went on a few yards, and set down my fellow-traveler at the
village inn. My profession makes me sly. I waited a little before
I rang your bell; and, when I could do it without being seen, I
crossed the road, and had a look at the inn. There is a moon
to-night; I was very careful. The young man didn't see me. But I
saw a head of flaming hair, and a pair of amiable blue eyes, over
the blind of a window; and it happened to be the one window of
the inn which commands a full view of your gate. Mere suspicion,
you will say! I can't deny it, and yet I have my reasons for
suspecting. Before I left London, one of my clerks followed me in
a great hurry to the terminus, and caught me as I was opening the
carriage door. 'We have just made a discovery,' he said; 'you and
Mrs. Linley are to be reckoned up.' Reckoned up is, if you
please, detective English for being watched. My clerk might have
repeated a false report, of course. And my fellow-traveler might
have come all the way from London to look out of the window of an
inn, in a Cumberland village. What do you think yourselves?"

It seemed to be easier to dispute the law than to dispute Mr.
Sarrazin's conclusions.

"Suppose I choose to travel abroad, and to take my child with
me," Mrs. Linley persisted, "who has any right to prevent me?"

Mr. Sarrazin reluctantly reminded her that the father had a
right. "No person--not even the mother--can take the child out of
the father's custody," he said, "except with the father's
consent. His authority is the supreme authority--unless it
happens that the law has deprived him of his privilege, and has
expressly confided the child to the mother's care. Ha!" cried Mr.
Sarrazin, twisting round in his chair and fixing his keen eyes on
Mrs. Presty, "look at your good mother; _she_ sees what I am
coming to."

"I see something more than you think," Mrs. Presty answered. "If
I know anything of my daughter's nature, you will find yourself,
before long, on delicate ground."

"What do you mean, mamma?"

Mrs. Presty had lived in the past age when persons occasionally
used metaphor as an aid to the expression of their ideas. Being
called upon to explain herself, she did it in metaphor, to her
own entire satisfaction.

"Our learned friend here reminds me, my dear Catherine, of a
traveler exploring a strange town. He takes a turning, in the
confident expectation that it will reward him by leading him to
some satisfactory result--and he finds himself in a blind alley,
or, as the French put it (I speak French fluently), in a _cool de
sack_. Do I make my meaning clear, Mr. Sarrazin?"

"Not the least in the world, ma'am."

"How very extraordinary! Perhaps I have been misled by my own
vivid imagination. Let me endeavor to express myself plainly--let
me say that my fancy looks prophetically at what you are going to
do, and sincerely wishes you well out of it. Pray go on."

"And pray speak more plainly than my mother has spoken," Mrs.
Linley added. "As I understood what you said just now, there is a
law, after all, that will protect me in the possession of my
little girl. I don't care what it costs; I want that law."

"May I ask first," Mr. Sarrazin stipulated, "whether you are
positively resolved not to give way to your husband in this
matter of Kitty?"


"One more question, if you please, on a matter of fact. I have
heard that you were married in Scotland. Is that true?"

"Quite true."

Mr. Sarrazin exhibited himself once more in a highly
unprofessional aspect. He clapped his hands, and cried, "Bravo!"
as if he had been in a theater.

Mrs. Linley caught the infection of the lawyer's excitement. "How
dull I am!" she exclaimed. "There is a thing they call
'incompatibility of temper'--and married people sign a paper at
the lawyer's and promise never to trouble each other again as
long as they both live. And they're readier to do it in Scotland
than they are in England. That's what you mean--isn't it?"

Mr. Sarrazin found it necessary to reassume his professional

"No, indeed, madam," he said, "I should be unworthy of your
confidence if I proposed nothing better than that. You can only
secure the sole possession of little Kitty by getting the help of
a judge--"

"Get it at once," Mrs. Linley interposed.

"And you can only prevail on the judge to listen to you," Mr.
Sarrazin proceeded, "in one way. Summon your courage, madam.
Apply for a divorce."

There was a sudden silence. Mrs. Linley rose trembling, as if she
saw--not good Mr. Sarrazin--but the devil himself tempting her.
"Do you hear that?" she said to her mother.

Mrs. Presty only bowed.

"Think of the dreadful exposure!"

Mrs. Presty bowed again.

The lawyer had his opportunity now.

"Well, Mrs. Linley," he asked, "what do you say?"

"No--never!" She made that positive reply; and disposed
beforehand of everything that might have been urged, in the way
of remonstrance and persuasion, by leaving the room. The two
persons who remained, sitting opposite to each other, took
opposite views.

"Mr. Sarrazin, she won't do it."

"Mrs. Presty, she will."

Chapter XXVI.


Punctual to his fishing appointment with Kitty, Mr. Sarrazin was
out in the early morning, waiting on the pier.

Not a breath of wind was stirring; the lazy mist lay asleep on
the further shore of the lake. Here and there only the dim tops
of the hills rose like shadows cast by the earth on the faint
gray of the sky. Nearer at hand, the waters of the lake showed a
gloomy surface; no birds flew over the colorless calm; no passing
insects tempted the fish to rise. From time to time a last-left
leaf on the wooded shore dropped noiselessly and died. No
vehicles passed as yet on the lonely road; no voices were audible
from the village; slow and straight wreaths of smoke stole their
way out of the chimneys, and lost their vapor in the misty sky.
The one sound that disturbed the sullen repose of the morning was
the tramp of the lawyer's footsteps, as he paced up and down the
pier. He thought of London and its ceaseless traffic, its roaring
high tide of life in action--and he said to himself, with the
strong conviction of a town-bred man: How miserable this is!

A voice from the garden cheered him, just as he reached the end
of the pier for the fiftieth time, and looked with fifty-fold
intensity of dislike at the dreary lake.

There stood Kitty behind the garden-gate, with a fishing-rod in
each hand. A tin box was strapped on one side of her little body
and a basket on the other. Burdened with these impediments, she
required assistance. Susan had let her out of the house; and
Samuel must now open the gate for her. She was pleased to observe
that the raw morning had reddened her friend's nose; and she
presented her own nose to notice as exhibiting perfect sympathy
in this respect. Feeling a misplaced confidence in Mr. Sarrazin's
knowledge and experience as an angler, she handed the
fishing-rods to him. "My fingers are cold," she said; "you bait
the hooks." He looked at his young friend in silent perplexity;
she pointed to the tin box. "Plenty of bait there, Samuel; we
find maggots do best." Mr. Sarrazin eyed the box with undisguised
disgust; and Kitty made an unexpected discovery. "You seem to
know nothing about it," she said. And Samuel answered, cordially,
"Nothing!" In five minutes more he found himself by the side of
his young friend--with his hook baited, his line in the water,
and strict injunctions to keep an eye on the float.

They began to fish.

Kitty looked at her companion, and looked away again in silence.
By way of encouraging her to talk, the good-natured lawyer
alluded to what she had said when they parted overnight. You
wanted to ask me something," he reminded her. "What is it?"

Without one preliminary word of warning to prepare him for
 the shock, Kitty answered: "I want you to tell me what has
become of papa, and why Syd has gone away and left me. You know
who Syd is, don't you?"

The only alternative left to Mr. Sarrazin was to plead ignorance.
While Kitty was instructing him on the subject of her governess,
he had time to consider what he should say to her next. The
result added one more to the lost opportunities of Mr. Sarrazin's

"You see," the child gravely continued, "you are a clever man;
and you have come here to help mamma. I have got that much out of
grandmamma, if I have got nothing else. Don't look at me; look at
your float. My papa has gone away and Syd has left me without
even saying good-by, and we have given up our nice old house in
Scotland and come to live here. I tell you I don't understand it.
If you see your float begin to tremble, and then give a little
dip down as if it was going to sink, pull your line out of the
water; you will most likely find a fish at the end of it. When I
ask mamma what all this means, she says there is a reason, and I
am not old enough to understand it, and she looks unhappy, and
she gives me a kiss, and it ends in that way. You've got a bite;
no you haven't; it's only a nibble; fish are so sly. And
grandmamma is worse still. Sometimes she tells me I'm a spoiled
child; and sometimes she says well-behaved little girls don't ask
questions. That's nonsense--and I think it's hard on me. You look
uncomfortable. Is it my fault? I don't want to bother you; I only
want to know why Syd has gone away. When I was younger I might
have thought the fairies had taken her. Oh, no! that won't do any
longer; I'm too old. Now tell me."

Mr. Sarrazin weakly attempted to gain time: he looked at his
watch. Kitty looked over his shoulder: "Oh, we needn't be in a
hurry; breakfast won't be ready for half an hour yet. Plenty of
time to talk of Syd; go on."

Most unwisely (seeing that he had to deal with a clever child,
and that child a girl), Mr. Sarrazin tried flat denial as a way
out of the difficulty. He said: "I don't know why she has gone
away." The next question followed instantly: 'Well, then, what do
you _think_ about it?" In sheer despair, the persecuted friend
said the first thing that came into his head.

"I think she has gone to be married."

Kitty was indignant.

"Gone to be married, and not tell me!" she exclaimed. "What do
you mean by that?"

Mr. Sarrazin's professional experience of women and marriages
failed to supply him with an answer. In this difficulty he
exerted his imagination, and invented something that no woman
ever did yet. "She's waiting," he said. "to see how her marriage
succeeds, before she tells anybody about it."

This sounded probable to the mind of a child.

"I hope she hasn't married a beast," Kitty said, with a serious
face and an ominous shake of the head. "When shall I hear from

Mr. Sarrazin tried another prevarication--with better results
this time. "You will be the first person she writes to, of
course." As that excusable lie passed his lips, his float began
to tremble. Here was a chance of changing the subject--"I've got
a fish!" he cried.

Kitty was immediately interested. She threw down her own rod, and
assisted her ignorant companion. A wretched little fish appeared
in the air, wriggling. "It's a roach," Kitty pronounced. "It's in
pain," the merciful lawyer added; "give it to me." Kitty took it
off the hook, and obeyed. Mr. Sarrazin with humane gentleness of
handling put it back into the water. "Go, and God bless you,"
said this excellent man, as the roach disappeared joyously with a
flick of its tail. Kitty was scandalized. "That's not sport!" she
said. "Oh, yes, it is," he answered--"sport to the fish."

They went on with their angling. What embarrassing question would
Kitty ask next? Would she want to be told why her father had left
her? No: the last image in the child's mind had been the image of
Sydney Westerfield. She was still thinking of it when she spoke

"I wonder whether you're right about Syd?" she began. You might
be mistaken, mightn't you? I sometimes fancy mamma and Sydney may
have had a quarrel. Would you mind asking mamma if that's true?"
the affectionate little creature said, anxiously. "You see, I
can't help talking of Syd, I'm so fond of her; and I do miss her
so dreadfully every now and then; and I'm afraid--oh, dear, dear,
I'm afraid I shall never see her again!" She let her rod drop on
the pier, and put her little hands over her face and burst out

Shocked and distressed, good Mr. Sarrazin kissed her, and
consoled her, and told another excusable lie.

"Try to be comforted, Kitty; I'm sure you will see her again."

His conscience reproached him as he held out that false hope. It
could never be! The one unpardonable sin, in the judgment of
fallible human creatures like herself, was the sin that Sydney
Westerfield had committed. Is there something wrong in human
nature? or something wrong in human laws? All that is best and
noblest in us feels the influence of love--and the rules of
society declare that an accident of position shall decide whether
love is a virtue or a crime.

These thoughts were in the lawyer's mind. They troubled him and
disheartened him: it was a relief rather than an interruption
when he felt Kitty's hand on his arm. She had dried her tears,
with a child's happy facility in passing from one emotion to
another, and was now astonished and interested by a marked change
in the weather.

"Look for the lake!" she cried. "You can't see it."

A dense white fog was closing round them. Its stealthy advance
over the water had already begun to hide the boathouse at the end
of the pier from view. The raw cold of the atmosphere made the
child shiver. As Mr. Sarrazin took her hand to lead her indoors,
he turned and looked back at the faint outline of the boathouse,
disappearing in the fog. Kitty wondered. "Do you see anything?"
she asked.

He answered that there was nothing to see, in the absent tone of
a man busy with his own thoughts. They took the garden path which
led to the cottage. As they reached the door he roused himself,
and looked round again in the direction of the invisible lake.

"Was the boat-house of any use now," he inquired--"was there a
boat in it, for instance?" "There was a capital boat, fit to go
anywhere." "And a man to manage it?" "To be sure! the gardener
was the man; he had been a sailor once; and he knew the lake as
well as--" Kitty stopped, at a loss for a comparison. "As well as
you know your multiplication table?" said Mr. Sarrazin, dropping
his serious questions on a sudden. Kitty shook her head. "Much
better," she honestly acknowledged.

Opening the breakfast-room door they saw Mrs. Presty making
coffee. Kitty at once retired. When she had been fishing, her
grandmamma inculcated habits of order by directing her to take
the rods to pieces, and to put them away in their cases in the
lumber-room. While she was absent, Mr. Sarrazin profited by the
opportunity, and asked if Mrs. Linley had thought it over in the
night, and had decided on applying for a Divorce.

"I know nothing about my daughter," Mrs. Presty answered, "except
that she had a bad night. Thinking, no doubt, over your advice,"
the old lady added with a mischievous smile.

"Will you kindly inquire if Mrs. Linley has made up her mind
yet?" the lawyer ventured to say.

"Isn't that your business?" Mrs. Presty asked slyly. "Suppose you
write a little note, and I will send it up to her room." The
worldly-wisdom which prompted this suggestion contemplated a
possible necessity for calling a domestic council, assembled to
consider the course of action which Mrs. Linley would do well to
adopt. If the influence of her mother was among the forms of
persuasion which might be tried, that wary relative maneuvered to
make the lawyer speak first, and so to reserve to herself the
advantage of having the last word.

Patient Mr. Sarrazin wrote the note.

He modestly asked for instructions; and he was content to receive
them in one word--Yes or No. In the event of the answer being
Yes, he would ask for a few minutes' conversation with Mrs.
Linley,  at her earliest convenience. Tha t was all.

The reply was returned in a form which left Yes to be inferred:
"I will receive you as soon as you have finished your breakfast."

Chapter XXVII.


Having read Mrs. Linley's answer, Mr. Sarrazin looked out of the
breakfast-room window, and saw that the fog had reached the
cottage. Before Mrs. Presty could make any remark on the change
in the weather, he surprised her by an extraordinary question.

"Is there an upper room here, ma'am, which has a view of the road
before your front gate?"


"And can I go into it without disturbing anybody?"

Mrs. Presty said, "Of course!" with an uplifting of her eye brows
which expressed astonishment not unmixed with suspicion. "Do you
want to go up now?" she added, "or will you wait till you have
had your breakfast?"

"I want to go up, if you please, before the fog thickens. Oh,
Mrs. Presty, I am ashamed to trouble you! Let the servant show me
the room."

No. For the first time in her life Mrs. Presty insisted on doing
servant's duty. If she had been crippled in both legs her
curiosity would have helped her to get up the stairs on her
hands. "There!" she said, opening the door of the upper room, and
placing herself exactly in the middle of it, so that she could
see all round her: "Will that do for you?"

Mr. Sarrazin went to the window; hid himself behind the curtain;
and cautiously peeped out. In half a minute he turned his back on
the misty view of the road, and said to himself: "Just what I

Other women might have asked what this mysterious proceeding
meant. Mrs. Presty's sense of her own dignity adopted a system of
independent discovery. To Mr. Sarrazin's amusement, she imitated
him to his face. Advancing to the window, she, too, hid herself
behind the curtain, and she, too, peeped out. Still following her
model, she next turned her back on the view--and then she became
herself again. "Now we have both looked out of window," she said
to the lawyer, in her own inimitably impudent way, "suppose we
compare our impressions."

This was easily done. They had both seen the same two men walking
backward and forward, opposite the front gate of the cottage.
Before the advancing fog made it impossible to identify him, Mr.
Sarrazin had recognized in one of the men his agreeable
fellow-traveler on the journey from London. The other man--a
stranger--was in all probability an assistant spy obtained in the
neighborhood. This discovery suggested serious embarrassment in
the future. Mrs. Presty asked what was to be done next. Mr.
Sarrazin answered: "Let us have our breakfast."

In another quarter of an hour they were both in Mrs. Linley's

Her agitated manner, her reddened eyes, showed that she was still
suffering under the emotions of the past night. The moment the
lawyer approached her, she crossed the room with hurried steps,
and took both his hands in her trembling grasp. "You are a good
man, you are a kind man," she said to him wildly; "you have my
truest respect and regard. Tell me, are
you--really--really--really sure that the one way in which I can
keep my child with me is the way you mentioned last night?"

Mr. Sarrazin led her gently back to her chair.

The sad change in her startled and distressed him. Sincerely,
solemnly even, he declared that the one alternative before her
was the alternative that he had mentioned. He entreated her to
control herself. It was useless, she still held him as if she was
holding to her last hope.

"Listen to me!" she cried. "There's something more; there's
another chance for me. I must, and will, know what you think of

"Wait a little. Pray wait a little!"

"No! not a moment. Is there any hope in appealing to the lawyer
whom Mr. Linley has employed? Let me go back with you to London.
I will persuade him to exert his influence--I will go down on my
knees to him--I will never leave him till I have won him over to
my side--I will take Kitty with me; he shall see us both, and
pity us, and help us!"

"Hopeless. Quite hopeless, Mrs. Linley."

"Oh, don't say that!"

"My dear lady, my poor dear lady, I must say it. The man you are
talking of is the last man in the world to be influenced as you
suppose. He is notoriously a lawyer, and nothing but a lawyer. If
you tried to move him to pity you, he would say, 'Madam, I am
doing my duty to my client'; and he would ring his bell and have
you shown out. Yes! even if he saw you crushed and crying at his

Mrs. Presty interfered for the first time.

"In your place, Catherine," she said, "I would put my foot down
on that man and crush _him_. Consent to the Divorce, and you may
do it."

Mrs. Linley lay prostrate in her chair. The excitement which had
sustained her thus far seemed to have sunk with the sinking of
her last hope. Pale, exhausted, yielding to hard necessity, she
looked up when her mother said, "Consent to the Divorce," and
answered, "I have consented."

"And trust me," Mr. Sarrazin said fervently, "to see that Justice
is done, and to protect you in the meanwhile."

Mrs. Presty added her tribute of consolation.

"After all," she asked, "what is there to terrify you in the
prospect of a Divorce? You won't hear what people say about
it--for we see no society now. And, as for the newspapers, keep
them out of the house."

Mrs. Linley answered with a momentary revival of energy

"It is not the fear of exposure that has tortured me," she said.
"When I was left in the solitude of the night, my heart turned to
Kitty; I felt that any sacrifice of myself might be endured for
her sake. It's the remembrance of my marriage, Mr. Sarrazin, that
is the terrible trial to me. Those whom God has joined together,
let no man put asunder. Is there nothing to terrify me in setting
that solemn command at defiance? I do it--oh, I do it--in
consenting to the Divorce! I renounce the vows which I bound
myself to respect in the presence of God; I profane the
remembrance of eight happy years, hallowed by true love. Ah, you
needn't remind me of what my husband has done. I don't forget how
cruelly he has wronged me; I don't forget that his own act has
cast me from him. But whose act destroys our marriage? Mine,
mine! Forgive me, mamma; forgive me, my kind friend--the horror
that I have of myself forces its way to my lips. No more of it!
My child is my one treasure left. What must I do next? What must
I sign? What must I sacrifice? Tell me--and it shall be done. I
submit! I submit!"

Delicately and mercifully Mr. Sarrazin answered that sad appeal.

All that his knowledge, experience and resolution could suggest
he addressed to Mrs. Presty. Mrs. Linley could listen or not
listen, as her own wishes inclined. In the one case or in the
other, her interests would be equally well served. The good
lawyer kissed her hand. "Rest, and recover," he whispered. And
then he turned to her mother--and became a man of business once

"The first thing I shall do, ma'am, is to telegraph to my agent
in Edinburgh. He will arrange for the speediest possible hearing
of our case in the Court of Session. Make your mind easy so far."

Mrs. Presty's mind was by this time equally inaccessible to
information and advice. "I want to know what is to be done with
those two men who are watching the gate," was all she said in the
way of reply.

Mrs. Linley raised her head in alarm.

"Two!" she exclaimed--and looked at Mr. Sarrazin. "You only spoke
of one last night."

"And I add another this morning. Rest your poor head, Mrs.
Linley, I know how it aches; I know how it burns." He still
persisted in speaking to Mrs. Presty. "One of those two men will
follow me to the station, and see me off on my way to London. The
other will look after you, or your daughter, or the maid, or any
other person who may try to get away into hiding with Kitty. And
they are both keeping close to the gate, in the fear of losing
sight of us in the fog."

"I wish we lived in the Middle Ages!" said Mrs. Presty.

"What would be the use of that, ma'am?"

"Good heavens, Mr. Sarrazin, don't you see? In those grand old
days you would have taken a dagger, and the gardener would have
taken a dagger, and you would have stolen out, and stabbed those
two villains a s a matter of course. And this is the age of
progress! The vilest rogue in existence is a sacred person whose
life we are bound to respect. Ah, what good that national hero
would have done who put his barrels of gunpowder in the right
place on the Fifth of November! I have always said it, and I
stick to it, Guy Fawkes was a great statesman."

In the meanwhile Mrs. Linley was not resting, and not listening
to the expression of her mother's political sentiments. She was
intently watching Mr. Sarrazin's face.

"There is danger threatening us," she said. "Do you see a way out
of it?"

To persist in trying to spare her was plainly useless; Mr.
Sarrazin answered her directly.

"The danger of legal proceedings to obtain possession of the
child," he said, "is more near and more serious than I thought it
right to acknowledge, while you were in doubt which way to
decide. I was careful--too careful, perhaps--not to unduly
influence you in a matter of the utmost importance to your future
life. But you have made up your mind. I don't scruple now to
remind you that an interval of time must pass before the decree
for your Divorce can be pronounced, and the care of the child be
legally secured to the mother. The only doubt and the only danger
are there. If you are not frightened by the prospect of a
desperate venture which some women would shrink from, I believe I
see a way of baffling the spies."

Mrs. Linley started to her feet. "Say what I am to do," she
cried, "and judge for yourself if I am as easily frightened as
some women."

The lawyer pointed with a persuasive smile to her empty chair.
"If you allow yourself to be excited," he said, "you will
frighten me. Please--oh, please sit down again!"

Mrs. Linley felt the strong will, asserting itself in terms of
courteous entreaty. She obeyed. Mrs. Presty had never admired the
lawyer as she admired him now. "Is that how you manage your
wife?" she asked.

Mr. Sarrazin was equal to the occasion, whatever it might be. "In
your time, ma'am," he said, "did you reveal the mysteries of
conjugal life?" He turned to Mrs. Linley. "I have something to
ask first," he resumed, "and then you shall hear what I propose.
How many people serve you in this cottage?"

"Three. Our landlady, who is housekeeper and cook. Our own maid.
And the landlady's daughter, who does the housework."

"Any out-of-door servants?"

"Only the gardener."

"Can you trust these people?"

"In what way, Mr. Sarrazin?"

"Can you trust them with a secret which only concerns yourself?"

"Certainly! The maid has been with us for years; no truer woman
ever lived. The good old landlady often drinks tea with us. Her
daughter is going to be married; and I have given the
wedding-dress. As for the gardener, let Kitty settle the matter
with him, and I answer for the rest. Why are you pointing to the

"Look out, and tell me what you see."

"I see the fog."

"And I, Mrs. Linley, have seen the boathouse. While the spies are
watching your gate, what do you say to crossing the lake, under
cover of the fog?"


Chapter XXVIII.

Mr. Randal Linley.

Winter had come and gone; spring was nearing its end, and London
still suffered under the rigid regularity of easterly winds.
Although in less than a week summer would begin with the first of
June, Mr. Sarrazin was glad to find his office warmed by a fire,
when he arrived to open the letters of the day.

The correspondence in general related exclusively to proceedings
connected with the law. Two letters only presented an exception
to the general rule. The first was addressed in Mrs. Linley's
handwriting, and bore the postmark of Hanover. Kitty's mother had
not only succeeded in getting to the safe side of the lake--she
and her child had crossed the German Ocean as well. In one
respect her letter was a remarkable composition. Although it was
written by a lady, it was short enough to be read in less than a

"MY DEAR MR. SARRAZIN--I have just time to write by this
evening's post. Our excellent courier has satisfied himself that
the danger of discovery has passed away. The wretches have been
so completely deceived that they are already on their way back to
England, to lie in wait for us at Folkestone and Dover. To-morrow
morning we leave this charming place--oh, how unwillingly!--for
Bremen, to catch the steamer to Hull. You shall hear from me
again on our arrival. Gratefully yours,


Mr. Sarrazin put this letter into a private drawer and smiled as
he turned the key. "Has she made up her mind at last?" he asked
himself. "But for the courier, I shouldn't feel sure of her even

The second letter agreeably surprised him. It was announced that
the writer had just returned from the United States; it invited
him to dinner that evening; and it was signed "Randal Linley." In
Mr. Sarrazin's estimation, Randal had always occupied a higher
place than his brother. The lawyer had known Mrs. Linley before
her marriage, and had been inclined to think that she would have
done wisely if she had given her hand to the younger brother
instead of the elder. His acquaintance with Randal ripened
rapidly into friendship. But his relations with Herbert made no
advance toward intimacy: there was a gentlemanlike cordiality
between them, and nothing more.

At seven o'clock the two friends sat at a snug little table, in
the private room of a hotel, with an infinite number of questions
to ask of each other, and with nothing to interrupt them but a
dinner of such extraordinary merit that it insisted on being
noticed, from the first course to the last.

Randal began. "Before we talk of anything else," he said, "tell
me about Catherine and the child. Where are they?"

"On their way to England, after a residence in Germany."

"And the old lady?"

"Mrs. Presty has been staying with friends in London."

"What! have they parted company? Has there been a quarrel?"

"Nothing of the sort; a friendly separation, in the strictest
sense of the word. Oh, Randal, what are you about? Don't put
pepper into this perfect soup. It's as good as the _gras double_
at the Cafe Anglais in Paris."

"So it is; I wasn't paying proper attention to it. But I am
anxious about Catherine. Why did she go abroad?"

"Haven't you heard from her?"

"Not for six months or more. I innocently vexed her by writing a
little too hopefully about Herbert. Mrs. Presty answered my
letter, and recommended me not to write again. It isn't like
Catherine to bear malice."

"Don't even think such a thing possible!" the lawyer answered,
earnestly. "Attribute her silence to the right cause. Terrible
anxieties have been weighing on her mind since you went to

"Anxieties caused by my brother? Oh, I hope not!"

"Caused entirely by your brother--if I must tell the truth. Can't
you guess how?"

"Is it the child? You don't mean to tell me that Herbert has
taken Kitty away from her mother!"

"While I am her mother's lawyer, my friend, your brother won't do
that. Welcome back to England in the first glass of sherry; good
wine, but a little too dry for my taste. No, we won't talk of
domestic troubles just yet. You shall hear all about it after
dinner. What made you go to America? You haven't been delivering
lectures, have you?"

"I have been enjoying myself among the most hospitable people in
the world."

Mr. Sarrazin shook his head; he had a case of copyright in hand
just then. "A people to be pitied," he said.


"Because their Government forgets what is due to the honor of the


"In this way. The honor of a nation which confers right of
property in works of art, produced by its own citizens, is surely
concerned in protecting from theft works of art produced by other

"That's not the fault of the people."

"Certainly not. I have already said it's the fault of the
Government. Let's attend to the fish now."

Randal took his friend's advice. "Good sauce, isn't it?" he said.

The epicure entered a protest. "Good?" he repeated. "My dear
fellow, it's absolute perfection. I don't like to cast a slur on
English cookery. But think of melted butter, and tell me if
anybody but a foreigner (I don't like foreigners, but I give them
their due) could have produced this white wine sauce? So you
really had no particular motive in going to America?"

"On the contrary, I had a very particular motive. Just remember
what my life used to be when I was in Scotland--and look at my
life now! No Mount Morven; no model farm to look after; no
pleasant Highland neighbors; I can't go to my brother while he is
leading his present life; I have hurt Catherine's feelings; I
have lost dear little Kitty; I am not obliged to earn my living
(more's the pity); I don't care about politics; I have a pleasure
in eating harmless creatures, but no pleasure in shooting them.
What is there left for me to do, but to try change of scene, and
go roaming around the world, a restless creature without an
object in life? Have I done something wrong again? It isn't the
pepper this time--and yet you're looking at me as if I was trying
your temper."

The French side of Mr. Sarrazin's nature had got the better of
him once more. He pointed indignantly to a supreme preparation of
fowl on his friend's plate. "Do I actually see you picking out
your truffles, and putting them on one side?" he asked.

"Well," Randal acknowledged, "I don't care about truffles."

Mr. Sarrazin rose, with his plate in his hand and his fork ready
for action. He walked round the table to his friend's side, and
reverently transferred the neglected truffles to his own plate.
"Randal, you will live to repent this," he said solemnly. "In the
meantime, I am the gainer." Until he had finished the truffles,
no word fell from his lips. "I think I should have enjoyed them
more," he remarked, "if I had concentrated my attention by
closing my eyes; but you would have thought I was going to
sleep." He recovered his English nationality, after this, until
the dessert had been placed on the table, and the waiter was
ready to leave the room. At that auspicious moment, he underwent
another relapse. He insisted on sending his compliments and
thanks to the cook.

"At last," said Randal, "we are by ourselves--and now I want to
know why Catherine went to Germany."

Chapter XXIX.

Mr. Sarrazin.

As a lawyer, Randal's guest understood that a narrative of events
can only produce the right effect, on one condition: it must
begin at the beginning. Having related all that had been said and
done during his visit to the cottage, including his first efforts
in the character of an angler under Kitty's supervision, he
stopped to fill his glass again--and then astonished Randal by
describing the plan that he had devised for escaping from the
spies by crossing the lake in the fog.

"What did the ladies say to it?" Randal inquired. "Who spoke

"Mrs. Presty, of course! She objected to risk her life on the
water, in a fog. Mrs. Linley showed a resolution for which I was
not prepared. She thought of Kitty, saw the value of my
suggestion, and went away at once to consult with the landlady.
In the meantime I sent for the gardener, and told him what I was
thinking of. He was one of those stolid Englishmen, who possess
resources which don't express themselves outwardly. Judging by
his face, you would have said he was subsiding into a slumber
under the infliction of a sermon, instead of listening to a
lawyer proposing a stratagem. When I had done, the man showed the
metal he was made of. In plain English, he put three questions
which gave me the highest opinion of his intelligence. 'How much
luggage, sir?' 'As little as they can conveniently take with
them,' I said. 'How many persons?' 'The two ladies, the child,
and myself.' 'Can you row, sir?' 'In any water you like, Mr.
Gardener, fresh or salt'. Think of asking Me, an athletic
Englishman, if I could row! In an hour more we were ready to
embark, and the blessed fog was thicker than ever. Mrs. Presty
yielded under protest; Kitty was wild with delight; her mother
was quiet and resigned. But one circumstance occurred that I
didn't quite understand--the presence of a stranger on the pier
with a gun in his hand."

"You don't mean one of the spies?"

"Nothing of the sort; I mean an idea of the gardener's. He had
been a sailor in his time--and that's a trade which teaches a man
(if he's good for anything) to think, and act on his thought, at
one and the same moment. He had taken a peep at the blackguards
in front of the house, and had recognized the shortest of the two
as a native of the place, perfectly well aware that one of the
features attached to the cottage was a boathouse. 'That chap is
not such a fool as he looks,' says the gardener. 'If he mentions
the boat-house, the other fellow from London may have his
suspicions. I thought I would post my son on the pier--that quiet
young man there with the gun--to keep a lookout. If he sees
another boat (there are half a dozen on this side of the lake)
putting off after us, he has orders to fire, on the chance of our
hearing him. A little notion of mine, sir, to prevent our being
surprised in the fog. Do you see any objection to it?' Objection!
In the days when diplomacy was something more than a solemn
pretense, what a member of Congress that gardener would have
made! Well, we shipped our oars, and away we went. Not quite
haphazard--for we had a compass with us. Our course was as
straight as we could go, to a village on the opposite side of the
lake, called Brightfold. Nothing happened for the first quarter
of an hour--and then, by the living Jingo (excuse my vulgarity),
we heard the gun!"

"What did you do?"

"Went on rowing, and held a council. This time I came out as the
clever one of the party. The men were following us in the dark;
they would have to guess at the direction we had taken, and they
would most likely assume (in such weather as we had) that we
should choose the shortest way across the lake. At my suggestion
we changed our course, and made for a large town, higher up on
the shore, called Tawley. We landed, and waited for events, and
made no discovery of another boat behind us. The fools had
justified my confidence in them--they had gone to Brightfold.
There was half-an-hour to spare before the next train came to
Tawley; and the fog was beginning to lift on that side of the
lake. We looked at the shops; and I made a purchase in the town."

"Stop a minute," said Randal. "Is Brightfold on the railway?"


"Is there an electric telegraph at the place?"


"That was awkward, wasn't it? The first thing those men would do
would be to telegraph to Tawley."

"Not a doubt of it. How would they describe us, do you think?"

Randal answered. "A middle-aged gentleman--two ladies, one of
them elderly--and a little girl. Quite enough to identify you at
Tawley, if the station-master understood the message."

"Shall I tell you what the station-master discovered, with the
message in his hand? No elderly lady, no middle-aged gentleman;
nothing more remarkable than _one_ lady--and a little boy."

Randal's face brightened. "You parted company, of course," he
said; "and you disguised Kitty! How did you manage it?"

"Didn't I say just now that we looked at the shops, and that I
made a purchase in the town? A boy's ready-made suit--not at all
a bad fit for Kitty! Mrs. Linley put on the suit, and tucked up
the child's hair under a straw hat, in an empty yard--no idlers
about in that bad weather. We said good-by, and parted, with
grievous misgivings on my side, which proved (thank God!) to have
been quite needless. Kitty and her mother went to the station,
and Mrs. Presty and I hired a carriage, and drove away to the
head of the lake, to catch the train to London. Do you know,
Randal, I have altered my opinion of Mrs. Presty?"

Randal smiled. "You too have found something in that old woman,"
he said, "which doesn't appear on the surface."

"The occasion seems to bring that something out," the lawyer
remarked. "When I proposed the separation, and mentioned my
reasons, I expected to find some difficulty in persuading Mrs.
Presty to give up the adventurous journey with her daughter and
her grandchild. I reminded her that she had friends in London who
would receive her, and got snubbed for taking the liberty. 'I
know that as well as you do. Come along--I'm ready to go w ith
you.' It isn't agreeable to my self-esteem to own it, but I
expected to hear her say that she would consent to any sacrifice
for the sake of her dear daughter. No such clap-trap as that
passed her lips. She owned the true motive with a superiority to
cant which won my sincerest respect. 'I'll do anything,' she
said, 'to baffle Herbert Linley and the spies he has set to watch
us.' I can't tell you how glad I was that she had her reward on
the same day. We were too late at the station, and we had to wait
for the next train. And what do you think happened? The two
scoundrels followed us instead of following Mrs. Linley! They had
inquired no doubt at the livery stables where we hired the
carriage--had recognized the description of us--and had taken the
long journey to London for nothing. Mrs. Presty and I shook hands
at the terminus the best friends that ever traveled together with
the best of motives. After that, I think I deserve another glass
of wine."

"Go on with your story, and you shall have another bottle!" cried
Randal. "What did Catherine and the child do after they left

"They did the safest thing--they left England. Mrs. Linley
distinguished herself on this occasion. It was her excellent idea
to avoid popular ports of departure, like Folkestone and Dover,
which were sure to be watched, and to get away (if the thing
could be done) from some place on the east coast. We consulted
our guide and found that a line of steamers sailed from Hull to
Bremen once a week. A tedious journey from our part of
Cumberland, with some troublesome changing of trains, but they
got there in time to embark. My first news of them reached me in
a telegram from Bremen. There they waited for further
instructions. I sent the instructions by a thoroughly capable and
trustworthy man--an Italian courier, known to me by an experience
of twenty years. Shall I confess it? I thought I had done rather
a clever thing in providing Mrs. Linley with a friend in need
while I was away from her."

"I think so, too," said Randal.

"Wrong, completely wrong. I had made a mistake--I had been too
clever, and I got my reward accordingly. You know how I advised
Mrs. Linley?"

"Yes. You persuaded her, with the greatest difficulty, to apply
for a Divorce."

"Very well. I had made all the necessary arrangements for the
trial, when I received a letter from Germany. My charming client
had changed her mind, and declined to apply for the Divorce.
There was my reward for having been too clever!"

"I don't understand you."

"My dear fellow, you are dull to-night. I had been so successful
in protecting Mrs. Linley and the child, and my excellent courier
had found such a charming place of retreat for them in one of the
suburbs of Hanover, that 'she saw no reason now for taking the
shocking course that I had recommended to her--so repugnant to
all her most cherished convictions; so sinful and so shameful in
its doing of evil that good might come. Experience had convinced
her that (thanks to me) there was no fear of Kitty being
discovered and taken from her. She therefore begged me to write
to my agent in Edinburgh, and tell him that her application to
the court was withdrawn.' Ah, you understand my position at last.
The headstrong woman was running a risk which renewed all my
anxieties. By every day's post I expected to hear that she had
paid the penalty of her folly, and that your brother had
succeeded in getting possession of the child. Wait a little
before you laugh at me. But for the courier, the thing would have
really happened a week since."

Randal looked astonished. "Months must have passed," he objected.
"Surely, after that lapse of time, Mrs. Linley must have been
safe from discovery."

"Take your own positive view of it! I only know that the thing
happened. And why not? The luck had begun by being on one
side--why shouldn't the other side have had its turn next?"

"Do you really believe in luck?"

"Devoutly. A lawyer must believe in something. He knows the law
too well to put any faith in that: and his clients present to him
(if he is a man of any feeling) a hideous view of human nature.
The poor devil believes in luck--rather than believe in nothing.
I think it quite likely that accident helped the person employed
by the husband to discover the wife and child. Anyhow, Mrs.
Linley and Kitty were seen in the streets of Hanover; seen,
recognized, and followed. The courier happened to be with
them--luck again! For thirty years and more, he had been
traveling in every part of Europe; there was not a landlord of
the smallest pretensions anywhere who didn't know him and like
him. 'I pretended not to see that anybody was following us,' he
said (writing from Hanover to relieve my anxiety); 'and I took
the ladies to a hotel. The hotel possessed two merits from our
point of view--it had a way out at the back, through the stables,
and it was kept by a landlord who was an excellent good friend of
mine. I arranged with him what he was to say when inquiries were
made; and I kept my poor ladies prisoners in their lodgings for
three days. The end of it is that Mr. Linley's policeman has gone
away to watch the Channel steam-service, while we return quietly
by way of Bremen and Hull.' There is the courier's account of it.
I have only to add that poor Mrs. Linley has been fairly
frightened into submission. She changes her mind again, and
pledges herself once more to apply for the Divorce. If we are
only lucky enough to get our case heard without any very serious
delay, I am not afraid of my client slipping through my fingers
for the second time. When will the courts of session be open to
us? You have lived in Scotland, Randal--"

"But I haven't lived in the courts of law. I wish I could give
you the information you want."

Mr. Sarrazin looked at his watch. "For all I know to the
contrary," he said, "we may be wasting precious time while we are
talking here. Will you excuse me if I go away to my club?"

"Are you going in search of information?"

"Yes. We have some inveterate old whist-players who are always to
be found in the card-room. One of them formerly practiced, I
believe, in the Scotch courts. It has just occurred to me that
the chance is worth trying."

"Will you let me know if you succeed?" Randal asked.

The lawyer took his hand at parting. "You seem to be almost as
anxious about it as I am," he said.

"To tell you the truth, I am a little alarmed when I think of
Catherine. If there is another long delay, how do we know what
may happen before the law has confirmed the mother's claim to the
child? Let me send one of the servants here to wait at your club.
Will you give him a line telling me when the trial is likely to
take place?"

"With the greatest pleasure. Good-night."

Left alone, Randal sat by the fireside for a while, thinking of
the future. The prospect, as he saw it, disheartened him. As a
means of employing his mind on a more agreeable subject for
reflection, he opened his traveling desk and took out two or
three letters. They had been addressed to him, while he was in
America, by Captain Bennydeck.

The captain had committed an error of which most of us have been
guilty in our time. He had been too exclusively devoted to work
that interested him to remember what was due to the care of his
health. The doctor's warnings had been neglected; his
over-strained nerves had given way; and the man whose strong
constitution had resisted cold and starvation in the Arctic
wastes, had broken down under stress of brain-work in London.

This was the news which the first of the letters contained.

The second, written under dictation, alluded briefly to the
remedies suggested. In the captain's case, the fresh air
recommended was the air of the sea. At the same time he was
forbidden to receive either letters or telegrams, during his
absence from town, until the doctor had seen him again. These
instructions pointed, in Captain Bennydeck's estimation, to
sailing for pleasure's sake, and therefore to hiring a yacht.

The third and last letter announced that the yacht had been
found, and described the captain's plans when the vessel was
ready for sea.

He proposed to sail here and there abou t the Channel, wherever
it might please the wind to take him. Friends would accompany
him, but not in any number. The yacht was not large enough to
accommodate comfortably more than one or two guests at a time.
Every now and then, the vessel would come to an anchor in the bay
of the little coast town of Sandyseal, to accommodate friends
going and coming and (in spite of medical advice) to receive
letters. "You may have heard of Sandyseal," the Captain wrote,
"as one of the places which have lately been found out by the
doctors. They are recommending the air to patients suffering from
nervous disorders all over England. The one hotel in the place,
and the few cottages which let lodgings, are crammed, as I hear,
and the speculative builder is beginning his operations at such a
rate that Sandyseal will be no longer recognizable in a few
months more. Before the crescents and terraces and grand hotels
turn the town into a fashionable watering-place, I want to take a
last look at scenes familiar to me under their old aspect. If you
are inclined to wonder at my feeling such a wish as this, I can
easily explain myself. Two miles inland from Sandyseal, there is
a lonely old moated house. In that house I was born. When you
return from America, write to me at the postoffice, or at the
hotel (I am equally well known in both places), and let us
arrange for a speedy meeting. I wish I could ask you to come and
see me in my birth-place. It was sold, years since, under
instructions in my father's will, and was purchased for the use
of a community of nuns. We may look at the outside, and we can do
no more. In the meantime, don't despair of my recovery; the sea
is my old friend, and my trust is in God's mercy."

These last lines were added in a postscript:

"Have you heard any more of that poor girl, the daughter of my
old friend Roderick Westerfield--whose sad story would never have
been known to me but for you? I feel sure that you have good
reasons for not telling me the name of the man who has misled
her, or the address at which she may be found. But you may one
day be at liberty to break your silence. In that case, don't
hesitate to do so because there may happen to be obstacles in my
way. No difficulties discourage me, when my end in view is the
saving of a soul in peril."

Randal returned to his desk to write to the Captain. He had only
got as far as the first sentences, when the servant returned with
the lawyer's promised message. Mr. Sarrazin's news was
communicated in these cheering terms:

"I am a firmer believer in luck than ever. If we only make
haste--and won't I make haste!--we may get the Divorce, as I
calculate, in three weeks' time."

Chapter XXX.

The Lord President.

Mrs. Linley's application for a Divorce was heard in the first
division of the Court of Session at Edinburgh, the Lord President
being the judge.

To the disappointment of the large audience assembled, no defense
was attempted on the part of the husband--a wise decision, seeing
that the evidence of the wife and her witnesses was beyond
dispute. But one exciting incident occurred toward the close of
the proceedings. Sudden illness made Mrs. Linley's removal
necessary, at the moment of all others most interesting to
herself--the moment before the judge's decision was announced.

But, as the event proved, the poor lady's withdrawal was the most
fortunate circumstance that could have occurred, in her own
interests. After condemning the husband's conduct with unsparing
severity, the Lord President surprised most of the persons
present by speaking of the wife in these terms:

"Grievously as Mrs. Linley has been injured, the evidence shows
that she was herself by no means free from blame. She has been
guilty, to say the least of it, of acts of indiscretion. When the
criminal attachment which had grown up between Mr. Herbert Linley
and Miss Westerfield had been confessed to her, she appears to
have most unreasonably overrated whatever merit there might have
been in their resistance to the final temptation. She was indeed
so impulsively ready to forgive (without waiting to see if the
event justified the exercise of mercy) that she owns to having
given her hand to Miss Westerfield, at parting, not half an hour
after that young person's shameless forgetfulness of the claims
of modesty, duty and gratitude had been first communicated to
her. To say that this was the act of an inconsiderate woman,
culpably indiscreet and, I had almost added, culpably indelicate,
is only to say what she has deserved. On the next occasion to
which I feel bound to advert, her conduct was even more deserving
of censure. She herself appears to have placed the temptation
under which he fell in her husband's way, and so (in some degree
at least) to have provoked the catastrophe which has brought her
before this court. I allude, it is needless to say, to her having
invited the governess--then out of harm's way; then employed
elsewhere--to return to her house, and to risk (what actually
occurred) a meeting with Mr. Herbert Linley when no third person
happened to be present. I know that the maternal motive which
animated Mrs. Linley is considered, by many persons, to excuse
and even to justify that most regrettable act; and I have myself
allowed (I fear weakly allowed) more than due weight to this
consideration in pronouncing for the Divorce. Let me express the
earnest hope that Mrs. Linley will take warning by what has
happened; and, if she finds herself hereafter placed in other
circumstances of difficulty, let me advise her to exercise more
control over impulses which one might expect perhaps to find in a
young girl, but which are neither natural nor excusable in a
woman of her age."

His lordship then decreed the Divorce in the customary form,
giving the custody of the child to the mother.

                       * * * * *

As fast as a hired carriage could take him, Mr. Sarrazin drove
from the court to Mrs. Linley's lodgings, to tell her that the
one great object of securing her right to her child had been

At the door he was met by Mrs. Presty. She was accompanied by a
stranger, whose medical services had been required. Interested
professionally in hearing the result of the trial, this gentleman
volunteered to communicate the good news to his patient. He had
been waiting to administer a composing draught, until the
suspense from which Mrs. Linley was suffering might be relieved,
and a reasonable hope be entertained that the medicine would
produce the right effect. With that explanation he left the room.

While the doctor was speaking, Mrs. Presty was drawing her own
conclusions from a close scrutiny of Mr. Sarrazin's face.

"I am going to make a disagreeable remark," she announced. "You
look ten years older, sir, than you did when you left us this
morning to go to the Court. Do me a favor--come to the
sideboard." The lawyer having obeyed, she poured out a glass of
wine. "There is the remedy," she resumed, "when something has
happened to worry you."

"'Worry' isn't the right word," Mr. Sarrazin declared. "I'm
furious! It's a most improper thing for a person in my position
to say of a person in the Lord President's position; but I do say
it--he ought to be ashamed of himself."

"After giving us our Divorce!" Mrs. Presty exclaimed. "What has
he done?"

Mr. Sarrazin repeated what the judge had said of Mrs. Linley. "In
my opinion," he added, "such language as that is an insult to
your daughter."

"And yet," Mrs. Presty repeated, "he has given us our Divorce."
She returned to the sideboard, poured out a second dose of the
remedy against worry, and took it herself. "What sort of
character does the Lord President bear?" she asked when she had
emptied her glass.

This seemed to be an extraordinary question to put, under the
circumstances. Mr. Sarrazin answered it, however, to the best of
his ability. "An excellent character," he said--"that's the
unaccountable part of it. I hear that he is one of the most
careful and considerate men who ever sat on the bench. Excuse me,
Mrs. Presty, I didn't intend to produce that impression on you."

"What impression, Mr. Sarrazin?"

"You look as if you thought there was some excuse for the judge."

"That's exactly what I do think."

"You find an excuse for him?

"I do."

"What is it, ma'am?"

"Constitutional infirmity, sir."

"May I ask of what nature?"

"You may. Gout."

Mr. Sarrazin thought he understood her at last. "You know the
Lord President," he said.

Mrs. Presty denied it positively. "No, Mr. Sarrazin, I don't get
at it in that way. I merely consult my experience of another
official person of high rank, and apply it to the Lord President.
You know that my first husband was a Cabinet Minister?"

"I have heard you say so, Mrs. Presty, on more than one

"Very well. You may also have heard that the late Mr. Norman was
a remarkably well-bred man. In and out of the House of Commons,
courteous almost to a fault. One day I happened to interrupt him
when he was absorbed over an Act of Parliament. Before I could
apologize--I tell you this in the strictest confidence--he threw
the Act of Parliament at my head. Ninety-nine women out of a
hundred would have thrown it back again. Knowing his
constitution, I decided on waiting a day or two. On the second
day, my anticipations were realized. Mr. Norman's great toe was
as big as my fist and as red as a lobster; he apologized for the
Act of Parliament with tears in his eyes. Suppressed gout in Mr.
Norman's temper; suppressed gout in the Lord President's temper.
_He_ will have a toe; and, if I can prevail upon my daughter to
call upon him, I have not the least doubt he will apologize to
her with tears in _his_ eyes."

This interesting experiment was never destined to be tried. Right
or wrong, Mrs. Presty's theory remained the only explanation of
the judge's severity. Mr. Sarrazin attempted to change the
subject. Mrs. Presty had not quite done with it yet. "There is
one more thing I want to say," she proceeded. "Will his
lordship's remarks appear in the newspapers?"

"Not a doubt of it."

"In that case I will take care (for my daughter's sake) that no
newspapers enter the house to-morrow. As for visitors, we needn't
be afraid of them. Catherine is not likely to be able to leave
her room; the worry of this miserable business has quite broken
her down."

The doctor returned at that moment.

Without taking the old lady's gloomy view of his patient, he
admitted that she was in a low nervous condition, and he had
reason to suppose, judging by her reply to a question which he
had ventured to put, that she had associations with Scotland
which made a visit to that country far from agreeable to her. His
advice was that she should leave Edinburgh as soon as possible,
and go South. If the change of climate led to no improvement, she
would at least be in a position to consult the best physicians in
London. In a day or two more it would be safe to remove
her--provided she was not permitted to exhaust her strength by
taking long railway journeys.

Having given his advice, the doctor took leave. Soon after he had
gone, Kitty made her appearance, charged with a message from Mrs.
Linley's room.

"Hasn't the physic sent your mother to sleep yet?" Mrs. Presty

Kitty shook her head. "Mamma wants to go away tomorrow, and no
physic will make her sleep till she has seen you, and settled
about it. That's what she told me to say. If _I_ behaved in that
way about my physic, I should catch it."

Mrs. Presty left the room; watched by her granddaughter with an
appearance of anxiety which it was not easy to understand.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Sarrazin asked. "You look very serious

Kitty held up a warning hand. "Grandmamma sometimes listens at
doors," she whispered; "I don't want her to hear me." She waited
a little longer, and then approached Mr. Sarrazin, frowning
mysteriously. "Take me up on your knee," she said. "There's
something wrong going on in this house."

Mr. Sarrazin took her on his knee, and rashly asked what had gone
wrong. Kitty's reply puzzled him.

"I go to mamma's room every morning when I wake," the child
began. "I get into her bed, and I give her a kiss, and I say
'Good-morning'--and sometimes, if she isn't in a hurry to get up,
I stop in her bed, and go to sleep again. Mamma thought I was
asleep this morning. I wasn't asleep--I was only quiet. I don't
know why I was quiet."

Mr. Sarrazin's kindness still encouraged her. "Well," he said,
"and what happened after that?"

"Grandmamma came in. She told mamma to keep up her spirits. She
says, 'It will all be over in a few hours more.' She says, 'What
a burden it will be off your mind!' She says, 'Is that child
asleep?' And mamma says, 'Yes.' And grandmamma took one of
mamma's towels. And I thought she was going to wash herself. What
would _you_ have thought?"

Mr. Sarrazin began to doubt whether he would do well to discuss
Mrs. Presty's object in taking the towel. He only said, "Go on."

"Grandmamma dipped it into the water-jug," Kitty continued, with
a grave face; "but she didn't wash herself. She went to one of
mamma's boxes. Though she's so old, she's awfully strong, I can
tell you. She rubbed off the luggage-label in no time. Mamma
says, 'What are you doing that for?' And grandmamma says--this is
the dreadful thing that I want you to explain; oh, I can remember
it all; it's like learning lessons, only much nicer--grandmamma
says, 'Before the day's over, the name on your boxes will be your
name no longer.'"

Mr. Sarrazin now became aware of the labyrinth into which his
young friend had innocently led him. The Divorce, and the wife's
inevitable return (when the husband was no longer the husband) to
her maiden name--these were the subjects on which Kitty's desire
for enlightenment applied to the wisest person within her reach,
her mother's legal adviser.

Mr. Sarrazin tried to put her off his knee. She held him round
the neck. He thought of the railway as a promising excuse, and
told her he must go back to London. She held him a little
tighter. "I really can't wait, my dear;" he got up as he said it.
Kitty hung on to him with her legs as well as her arms, and
finding the position uncomfortable, lost her temper. "Mamma's
going to have a new name," she shouted, as if the lawyer had
suddenly become deaf. "Grandmamma says she must be Mrs. Norman.
And I must be Miss Norman. I won't! Where's papa? I want to write
to him; I know he won't allow it. Do you hear? Where's papa?"

She fastened her little hands on Mr. Sarrazin's coat collar and
tried to shake him, in a fury of resolution to know what it all
meant. At that critical moment Mrs. Presty opened the door, and
stood petrified on the threshold.

"Hanging on to Mr. Sarrazin with her arms _and_ her legs!"
exclaimed the old lady. "You little wretch, which are you, a
monkey or a child?"

The lawyer gently deposited Kitty on the floor.

"Mind this, Samuel," she whispered, as he set her down on her
feet, "I won't be Miss Norman."

Mrs. Presty pointed sternly at the open door. "You were screaming
just now, when quiet in the house is of the utmost importance to
your mother. If I hear you again, bread and water and no doll for
the rest of the week."

Kitty retired in disgrace, and Mrs. Presty sharpened her tongue
on Mr. Sarrazin next. "I'm astonished, sir, at your allowing that
impudent grandchild of mine to take such liberties with you. Who
would suppose that you were a married man, with children of your

"That's just the reason, my dear madam," Mr. Sarrazin smartly
replied. "I romp with my own children--why not with Kitty? Can I
do anything for you in London?" he went on, getting a little
nearer to the door; "I leave Edinburgh by the next train. And I
promise you," he added, with the spirit of mischief twinkling in
his eyes, "this shall be my last confidential interview with your
grandchild. When she wants to ask any more questions, I transfer
her to you."

Mrs. Presty looked after the retreating lawyer thoroughly
mystified. What "confidential interview"? What "questions"? After
some consideration, her experience of her granddaughter suggested
that a little exercise of mercy might be attended with the right
result. She looked at a cake on the sideboard. "I have only to
forgive Kitty," she decided, "and the child will talk about it of
her own acc ord."

Chapter XXXI.

Mr. Herbert Linley.

Of the friends and neighbors who had associated with Herbert
Linley, in bygone days, not more than two or three kept up their
intimacy with him at the later time of his disgrace. Those few,
it is needless to say, were men.

One of the faithful companions, who had not shrunk from him yet,
had just left the London hotel at which Linley had taken rooms
for Sydney Westerfield and himself--in the name of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert. This old friend had been shocked by the change for the
worse which he had perceived in the fugitive master of Mount
Morven. Linley's stout figure of former times had fallen away, as
if he had suffered under long illness; his healthy color had
faded; he made an effort to assume the hearty manner that had
once been natural to him which was simply pitiable to see. "After
sacrificing all that makes life truly decent and truly enjoyable
for a woman, he has got nothing, not even false happiness, in
return!" With that dreary conclusion the retiring visitor
descended the hotel steps, and went his way along the street.

Linley returned to the newspaper which he had been reading when
his friend was shown into the room

Line by line he followed the progress of the law report, which
informed its thousands of readers that his wife had divorced him,
and had taken lawful possession of his child. Word by word, he
dwelt with morbid attention on the terms of crushing severity in
which the Lord President had spoken of Sydney Westerfield and of
himself. Sentence by sentence he read the reproof inflicted on
the unhappy woman whom he had vowed to love and cherish. And
then--even then--urged by his own self-tormenting suspicion, he
looked for more. On the opposite page there was a leading
article, presenting comments on the trial, written in the tone of
lofty and virtuous regret; taking the wife's side against the
judge, but declaring, at the same time, that no condemnation of
the conduct of the husband and the governess could be too
merciless, and no misery that might overtake them in the future
more than they had deserved.

He threw the newspaper on the table at his side, and thought over
what he had read.

If he had done nothing else, he had drained the bitter cup to the
dregs. When he looked back, he saw nothing but the life that he
had wasted. When his thoughts turned to the future, they
confronted a prospect empty of all promise to a man still in the
prime of life. Wife and child were as completely lost to him as
if they had been dead--and it was the wife's doing. Had he any
right to complain? Not the shadow of a right. As the newspapers
said, he had deserved it.

The clock roused him, striking the hour.

He rose hurriedly, and advanced toward the window. As he crossed
the room, he passed by a mirror. His own sullen despair looked at
him in the reflection of his face. "She will be back directly,"
he remembered; "she mustn't see me like this!" He went on to the
window to divert his mind (and so to clear his face) by watching
the stream of life flowing by in the busy street. Artificial
cheerfulness, assumed love in Sydney's presence--that was what
his life had come to already.

If he had known that she had gone out, seeking a temporary
separation, with _his_ fear of self-betrayal--if he had suspected
that she, too, had thoughts which must be concealed: sad
forebodings of losing her hold on his heart, terrifying
suspicions that he was already comparing her, to her own
disadvantage, with the wife whom he had deserted--if he had made
these discoveries, what would the end have been? But she had,
thus far, escaped the danger of exciting his distrust. That she
loved him, he knew. That she had begun to doubt his attachment to
her he would not have believed, if his oldest friend had declared
it on the best evidence. She had said to him, that morning, at
breakfast: "There was a good woman who used to let lodgings here
in London, and who was very kind to me when I was a child;" and
she had asked leave to go to the house, and inquire if that
friendly landlady was still living--with nothing visibly
constrained in her smile, and with no faltering tone in her
voice. It was not until she was out in the street that the
tell-tale tears came into her eyes, and the bitter sigh broke
from her, and mingled its little unheard misery with the grand
rise and fall of the tumult of London life While he was still at
the window, he saw her crossing the street on her way back to
him. She came into the room with her complexion heightened by
exercise; she kissed him, and said with her pretty smile: "Have
you been lonely without me?" Who would have supposed that the
torment of distrust, and the dread of desertion, were busy at
this woman's heart?

He placed a chair for her, and seating himself by her side asked
if she felt tired. Every attention that she could wish for from
the man whom she loved, offered with every appearance of
sincerity on the surface! She met him halfway, and answered as if
her mind was quite at ease.

"No, dear, I'm not tired--but I'm glad to get back."

"Did you find your old landlady still alive?"

"Yes. But oh, so altered, poor thing! The struggle for life must
have been a hard one, since I last saw her."

"She didn't recognize you, of course?"

"Oh! no. She looked at me and my dress in great surprise and said
her lodgings were hardly fit for a young lady like me. It was too
sad. I said I had known her lodgings well, many years ago--and,
with that to prepare her, I told her who I was. Ah, it was a
melancholy meeting for both of us. She burst out crying when I
kissed her; and I had to tell her that my mother was dead, and my
brother lost to me in spite of every effort to find him. I asked
to go into the kitchen, thinking the change would be a relief to
both of us. The kitchen used to be a paradise to me in those old
days; it was so warm to a half-starved child--and I always got
something to eat when I was there. You have no idea, Herbert, how
poor and how empty the place looked to me now. I was glad to get
out of it, and go upstairs. There was a lumber-room at the top of
the house; I used to play in it, all by myself. More changes met
me the moment I opened the door."

"Changes for the better?"

"My dear, it couldn't have changed for the worse! My dirty old
play-room was cleaned and repaired; the lumber taken away, and a
nice little bed in one corner. Some clerk in the City had taken
the room--I shouldn't have known it again. But there was another
surprise waiting for me; a happy surprise this time. In cleaning
out the garret, what do you think the landlady found? Try to

Anything to please her! Anything to make her think that he was as
fond of her as ever! "Was it something you had left behind you,"
he said, "at the time when you lodged there."

"Yes! you are right at the first guess--a little memorial of my
father. Only some torn crumpled leaves from a book of children's
songs that he used to teach me to sing; and a small packet of his
letters, which my mother may have thrown aside and forgotten.
See! I have brought them back with me; I mean to look over the
letters at once--but this doesn't interest you?"

"Indeed it does."

He made that considerate reply mechanically, as if thinking of
something else. She was afraid to tell him plainly that she saw
this; but she could venture to say that he was not looking well.
"I have noticed it for some time past," she confessed. "You have
been accustomed to live in the country; I am afraid London
doesn't agree with you."

He admitted that she might be right; still speaking absently,
still thinking of the Divorce. She laid the packet of letters and
the poor relics of the old song-book on the table, and bent over
him. Tenderly, and a little timidly, she put her arm around his
neck. "Let us try some purer air," she suggested; "the seaside
might do you good. Don't you think so?"

"I daresay, my dear. Where shall we go?"

"Oh, I leave that to you."

"No, Sydney. It was I who proposed coming to London. You shall
decide this time."

She submitted, and promised to think of it. Leaving him, with the
first expression of trouble that had shown itself in her face, s
he took up the songs and put them into the pocket of her dress.
On the point of removing the letters next, she noticed the
newspaper on the table. Anything interesting to-day?" she
asked--and drew the newspaper toward her to look at it. He took
it from her suddenly, almost roughly. The next moment he
apologized for his rudeness. "There is nothing worth reading in
the paper," he said, after begging her pardon. "You don't care
about politics, do you?"

Instead of answering, she looked at him attentively.

The heightened color which told of recent exercise, healthily
enjoyed, faded from her face. She was silent; she was pale. A
little confused, he smiled uneasily. "Surely," he resumed, trying
to speak gayly, "I haven't offended you?"

"There is something in the newspaper," she said, "which you don't
want me to read."

He denied it--but he still kept the newspaper in his own
possession. Her voice sank low; her face turned paler still

"Is it all over?" she asked. "And is it put in the newspaper?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the Divorce."

He went back again to the window and looked out. It was the
easiest excuse that he could devise for keeping his face turned
away from her. She followed him.

"I don't want to read it, Herbert. I only ask you to tell me if
you are a free man again."

Quiet as it was, her tone left him no alternative but to treat
her brutally or to reply. Still looking out at the street, he
said "Yes."

"Free to marry, if you like?" she persisted.

He said "Yes" once more--and kept his face steadily turned away
from her. She waited a while. He neither moved nor spoke.

Surviving the slow death little by little of all her other
illusions, one last hope had lingered in her heart. It was killed
by that cruel look, fixed on the view of the street.

"I'll try to think of a place that we can go to at the seaside."
Having said those words she slowly moved away to the door, and
turned back, remembering the packet of letters. She took it up,
paused, and looked toward the window. The streets still
interested him. She left the room.

Chapter XXXII.

Miss Westerfield.

She locked the door of her bedchamber, and threw off her
walking-dress; light as it was, she felt as if it would stifle
her. Even the ribbon round her neck was more than she could
endure and breathe freely. Her overburdened heart found no relief
in tears. In the solitude of her room she thought of the future.
The dreary foreboding of what it might be, filled her with a
superstitious dread from which she recoiled. One of the windows
was open already; she threw up the other to get more air. In the
cooler atmosphere her memory recovered itself; she recollected
the newspaper, that Herbert had taken from her. Instantly she
rang for the maid. "Ask the first waiter you see downstairs for
today's newspaper; any one will do, so long as I don't wait for
it." The report of the Divorce--she was in a frenzy of impatience
to read what _he_ had read--the report of the Divorce.

When her wish had been gratified, when she had read it from
beginning to end, one vivid impression only was left on her mind.
She could think of nothing but what the judge had said, in
speaking of Mrs. Linley.

A cruel reproof, and worse than cruel, a public reproof,
administered to the generous friend, the true wife, the devoted
mother--and for what? For having been too ready to forgive the
wretch who had taken her husband from her, and had repaid a
hundred acts of kindness by unpardonable ingratitude.

She fell on her knees; she tried wildly to pray for inspiration
that should tell her what to do. "Oh, God, how can I give that
woman back the happiness of which I have robbed her!"

The composing influence of prayer on a troubled mind was
something that she had heard of. It was not something that she
experienced now. An overpowering impatience to make the speediest
and completest atonement possessed her. Must she wait till
Herbert Linley no longer concealed that he was weary of her, and
cast her off? No! It should be her own act that parted them, and
that did it at once. She threw open the door, and hurried
half-way down the stairs before she remembered the one terrible
obstacle in her way--the Divorce.

Slowly and sadly she submitted, and went back to her room.

There was no disguising it; the two who had once been husband and
wife were parted irrevocably--by the wife's own act. Let him
repent ever so sincerely, let him be ever so ready to return,
would the woman whose faith Herbert Linley had betrayed take him
back? The Divorce, the merciless Divorce, answered:--No!

She paused, thinking of the marriage that was now a marriage no
more. The toilet-table was close to her; she looked absently at
her haggard face in the glass. What a lost wretch she saw! The
generous impulses which other women were free to feel were
forbidden luxuries to her. She was ashamed of her wickedness; she
was eager to sacrifice herself, for the good of the once-dear
friend whom she had wronged. Useless longings! Too late! too

She regretted it bitterly. Why?

Comparing Mrs. Linley's prospects with hers, was there anything
to justify regret for the divorced wife? She had her sweet little
child to make her happy; she had a fortune of her own to lift her
above sordid cares; she was still handsome, still a woman to be
admired. While she held her place in the world as high as ever,
what was the prospect before Sydney Westerfield? The miserable
sinner would end as she had deserved to end. Absolutely dependent
on a man who was at that moment perhaps lamenting the wife whom
he had deserted and lost, how long would it be before she found
herself an outcast, without a friend to help her--with a
reputation hopelessly lost--face to face with the temptation to
drown herself or poison herself, as other women had drowned
themselves or poisoned themselves, when the brightest future
before them was rest in death?

If she had been a few years older, Herbert Linley might never
again have seen her a living creature. But she was too young to
follow any train of repellent thought persistently to its end.
The man she had guiltily (and yet how naturally) loved was lord
and master in her heart, doubt him as she might. Even in his
absence he pleaded with her to have some faith in him still.

She reviewed his language and his conduct toward her, when she
had returned that morning from her walk. He had been kind and
considerate; he had listened to her little story of the relics of
her father, found in the garret, as if her interests were his
interests. There had been nothing to disappoint her, nothing to
complain of, until she had rashly attempted to discover whether
he was free to make her his wife. She had only herself to blame
if he was cold and distant when she had alluded to that delicate
subject, on the day when he first knew that the Divorce had been
granted and his child had been taken from him. And yet, he might
have found a kinder way of reproving a sensitive woman than
looking into the street--as if he had forgotten her in the
interest of watching the strangers passing by! Perhaps he was not
thinking of the strangers; perhaps his mind was dwelling fondly
and regretfully on his wife?

Instinctively, she felt that her thoughts were leading her back
again to a state of doubt from which her youthful hopefulness
recoiled. Was there nothing she could find to do which would
offer some other subject to occupy her mind than herself and her

Looking absently round the room, she noticed the packet of her
father's letters placed on the table by her bedside.

The first three letters that she examined, after untying the
packet, were briefly written, and were signed by names unknown to
her. They all related to race-horses, and to cunningly devised
bets which were certain to make the fortunes of the clever
gamblers on the turf who laid them. Absolute indifference on the
part of the winners to the ruin of the losers, who were not in
the secret, was the one feeling in common, which her father's
correspondents presented. In mercy to his memory she threw the
letters into the empty fireplace, and destroyed them by burning.

The next letter which she picked out from the little heap was of
some length, and was written in a clear and steady hand. By
comparison with the blotted scrawls which she had just burned, it
looked like the letter of a gentleman. She turned to the
signature. The strange surname struck her; it was "Bennydeck."

Not a common name, and not a name which seemed to be altogether
unknown to her. Had she heard her father mention it at home in
the time of her early childhood? There were no associations with
it that she could now call to mind.

She read the letter. It addressed her father familiarly as "My
dear Roderick," and it proceeded in these words:--

"The delay in the sailing of your ship offers me an opportunity
of writing to you again. My last letter told you of my father's
death. I was then quite unprepared for an event which has
happened, since that affliction befell me. Prepare yourself to be
surprised. Our old moated house at Sandyseal, in which we have
spent so many happy holidays when we were schoolfellows, is sold.

"You will be almost as sorry as I was to hear this; and you will
be quite as surprised as I was, when I tell you that Sandyseal
Place has become a Priory of English Nuns, of the order of St.

"I think I see you look up from my letter, with your big black
eyes staring straight before you, and say and swear that this
must be one of my mystifications. Unfortunately (for I am fond of
the old house in which I was born) it is only too true. The
instructions in my father's will, under which Sandyseal has been
sold, are peremptory. They are the result of a promise made, many
years since, to his wife.

"You and I were both very young when my poor mother died; but I
think you must remember that she, like the rest of her family,
was a Roman Catholic.

"Having reminded you of this, I may next tell you that Sandyseal
Place was my mother's property. It formed part of her marriage
portion, and it was settled on my father if she died before him,
and if she left no female child to survive her. I am her only
child. My father was therefore dealing with his own property when
he ordered the house to be sold. His will leaves the purchase
money to me. I would rather have kept the house.

"But why did my mother make him promise to sell the place at his

"A letter, attached to my father's will, answers this question,
and tells a very sad story. In deference to my mother's wishes it
was kept strictly a secret from me while my father lived.

"There was a younger sister of my mother's who was the beauty of
the family; loved and admired by everybody who was acquainted
with her. It is needless to make this long letter longer by
dwelling on the girl's miserable story. You have heard it of
other girls, over and over again. She loved and trusted; she was
deceived and deserted. Alone and friendless in a foreign country;
her fair fame blemished; her hope in the future utterly
destroyed, she attempted to drown herself. This took place in
France. The best of good women--a Sister of Charity--happened to
be near enough to the river to rescue her. She was sheltered; she
was pitied; she was encouraged to return to her family. The poor
deserted creature absolutely refused; she could never forget that
she had disgraced them. The good Sister of Charity won her
confidence. A retreat which would hide her from the world, and
devote her to religion for the rest of her days, was the one end
to her wasted life that she longed for. That end was attained in
a Priory of Benedictine Nuns, established in France. There she
found protection and peace--there she passed the remaining years
of her life among devoted Sister-friends--and there she died a
quiet and even a happy death.

"You will now understand how my mother's grateful remembrance
associated her with the interests of more than one community of
Nuns; and you will not need to be told what she had in mind when
she obtained my father's promise at the time of her last illness.

"He at once proposed to bequeath the house as a free gift to the
Benedictines. My mother thanked him and refused. She was thinking
of me. 'If our son fails to inherit the house from his father,'
she said, 'it is only right that he should have the value of the
house in money. Let it be sold.'

"So here I am--rich already--with this additional sum of money in
my banker's care.

"My idea is to invest it in the Funds, and to let it thrive at
interest, until I grow older, and retire perhaps from service in
the Navy. The later years of my life may well be devoted to the
founding of a charitable institution, which I myself can
establish and direct. If I die first--oh, there is a chance of
it! We may have a naval war, perhaps, or I may turn out one of
those incorrigible madmen who risk their lives in Arctic
exploration. In case of the worst, therefore, I shall leave the
interests of my contemplated Home in your honest and capable
hands. For the present good-by, and a prosperous voyage outward

So the letter ended.

Sydney dwelt with reluctant attention on the latter half of it.
The story of the unhappy favorite of the family had its own
melancholy and sinister interest for her. She felt the foreboding
that it might, in some of its circumstances, be her story
too--without the peaceful end. Into what community of merciful
women could _she_ be received, in her sorest need? What religious
consolations would encourage her penitence? What prayers, what
hopes, would reconcile her, on her death-bed, to the common doom?

She sighed as she folded up Captain Bennydeck's letter and put it
in her bosom, to be read again. "If my lot had fallen among good
people," she thought, "perhaps I might have belonged to the
Church which took care of that poor girl."

Her mind was still pursuing its own sad course of inquiry; she
was wondering in what part of England Sandyseal might be; she was
asking herself if the Nuns at the old moated house ever opened
their doors to women, whose one claim on their common
Christianity was the claim to be pitied--when she heard Linley's
footsteps approaching the door.

His tone was kind; his manner was gentle; his tender interest in
her seemed to have revived. Her long absence had alarmed him; he
feared she might be ill. "I was only thinking," she said. He
smiled, and sat down by her, and asked if she had been thinking
of the place that they should go to when they left London.

Chapter XXXIII.

Mrs. Romsey.

The one hotel in Sandyseal was full, from the topmost story to
the ground floor; and by far the larger half of the landlord's
guests were invalids sent to him by the doctors.

To persons of excitable temperament, in search of amusement, the
place offered no attractions. Situated at the innermost end of a
dull little bay, Sandyseal--so far as any view of the shipping in
the Channel was concerned--might have been built on a remote
island in the Pacific Ocean. Vessels of any importance kept well
out of the way of treacherous shoals and currents lurking at the
entrance of the bay. The anchorage ground was good; but the depth
of water was suited to small vessels only--to shabby old
fishing-smacks which seldom paid their expenses, and to dirty
little coasters carrying coals and potatoes. At the back of the
hotel, two slovenly rows of cottages took their crooked course
inland. Sailing masters of yachts, off duty, sat and yawned at
the windows; lazy fishermen looked wearily at the weather over
their garden gates; and superfluous coastguards gathered together
in a wooden observatory, and leveled useless telescopes at an
empty sea. The flat open country, with its few dwarf trees and
its mangy hedges, lay prostrate under the sky in all the
desolation of solitary space, and left the famous restorative air
free to build up dilapidated nerves, without an object to hinder
its passage at any point of the compass. The lonely drab-colored
road that led to the nearest town offered to visitors, taking
airings, a view of a low brown object in the distance, said to be
the convent in which the Nuns lived, secluded from mortal eyes.
At one side of the hotel, the windows looked on a little wooden
pier, sadly in want of repair. On the other side, a walled
 accommodated yachts of light tonnage, stripped of their rigging,
and sitting solitary on a bank of mud until their owners wanted
them. In this neighborhood there was a small outlying colony of
shops: one that sold fruit and fish; one that dealt in groceries
and tobacco; one shut up, with a bill in the window inviting a
tenant; and one, behind the Methodist Chapel, answering the
double purpose of a post-office and a storehouse for ropes and
coals. Beyond these objects there was nothing (and this was the
great charm of the place) to distract the attention of invalids,
following the doctor's directions, and from morning to night
taking care of their health.

The time was evening; the scene was one of the private
sitting-rooms in the hotel; and the purpose in view was a little

Rich Mrs. Romsey, connected with commerce as wife of the chief
partner in the firm of Romsey & Renshaw, was staying at the hotel
in the interests of her three children. They were of delicate
constitution; their complete recovery, after severe illness which
had passed from one to the other, was less speedy than had been
anticipated; and the doctor had declared that the nervous system
was, in each case, more or less in need of repair. To arrive at
this conclusion, and to recommend a visit to Sandyseal, were
events which followed each other (medically speaking) as a matter
of course.

The health of the children had greatly improved; the famous air
had agreed with them, and the discovery of new playfellows had
agreed with them. They had made acquaintance with Lady Myrie's
well-bred boys, and with Mrs. Norman's charming little Kitty. The
most cordial good-feeling had established itself among the
mothers. Owing a return for hospitalities received from Lady
Myrie and Mrs. Norman, Mrs. Romsey had invited the two ladies to
drink tea with her in honor of an interesting domestic event. Her
husband, absent on the Continent for some time past, on business
connected with his firm, had returned to England, and had that
evening joined his wife and children at Sandyseal.

Lady Myrie had arrived, and Mr. Romsey had been presented to her.
Mrs. Norman, expected to follow, was represented by a courteous
note of apology. She was not well that evening, and she begged to
be excused.

"This is a great disappointment," Mrs. Romsey said to her
husband. "You would have been charmed with Mrs.
Norman--highly-bred, accomplished, a perfect lady. And she leaves
us to-morrow. The departure will not be an early one; and I shall
find an opportunity, my dear, of introducing you to my friend and
her sweet little Kitty."

Mr. Romsey looked interested for a moment, when he first heard
Mrs. Norman's name. After that, he slowly stirred his tea, and
seemed to be thinking, instead of listening to his wife.

"Have you made the lady's acquaintance here?" he inquired.

"Yes--and I hope I have made a friend for life," Mrs. Romsey said
with enthusiasm.

"And so do I," Lady Myrie added.

Mr. Romsey went on with his inquiries.

"Is she a handsome woman?"

Both the ladies answered the question together. Lady Myrie
described Mrs. Norman, in one dreadful word, as "Classical." By
comparison with this, Mrs. Romsey's reply was intelligible. "Not
even illness can spoil her beauty!"

"Including the headache she has got to-night?" Mr. Romsey

"Don't be ill-natured, dear! Mrs. Norman is here by the advice of
one of the first physicians in London; she has suffered under
serious troubles, poor thing."

Mr. Romsey persisted in being ill-natured. "Connected with her
husband?" he asked.

Lady Myrie entered a protest. She was a widow; and it was
notorious among her friends that the death of her husband had
been the happiest event in her married life. But she understood
her duty to herself as a respectable woman.

"I think, Mr. Romsey, you might have spared that cruel allusion,"
she said with dignity.

Mr. Romsey apologized. He had his reasons for wishing to know
something more about Mrs. Norman; he proposed to withdraw his
last remark, and to put his inquiries under another form. Might
he ask his wife if anybody had seen _Mr._ Norman?


"Or heard of him?"

Mrs. Romsey answered in the negative once more, and added a
question on her own account. What did all this mean?

"It means," Lady Myrie interposed, "what we poor women are all
exposed to--scandal." She had not yet forgiven Mr. Romsey's
allusion, and she looked at him pointedly as she spoke. There are
some impenetrable men on whom looks produce no impression. Mr.
Romsey was one of them. He turned to his wife, and said, quietly:
"What I mean is, that I know more of Mrs. Norman than you do. I
have heard of her--never mind how or where. She is a lady who has
been celebrated in the newspapers. Don't be alarmed. She is no
less a person than the divorced Mrs. Linley."

The two ladies looked at each other in blank dismay. Restrained
by a sense of conjugal duty, Mrs. Romsey only indulged in an
exclamation. Lady Myrie, independent of restraint, expressed her
opinion, and said: "Quite impossible!"

"The Mrs. Norman whom I mean," Mr. Romsey went on, "has, as I
have been told, a mother living. The old lady has been twice
married. Her name is Mrs. Presty."

This settled the question. Mrs. Presty was established, in her
own proper person, with her daughter and grandchild at the hotel.
Lady Myrie yielded to the force of evidence; she lifted her hands
in horror: "This is too dreadful!"

Mrs. Romsey took a more compassionate view of the disclosure.
"Surely the poor lady is to be pitied?" she gently suggested.

Lady Myrie looked at her friend in astonishment. "My dear, you
must have forgotten what the judge said about her. Surely you
read the report of the case in the newspapers?"

"No; I heard of the trial. and that's all. What did the judge

"Say?" Lady Myrie repeated. "What did he not say! His lordship
declared that he had a great mind not to grant the Divorce at
all. He spoke of this dreadful woman who has deceived us in the
severest terms; he said she had behaved in a most improper
manner. She had encouraged the abominable governess; and if her
husband had yielded to temptation, it was her fault. And more
besides, that I don't remember."

Mr. Romsey's wife appealed to him in despair. "What am I to do?"
she asked, helplessly.

"Do nothing," was the wise reply. "Didn't you say she was going
away to-morrow?"

"That's the worst of it!" Mrs. Romsey declared. "Her little girl
Kitty gives a farewell dinner to-morrow to our children; and I've
promised to take them to say good-by."

Lady Myrie pronounced sentence without hesitation. "Of course
your girls mustn't go. Daughters! Think of their reputations when
they grow up!"

"Are you in the same scrape with my wife?" Mr. Romsey asked.

Lady Myrie corrected his language. "I have been deceived in the
same way," she said. "Though my children are boys (which perhaps
makes a difference) I feel it is my duty as a mother not to let
them get into bad company. I do nothing myself in an underhand
way. No excuses! I shall send a note and tell Mrs. Norman why she
doesn't see my boys to-morrow."

"Isn't that a little hard on her?" said merciful Mrs. Romsey.

Mr. Romsey agreed with his wife, on grounds of expediency. "Never
make a row if you can help it," was the peaceable principle to
which this gentleman committed himself. "Send word that the
children have caught colds, and get over it in that way."

Mrs. Romsey looked gratefully at her admirable husband. "Just the
thing!" she said, with an air of relief.

Lady Myrie's sense of duty expressed itself, with the strictest
adherence to the laws of courtesy. She rose, smiled resignedly,
and said, "Good-night."

Almost at the same moment, innocent little Kitty astonished her
mother and her grandmother by appearing before them in her
night-gown, after she had been put to bed nearly two hours since.

"What will this child do next?" Mrs. Presty exclaimed.

Kitty told the truth. "I can't go to sleep, grandmamma.

"Why not, my darling?" her mother asked.

"I'm so excited, mamma."

"About what, Kitty?"

"About my dinner-party to-morrow. Oh," said the child, clasping
her hands earnestly as s he thought of her playfellows, "I do so
hope it will go off well!"

Chapter XXXIV.

Mrs. Presty.

Belonging to the generation which has lived to see the Age of
Hurry, and has no sympathy with it, Mrs. Presty entered the
sitting-room at the hotel, two hours before the time that had
been fixed for leaving Sandyseal, with her mind at ease on the
subject of her luggage. "My boxes are locked, strapped and
labeled; I hate being hurried. What's that you're reading?" she
asked, discovering a book on her daughter's lap,; and a hasty
action on her daughter's part, which looked like trying to hide

Mrs. Norman made the most common, and--where the object is to
baffle curiosity--the most useless of prevaricating replies. When
her mother asked her what she was reading she answered:

"Nothing!" Mrs. Presty repeated with an ironical assumption of
interest. "The work of all others, Catherine, that I most want to
read." She snatched up the book; opened it at the first page, and
discovered an inscription in faded ink which roused her
indignation. "To dear Catherine, from Herbert, on the anniversary
of our marriage." What unintended mockery in those words, read by
the later light of the Divorce! "Well, this is mean," said Mrs.
Presty. "Keeping that wretch's present, after the public exposure
which he has forced on you. Oh, Catherine!"

Catherine was not quite so patient with her mother as usual.
"Keeping my best remembrance of the happy time of my life," she

"Misplaced sentiment," Mrs. Presty declared; "I shall put the
book out of the way. Your brain is softening, my dear, under the
influence of this stupefying place."

Catherine asserted her own opinion against her mother's opinion,
for the second time. "I have recovered my health at Sandyseal,"
she said. "I like the place, and I am sorry to leave it."

"Give me the shop windows, the streets, the life, the racket, and
the smoke of London," cried Mrs. Presty. "Thank Heaven, these
rooms are let over our heads, and out we must go, whether we like
it or not."

This expression of gratitude was followed by a knock at the door,
and by a voice outside asking leave to come in, which was, beyond
all doubt, the voice of Randal Linley. With Catherine's book
still in her possession, Mrs. Presty opened the table-drawer,
threw it in, and closed the drawer with a bang. Discovering the
two ladies, Randal stopped in the doorway, and stared at them in

"Didn't you expect to see us?" Mrs. Presty inquired.

"I heard you were here, from our friend Sarrazin," Randal said;
"but I expected to see Captain Bennydeck. Have I mistaken the
number? Surely these are his rooms?"

Catherine attempted to explain. "They _were_ Captain Bennydeck's
rooms," she began; "but he was so kind, although we are perfect
strangers to him--"

Mrs. Presty interposed. "My dear Catherine, you have not had my
advantages; you have not been taught to make a complicated
statement in few words. Permit me to seize the points (in the
late Mr. Presty's style) and to put them in the strongest light.
This place, Randal, is always full; and we didn't write long
enough beforehand to secure rooms. Captain Bennydeck happened to
be downstairs when he heard that we were obliged to go away, and
that one of us was a lady in delicate health. This sweetest of
men sent us word that we were welcome to take his rooms, and that
he would sleep on board his yacht. Conduct worthy of Sir Charles
Grandison himself. When I went downstairs to thank him, he was
gone--and here we have been for nearly three weeks; sometimes
seeing the Captain's yacht, but, to our great surprise, never
seeing the Captain himself."

"There's nothing to be surprised at, Mrs. Presty. Captain
Bennydeck likes doing kind things, and hates being thanked for
it. I expected him to meet me here to-day."

Catherine went to the window. "He is coming to meet you," she
said. "There is his yacht in the bay."

"And in a dead calm," Randal added, joining her. "The vessel will
not get here, before I am obliged to go away again."

Catherine looked at him timidly. "Do I drive you away?" she
asked, in tones that faltered a little.

Randal wondered what she could possibly be thinking of and
acknowledged it in so many words.

"She is thinking of the Divorce," Mrs. Presty explained. "You
have heard of it, of course; and perhaps you take your brother's

"I do nothing of the sort, ma'am. My brother has been in the
wrong from first to last." He turned to Catherine. "I will stay
with you as long as I can, with the greatest pleasure," he said
earnestly and kindly. "The truth is, I am on my way to visit some
friends; and if Captain Bennydeck had got here in time to see me,
I must have gone away to the junction to catch the next train
westward, just as I am going now. I had only two words to say to
the Captain about a person in whom he is interested--and I can
say them in this way." He wrote in pencil on one of his visiting
cards, and laid it on the table. "I shall be back in London, in a
week," he resumed, "and you will tell me at what address I can
find you. In the meanwhile, I miss Kitty. Where is she?"

Kitty was sent for. She entered the room looking unusually quiet
and subdued--but, discovering Randal, became herself again in a
moment, and jumped on his knee

"Oh, Uncle Randal, I'm so glad to see you!" She checked herself,
and looked at her mother. "May I call him Uncle Randal?" she
asked. "Or has _he_ changed his name, too?"

Mrs. Presty shook a warning forefinger at her granddaughter, and
reminded Kitty that she had been told not to talk about names.
Randal saw the child's look of bewilderment, and felt for her.
"She may talk as she pleases to me," he said "but not to
strangers. She understands that, I am sure."

Kitty laid her cheek fondly against her uncle's cheek.
"Everything is changed," she whispered. "We travel about; papa
has left us, and Syd has left us, and we have got a new name. We
are Norman now. I wish I was grown up, and old enough to
understand it."

Randal tried to reconcile her to her own happy ignorance. "You
have got your dear good mother," he said, "and you have got me,
and you have got your toys--"

"And some nice boys and girls to play with," cried Kitty, eagerly
following the new suggestion. "They are all coming here directly
to dine with me. You will stay and have dinner too, won't you?"

Randal promised to dine with Kitty when they met in London.
Before he left the room he pointed to his card on the table. "Let
my friend see that message," he said, as he went out.

The moment the door had closed on him, Mrs. Presty startled her
daughter by taking up the card and looking at what Randal had
written on it. "It isn't a letter, Catherine; and you know how
superior I am to common prejudices." With that defense of her
proceeding, she coolly read the message:

"I am sorry to say that I can tell you nothing more of your old
friend's daughter as yet. I can only repeat that she neither
needs nor deserves the help that you kindly offer to her."

Mrs. Presty laid the card down again and owned that she wished
Randal had been a little more explicit. "Who can it be?" she
wondered. "Another young hussy gone wrong?"

Kitty turned to her mother with a look of alarm. "What's a
hussy?" she asked. "Does grandmamma mean me?" The great hotel
clock in the hall struck two, and the child's anxieties took a
new direction. "Isn't it time my little friends came to see me?"
she said.

It was half an hour past the time. Catherine proposed to send to
Lady Myrie and Mrs. Romsey, and inquire if anything had happened
to cause the delay. As she told Kitty to ring the bell, the
waiter came in with two letters, addressed to Mrs. Norman.

Mrs. Presty had her own ideas, and drew her own conclusions. She
watched Catherine attentively. Even Kitty observed that her
mother's face grew paler and paler as she read the letters. "You
look as if you were frightened, mamma." There was no reply. Kitty
began to feel so uneasy on the subject of her dinner and her
guests, that she actually ventured on putting a question to her

"Will they be long, do you  think, before they come?" she asked.

Th e old lady's worldly wisdom had passed, by this time from a
state of suspicion to a state of certainty. "My child," she
answered, "they won't come at all."

Kitty ran to her mother, eager to inquire if what Mrs. Presty had
told her could possibly be true. Before a word had passed her
lips, she shrank back, too frightened to speak.

Never, in her little experience, had she been startled by such a
look in her mother's face as the look that confronted her now.
For the first time Catherine saw her child trembling at the sight
of her. Before that discovery, the emotions that shook her under
the insult which she had received lost their hold. She caught
Kitty up in her arms. "My darling, my angel, it isn't you I am
thinking of. I love you!--I love you! In the whole world there
isn't such a good child, such a sweet, lovable, pretty child as
you are. Oh, how disappointed she looks--she's crying. Don't
break my heart!--don't cry!" Kitty held up her head, and cleared
her eyes with a dash of her hand. "I won't cry, mamma." And child
as she was, she was as good as her word. Her mother looked at her
and burst into tears.

Perversely reluctant, the better nature that was in Mrs. Presty
rose to the surface, forced to show itself. "Cry, Catherine," she
said kindly; "it will do you good. Leave the child to me."

With a gentleness that astonished Kitty, she led her little
granddaughter to the window, and pointed to the public walk in
front of the house. "I know what will comfort you," the wise old
woman began; "look out of the window." Kitty obeyed.

"I don't see my little friends coming," she said. Mrs. Presty
still pointed to some object on the public walk. "That's better
than nothing, isn't it?" she persisted. "Come with me to the
maid; she shall go with you, and take care of you." Kitty
whispered, "May I give mamma a kiss first?" Sensible Mrs. Presty
delayed the kiss for a while. "Wait till you come back, and then
you can tell your mamma what a treat you have had." Arrived at
the door on their way out, Kitty whispered again: "I want to say
something"--"Well, what is it?"--"Will you tell the donkey-boy to
make him gallop?"--"I'll tell the boy he shall have sixpence if
you are satisfied; and you will see what he does then." Kitty
looked up earnestly in her grandmother's face. "What a pity it is
you are not always like what you are now!" she said. Mrs. Presty
actually blushed.

Chapter XXXV.

Captain Bennydeck.

For some time, Catherine and her mother had been left together

Mrs. Presty had read (and destroyed) the letters of Lady Myrie
and Mrs. Romsey, with the most unfeigned contempt for the
writers--had repeated what the judge had really said, as
distinguished from Lady Myrie's malicious version of it--and had
expressed her intention of giving Catherine a word of advice,
when she was sufficiently composed to profit by it. "You have
recovered your good looks, after that fit of crying," Mrs. Presty
admitted, "but not your good spirits. What is worrying you now?"

"I can't help thinking of poor Kitty."

"My dear, the child wants nobody's pity. She's blowing away all
her troubles by a ride in the fresh air, on the favorite donkey
that she feeds every morning. Yes, yes, you needn't tell me you
are in a false position; and nobody can deny that it's shameful
to make the child feel it. Now listen to me. Properly understood,
those two spiteful women have done you a kindness. They have as
good as told you how to protect yourself in the time to come.
Deceive the vile world, Catherine, as it deserves to be deceived.
Shelter yourself behind a respectable character that will spare
you these insults in the future." In the energy of her
conviction, Mrs. Presty struck her fist on the table, and
finished in three audacious words: "Be a Widow!"

It was plainly said--and yet Catherine seemed to be at a loss to
understand what her mother meant.

"Don't doubt about it," Mrs. Presty went on; "do it. Think of
Kitty if you won't think of yourself. In a few years more she
will be a young lady. She may have an offer of marriage which may
be everything we desire. Suppose her sweetheart's family is a
religious family; and suppose your Divorce, and the judge's
remarks on it, are discovered. What will happen then?"

"Is it possible that you are in earnest?" Catherine asked. "Have
you seriously thought of the advice that you are giving me?
Setting aside the deceit, you know as well as I do that Kitty
would ask questions. Do you think I can tell my child that her
father is dead? A lie--and such a dreadful lie as that?"

"Nonsense!" said Mrs. Presty..

"Nonsense?" Catherine repeated indignantly.

"Rank nonsense," her mother persisted. "Hasn't your situation
forced you to lie already? When the child asks why her father and
her governess have left us, haven't you been obliged to invent
excuses which are lies? If the man who was once your husband
isn't as good as dead to _you_, I should like to know what your
Divorce means! My poor dear, do you think you can go on as you
are going on now? How many thousands of people have read the
newspaper account of the trial? How many hundreds of
people--interested in a handsome woman like you--will wonder why
they never see Mr. Norman? What? You will go abroad again? Go
where you may, you will attract attention; you will make an enemy
of every ugly woman who looks at you. Strain at a gnat,
Catherine, and swallow a camel. It's only a question of time.
Sooner or later you will be a Widow. Here's the waiter again.
What does the man want now?"

The waiter answered by announcing:

"Captain Bennydeck."

Catherine's mother was nearer to the door than Catherine; she
attracted the Captain's attention first. He addressed his
apologies to her. "Pray excuse me for disturbing you--"

Mrs. Presty had an eye for a handsome man, irrespective of what
his age might be. In the language of the conjurors a "magic
change" appeared in her; she became brightly agreeable in a

"Oh, Captain Bennydeck, you mustn't make excuses for coming into
your own room!"

Captain Bennydeck went on with his excuses, nevertheless. "The
landlady tells me that I have unluckily missed seeing Mr. Randal
Linley, and that he has left a message for me. I shouldn't
otherwise have ventured--"

Mrs. Presty stopped him once more. The Captain's claim to the
Captain's rooms was the principle on which she took her stand.
She revived the irresistible smiles which had conquered Mr.
Norman and Mr. Presty. "No ceremony, I beg and pray! You are at
home here--take the easy-chair!"

Catherine advanced a few steps; it was time to stop her mother,
if the thing could be done. She felt just embarrassment enough to
heighten her color, and to show her beauty to the greatest
advantage. It literally staggered the Captain, the moment he
looked at her. His customary composure, as a well-bred man,
deserted him; he bowed confusedly; he had not a word to say. Mrs.
Presty seized her opportunity, and introduced them to each other.
"My daughter Mrs. Norman--Captain Bennydeck." Compassionating him
under the impression that he was a shy man, Catherine tried to
set him at his ease. "I am indeed glad to have an opportunity of
thanking you," she said, inviting him by a gesture to be seated.
"In this delightful air, I have recovered my health, and I owe it
to your kindness."

The Captain regained his self-possession. Expressions of
gratitude had been addressed to him which, in his modest estimate
of himself, he could not feel that he had deserved.

"You little know," he replied, "under what interested motives I
have acted. When I established myself in this hotel, I was fairly
driven out of my yacht by a guest who went sailing with me."

Mrs. Presty became deeply interested. "Dear me, what did he do?"

Captain Bennydeck answered gravely: "He snored."

Catherine was amused; Mrs. Presty burst out laughing; the
Captain's dry humor asserted itself as quaintly as ever. "This is
no laughing matter," he resumed, looking at Catherine. "My vessel
is a small one. For two nights the awful music of my friend's
nose kept me sleepless. When I woke him, and said, 'Don't snore,'
he apologized in the sweetest manner, and bega n again. On the
third day I anchored in the bay here, determined to get a night's
rest on shore. A dispute about the price of these rooms offered
them to me. I sent a note of apology on board--and slept
peacefully. The next morning, my sailing master informed me that
there had been what he called 'a little swell in the night.' He
reported the sounds made by my friend on this occasion to have
been the awful sounds of seasickness. 'The gentleman left the
yacht, sir, the first thing this morning,' he said; 'and he's
gone home by railway.' On the day when you happened to arrive, my
cabin was my own again; and I can honestly thank you for
relieving me of my rooms. Do you make a long stay, Mrs. Norman?"

Catherine answered that they were going to London by the next
train. Seeing Randal's card still unnoticed on the table, she
handed it to the Captain.

"Is Mr. Linley an old friend of yours?" he asked, as he took the

Mrs. Presty hastened to answer in the affirmative for her
daughter. It was plain that Randal had discreetly abstained from
mentioning his true connection with them. Would he preserve the
same silence if the Captain spoke of his visit to Mrs. Norman,
when he and his friend met next? Mrs. Presty's mind might have
been at ease on that subject, if she had known how to appreciate
Randal's character and Randal's motives. The same keen sense of
the family disgrace, which had led him to conceal from Captain
Bennydeck his brother's illicit relations with Sydney
Westerfield, had compelled him to keep secret his former
association, as brother-in-law, with the divorced wife. Her
change of name had hitherto protected her from discovery by the
Captain, and would in all probability continue to protect her in
the future. The good Bennydeck had been enjoying himself at sea
when the Divorce was granted, and when the newspapers reported
the proceedings. He rarely went to his club, and he never
associated with persons of either sex to whom gossip and scandal
are as the breath of their lives. Ignorant of these
circumstances, and remembering what had happened on that day,
Mrs. Presty looked at him with some anxiety on her daughter's
account, while he was reading the message on Randal's card. There
was little to see. His fine face expressed a quiet sorrow, and he
sighed as he put the card back in his pocket.

An interval of silence followed. Captain Bennydeck was thinking
over the message which he had just read. Catherine and her mother
were looking at him with the same interest, inspired by very
different motives. The interview so pleasantly begun was in some
danger of lapsing into formality and embarrassment, when a new
personage appeared on the scene.

Kitty had returned in triumph from her ride. "Mamma! the donkey
did more than gallop--he kicked, and I fell off. Oh, I'm not
hurt!" cried the child, seeing the alarm in her mother's face.
"Tumbling off is such a funny sensation. It isn't as if you fell
on the ground; it's as if the ground came up to _you_ and
said--Bump!" She had got as far as that, when the progress of her
narrative was suspended by the discovery of a strange gentleman
in the room.

The smile that brightened the captain's face, when Kitty opened
the door, answered for him as a man who loved children. "Your
little girl, Mrs. Norman?" he said.


(A common question and a common reply. Nothing worth noticing, in
either the one or the other, at the time--and yet they proved to
be important enough to turn Catherine's life into a new course.)

In the meanwhile, Kitty had been whispering to her mother. She
wanted to know the strange gentleman's name. The Captain heard
her. "My name is Bennydeck," he said; "will you come to me?"

Kitty had heard the name mentioned in connection with a yacht.
Like all children, she knew a friend the moment she looked at
him. "I've seen your pretty boat, sir," she said, crossing the
room to Captain Bennydeck. "Is it very nice when you go sailing?"

"If you were not going back to London, my dear, I should ask your
mamma to let me take you sailing with me. Perhaps we shall have
another opportunity."

The Captain's answer delighted Kitty. "Oh, yes, tomorrow or next
day!" she suggested. "Do you know where to find me in London?
Mamma, where do I live, when I am in London?" Before her mother
could answer, she hit on a new idea. "Don't tell me; I'll find it
for myself. It's on grandmamma's boxes, and they're in the

Captain Bennydeck's eyes followed her, as she left the room, with
an expression of interest which more than confirmed the favorable
impression that he had already produced on Catherine. She was on
the point of asking if he was married, and had children of his
own, when Kitty came back, and declared the right address to be
Buck's Hotel, Sydenham. "Mamma puts things down for fear of
forgetting them," she added. "Will you put down Buck?"

The Captain took out his pocketbook, and appealed pleasantly to
Mrs. Norman. "May I follow your example?" he asked. Catherine not
only humored the little joke, but, gratefully remembering his
kindness, said: "Don't forget, when you are in London, that
Kitty's invitation is my invitation, too." At the same moment,
punctual Mrs. Presty looked at her watch, and reminded her
daughter that railways were not in the habit of allowing
passengers to keep them waiting. Catherine rose, and gave her
hand to the Captain at parting. Kitty improved on her mother's
form of farewell; she gave him a kiss and whispered a little
reminder of her own: "There's a river in London--don't forget
your boat."

Captain Bennydeck opened the door for them, secretly wishing that
he could follow Mrs. Norman to the station and travel by the same

Mrs. Presty made no attempt to remind him that she was still in
the room. Where her family interests were concerned, the old lady
was capable (on very slight encouragement) of looking a long way
into the future. She was looking into the future now. The
Captain's social position was all that could be desired; he was
evidently in easy pecuniary circumstances; he admired Catherine
and Catherine's child. If he only proved to be a single man, Mrs.
Presty's prophetic soul, without waiting an instant to reflect,
perceived a dazzling future. Captain Bennydeck approached to take
leave. "Not just yet," pleaded the most agreeable of women; "my
luggage was ready two hours ago. Sit down again for a few
minutes. You seem to like my little granddaughter."

"If I had such a child as that," the Captain answered, "I believe
I should be the happiest man living."

"Ah, my dear sir, all isn't gold that glitters," Mrs. Presty
remarked. "That proverb must have been originally intended to
apply to children. May I presume to make you the subject of a
guess? I fancy you are not a married man."

The Captain looked a little surprised. "You are quite right," he
said; "I have never been married."

At a later period, Mrs. Presty owned that she felt an inclination
to reward him for confessing himself to be a bachelor, by a kiss.
He innocently checked that impulse by putting a question. "Had
you any particular reason," he asked, "for guessing that I was a
single man?"

Mrs. Presty modestly acknowledged that she had only her own
experience to help her. "You wouldn't be quite so fond of other
people's children," she said, "if you were a married man. Ah,
your time will come yet--I mean your wife will come."

He answered this sadly. "My time has gone by. I have never had
the opportunities that have been granted to some favored men." He
thought of the favored man who had married Mrs. Norman. Was her
husband worthy of his happiness? "Is Mr. Norman with you at this
place?' the Captain asked.

Serious issues depended on the manner in which this question was
answered. For one moment, and for one moment only, Mrs. Presty
hesitated. Then (in her daughter's interest, of course) she put
Catherine in the position of a widow, in the least blamable of
all possible ways, by honestly owning the truth.

"There is no Mr. Norman," she said.

"Your daughter is a widow!" cried the Captain, perfectly unable
to control his delight at that discovery.

"What else should she be?" Mrs. Presty repl ied, facetiously.

What else, indeed! If "no Mr. Norman" meant (as it must surely
mean) that Mr. Norman was dead, and if the beautiful mother of
Kitty was an honest woman, her social position was beyond a
doubt. Captain Bennydeck felt a little ashamed of his own
impetuosity. Before he had made up his mind what to say next, the
unlucky waiter (doomed to be a cause of disturbance on that day)
appeared again.

"I beg your pardon, ma'am," he said; "the lady and gentleman who
have taken these rooms have just arrived."

Mrs. Presty got up in a hurry, and cordially shook hands with the
Captain. Looking round, she took up the railway guide and her
knitting left on the table. Was there anything else left about?
There was nothing to be seen. Mrs. Presty crossed the passage to
her daughter's bedroom, to hurry the packing. Captain Bennydeck
went downstairs, on his way back to the yacht.

In the hall of the hotel he passed the lady and gentleman--and,
of course, noticed the lady. She was little and dark and would
have been pretty, if she had not looked ill and out of spirits.
What would he have said, what would he have done, if he had known
that those two strangers were Randal Linley's brother and
Roderick Westerfield's daughter?

Chapter XXXVI

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert.

The stealthy influence of distrust fastens its hold on the mind
by slow degrees. Little by little it reaches its fatal end, and
disguises delusion successfully under the garb of truth.

Day after day, the false conviction grew on Sydney's mind that
Herbert Linley was comparing the life he led now with the happier
life which he remembered at Mount Morven. Day after day, her
unreasoning fear contemplated the time when Herbert Linley would
leave her friendless, in the world that had no place in it for
women like herself. Delusion--fatal delusion that looked like
truth! Morally weak as he might be, the man whom she feared to
trust had not yet entirely lost the sense which birth and
breeding had firmly fastened in him--the sense of honor. Acting
under that influence, he was (if the expression may be permitted)
consistent even in inconsistency. With equal sincerity of
feeling, he reproached himself for his infidelity toward the
woman whom he had deserted, and devoted himself to his duty
toward the woman whom he had misled. In Sydney's presence--suffer
as he might under the struggle to maintain his resolution when he
was alone--he kept his intercourse with her studiously gentle in
manner, and considerate in language; his conduct offered
assurances for the future which she could only see through the
falsifying medium of her own distrust.

In the delusion that now possessed her she read, over and over
again, the letter which Captain Bennydeck had addressed to her
father; she saw, more and more clearly, the circumstances which
associated her situation with the situation of the poor girl who
had closed her wasted life among the nuns in a French convent.

Two results followed on this state of things.

When Herbert asked to what part of England they should go, on
leaving London, she mentioned Sandyseal as a place that she had
heard of, and felt some curiosity to see. The same day--bent on
pleasing her, careless where he lived now, at home or abroad--he
wrote to engage rooms at the hotel

A time followed, during which they were obliged to wait until
rooms were free. In this interval, brooding over the melancholy
absence of a friend or relative in whom she could confide, her
morbid dread of the future decided her on completing the parallel
between herself and that other lost creature of whom she had
read. Sydney opened communication anonymously with the
Benedictine community at Sandyseal.

She addressed the Mother Superior; telling the truth about
herself with but one concealment, the concealment of names. She
revealed her isolated position among her fellow-creatures; she
declared her fervent desire to repent of her wickedness, and to
lead a religious life; she acknowledged her misfortune in having
been brought up by persons careless of religion, and she
confessed to having attended a Protestant place of worship, as a
mere matter of form connected with the duties of a teacher at a
school. "The religion of any Christian woman who will help me to
be more like herself," she wrote, "is the religion to which I am
willing and eager to belong. If I come to you in my distress,
will you receive me?" To that simple appeal, she added a request
that an answer might be addressed to "S.W., Post-office,

When Captain Bennydeck and Sydney Westerfield passed each other
as strangers, in the hall of the hotel, that letter had been
posted in London a week since.

The servant showed "Mr. and Mrs. Herbert" into their
sitting-room, and begged that they would be so good as to wait
for a few minutes, while the other rooms were being prepared for

Sydney seated herself in silence. She was thinking of her letter,
and wondering whether a reply was waiting for her at the

Moving toward the window to look at the view, Herbert paused to
examine some prints hanging on the walls, which were superior as
works of art to the customary decorations of a room at a hotel.
If he had gone straight to the window he might have seen his
divorced wife, his child, and his wife's mother, getting into the
carriage which took them to the railway station.

"Come, Sydney," he said, "and look at the sea."

She joined him wearily, with a faint smile. It was a calm, sunny
day. Bathing machines were on the beach; children were playing
here and there; and white sails of pleasure boats were visible in
the offing. The dullness of Sandyseal wore a quiet homely aspect
which was pleasant to the eyes of strangers . Sydney said,
absently, "I think I shall like the place." And Herbert added:
"Let us hope that the air will make you feel stronger." He meant
it and said it kindly--but, instead of looking at her while he
spoke, he continued to look at the view. A woman sure of her
position would not have allowed this trifling circumstance, even
if she had observed it, to disturb her. Sydney thought of the day
in London when he had persisted in looking out at the street, and
returned in silence to her chair.

Had he been so unfortunate as to offend her? And in what way? As
that doubt occurred to Herbert his mind turned to Catherine.
_She_ never took offense at trifles; a word of kindness from him,
no matter how unimportant it might be, always claimed
affectionate acknowledgment in the days when he was living with
his wife. In another moment he had dismissed that remembrance,
and could trust himself to return to Sydney.

"If you find that Sandyseal confirms your first impression," he
said, "let me know it in time, so that I may make arrangements
for a longer stay. I have only taken the rooms here for a

"Thank you, Herbert; I think a fortnight will be long enough."

"Long enough for you?" he asked.

Her morbid sensitiveness mistook him again; she fancied there was
an undernote of irony in his tone.

"Long enough for both of us," she replied.

He drew a chair to her side. "Do you take it for granted," he
said, smiling, "that I shall get tired of the place first?"

She shrank, poor creature, even from his smile. There was, as she
thought, something contemptuous in the good-humor of it.

"We have been to many places," she reminded him, "and we have got
tired of them together."

"Is that my fault?"

"I didn't say it was."

He got up and approached the bell. "I think the journey has a
little over-tired you," he resumed. "Would you like to go to your

"I will go to my room, if you wish it."

He waited a little, and answered her as quietly as ever. "What I
really wish," he said, "is that we had consulted a doctor while
we were in London. You seem to be very easily irritated of late.
I observe a change in you, which I willingly attribute to the
state of your health--"

She interrupted him. "What change do you mean?"

"It's quite possible I may be mistaken, Sydney. But I have more
than once, as I think, seen something in your manner which
suggests that you distrust me."

"I distrust the evil life we are leading," she burst
 out, "and I see the end of it coming. Oh, I don't blame you! You
are kind and considerate, you do your best to hide it; but you
have lived long enough with me to regret the woman whom you have
lost. You begin to feel the sacrifice you have made--and no
wonder. Say the word, Herbert, and I release you."

"I will never say the word!"

She hesitated--first inclined, then afraid, to believe him. "I
have grace enough left in me," she went on, "to feel the
bitterest repentance for the wrong that I have done to Mrs.
Linley. When it ends, as it must end, in our parting, will you
ask your wife--?"

Even his patience began to fail him; he refused--firmly, not
angrily--to hear more. "She is no longer my wife," he said.

Sydney's bitterness and Sydney's penitence were mingled, as
opposite emotions only _can_ be mingled in a woman's breast.
"Will you ask your wife to forgive you?" she persisted.

"After we have been divorced at her petition?" He pointed to the
window as he said it. "Look at the sea. If I was drowning out
yonder, I might as well ask the sea to forgive me."

He produced no effect on her. She ignored the Divorce; her
passionate remorse asserted itself as obstinately as ever. "Mrs.
Linley is a good woman," she insisted; "Mrs. Linley is a
Christian woman."

"I have lost all claim on her--even the claim to remember her
virtues," he answered, sternly. "No more of it, Sydney! I am
sorry I have disappointed you; I am sorry if you are weary of

At those last words her manner changed. "Wound me as cruelly as
you please," she said, humbly. "I will try to bear it."

"I wouldn't wound you for the world! Why do you persist in
distressing me? Why do you feel suspicion of me which I have not
deserved?" He stopped, and held out his hand. "Don't let us
quarrel, Sydney. Which will you do? Keep your bad opinion of me,
or give me a fair trial?"

She loved him dearly; she was so young--and the young are so
ready to hope! Still, she struggled against herself. "Herbert! is
it your pity for me that is speaking now?"

He left her in despair. "It's useless!" he said, sadly. "Nothing
will conquer your inveterate distrust."

She followed him. With a faint cry of entreaty she made him turn
to her, and held him in a trembling embrace, and rested her head
on his bosom. "Forgive me--be patient with me--love me." That was
all she could say.

He attempted to calm her agitation by speaking lightly. "At last,
Sydney, we are friends again!" he said.

Friends? All the woman in her recoiled from that insufficient
word. "Are we Lovers?" she whispered.


With that assurance her anxious heart was content. She smiled;
she looked out at the sea with a new appreciation of the view.
"The air of this place will do me good now," she said. "Are my
eyes red, Herbert? Let me go and bathe them, and make myself fit
to be seen."

She rang the bell. The chambermaid answered it, ready to show the
other rooms. She turned round at the door.

"Let's try to make our sitting-room look like home," she
suggested. "How dismal, how dreadfully like a thing that doesn't
belong to us, that empty table looks! Put some of your books and
my keepsakes on it, while I am away. I'll bring my work with me
when I come back."

He had left his travelers' bag on a chair, when he first came in.
Now that he was alone, and under no restraint, he sighed as he
unlocked the bag. "Home?" he repeated; "we have no home. Poor
girl! poor unhappy girl! Let me help her to deceive herself."

He opened the bag. The little fragile presents, which she called
her "keepsakes," had been placed by her own hands in the upper
part of the bag, so that the books should not weigh on them, and
had been carefully protected by wrappings of cotton wool. Taking
them out, one by one, Herbert found a delicate china candlestick
(intended to hold a wax taper) broken into two pieces, in spite
of the care that had been taken to preserve it. Of no great value
in itself, old associations made the candlestick precious to
Sydney. It had been broken at the stem and could be easily mended
so as to keep the accident concealed. Consulting the waiter,
Herbert discovered that the fracture could be repaired at the
nearest town, and that the place would be within reach when he
went out for a walk. In fear of another disaster, if he put it
back in the bag, he opened a drawer in the table, and laid the
two fragments carefully inside, at the further end. In doing
this, his hand touched something that had been already placed in
the drawer. He drew it out, and found that it was a book--the
same book that Mrs. Presty (surely the evil genius of the family
again!) had hidden from Randal's notice, and had forgotten when
she left the hotel.

Herbert instantly recognized the gilding on the cover, imitated
from a design invented by himself. He remembered the inscription,
and yet he read it again:

"To dear Catherine, from Herbert, on the anniversary of our

The book dropped from his hand on the table, as if it had been a
new discovery, torturing him with a new pain.

His wife (he persisted in thinking of her as his wife) must have
occupied the room--might perhaps have been the person whom he had
succeeded, as a guest at the hotel. Did she still value his
present to her, in remembrance of old times? No! She valued it so
little that she had evidently forgotten it. Perhaps her maid
might have included it among the small articles of luggage when
they left home, or dear little Kitty might have put it into one
of her mother's trunks. In any case, there it was now, abandoned
in the drawer of a table at a hotel.

"Oh," he thought bitterly, "if I could only feel as coldly toward
Catherine as she feels toward me!" His resolution had resisted
much; but this final trial of his self-control was more than he
could sustain. He dropped into a chair--his pride of manhood
recoiled from the contemptible weakness of crying--he tried to
remember that she had divorced him, and taken his child from him.
In vain! in vain! He burst into tears.

Chapter XXXVII.

Mrs. Norman.

With a heart lightened by reconciliation (not the first
reconciliation unhappily), with hopes revived, and sweet content
restored, Sydney's serenity of mind was not quite unruffled. Her
thoughts were not dwelling on the evil life which she had
honestly deplored, or on the wronged wife to whom she had been
eager to make atonement. Where is the woman whose sorrows are not
thrown into the shade by the bright renewal of love? The one
anxiety that troubled Sydney was caused by remembrance of the
letter which she had sent to the convent at Sandyseal.

As her better mind now viewed it, she had doubly injured
Herbert--first in distrusting him; then by appealing from him to
the compassion of strangers.

If the reply for which she had rashly asked was waiting for her
at that moment--if the mercy of the Mother Superior was ready to
comfort and guide her--what return could she make? how could she
excuse herself from accepting what was offered in kindly reply to
her own petition? She had placed herself, for all she knew to the
contrary, between two alternatives of ingratitude equally
unendurable, equally degrading. To feel this was to feel the
suspense which, to persons of excitable temperament, is of all
trials the hardest to bear. The chambermaid was still in her
room--Sydney asked if the post-office was near to the hotel.

The woman smiled. "Everything is near us, ma'am, in this little
place. Can we send to the post-office for you?"

Sydney wrote her initials. "Ask, if you please, for a letter
addressed in that way." She handed the memorandum to the
chambermaid. "Corresponding with her lover under her husband's
nose!" That was how the chambermaid explained it below stairs,
when the porter remarked that initials looked mysterious.

The Mother Superior had replied. Sydney trembled as she opened
the letter. It began kindly.

"I believe you, my child, and I am anxious to help you. But I
cannot correspond with an unknown person. If you decide to reveal
yourself, it is only right to add that I have shown your letter
to the Reverend Father who, in temporal as in spiritual things,
is our counselor and guide. To him I must refer you, in the first
instance. His wisdom will decide the serious question of
receiving you into our Holy Church, and will discover, in due
time, if you have a true vocation to a religious life. With the
Father's sanction, you may be sure of my affectionate desire to
serve you."

Sydney put the letter back in the envelope, feeling gratefully
toward the Mother Superior, but determined by the conditions
imposed on her to make no further advance toward the Benedictine

Even if her motive in writing to the convent had remained
unchallenged, the allusions to the priest would still have
decided her on taking this step. The bare idea of opening her
inmost heart, and telling her saddest secrets, to a man, and that
man a stranger, was too repellent to be entertained for a moment.
In a few lines of reply, gratefully and respectfully written, she
thanked the Mother Superior, and withdrew from the

The letter having been closed, and posted in the hotel box, she
returned to the sitting-room free from the one doubt that had
troubled her; eager to show Herbert how truly she believed in
him, how hopefully she looked to the future.

With a happy smile on her lips she opened the door. She was on
the point of asking him playfully if he had felt surprised at her
long absence--when the sight that met her eyes turned her cold
with terror in an instant.

His arms were stretched out on the table; his head was laid on
them, despair confessed itself in his attitude; grief spoke in
the deep sobbing breaths that shook him. Love and compassion
restored Sydney's courage; she advanced to raise him in her
arms--and stopped once more. The book on the table caught her
eye. He was still unconscious of her presence; she ventured to
open it. She read the inscription--looked at him--looked back at
the writing--and knew the truth at last.

The rigor of the torture that she suffered paralyzed all outward
expression of pain. Quietly she put the book back on the table.
Quietly she touched him, and called him by his name.

He started and looked up; he made an attempt to speak to her in
his customary tone. "I didn't hear you come in," he said.

She pointed to the book, without the slightest change in her face
or her manner.

"I have read the inscription to your wife," she answered; "I have
seen you while you thought you were alone; the mercy which has so
long kept the truth from me is mercy wasted now. Your bonds are
broken, Herbert. You are a free man."

He affected not to have understood her. She let him try to
persuade her of it, and made no reply. He declared, honestly
declared, that what she had said distressed him. She listened in
submissive silence. He took her hand, and kissed it. She let him
kiss it, and let him drop it at her side. She frightened him; he
began to fear for her reason. There was silence--long, horrid,
hopeless silence.

She had left the door of the room open. One of the servants of
the hotel appeared outside in the passage. He spoke to some
person behind him. "Perhaps the book has been left in here," he
suggested. A gentle voice answered: "I hope the lady and
gentleman will excuse me, if I ask leave to look for my book."
She stepped into the room to make her apologies.

Herbert Linley and Sydney Westerfield looked at the woman whom
they had outraged. The woman whom they had outraged paused, and
looked back at them.

The hotel servant was surprised at their not speaking to each
other. He was a stupid man; he thought the gentlefolks were
strangely unlike gentlefolks in general; they seemed not to know
what to say. Herbert happened to be standing nearest to him; he
felt that it would be civil to the gentleman to offer a word of

"The lady had these rooms, sir. She has come back from the
station to look for a book that has been left behind."

Herbert signed to him to go. As the man turned to obey, he drew
back. Sydney had moved to the door before him, to leave the room.
Herbert refused to permit it. "Stay here," he said to her gently;
"this room is yours."

Sydney hesitated. Herbert addressed her again. He pointed to his
divorced wife. "You see how that lady is looking at you," he
said; "I beg that you will not submit to insult from anybody."

Sydney obeyed him: she returned to the room.

Catherine's voice was heard for the first time. She addressed
herself to Sydney with a quiet dignity--far removed from anger,
further removed still from contempt.

"You were about to leave the room," she said. "I notice--as an
act of justice to _you_--that my presence arouses some sense of

Herbert turned to Sydney; trying to recover herself, she stood
near the table. "Give me the book," he said; "the sooner this
comes to an end the better for her, the better for us." Sydney
gave him the book. With a visible effort, he matched Catherine's
self-control; after all, she had remembered his gift! He offered
the book to her.

She still kept her eyes fixed on Sydney--still spoke to Sydney.

"Tell him," she said, "that I refuse to receive the book."

Sydney attempted to obey. At the first words she uttered, Herbert
checked her once more.

"I have begged you already not to submit to insult." He turned to
Catherine. "The book is yours, madam. Why do you refuse to take

She looked at him for the first time. A proud sense of wrong
flashed at him its keenly felt indignation in her first glance.
"Your hands and her hands have touched it," she answered. "I
leave it to _you_ and to _her_."

Those words stung him. "Contempt," he said, "is bitter indeed on
your lips."

"Do you presume to resent my contempt?"

"I forbid you to insult Miss Westerfield." With that reply, he
turned to Sydney. "You shall not suffer while I can prevent it,"
he said tenderly, and approached to put his arm round her. She
looked at Catherine, and drew back from his embrace, gently
repelling him by a gesture.

Catherine felt and respected the true delicacy, the true
penitence, expressed in that action. She advanced to Sydney.
"Miss Westerfield," she said, "I will take the book--from you."

Sydney gave back the book without a word; in her position silence
was the truest gratitude. Quietly and firmly Catherine removed
the blank leaf on which Herbert had written, and laid it before
him on the table. "I return your inscription. It means nothing
now." Those words were steadily pronounced; not the slightest
appearance of temper accompanied them. She moved slowly to the
door and looked back at Sydney. "Make some allowance for what I
have suffered," she said gently. "If I have wounded you, I regret
it." The faint sound of her dress on the carpet was heard in the
perfect stillness, and lost again. They saw her no more.

Herbert approached Sydney. It was a moment when he was bound to
assure her of his sympathy. He felt for her. In his inmost heart
he felt for her. As he drew nearer, he saw tears in her eyes; but
they seemed to have risen without her knowledge. Hardly conscious
of his presence, she stood before him--lost in thought.

He endeavored to rouse her. "Did I protect you from insult?" he

She said absently: "Yes!"

"Will you do as I do, dear? Will you try to forget?"

She said: "I will try to atone," and moved toward the door of her
room. The reply surprised him; but it was no time then to ask for
an explanation.

"Would you like to lie down, Sydney, and rest?"


She took his arm. He led her to the door of her room. "Is there
anything else I can do for you?" he asked.

"Nothing, thank you."

She closed the door--and abruptly opened it again. "One thing
more," she said. "Kiss me."

He kissed her tenderly. Returning to the sitting-room, he looked
back across the passage. Her door was shut.

His head was heavy; his mind felt confused. He threw himself on
the sofa--utterly exhausted by the ordeal through which he had
passed. In grief, in fear, in pain, the time still comes when
Nature claims her rights. The wretched worn-out man fell into a
restless sleep. He was awakened by the waiter, laying the cloth
for dinner. "It's just ready, sir," the servant announced; "shall
I knock at the lady's door?"

Herbert  got up and went to her room.

He entered sof tly, fearing to disturb her if she too had slept.
No sign of her was to be seen. She had evidently not rested on
her bed. A morsel of paper lay on the smooth coverlet. There was
only a line written on it: "You may yet be happy--and it may
perhaps be my doing."

He stood, looking at that last line of her writing, in the empty
room. His despair and his submission spoke in the only words that
escaped him:

"I have deserved it!"


Chapter XXXVIII.

Hear the Lawyer.

"Mr. Herbert Linley, I ask permission to reply to your inquiries
in writing, because it is quite likely that some of the opinions
you will find here might offend you if I expressed them
personally. I can relieve your anxiety on the subject of Miss
Sydney Westerfield. But I must be allowed to do so in my own
way--without any other restraints than those which I think it
becoming to an honorable man to impose on himself.

"You are quite right in supposing that Miss Westerfield had heard
me spoken of at Mount Morven, as the agent and legal adviser of
the lady who was formerly your wife. What purpose led her to
apply to me, under these circumstances, you will presently
discover. As to the means by which she found her way to my
office, I may remind you that any directory would give her the
necessary information.

"Miss Westerfield's object was to tell me, in the first place,
that her guilty life with you was at an end. She has left your
protection--not to return to it. I was sorry to see (though she
tried to hide it from me) how keenly she felt the parting. You
have been dearly loved by two sweet women, and they have thrown
their hearts away on you--as women will.

"Having explained the circumstances so far, Miss Westerfield next
mentioned the motive which had brought her to my office. She
asked if I would inform her of Mrs. Norman's address.

"This request, I confess, astonished me.

"To my mind she was, of all persons, the last who ought to
contemplate communicating in any way with Mrs. Norman. I say this
to you; but I refrained from saying it to her. What I did venture
to do was to ask for her reasons. She answered that they were
reasons which would embarrass her if she communicated them to a

"After this reply, I declined to give her the information she

"Not unprepared, as it appeared to me, for my refusal, she asked
next if I was willing to tell her where she might find your
brother, Mr. Randal Linley. In this case I was glad to comply
with her request. She could address herself to no person worthier
to advise her than your brother. In giving her his address in
London, I told her that he was absent on a visit to some friends,
and that he was expected to return in a week's time.

"She thanked me, and rose to go.

"I confess I was interested in her. Perhaps I thought of the time
when she might have been as dear to her father as my own
daughters are to me. I asked if her parents were living: they
were dead. My next question was: 'Have you any friends in
London?' She answered: 'I have no friends.' It was said with a
resignation so very sad in so young a creature that I was really
distressed. I ran the risk of offending her--and asked if she
felt any embarrassment in respect of money. She said: 'I have
some small savings from my salary when I was a governess.' The
change in her tone told me that she was alluding to the time of
her residence at Mount Morven. It was impossible to look at this
friendless girl, and not feel some anxiety about the lodging
which she might have chosen in such a place as London. She had
fortunately come to me from the railway, and had not thought yet
of where she was to live. At last I was able to be of some use to
her. My senior clerk took care of Miss Westerfield, and left her
among respectable people, in whose house she could live cheaply
and safely. Where that house is, I refuse (for her sake) to tell
you. She shall not be disturbed.

"After a week had passed I received a visit from my good friend,
Randal Linley.

"He had on that day seen Miss Westerfield. She had said to him
what she had said to me, and had repeated the request which I
thought it unwise to grant; owning to your brother, however, the
motives which she had refused to confide to me. He was so
strongly impressed by the sacrifice of herself which this
penitent woman had made, that he was at first disposed to trust
her with Mrs. Norman's address.

"Reflection, however, convinced him that her motives, pure and
disinterested as they undoubtedly were, did not justify him in
letting her expose herself to the consequences which might follow
the proposed interview. All that he engaged to do was to repeat
to Mrs. Norman what Miss Westerfield had said, and to inform the
young lady of the result.

"In the intervals of business, I had felt some uneasiness when I
thought of Miss Westerfield's prospects. Your good brother at
once set all anxiety on this subject at rest.

"He proposed to place Miss Westerfield under the care of an old
and dear friend of her late father--Captain Bennydeck. Her
voluntary separation from you offered to your brother, and to the
Captain, the opportunity for which they had both been waiting.
Captain Bennydeck was then cruising at sea in his yacht.
Immediately on his return, Miss Westerfield's inclination would
be consulted, and she would no doubt eagerly embrace the
opportunity of being introduced to her father's friend.

"I have now communicated all that I know, in reply to the
questions which you have addressed to me. Let me earnestly advise
you to make the one reparation to this poor girl which is in your
power. Resign yourself to a separation which is not only for her
good, but for yours.--SAMUEL SARRAZIN."

Chapter XXXIX.

Listen to Reason.

Not having heard from Captain Bennydeck for some little time,
Randal thought it desirable in Sydney's interests to make
inquiries at his club. Nothing was known of the Captain's
movements there. On the chance of getting the information that he
wanted, Randal wrote to the hotel at Sandyseal.

The landlord's reply a little surprised him.

Some days since, the yacht had again appeared in the bay. Captain
Bennydeck had landed, to all appearance in fairly good health;
and had left by an early train for London. The sailing-master
announced that he had orders to take the vessel back to her
port--with no other explanation than that the cruise was over.
This alternative in the Captain's plans (terminating the voyage a
month earlier than his arrangements had contemplated) puzzled
Randal. He called at his friend's private residence, only to hear
from the servants that they had seen nothing of their master.
Randal waited a while in London, on the chance that Bennydeck
might pay him a visit.

During this interval his patience was rewarded in an unexpected
manner. He discovered the Captain's address by means of a letter
from Catherine, dated "Buck's Hotel, Sydenham." Having gently
reproached him for not writing to her or calling on her, she
invited him to dinner at the hotel. Her letter concluded in these
words: "You will only meet one person besides ourselves--your
friend, and (since we last met) our friend too. Captain Bennydeck
has got tired of the sea. He is staying at this hotel, to try the
air of Sydenham, and he finds that it agrees with him."

These lines set Randal thinking seriously.

To represent Bennydeck as being "tired of the sea," and as being
willing to try, in place of the breezy Channel, the air of a
suburb of London, was to make excuses too perfectly futile and
absurd to deceive any one who knew the Captain. In spite of the
appearance of innocence which pervaded Catherine's letter, the
true motive for breaking off his cruise might be found, as Randal
concluded, in Catherine herself. Her residence at the sea-side,
helped by the lapse of time, had restored to her personal
attractions almost all they had lost under the deteriorating
influences of care and grief; and her change of name must have
protected her from a discovery of the Divorce which would have
shocked a man so sincerely religious as Bennydeck. Had her beauty
fascinated him? Was she aware of the interest that he felt in
her? and wa s it secretly understood and returned? Randal wrote
to accept the invitation; determining to present himself before
the appointed hour, and to question Catherine privately, without
giving her the advantage over him of preparing herself for the

In the short time that passed before the day of the dinner,
distressing circumstances strengthened his resolution. After
months of separation, he received a visit from Herbert.

Was this man--haggard, pallid, shabby, looking at him piteously
with bloodshot eyes--the handsome, pleasant, prosperous brother
whom he remembered? Randal was so grieved, that he was for a
moment unable to utter a word. He could only point to a seat.
Herbert dropped into the chair as if he was reduced to the last
extremity of fatigue. And yet he spoke roughly; he looked like an
angry man brought to bay.

"I seem to frighten you," he said.

"You distress me, Herbert, more than words can say."

"Give me a glass of wine. I've been walking--I don't know where.
A long distance; I'm dead beat."

He drank the wine greedily. Whatever reviving effect it might
otherwise have produced on him, it made no change in the
threatening gloom of his manner. In a man morally weak, calamity
(suffered without resisting power) breaks its way through the
surface which exhibits a gentleman, and shows the naked nature
which claims kindred with our ancestor the savage.

"Do you feel better, Herbert?"

He put down the empty glass, taking no notice of his brother's
question. "Randal," he said, "you know where Sydney is."

Randal admitted it.

"Give me her address. My mind's in such a state I can't remember
it; write it down."

"No, Herbert."

"You won't write it? and you won't give it?"

"I will do neither the one nor the other. Go back to your chair;
fierce looks and clinched fists don't frighten me. Miss
Westerfield is quite right in separating herself from you. And
you are quite wrong in wishing to go back to her. There are my
reasons. Try to understand them. And, once again, sit down."

He spoke sternly--with his heart aching for his brother all the
time. He was right. The one way is the positive way, when a man
who suffers trouble is degraded by it.

The poor wretch sank under Randal's firm voice and steady eye.

"Don't be hard on me," he said. "I think a man in my situation is
to be pitied--especially by his brother. I'm not like you; I'm
not accustomed to live alone. I've been accustomed to having a
kind woman to talk to me, and take care of me. You don't know
what it is to be used to seeing a pretty creature, always nicely
dressed, always about the room--thinking so much of you, and so
little of herself--and then to be left alone as I am left, out in
the dark. I haven't got my wife; she has thrown me over, and
taken my child away from me. And, now, Sydney's taken away from
me next. I'm alone. Do you hear that? Alone! Take the poker there
out of the fireplace. Give me back Sydney, or knock out my
brains. I haven't courage enough to do it for myself. Oh, why did
I engage that governess! I was so happy, Randal, with Catherine
and little Kitty."

He laid his head wearily on the back of his chair. Randal offered
him more wine; he refused it.

"I'm afraid," he said. "Wine maddens me if I take too much of it.
You have heard of men forgetting their sorrows in drink. I tried
it yesterday; it set my brains on fire; I'm feeling that glass I
took just now. No! I'm not faint. It eases my head when I rest
like this. Shake hands, Randal; we have never had any unfriendly
words; we mustn't begin now. There's something perverse about me.
I didn't know how fond I was of Sydney till I lost her; I didn't
know how fond I was of my wife till I left her." He paused, and
put his hand to his fevered head. Was his mind wandering into
some other train of thought? He astonished his brother by a new
entreaty--the last imaginable entreaty that Randal expected to
hear. "Dear old fellow, I want you to do me a favor. Tell me
where my wife is living now?"

"Surely," Randal answered, "you know that she is no longer your

"Never mind that! I have something to say to her."

"You can't do it."

"Can _you_ do it? Will you give her a message?"

"Let me hear what it is first."

Herbert lifted his head, and laid his hand earnestly on his
brother's arm. When he said his next words he was almost like his
old self again.

"Say that I'm lonely, say that I'm dying for want of a little
comfort--ask her to let me see Kitty."

His tone touched Randal to the quick. "I feel for you, Herbert,"
he said, warmly. "She shall have your message; all that I can do
to persuade her shall be done."

"As soon as possible?"

"Yes--as soon as possible."

"And you won't forget? No, no; of course you won't forget." He
tried to rise, and fell back again into his chair. "Let me rest a
little," he pleaded, "if I'm not in the way. I'm not fit company
for you, I know; I'll go when you tell me."

Randal refused to let him go at all. "You will stay here with me;
and if I happen to be away, there will be somebody in the house,
who is almost as fond of you as I am." He mentioned the name of
one of the old servants at Mount Morven, who had attached himself
to Randal after the breakup of the family. "And now rest," he
said, "and let me put this cushion under your head."

Herbert answered: "It's like being at home again"--and composed
himself to rest.

Chapter XL.

Keep Your Temper.

On the next day but one, Randal arranged his departure for
Sydenham, so as to arrive at the hotel an hour before the time
appointed for the dinner. His prospects of success, in pleading
for a favorable reception of his brother's message, were so
uncertain that he refrained--in fear of raising hopes which he
might not be able to justify--from taking Herbert into his
confidence. No one knew on what errand he was bent, when he left
the house. As he took his place in the carriage, the newspaper
boy appeared at the window as usual. The new number of a popular
weekly journal had that day been published. Randal bought it.

After reading one or two of the political articles, he arrived at
the columns specially devoted to "Fashionable Intelligence."
Caring nothing for that sort of news, he was turning over the
pages in search of the literary and dramatic articles, when a
name not unfamiliar to him caught his eye. He read the paragraph
in which it appeared.

"The charming widow, Mrs. Norman, is, we hear, among the
distinguished guests staying at Buck's Hotel. It is whispered
that the lady is to be shortly united to a retired naval officer
of Arctic fame; now better known, perhaps, as one of our leading

The allusion to Bennydeck was too plain to be mistaken. Randal
looked again at the first words in the paragraph. "The charming
widow!" Was it possible that this last word referred to
Catherine? To suppose her capable of assuming to be a widow,
and--if the child asked questions--of telling Kitty that her
father was dead, was, in Randal's estimation, to wrong her
cruelly. With his own suspicions steadily contradicting him, he
arrived at the hotel, obstinately believing that "the charming
widow" would prove to be a stranger.

A first disappointment was in store for him when he entered the
house. Mrs. Norman and her little daughter were out driving with
a friend, and were expected to return in good time for dinner.
Mrs. Presty was at home; she was reported to be in the garden of
the hotel.

Randal found her comfortably established in a summerhouse, with
her knitting in her hands, and a newspaper on her lap. She
advanced to meet him, all smiles and amiability. "How nice of you
to come so soon!" she began. Her keen penetration discovered
something in his face which checked the gayety of her welcome.
"You don't mean to say that you are going to spoil our pleasant
little dinner by bringing bad news!" she added, looking at him

"It depends on you to decide that," Randal replied.

"How very complimentary to a poor useless old woman! Don't be
mysterious, my dear. I don't belong to the generation which
raises storms in tea-cups, and calls skirmishes with savages
battles. Out with it!"

Randal handed his paper t o her, open at the right place. "There
is my news," he said.

Mrs. Presty looked at the paragraph, and handed _her_ newspaper
to Randal.

"I am indeed sorry to spoil your dramatic effect," she said. "But
you ought to have known that we are only half an hour behind you,
at Sydenham, in the matter of news. The report is premature, my
good friend. But if these newspaper people waited to find out
whether a report is true or false, how much gossip would society
get in its favorite newspapers? Besides, if it isn't true now, it
will be true next week. The author only says, 'It's whispered.'
How delicate of him! What a perfect gentleman!"

"Am I really to understand, Mrs. Presty, that Catherine--"

"You are to understand that Catherine is a widow. I say it with
pride, a widow of my making!"

"If this is one of your jokes, ma'am--"

"Nothing of the sort, sir."

"Are you aware, Mrs. Presty, that my brother--"

"Oh, don't talk of your brother! He's an obstacle in our way, and
we have been compelled to get rid of him."

Randal drew back a step. Mrs. Presty's audacity was something
more than he could understand. "Is this woman mad?" he said to

"Sit down," said Mrs. Presty. "If you are determined to make a
serious business of it--if you insist on my justifying
myself--you are to be pitied for not possessing a sense of humor,
but you shall have your own way. I am put on my defense. Very
well. You shall hear how my divorced daughter and my poor little
grandchild were treated at Sandyseal, after you left us."

Having related the circumstances, she suggested that Randal
should put himself in Catherine's place, before he ventured on
expressing an opinion. "Would you have exposed yourself to be
humiliated again in the same way?" she asked. "And would you have
seen your child made to suffer as well as yourself?"

"I should have kept in retirement for the future," he answered,
"and not have trusted my child and myself among strangers in

"Ah, indeed? And you would have condemned your poor little
daughter to solitude? You would have seen her pining for the
company of other children, and would have had no mercy on her? I
wonder what you would have done when Captain Bennydeck paid us a
visit at the seaside? He was introduced to Mrs. Norman, and to
Mrs. Norman's little girl, and we were all charmed with him. When
he and I happened to be left together he naturally wondered,
after having seen the beautiful wife, where the lucky husband
might be. If he had asked you about Mr. Norman, how would you
have answered him?"

"I should have told the truth."

"You would have said there was no Mr. Norman?"


"Exactly what I did! And the Captain of course concluded (after
having been introduced to Kitty) that Mrs. Norman was a widow. If
I had set him right, what would have become of my daughter's
reputation? If I had told the truth at this hotel, when everybody
wanted to know what Mrs. Norman, that handsome lady, was--what
would the consequences have been to Catherine and her little
girl? No! no! I have made the best of a miserable situation; I
have consulted the tranquillity of a cruelly injured woman and an
innocent child--with this inevitable result; I have been obliged
to treat your brother like a character in a novel. I have
ship-wrecked Herbert as the shortest way of answering
inconvenient questions. Vessel found bottom upward in the middle
of the Atlantic, and everybody on board drowned, of course. Worse
stories have been printed; I do assure you, worse stories have
been printed."

Randal decided on leaving her. "Have you done all this with
Catherine's consent?" he asked as he got up from his chair.

"Catherine submits to circumstances, like a sensible woman."

"Does she submit to your telling Kitty that her father is dead?"

For the first time Mrs. Presty became serious.

"Wait a minute," she answered. "Before I consented to answer the
child's inquiries, I came to an understanding with her mother. I
said, 'Will you let Kitty see her father again?'"

The very question which Randal had promised to ask in his
brother's interests! "And how did Catherine answer you?" he

"Honestly. She said: 'I daren't!' After that, I had her mother's
authority for telling Kitty that she would never see her father
again. She asked directly if her father was dead--"

"That will do, Mrs. Presty. Your defense is thoroughly worthy of
your conduct in all other respects."

"Say thoroughly worthy of the course forced upon me and my
daughter by your brother's infamous conduct--and you will be
nearer the mark!"

Randal passed this over without notice. "Be so good," he said,
"as to tell Catherine that I try to make every possible allowance
for her, but that I cannot consent to sit at her dinner-table,
and that I dare not face my poor little niece, after what I have

Mrs. Presty recovered all her audacity. "A very wise decision,"
she remarked. "Your sour face would spoil the best dinner that
ever was put on the table. Have you any message for Captain

Randal asked if his friend was then at the hotel.

Mrs. Presty smiled significantly. "Not at the hotel, just now."

"Where is he?"

"Where he is every day, about this time--out driving with
Catherine and Kitty."

It was a relief to Randal--in the present state of Catherine's
relations toward Bennydeck--to return to London without having
seen his friend.

He took leave of Mrs. Presty with the formality due to a
stranger--he merely bowed. That incorrigible old woman treated
him with affectionate familiarity in return.

"Good-by, dear Randal. One moment before you go! Will it be of
any use if we invite you to the marriage?"

Arrived at the station, Randal found that he must wait for the
train. While he was walking up and down the platform with a mind
doubly distressed by anxiety about his brother and anxiety about
Sydney, the train from London came in. He stood, looking absently
at the passengers leaving the carriage on the opposite side of
the platform. Suddenly, a voice that he knew was audible, asking
the way to Buck's Hotel. He crossed the line in an instant, and
found himself face to face with Herbert.

Chapter XLI.

Make the Best of It.

For a moment the two men looked at each other without speaking.
Herbert's wondering eyes accurately reflected his brother's

"What are you doing here?" he asked. Suspicion overclouded his
face as he put the question. "You have been to the hotel?" he
burst out; "you have seen Catherine?"

Randal could deny that he had seen Catherine, with perfect
truth--and did deny it in the plainest terms. Herbert was
satisfied. "In all my remembrance of you," he said, you have
never told me a lie. We have both seen the same newspaper, of
course--and you have been the first to clear the thing up. That's
it, isn't it?"

"I wonder who this other Mrs. Norman is; did you find out?"


"She's not Catherine, at any rate; I, for one, shall go home with
a lighter heart." He took his brother's arm, to return to the
other platform. "Do you know, Randal, I was almost afraid that
Catherine was the woman. The devil take the thing, and the people
who write in it!"

He snatched a newspaper out of his pocket as he spoke--tore it in
half--and threw it away. "Malcolm meant well, poor fellow," he
said, referring to the old servant, "but he made a miserable man
of me for all that."

Not satisfied with gossip in private, the greedy public appetite
devours gossip in print, and wants more of it than any one editor
can supply. Randal picked up the torn newspaper. It was not the
newspaper which he had bought at the station. Herbert had been
reading a rival journal, devoted to the interests of Society--in
which the report of Mrs. Norman's marriage was repeated, with
this difference, that it boldly alluded to Captain Bennydeck by
name. "Did Malcolm give you this?" Randal asked.

"Yes; he and the servant next door subscribe to take it in; and
Malcolm thought it might amuse me. It drove me out of the house
and into the railway. If it had driven me out of mind, I
shouldn't have been surprised."

"Gently, Herbert! Supposing the report had  been true--?"

"After what you have told me, wh y should I suppose anything of
the sort?"

"Don't be angry; and do pray remember that the Divorce allows you
and Catherine to marry again, if you like."

Herbert became more unreasonable than ever. "If Catherine does
think of marrying again," he said, "the man will have to reckon
first with me. But that is not the point. You seem to have
forgotten that the woman at Buck's Hotel is described as a Widow.
The bare doubt that my divorced wife might be the woman was bad
enough--but what I wanted to find out was how she had passed off
her false pretense on our child. _That_ was what maddened me! No
more of it now. Have you seen Catherine lately?"

"Not lately."

"I suppose she is as handsome as ever. When will you ask her to
let me see Kitty?"

"Leave that to me," was the one reply which Randal could venture
to make at the moment.

The serious embarrassments that surrounded him were thickening
fast. His natural frank nature urged him to undeceive Herbert. If
he followed his inclinations, in the near neighborhood of the
hotel, who could say what disasters might not ensue, in his
brother's present frame of mind? If he made the disclosure on
their return to the house, he would be only running the same risk
of consequences, after an interval of delay; and, if he remained
silent, the march of events might, at any moment, lead to the
discovery of what he had concealed. Add to this, that his
confidence in Catherine had been rudely shaken. Having allowed
herself to be entrapped into the deception proposed by her
mother, and having thus far persevered in that deception, were
the chances in favor of her revealing her true
position--especially if she was disposed to encourage Bennydeck's
suit? Randal's loyalty to Catherine hesitated to decide that
serious question against the woman whom he had known, trusted,
and admired for so many years. In any event, her second marriage
would lead to one disastrous result. It would sooner or later
come to Herbert's ears. In the meantime, after what Mrs. Presty
had confessed, the cruel falsehood which had checked poor Kitty's
natural inquiries raised an insuperable obstacle to a meeting
between father and child.

If Randal shrank from the prospect which thus presented itself to
him, in his relations with his brother, and if his thoughts
reverted to Sydney Westerfield, other reasons for apprehension
found their way into his mind.

He had promised to do his best toward persuading Catherine to
grant Sydney an interview. To perform that promise appeared to be
now simply impossible. Under the exasperating influence of a
disappointment for which she was not prepared, it was hard to say
what act of imprudence Sydney might not commit. Even the chance
of successfully confiding her to Bennydeck's protection had lost
something of its fair promise, since Randal's visit to Sydenham.
That the Captain would welcome his friend's daughter as
affectionately as if she had been his own child, was not to be
doubted for a moment. But that she would receive the same
unremitting attention, while he was courting Catherine, which
would have been offered to her under other circumstances, was not
to be hoped. Be the results, however, what they might, Randal
could see but one plain course before him now. He decided on
hastening Sydney's introduction to Bennydeck, and on writing at
once to prepare the Captain for that event.

Even this apparently simple proceeding required examination in
its different bearings, before he could begin his letter.

Would he be justified in alluding to the report which associated
Bennydeck with Catherine? Considerations of delicacy seemed to
forbid taking this liberty, even with an intimate friend. It was
for the Captain to confirm what Mrs. Presty had said of him, if
he thought it desirable to touch on the subject in his reply.
Besides, looking to Catherine's interest--and not forgetting how
she had suffered--had Randal any right to regard with other than
friendly feelings a second marriage, which united her to a man
morally and intellectually the superior of her first husband?
What happier future could await her--especially if she justified
Randal's past experience of all that was candid and truthful in
her character--than to become his friend's wife?

Written under the modifying influence of these conclusions, his
letter contained the few words that follow:

"I have news for you which I am sure you will be glad to hear.
Your old friend's daughter has abandoned her sinful , and has
made sacrifices which prove the sincerity of her repentance.
Without entering into particulars which may be mercifully
dismissed from notice, let me only assure you that I answer for
Sydney Westerfield as being worthy of the fatherly interest which
you feel in her. Shall I say that she may expect an early visit
from you, when I see her to-morrow? I don't doubt that I am free
already to do this; but it will encourage the poor girl, if I can
speak with your authority."

He added Sydney's address in a postscript, and dispatched his
letter that evening.

On the afternoon of the next day two letters were delivered to
Randal, bearing the Sydenham postmark

The first which he happened to take up was addressed to him in
Mrs. Presty's handwriting. His opinion of this correspondent was
expressed in prompt action--he threw the letter, unopened, into
the waste-paper basket

The next letter was from Bennydeck, written in the kindest terms,
but containing no allusion to any contemplated change in his
life. He would not be able (he wrote) to leave Sydenham for a day
or two. No explanation of the cause of this delay followed. But
it might, perhaps, be excusable to infer that the marriage had
not yet been decided on, and that the Captain's proposals were
still waiting for Catherine's reply.

Randal put the letter in his pocket and went at once to Sydney's

Chapter XLII.

Try to Excuse Her.

The weather had been unusually warm. Of all oppressive summers a
hot summer in London is the hardest to endure. The little
exercise that Sydney could take was, as Randal knew, deferred
until the evening. On asking for her, he was surprised to hear
that she had gone out.

"Is she walking?" he asked, "on a day such as this?"

No: she was too much overcome by the heat to be able to walk. The
landlady's boy had been sent to fetch a cab, and he had heard
Miss Westerfield tell the driver to go to Lincoln's Inn Fields.

The address at once reminded Randal of Mr. Sarrazin. On the
chance of making a discovery, he went to the lawyer's office. It
had struck him as being just possible that Sydney might have
called there for the second time; and, on making inquiry, he
found that his surmise was correct. Miss Westerfield had called,
and had gone away again more than an hour since.

Having mentioned this circumstance, good Mr. Sarrazin rather
abruptly changed the subject.

He began to talk of the weather, and, like everybody else, he
complained of the heat. Receiving no encouragement so far, he
selected politics as his next topic. Randal was unapproachably
indifferent to the state of parties, and the urgent necessity for
reform. Still bent, as it seemed, on preventing his visitor from
taking a leading part in the conversation, Mr. Sarrazin tried the
exercise of hospitality next. He opened his cigar-case, and
entered eagerly into the merits of his cigars; he proposed a cool
drink, and described the right method of making it as
distinguished from the wrong. Randal was not thirsty, and was not
inclined to smoke. Would the pertinacious lawyer give way at
last? In appearance, at least, he submitted to defeat. "You want
something of me, my friend," he said, with a patient smile. "What
is it?"

"I want to know why Miss Westerfield called on you?"

Randal flattered himself that he had made a prevaricating reply
simply impossible. Nothing of the sort! Mr. Sarrazin slipped
through his fingers once more. The unwritten laws of gallantry
afforded him a refuge now.

"The most inviolate respect," he solemnly declared, "is due to a
lady's confidence--and, what is more, to a young lady's
confidence--and, what is more yet, to a pretty young lady's
confidence. The sex, my dear fellow! M ust I recall your
attention to what is due to the sex?"

This little outbreak of the foreign side of his friend's
character was no novelty to Randal. He remained as indifferent to
the inviolate claims of the sex as if he had been an old man of

"Did Miss Westerfield say anything about me?" was his next

Slippery Mr. Sarrazin slid into another refuge: he entered a

"Here is a change of persons and places!" he exclaimed. "Am I a
witness of the court of justice--and are you the lawyer who
examines me? My memory is defective, my learned friend. _Non mi
ricordo._ I know nothing about it."

Randal changed his tone. "We have amused ourselves long enough,"
he said. "I have serious reasons, Sarrazin, for wishing to know
what passed between Miss Westerfield and you--and I trust my old
friend to relieve my anxiety."

The lawyer was accustomed to say of himself that he never did
things by halves. His answer to Randal offered a proof of his
accurate estimate of his own character

"Your old friend will deserve your confidence in him," he
answered. "You want to know why Miss Westerfield called here. Her
object in view was to twist me round her finger--and I beg to
inform you that she has completely succeeded. My dear Randal,
this pretty creature's cunning is remarkable even for a woman. I
am an old lawyer, skilled in the ways of the world--and a young
girl has completely overreached me. She asked--oh, heavens, how
innocently!--if Mrs. Norman was likely to make a long stay at her
present place of residence."

Randal interrupted him. "You don't mean to tell me you have given
her Catherine's address?"

"Buck's Hotel, Sydenham," Mr. Sarrazin answered. "She has got the
address down in her nice little pocketbook."

"What amazing weakness!" Randal exclaimed.

Mr. Sarrazin cordially agreed with him. "Amazing weakness, as you
say. Pretty Miss Sydney has extracted more things, besides the
address. She knows that Mrs. Norman is here on business relating
to new investments of her money. She knows besides that one of
the trustees is keeping us waiting. She also made sensible
remarks. She mentioned having heard Mrs. Norman say that the air
of London never agreed with her; and she hoped that a
comparatively healthy neighborhood had been chosen for Mrs.
Norman's place of residence. This, you see, was leading up to the
discovery of the address. The spirit of mischief possessed me; I
allowed Miss Westerfield to take a little peep at the truth.
'Mrs. Norman is not actually in London,' I said; 'she is only in
the neighborhood.' For what followed on this, my experience of
ladies ought to have prepared me. I am ashamed to say _this_ lady
took me completely by surprise."

"What did she do?"

"Fell on her knees, poor dear--and said: 'Oh, Mr. Sarrazin, be
kinder to me than you have ever been yet; tell me where Mrs.
Norman is!'--I put her back in her chair, and I took her
handkerchief out of her pocket and I wiped her eyes."

"And then you told her the address?"

"I was near it, but I didn't do it yet. I asked what you had done
in the matter. Alas, your kind heart has led you to promise more
than you could perform. She had waited to hear from you if Mrs.
Norman consented to see her, and had waited in vain. Hard on her,
wasn't it? I was sorry, but I was still obdurate. I only felt the
symptoms which warned me that I was going to make a fool of
myself, when she let me into her secret for the first time, and
said plainly what she wanted with Mrs. Norman. Her tears and her
entreaties I had resisted. The confession of her motives
overpowered me. It is right," cried Mr. Sarrazin, suddenly
warming into enthusiasm, "that these two women should meet.
Remember how that poor girl has proved that her repentance is no
sham. I say, she has a right to tell, and the lady whom she has
injured has a right to hear, what she has done to atone for the
past, what confession she is willing to make to the one woman in
the world (though she _is_ a divorced woman) who is most
interested in hearing what Miss Westerfield's life has been with
that wretched brother of yours. Ah, yes, I know what the English
cant might say. Away with the English cant! it is the worst
obstacle to the progress of the English nation!"

Randal listened absently: he was thinking.

There could be little doubt to what destination Sydney
Westerfield had betaken herself, when she left the lawyer's
office. At that moment, perhaps, she and Catherine were
together--and together alone.

Mr. Sarrazin had noticed his friend's silence. "Is it possible
you don't agree with me?" he asked

"I don't feel as hopefully as you do, if these two ladies meet."

"Ah, my friend, you are not a sanguine man by nature. If Mrs.
Norman treats our poor Sydney just as a commonplace ill-tempered
woman would treat her, I shall be surprised indeed. Say, if you
like, that she will be insulted--of this I am sure, she will not
return it; there is no expiation that is too bitter to be endured
by that resolute little creature. Her fine nature has been
tempered by adversity. A hard life has been Sydney's, depend upon
it, in the years before you and I met with her. Good heavens!
What would my wife say if she heard me? The women are nice, but
they have their drawbacks. Let us wait till tomorrow, my dear
boy; and let us believe in Sydney without allowing our wives--I
beg your pardon, I mean _my_ wife--to suspect in what forbidden
directions our sympathies are leading us. Oh, for shame!"

Who could persist in feeling depressed in the company of such a
man as this? Randal went home with the influence of Mr.
Sarrazin's sanguine nature in undisturbed possession of him,
until his old servant's gloomy face confronted him at the door.

"Anything gone wrong, Malcolm?"

"I'm sorry to say, sir, Mr. Herbert has left us."

"Left us! Why?"

"I don't know, sir."

"Where has he gone?"

"He didn't tell me."

"Is there no letter? No message?"

"There's a message, sir. Mr. Herbert came back--"

"Stop! Where had he been when he came back?"

"He said he felt a little lonely after you went out, and he
thought it might cheer him up if he went to the club. I was to
tell you where he had gone if you asked what had become of him.
He said it kindly and pleasantly--quite like himself, sir. But,
when he came back--if you'll excuse my saying so--I never saw a
man in a worse temper. 'Tell my brother I am obliged to him for
his hospitality, and I won't take advantage of it any longer.'
That was Mr. Herbert's message. I tried to say a word. He banged
the door, and away he went."

Even Randal's patient and gentle nature rose in revolt against
his brother's treatment of him. He entered his sitting-room in
silence. Malcolm followed, and pointed to a letter on the table.
"I think you must have thrown it away by mistake, sir," the old
man explained; "I found it in the waste-paper basket." He bowed
with the unfailing respect of the old school, and withdrew.

Randal's first resolve was to dismiss his brother from further
consideration. "Kindness is thrown away on Herbert," he thought;
"I shall treat him for the future as he has treated me."

But his brother was still in his mind. He opened Mrs. Presty's
letter--on the chance that it might turn the current of his
thoughts in a new direction.

In spite of Mrs. Presty, in spite of himself, his heart softened
toward the man who had behaved so badly to him. Instead of
reading the letter, he was now trying to discover a connection
between his brother's visit to the club and his brother's angry
message. Had Herbert heard something said, among gossiping
members in the smoking-room, which might account for his conduct?
If Randal had belonged to the club he would have gone there to
make inquiries. How could he get the information that he wanted,
in some other way?

After considering it for a while, he remembered the dinner that
he had given to his friend Sarrazin on his return from the United
States, and the departure of the lawyer to his club, with a
purpose in view which interested them both. It was the same club
to which Herbert belonged. Randal wrote at once to Mr. Sarrazin,
mentioning what had happened, and acknowledging the anxiety tha t
weighed on his mind.

Having instructed Malcolm to take the letter to the lawyer's
house, and, if he was not at home, to inquire where he might be
found, Randal adopted the readiest means of composing himself, in
the servant's absence, by lighting his pipe.

He was enveloped in clouds of tobacco-smoke--the only clouds
which we can trust never to prove unworthy of our confidence in
them--when Mrs. Presty's letter caught his attention. If the
month had been January instead of July, he would have thrown it
into the fire. Under present circumstances, he took it up and
read it:

"I bear no malice, dear Randal, and I write to you as
affectionately as if you had kept your temper on the occasion
when we last met.

"You will be pleased to hear that Catherine was as thoroughly
distressed as you could wish her to be, when it became my
disagreeable duty to mention what had passed between us, by way
of accounting for your absence. She was quite unable to rally her
spirits, even with dear Captain Bennydeck present to encourage

"'I am not receiving you as I ought,' she said to him, when we
began dinner, 'but there is perhaps some excuse for me. I have
lost the regard and esteem of an old friend, who has cruelly
wronged me.' From motives of delicacy (which I don't expect you
to understand) she refrained from mentioning your name. The
prettiest answer that I ever heard was the answer that the
Captain returned. 'Let the true friend,' he said, 'take the place
in your heart which the false friend has lost.'

"He kissed her hand. If you had seen how he did it, and how she
looked at him, you would have felt that you had done more toward
persuading my daughter to marry the Captain than any other person
about her, myself included. You had deserted her; you had thrown
her back on the one true friend left. Thank you, Randal. In our
best interests, thank you.

"It is needless to add that I got out of the way, and took Kitty
with me, at the earliest opportunity--and left them by

"At bed-time I went into Catherine's room. Our interview began
and ended in less than a minute. It was useless to ask if the
Captain had proposed marriage; her agitation sufficiently
informed me of what had happened. My one question was: 'Dearest
Catherine, have you said Yes?' She turned shockingly pale, and
answered: 'I have not said No.' Could anything be more
encouraging? God bless you; we shall meet at the wedding."

Randal laid down the letter and filled his pipe again. He was not
in the least exasperated; he was only anxious to hear from Mr.
Sarrazin. If Mrs. Presty had seen him at that moment, she would
have said to herself: "I forgot the wretch was a smoker."

In half an hour more the door was opened by Malcolm, and Mr.
Sarrazin in person answered his friend.

"There are no such incorrigible gossips," he said, "as men in the
smoking-room of a club. Those popular newspapers began the
mischief, and the editor of one of them completed it. How he got
his information I am not able to say. The small-talk turned on
that report about the charming widow; and the editor
congratulated himself on the delicacy of his conduct. 'When the
paragraph reached me,' he said, 'the writer mentioned that Mrs.
Norman was that well-known lady, the divorced Mrs. Herbert
Linley. I thought this rather too bad, and I cut it out.' Your
brother appears to have been present--but he seldom goes to the
club, and none of the members knew him even by sight. Shall I
give you a light? Your pipe's out."

Randal's feelings, at that moment, were not within reach of the
comforting influence of tobacco.

"Do you think your brother has gone to Sydenham?" Mr. Sarrazin

Randal answered: "I haven't a doubt of it now."

Chapter XLIII.

Know Your Own Mind.

The garden of the hotel at Sydenham had originally belonged to a
private house. Of great extent, it had been laid out in excellent
taste. Flower-beds and lawns, a handsome fountain, seats shaded
by groups of fine trees at their full growth, completed the
pastoral charm of the place. A winding path led across the garden
from the back of the house. It had been continued by the
speculator who purchased the property, until it reached a road at
the extremity of the grounds which communicated with the Crystal
Palace. Visitors to the hotel had such pleasant associations with
the garden that many of them returned at future opportunities
instead of trying the attraction of some other place. Various
tastes and different ages found their wishes equally consulted
here. Children rejoiced in the finest playground they had ever
seen. Remote walks, secluded among shrubberies, invited persons
of reserved disposition who came as strangers, and as strangers
desired to remain. The fountain and the lawn collected sociable
visitors, who were always ready to make acquaintance with each
other. Even the amateur artist could take liberties with Nature,
and find the accommodating limits of the garden sufficient for
his purpose. Trees in the foreground sat to him for likenesses
that were never recognized; and hills submitted to unprovoked
familiarities, on behalf of brushes which were not daunted by

On the day after the dinner which had so deplorably failed, in
respect of one of the guests invited, to fulfill Catherine's
anticipations, there was a festival at the Palace. It had proved
so generally attractive to the guests at the hotel that the
grounds were almost deserted.

As the sun declined, on a lovely summer evening, the few invalids
feebly wandering about the flower-beds, or resting under the
trees, began to return to the house in dread of the dew.
Catherine and her child, with the nursemaid in attendance, were
left alone in the garden. Kitty found her mother, as she openly
declared, "not such good company as usual." Since the day when
her grandmother had said the fatal words which checked all
further allusion to her father, the child had shown a disposition
to complain, if she was not constantly amused. She complained of
Mrs. Presty now.

"I think grandmamma might have taken me to the Crystal Palace,"
she said.

"My dear, your grandmamma has friends with her--ladies and
gentlemen who don't care to be troubled with a child."

Kitty received this information in a very unamiable spirit. "I
hate ladies and gentlemen!" she said.

"Even Captain Bennydeck?" her mother asked.

"No; I like my nice Captain. And I like the waiters. They would
take me to the Crystal Palace--only they're always busy. I wish
it was bedtime; I don't know what to do with myself."

"Take a little walk with Susan."

"Where shall I go?"

Catherine looked toward the gate which opened on the road, and
proposed a visit to the old man who kept the lodge.

Kitty shook her head. There was an objection to the old man. "He
asks questions; he wants to know how I get on with my sums. He's
proud of his summing; and he finds me out when I'm wrong. I don't
like the lodge-keeper."

Catherine looked the other way, toward the house. The pleasant
fall of water in the basin of the distant fountain was just
audible. "Go and feed the gold-fishes," she suggested.

This was a prospect of amusement which at once raised Kitty's
spirits. "That's the thing!" she cried, and ran off to the
fountain, with the nursemaid after her.

Catherine seated herself under the trees, and watched in solitude
the decline of the sun in a cloudless sky. The memory of the
happy years of her marriage had never been so sadly and
persistently present to her mind as at this time, when the choice
of another married life waited her decision to become an
accomplished fact. Remembrances of the past, which she had such
bitter reason to regret, and forebodings of the future, in which
she was more than half inclined to believe, oppressed her at one
and the same moment. She thought of the different circumstances,
so widely separated by time, under which Herbert (years ago) and
Bennydeck (twenty-four hours since) had each owned his love, and
pleaded for an indulgent hearing. Her mind contrasted the
dissimilar results.

Pressed by the faithless man who had so cruelly wronged her in
after-years, she only wondered why he had waited so long before h
e asked her to marry him. Addressed with equal ardor by that
other man, whose age, whose character, whose modest devotion
offered her every assurance of happiness that a woman could
desire, she had struggled against herself, and had begged him to
give her a day to consider. That day was now drawing to an end.
As she watched the setting sun, the phantom of her guilty husband
darkened the heavenly light; imbittered the distrust of herself
which made her afraid to say Yes; and left her helpless before
the hesitation which prevented her from saying No.

The figure of a man appeared on the lonely path that led to the
lodge gate.

Impulsively she rose from her seat as he advanced. She sat down
again. After that first act of indecision, the flutter of her
spirits abated; she was able to think.

To avoid him, after he had spared her at her own request, would
have been an act of ingratitude: to receive him was to place
herself once more in the false position of a woman too undecided
to know her own mind. Forced to choose between these
alternatives, her true regard for Bennydeck forbade her to think
of herself, and encouraged her to wait for him. As he came
nearer, she saw anxiety in his face and observed an open letter
in his hand. He smiled as he approached her, and asked leave to
take a chair at her side. At the same time, when he perceived
that she had noticed his letter, he put it away hurriedly in his

"I hope nothing has happened to annoy you," she said.

He smiled again; and asked if she was thinking of his letter. "It
is only a report," he added, "from my second in command, whom I
have left in charge of my Home. He is an excellent man; but I am
afraid his temper is not proof against the ingratitude which we
sometimes meet with. He doesn't yet make allowances for what even
the best natures suffer, under the deteriorating influence of
self-distrust and despair. No, I am not anxious about the results
of this case. I forget all my anxieties (except one) when I am
with you."

His eyes told her that he was about to return to the one subject
that she dreaded. She tried--as women will try, in the little
emergencies of their lives--to gain time.

"I am interested about your Home," she said: "I want to know what
sort of place it is. Is the discipline very severe?"

"There is no disciplined," he answered warmly. "My one object is
to be a friend to my friendless fellow-creatures; and my one way
of governing them is to follow the teaching of the Sermon on the
Mount. Whatever else I may remind them of, when they come to me,
I am determined not to remind them of a prison. For this
reason--though I pity the hardened wanderers of the streets, I
don't open my doors to them. Many a refuge, in which discipline
is inevitable, is open to these poor sinners already. My welcome
is offered to penitents and sufferers of another kind--who have
fallen from positions in life, in which the sense of honor has
been cultivated; whose despair is associated with remembrances
which I may so encourage, with the New Testament to help me, as
to lead them back to the religious influences under which their
purer and happier lives may have been passed. Here and there I
meet with disappointments. But I persist in my system of trusting
them as freely as if they were my own children; and, for the most
part, they justify my confidence in them. On the day--if it ever
comes--when I find discipline necessary, I shall suffer my
disappointment and close my doors."

"Is your house open," Catherine asked, "to men and women alike?"

He was eager to speak with her on a subject more interesting to
him even than his Home. Answering her question, in this frame of
mind, his thoughts wandered; he drew lines absently with his
walking-stick on the soft earth under the trees.

"The means at my disposal," he said, "are limited. I have been
obliged to choose between the men and the women."

"And you have chosen women?"



"Because a lost woman is a more friendless creature than a lost

"Do they come to you? or do you look for them?"

"They mostly come to me. There is one young woman, however, now
waiting to see me, whom I have been looking for. I am deeply
interested in her."

"Is it her beauty that interests you?"

"I have not seen her since she was a child. She is the daughter
of an old friend of mine, who died many years ago."

"And with that claim on you, you keep her waiting?"


He let his stick drop on the ground and looked at Catherine; but
he offered no explanation of his strange conduct. She was a
little disappointed. "You have been some time away from your
Home," she said; still searching for his reasons. "When do you go

"I go back," he answered, "when I know whether I may thank God
for being the happiest man living."

They were both silent.

Chapter XLIV.

Think of Consequences.

Catherine listened to the fall of water in the basin of the
fountain. She was conscious of a faint hope--a hope unworthy of
her--that Kitty might get weary of the gold-fishes, and might
interrupt them. No such thing happened; no stranger appeared on
the path which wound through the garden. She was alone with him.
The influences of the still and fragrant summer evening were
influences which breathed of love.

"Have you thought of me since yesterday?" he asked gently.

She owned that she had thought of him.

"Is there no hope that your heart will ever incline toward me?"

"I daren't consult my heart. If I had only to consider my own
feelings--" She stopped.

"What else have you to consider?"

"My past life--how I have suffered, and what I have to repent

"Has your married life not been a happy one?" he asked.

"Not a happy one--in the end," she answered.

"Through no fault of yours, I am sure?"

"Through no fault of mine, certainly."

"And yet you said just now that you had something to repent of?"

"I was not thinking of my husband, Captain Bennydeck, when I said
that. If I have injured any person, the person is myself."

She was thinking of that fatal concession to the advice of her
mother, and to the interests of her child, which placed her in a
false position toward the honest man who loved her and trusted
her. If he had been less innocent in the ways of the world, and
not so devotedly fond of her, he might, little by little, have
persuaded Catherine to run the risk of shocking him by a
confession of the truth. As it was, his confidence in her raised
him high above the reach of suspicions which might have occurred
to other men. He saw her turn pale; he saw distress in her face,
which he interpreted as a silent reproach to him for the
questions he had asked.

"I hope you will forgive me?" he said simply.

She was astonished. "What have I to forgive?"

"My want of delicacy."

"Oh, Captain Bennydeck, you speak of one of your great merits as
if it were a fault! Over and over again I have noticed your
delicacy, and admired it."

He was too deeply in earnest to abandon his doubts of himself.

"I have ignorantly led you to think of your sorrows," he said;
"sorrows that I cannot console. I don't deserve to be forgiven.
May I make the one excuse in my power? May I speak of myself?"

She told him by a gesture that he had made a needless request.

"The life I have led," he resumed, "accounts, perhaps, in some
degree, for what is deficient in me. At school, I was not a
popular boy; I only made one friend, and he has long since been
numbered with the dead. Of my life at college, and afterward in
London, I dare not speak to you; I look back at it with horror.
My school-friend decided my choice of a profession; he went into
the navy. After a while, not knowing what else to do, I followed
his example. I liked the life--I may say the sea saved me. For
years, I was never on shore for more than a few weeks at a time.
I saw nothing of society; I was hardly ever in the company of
ladies. The next change in my life associated me with an Arctic
expedition. God forbid I should tell you of what men go through
who are lost in the regions of eternal ice! Let me only say I was
preserved--miraculously preserved--to profit by that dreadful
experience. It made a new man of me; it altered me ( I hope for
the better) into what I am now. Oh, I feel that I ought to have
kept my secret yesterday--I mean my daring to love you. I should
have waited till you knew more of me; till my conduct pleased you
perhaps, and spoke for me. You won't laugh, I am sure, if I
confess (at my age!) that I am inexperienced. Never till I met
you have I known what true love is--and this at forty years old.
How some people would laugh! I own it seems melancholy to me."

"No; not melancholy."

Her voice trembled. Agitation, which it was not a pain but a
luxury to feel, was gently taking possession of her. Where
another man might have seen that her tenderness was getting the
better of her discretion, and might have presumed on the
discovery, this man, innocently blind to his own interests, never
even attempted to take advantage of her. No more certain way
could have been devised, by the most artful lover, of touching
the heart of a generous woman, and making it his own. The
influence exerted over Catherine by the virtues of Bennydeck's
character--his unaffected kindness, his manly sympathy, his
religious convictions so deeply felt, so modestly restrained from
claiming notice--had been steadily increasing in the intimacy of
daily intercourse. Catherine had never felt his ascendancy over
her as strongly as she felt it now. By fine degrees, the warning
remembrances which had hitherto made her hesitate lost their hold
on her memory. Hardly conscious herself of what she was doing,
she began to search his feelings in his own presence. Such love
as his had been unknown in her experience; the luxury of looking
into it, and sounding it to its inmost depths, was more than the
woman's nature could resist.

"I think you hardly do yourself justice," she said. "Surely you
don't regret having felt for me so truly, when I told you
yesterday that my old friend had deserted me?"

"No, indeed!"

"Do you like to remember that you showed no jealous curiosity to
know who my friend was?"

"I should have been ashamed of myself if I had asked the

"And did you believe that I had a good motive--a motive which you
might yourself have appreciated--for not telling you the name of
that friend?"

"Is he some one whom I know?"

"Ought you to ask me that, after what I have just said?"

"Pray forgive me! I spoke without thinking."

"I can hardly believe it, when I remember how you spoke to me
yesterday. I could never have supposed, before we became
acquainted with each other, that it was in the nature of a man to
understand me so perfectly, to be so gentle and so considerate in
feeling for my distress. You confused me a little, I must own, by
what you said afterward. But I am not sure that ought to be
severe in blaming you. Sympathy--I mean such sympathy as
yours--sometimes says more than discretion can always approve.
Have you not found it so yourself?"

"I have found it so with you."

"And perhaps I have shown a little too plainly how dependent I am
on you--how dreadful it would be to me if I lost you too as a

She blushed as she said it. When the words had escaped her, she
felt that they might bear another meaning than the simple meaning
which she had attached to them. He took her hand; his doubts of
himself, his needless fear of offending her, restrained him no

"You can never lose me," he said, "if you will only let me be the
nearest friend that a woman can have. Bear with me, dearest! I
ask for so much; I have so little to offer in return. I dream of
a life with you which is perhaps too perfectly happy to be
enjoyed on earth. And yet, I cannot resign my delusion. Must my
poor heart always long for happiness which is beyond my reach? If
an overruling Providence guides our course through this world,
may we not sometimes hope for happier ends than our mortal eyes
can see?"

He waited a moment--and sighed--and dropped her hand. She hid her
face; she knew what it would tell him: she was ashamed to let him
see it.

"I didn't mean to distress you," he said sadly.

She let him see her face. For a moment only, she looked at
him--and then let silence tell him the rest.

His arms closed round her. Slowly, the glory of the sun faded
from the heavens, and the soft summer twilight fell over the
earth. "I can't speak," he whispered; "my happiness is too much
for me."

"Are you sure of your happiness?" she asked.

"Could I think as I am thinking now, if I were not sure of it?"

"Are you thinking of _me?_"

"Of you--and of all that you will be to me in the future. Oh, my
angel, if God grants us many years to come, what a perfect life I

"Tell me--what do you see?"

"I see a husband and wife who are all in all to each other. If
friends come to us, we are glad to bid them welcome; but we are
always happiest by ourselves."

"Do we live in retirement?"

"We live where you like best to live. Shall it be in the

"Yes! yes! You have spoken of the sea as you might have spoken of
your best friend--we will be near the sea. But I must not keep
you selfishly all to myself. I must remember how good you have
been to poor creatures who don't feel our happiness, and who need
your kindness. Perhaps I might help you? Do you doubt it?"

"I only doubt whether I ought to let you see what I have seen; I
am only afraid of the risk of making you unhappy. You tempt me to
run the risk. The help of a woman--and of such a woman as you
are--is the one thing I have wanted. Your influence would succeed
where my influence has often failed. How good, how thoughtful you
would be!"

"I only want to be worthy of you," she said, humbly. "When may I
see your Home?"

He drew her closer to him: tenderly and timidly he kissed her for
the first time. "It rests with you," he answered. "When will you
be my wife?"

She hesitated; he felt her trembling. "Is there any obstacle?" he

Before she could reply, Kitty's voice was heard calling to her
mother--Kitty ran up to them.

Catherine turned cold as the child caught her by the hand,
eagerly claiming her attention. All that she should have
remembered, all that she had forgotten in a few bright moments of
illusion, rose in judgment against her, and struck her mind
prostrate in an instant, when she felt Kitty's touch.

Bennydeck saw the change. Was it possible that the child's sudden
appearance had startled her? Kitty had something to say, and said
it before he could speak.

"Mamma, I want to go where the other children are going. Susan's
gone to her supper. You take me."

Her mother was not even listening. Kitty turned impatiently to
Bennydeck. "Why won't mamma speak to me?" she asked. He quieted
her by a word. "You shall go with me." His anxiety about
Catherine was more than he could endure. "Pray let me take you
back to the house," he said. "I am afraid you are not well."

"I shall be better directly. Do me a kindness--take the child!"

She spoke faintly and vacantly. Bennydeck hesitated. She lifted
her trembling hands in entreaty. "I beg you will leave me!" Her
voice, her manner, made it impossible to disobey. He turned
resignedly to Kitty and asked which way she wanted to go. The
child pointed down the path to one of the towers of the Crystal
Palace, visible in the distance. "The governess has taken the
others to see the company go away," she said; "I want to go too."

Bennydeck looked back before he lost sight of Catherine.

She remained seated, in the attitude in which he had left her. At
the further end of the path which led to the hotel, he thought he
saw a figure in the twilight, approaching from the house. There
would be help near, if Catherine wanted it.

His uneasy mind was in some degree relieved, as he and Kitty left
the garden together.

Chapter XLV.

Love Your Enemies.

She tried to think of Bennydeck.

Her eyes followed him as long as he was in sight, but her
thoughts wandered. To look at him now was to look at the little
companion walking by his side. Still, the child reminded her of
the living father; still, the child innocently tortured her with
the consciousness of deceit. The faithless man from whom the law
had released her, possessed himself of her thoughts, in spite of
the law. He, and he only, was the visionary compani on of her
solitude when she was left by herself.

Did he remind her of the sin that he had committed?--of the
insult that he had inflicted on the woman whom he had vowed to
love and cherish? No! he recalled to her the years of love that
she had passed by his side; he upbraided her with the happiness
which she had owed to him, in the prime and glory of her life.
Woman! set _that_ against the wrong which I have done to you. You
have the right to condemn me, and Society has the right to
condemn me--but I am your child's father still. Forget me if you

All thought will bear the test of solitude, excepting only the
thought that finds its origin in hopeless self-reproach. The soft
mystery of twilight, the solemn silence of the slowly-coming
night, daunted Catherine in that lonely place. She rose to return
to light and human beings. As she set her face toward the house,
a discovery confronted her. She was not alone.

A woman was standing on the path, apparently looking at her.

In the dim light, and at the distance between them, recognition
of the woman was impossible. She neither moved nor spoke.
Strained to their utmost point of tension, Catherine's nerves
quivered at the sight of that shadowy solitary figure. She
dropped back on the seat. In tones that trembled she said: "Who
are you? What do you want?"

The voice that answered was, like her own voice, faint with fear.
It said: "I want a word with you."

Moving slowly forward--stopping--moving onward again--hesitating
again--the woman at last approached. There was light enough left
to reveal her face, now that she was near. It was the face of
Sydney Westerfield.

The survival of childhood, in the mature human being, betrays
itself most readily in the sex that bears children. The chances
and changes of life show the child's mobility of emotion
constantly associating itself with the passions of the woman. At
the moment of recognition the troubled mind of Catherine was
instantly steadied, under the influence of that coarsest sense
which levels us with the animals--the sense of anger.

"I am amazed at your audacity," she said.

There was no resentment--there was only patient submission in
Sydney's reply.

"Twice I have approached the house in which you are living; and
twice my courage has failed me. I have gone away again--I have
walked, I don't know where, I don't know how far. Shame and fear
seemed to be insensible to fatigue. This is my third attempt. If
I was a little nearer to you, I think you would see what the
effort has cost me. I have not much to say. May I ask you to hear

"You have taken me by surprise, Miss Westerfield. You have no
right to do that; I refuse to hear you."

"Try, madam, to bear in mind that no unhappy creature, in my
place, would expose herself to your anger and contempt without a
serious reason. Will you think again?"


Sydney turned to go away--and suddenly stopped.

Another person was advancing from the hotel; an interruption, a
trivial domestic interruption, presented itself. The nursemaid
had missed the child, and had come into the garden to see if she
was with her mother.

"Where is Miss Kitty, ma'am?" the girl asked.

Her mistress told her what had happened, and sent her to the
Palace to relieve Captain Bennydeck of the charge that he had
undertaken. Susan listened, looking at Sydney and recognizing the
familiar face. As the girl moved away, Sydney spoke to her.

"I hope little Kitty is well and happy?"

The mother does not live who could have resisted the tone in
which that question was put. The broken heart, the love for the
child that still lived in it, spoke in accents that even touched
the servant. She came back; remembering the happy days when the
governess had won their hearts at Mount Morven, and, for a moment
at least, remembering nothing else.

"Quite well and happy, miss, thank you," Susan said.

As she hurried away on her errand, she saw her mistress beckon to
Sydney to return, and place a chair for her. The nursemaid was
not near enough to hear what followed.

"Miss Westerfield, will you forget what I said just now?" With
those words, Catherine pointed to the chair. "I am ready to hear
you," she resumed--"but I have something to ask first. Does what
you wish to say to me relate only to yourself?"

"It relates to another person, as well as to myself."

That reply, and the inference to which it led, tried Catherine's
resolution to preserve her self-control, as nothing had tried it

"If that other person," she began, "means Mr. Herbert Linley--"

Sydney interrupted her, in words which she was entirely
unprepared to hear.

"I shall never see Mr. Herbert Linley again."

"Has he deserted you?"

"No. It is _I_ who have left _him._"


The emphasis laid on that one word forced Sydney to assert
herself for the first time.

"If I had not left him of my own free will," she said, "what else
would excuse me for venturing to come here?"

Catherine's sense of justice felt the force of that reply. At the
same time her sense of injury set its own construction on
Sydney's motive. "Has his cruelty driven you away from him?" she

"If he has been cruel to me," Sydney answered, "do you think I
should have come here to complain of it to You? Do me the justice
to believe that I am not capable of such self-degradation as
that. I have nothing to complain of."

"And yet you have left him?"

"He has been all that is kind and considerate: he has done
everything that a man in his unhappy position could do to set my
mind at ease. And yet I have left him. Oh, I claim no merit for
my repentance, bitterly as I feel it! I might not have had the
courage to leave him--if he had loved me as he once loved you."

"Miss Westerfield, you are the last person living who ought to
allude to my married life."

"You may perhaps pardon the allusion, madam, when you have heard
what I have still to say. I owe it to Mr. Herbert Linley, if not
to you, to confess that his life with me has _not_ been a life of
happiness. He has tried, compassionately tried, to keep his
secret sorrow from discovery, and he has failed. I had long
suspected the truth; but I only saw it in his face when he found
the book you left behind you at the hotel. Your image has, from
first to last, been the one living image in his guilty heart. I
am the miserable victim of a man's passing fancy. You have been,
you are still, the one object of a husband's love. Ask your own
heart if the woman lives who can say to you what I have
said--unless she knew it to be true."

Catherine's head sank on her bosom; her helpless hands lay
trembling on her lap. Overpowered by the confession which she had
just heard--a confession which had followed closely on the
thoughts inspired by the appearance of the child--her agitation
was beyond control; her mind was unequal to the effort of
decision. The woman who had been wronged--who had the right to
judge for herself, and to speak for herself--was the silent woman
of the two!

It was not quite dark yet. Sydney could see as well as hear.

For the first time since the beginning of the interview, she
allowed the impulse of the moment to lead her astray. In her
eagerness to complete the act of atonement, she failed to
appreciate the severity of the struggle that was passing in
Catherine's mind. She alluded again to Herbert Linley, and she
spoke too soon.

"Will you let him ask your pardon?" she said. "He expects no

Catherine's spirit was roused in an instant. "He expects too
much!" she answered, sternly. "Is he here by your connivance? Is
he, too, waiting to take me by surprise?"

"I am incapable, madam, of taking such a liberty with you as
that; I may perhaps have hoped to be able to tell him, by
writing, of a different reception--" She checked herself. "I beg
your pardon, if I have ventured to hope. I dare not ask you to
alter your opinion--"

"Do you dare to look the truth in the face?" Catherine
interposed. "Do you remember what sacred ties that man has
broken? what memories he has profaned? what years of faithful
love he has cast from him? Must I tell you how he poisoned his
wife's mind with doubts of his truth and despair of his honor,
when he basely deserted
 her? You talk of your repentance. Does your repentance forget
that he would still have been my blameless husband but for You?"

Sydney silently submitted to reproach, silently endured the shame
that finds no excuse for itself.

Catherine looked at her and relented. The noble nature which
could stoop to anger, but never sink to the lower depths of
malice and persecution, restrained itself and made amends. "I say
it in no unkindness to you," she resumed. "But when you ask me to
forgive, consider what you ask me to forget. It will only
distress us both if we remain longer together," she continued,
rising as she spoke. "Perhaps you will believe that I mean well,
when I ask if there is anything I can do for you?"


All the desolation of the lost woman told its terrible tale in
that one word. Invited to rest herself in the hotel, she asked
leave to remain where she was; the mere effort of rising was too
much for her now. Catherine said the parting words kindly. "I
believe in your good intentions; I believe in your repentance."

"Believe in my punishment!" After that reply, no more was said.

Behind the trees that closed the view at the further extremity of
the lawn the moon was rising. As the two women lost sight of each
other, the new light, pure and beautiful, began to dawn over the

Chapter XLVI.

Nil Desperandum.

No horror of her solitude, no melancholy recollections, no dread
of the future disturbed Sydney's mind. The one sense left in her
was the sense of fatigue. Vacantly, mechanically, the girl rested
as a tired animal might have rested. She saw nothing, heard
nothing; the one feeling of which she was conscious was a dull
aching in every limb. The moon climbed the heavens, brightened
the topmost leaves of the trees, found the gloom in which Sydney
was hidden, and cheered it tenderly with radiant light. She was
too weary to sleep, too weary even to shade her face when the
moonbeams touched it. While the light still strengthened, while
the slow minutes still followed each other unheeded, the one
influence that could rouse Sydney found her at last--set her
faint heart throbbing--called her prostrate spirit to life again.
She heard a glad cry of recognition in a child's voice:

"Oh, Sydney, dear, is it you?"

In another instant her little pupil and playfellow of former days
was in her arms.

"My darling, how did you come here?"

Susan answered the question. "We are on our way back from the
Palace, miss. I am afraid," she said, timidly, "that we ought to
go in."

Silently resigned, Sydney tried to release the child. Kitty clung
to her and kissed her; Kitty set the nurse at defiance. "Do you
think I am going to leave Syd now I have found her? Susan, I am
astonished at you!"

Susan gave way. Where the nature is gentle, kindness and delicacy
go hand-in-hand together, undisturbed by the social
irregularities which beset the roadway of life. The nursemaid
drew back out of hearing. Kitty's first questions followed each
other in breathless succession. Some of them proved to be hard,
indeed, to answer truly, and without reserve. She inquired if
Sydney had seen her mother, and then she was eager to know why
Sydney had been left in the garden alone.

"Why haven't you gone back to the house with mamma?" she asked.

"Don't ask me, dear," was all that Sydney could say. Kitty drew
the inevitable conclusion: "Have you and mamma quarreled?"

"Oh, no!

"Then come indoors with me."

"Wait a little, Kitty, and tell me something about yourself. How
do you get on with your lessons?"

"You dear foolish governess, do you expect me to learn my
lessons, when I haven't got you to teach me? Where have you been
all this long while? _I_ wouldn't have gone away and left _you!_"
She paused; her eager eyes studied Sydney's face with the
unrestrained curiosity of a child. "Is it the moonlight that
makes you look pale and wretched?" she said. "Or are you really
unhappy? Tell me, Syd, do you ever sing any of those songs that I
taught you, when you first came to us?"

"Never, dear!"

"Have you anybody to go out walking with you and running races
with you, as I did?"

"No, my sweet! Those days have gone by forever."

Kitty laid her head sadly on Sydney's bosom. "It's not the
moonlight," she said; "shall I tell you a secret? Sometimes I am
not happy either. Poor papa is dead. He always liked you--I'm
sure you are sorry for him."

Astonishment held Sydney speechless. Before she could ask who had
so cruelly deceived the child, and for what purpose, the
nursemaid, standing behind the chair, warned her to be silent by
a touch.

"I think we are all unhappy now," Kitty went on, still following
her own little train of thought. "Mamma isn't like what she used
to be. And even my nice Captain hasn't a word to say to me. He
wouldn't come back with us; he said he would go back by himself."

Another allusion which took Sydney by surprise! She asked who the
Captain was. Kitty started as if the question shocked her. "Oh
dear, dear, this is what comes of your going away and leaving us!
You don't know Captain Bennydeck."

The name of her father's correspondent! The name which she
vaguely remembered to have heard in her childhood! "Where did you
first meet with him?" she inquired.

"At the seaside, dear!"

"Do you mean at Sandyseal?"

"Yes. Mamma liked him--and grandmamma liked him (which is
wonderful)--and I gave him a kiss. Promise me not to tell! My
nice Captain is going to be my new papa."

Was there any possible connection between what Kitty had just
said, and what the poor child had been deluded into believing
when she spoke of her father? Even Susan seemed to be in the
secret of this strange second marriage! She interfered with a
sharp reproof. "You mustn't talk in that way, Miss Kitty. Please
put her off your lap, Miss Westerfield; we have been here too
long already."

Kitty proposed a compromise; "I'll go," she said, "if Syd will
come with me."

"I'm sorry, my darling, to disappoint you."

Kitty refused to believe it. "You couldn't disappoint me if you
tried," she said boldly.

"Indeed, indeed, I must go away. Oh, Kitty, try to bear it as I

Entreaties were useless; the child refused to hear of another
parting. "I want to make you and mamma friends again. Don't break
my heart, Sydney! Come home with me, and teach me, and play with
me, and love me!"

She pulled desperately at Sydney's dress; she called to Susan to
help her. With tears in her eyes, the girl did her best to help
them both. "Miss Westerfield will wait here," she said to Kitty,
"while you speak to your mamma.--Say Yes!" she whispered to
Sydney; "it's our only chance."

The child instantly exacted a promise. In the earnestness of her
love she even dictated the words. "Say it after me, as I used to
say my lessons," she insisted. "Say, 'Kitty, I promise to wait
for you.'"

Who that loved her could have refused to say it! In one form or
another, the horrid necessity for deceit had followed, and was
still following, that first, worst act of falsehood--the
elopement from Mount Morven.

Kitty was now as eager to go as she had been hitherto resolute to
remain. She called for Susan to follow her, and ran to the hotel.

"My mistress won't let her come back--you can leave the garden
that way." The maid pointed along the path to the left and
hurried after the child.

They were gone--and Sydney was alone again.

At the parting with Kitty, the measure of her endurance was full.
Not even the farewell at Mount Morven had tried her by an ordeal
so cruel as this. No kind woman was willing to receive her and
employ her, now. The one creature left who loved her was the
faithful little friend whom she must never see again. "I am still
innocent to that child," she thought--"and I am parted from her

She rose to leave the garden.

A farewell look at the last place in which she had seen Kitty
tempted her to indulge in a moment of delay. Her eyes rested on
the turn in the path at which she had lost sight of the active
little figure hastening away to plead her cause. Even in absence,
the child was Sydney's good angel still. As she turned away to
follow the  path that had been shown to her, the relief of tears c
ame at last. It cooled her burning head; it comforted her aching
heart. She tried to walk on. The tears blinded her--she strayed
from the path--she would have fallen but for a hand that caught
her, and held her up. A man's voice, firm and deep and kind,
quieted her first wild feeling of terror. "My child, you are not
fit to be by yourself. Let me take care of you--let me comfort
you, if I can."

He carried her back to the seat that she had left, and waited by
her in merciful silence.

"You are very young to feel such bitter sorrow," he said, when
she was composed again. "I don't ask what your sorrow is; I only
want to know how I can help you."

"Nobody can help me."

"Can I take you back to your friends?"

"I have no friends."

"Pardon me, you have one friend at least--you have me."

"You? A stranger?"

"No human creature who needs my sympathy is a stranger."

She turned toward him for the first time. In her new position,
she was clearly visible in the light. He looked at her
attentively. "I have seen you somewhere," he said, "before now."

She had not noticed him when they had passed each other at
Sandyseal. "I think you must be mistaken," she answered. "May I
thank you for your kindness? and may I hope to be excused if I
say good-night?"

He detained her. "Are you sure that you are well enough to go
away by yourself?" he asked anxiously.

"I am quite sure!"

He still detained her. His memory of that first meeting at the
seaside hotel reminded him that he had seen her in the company of
a man. At their second meeting, she was alone, and in tears. Sad
experience led him to form his own conclusions. "If you won't let
me take care of you," he said, "will you consider if I can be of
any use to you, and will you call at that address?" He gave her
his card. She took it without looking at it; she was confused;
she hardly knew what to say. "Do you doubt me?" he asked--sadly,
not angrily.

"Oh, how can I do that! I doubt myself; I am not worthy of the
interest you feel in me."

"That is a sad thing to say," he answered. "Let me try to give
you confidence in yourself. Do you go to London when you leave
this place?"


"To-morrow," he resumed, "I am going to see another poor girl who
is alone in the world like you. If l tell you where she lives,
will you ask her if I am a person to be trusted?"

He had taken a letter from his pocket, while he was speaking; and
he now tore off a part of the second leaf, and gave it to her. "I
have only lately," he said, "received the address from a friend."

As he offered that explanation, the shrill sound of a child' s
voice, raised in anger and entreaty, reached their ears from the
neighborhood of the hotel. Faithful little Kitty had made her
escape, determined to return to Sydney had been overtaken by the
maid--and had been carried back in Susan's arms to the house.
Sydney imagined that she was not perhaps alone in recognizing the
voice. The stranger who had been so kind to her did certainly
start and look round.

The stillness of the night was disturbed no more. The man turned
again to the person who had so strongly interested him. The
person was gone.

In fear of being followed, Sydney hurried to the railway station.
By the light in the carriage she looked for the first time at the
fragment of the letter and the card.

The stranger had presented her with her own address! And, when
she looked at the card, the name was Bennydeck!

Chapter XLVII.

Better Do It Than Wish It Done.

More than once, on one and the same day, the Captain had been
guilty of a weakness which would have taken his oldest friends by
surprise, if they had seen him at the moment. He hesitated.

A man who has commanded ships and has risked his life in the
regions of the frozen deep, is a man formed by nature and taught
by habit to meet emergency face to face, to see his course
straight before him, and to take it, lead him where it may. But
nature and habit, formidable forces as they are, find their
master when they encounter the passion of Love.

At once perplexed and distressed by that startling change in
Catherine which he had observed when her child approached her,
Bennydeck's customary firmness failed him, when the course of
conduct toward his betrothed wife which it might be most becoming
to follow presented itself to him as a problem to be solved. When
Kitty asked him to accompany her nursemaid and herself on their
return to the hotel, he had refused because he felt reluctant to
intrude himself on Catherine's notice, until she was ready to
admit him to her confidence of her own free will. Left alone, he
began to doubt whether delicacy did really require him to make
the sacrifice which he had contemplated not five minutes since.
It was surely possible that Catherine might be waiting to see
him, and might then offer the explanation which would prove to be
equally a relief on both sides. He was on his way to the hotel
when he met with Sydney Westerfield.

To see a woman in the sorest need of all that kindness and
consideration could offer, and to leave her as helpless as he had
found her, would have been an act of brutal indifference
revolting to any man possessed of even ordinary sensibility. The
Captain had only followed his natural impulses, and had only said
and done what, in nearly similar cases, he had said and done on
other occasions.

Left by himself, he advanced a few steps mechanically on the way
by which Sydney had escaped him--and then stopped. Was there any
sufficient reason for his following her, and intruding himself on
her notice? She had recovered, she was in possession of his
address, she had been referred to a person who could answer for
his good intentions; all that it was his duty to do, had been
done already. He turned back again, in the direction of the

Hesitating once more, he paused half-way along the corridor which
led to Catherine's sitting-room. Voices reached him from persons
who had entered the house by the front door. He recognized Mrs.
Presty's loud confident tones. She was taking leave of friends,
and was standing with her back toward him. Bennydeck waited,
unobserved, until he saw her enter the sitting-room. No such
explanation as he was in search of could possibly take place in
the presence of Catherine's mother. He returned to the garden.

Mrs. Presty was in high spirits. She had enjoyed the Festival;
she had taken the lead among the friends who accompanied her to
the Palace; she had ordered everything, and paid for nothing, at
that worst of all bad public dinners in England, the dinner which
pretends to be French. In a buoyant frame of mind, ready for more
enjoyment if she could only find it, what did she see on opening
the sitting-room door? To use the expressive language of the
stage, Catherine was "discovered alone"--with her elbows on the
table, and her face hidden in her hands--the picture of despair.

Mrs. Presty surveyed the spectacle before her with righteous
indignation visible in every line of her face. The arrangement
which bound her daughter to give Bennydeck his final reply on
that day had been well known to her when she left the hotel in
the morning. The conclusion at which she arrived, on returning at
night, was expressed with Roman brevity and Roman eloquence in
four words:

"Oh, the poor Captain!"

Catherine suddenly looked up.

"I knew it," Mrs. Presty continued, with her sternest emphasis;
"I see what you have done, in your face. You have refused

"God forgive me, I have been wicked enough to accept him!"

Hearing this, some mothers might have made apologies; and other
mothers might have asked what that penitential reply could
possibly mean. Mrs. Presty was no matron of the ordinary type.
She welcomed the good news, without taking the smallest notice of
the expression of self-reproach which had accompanied it.

"My dear child, accept the congratulations of your fond old
mother. I have never been one of the kissing sort (I mean of
course where women are concerned); but this is an occasion which
justifies something quite out of the common way. Come and kiss

Catherine took no notice of that outburst of maternal love.

"I have forgotten everything that I
 ought to have remembered," she said. "In my vanity, in my
weakness, in my selfish enjoyment of the passing moment, I have
been too supremely happy even to think of the trials of my past
life, and of the false position in which they have placed me
toward a man, whom I ought to be ashamed to deceive. I have only
been recalled to a sense of duty, I might almost say to a sense
of decency, by my poor little child. If Kitty had not reminded me
of her father--"

Mrs. Presty dropped into a chair: she was really frightened. Her
fat cheeks trembled like a jelly on a dish that is suddenly

"Has that man been here?" she asked.

"What man?"

"The man who may break off your marriage if he meets with the
Captain. Has Herbert Linley been here?"

"Certainly not. The one person associated with my troubles whom I
have seen to-day is Sydney Westerfield."

Mrs. Presty bounced out of her chair. "You--have seen--Sydney
Westerfield?" she repeated with emphatic pauses which expressed
amazement tempered by unbelief.

"Yes; I have seen her."


"In the garden."

"And spoken to her?"


Mrs. Presty raised her eyes to the ceiling. Whether she expected
our old friend "the recording angel" to take down the questions
and answers that had just passed, or whether she was only waiting
to see the hotel that held her daughter collapse under a sense of
moral responsibility, it is not possible to decide. After an
awful pause, the old lady remembered that she had something more
to say--and said it.

"I make no remark, Catherine; I don't even want to know what you
and Miss Westerfield said to each other. At the same time, as a
matter of convenience to myself, I wish to ascertain whether I
must leave this hotel or not. The same house doesn't hold that
woman and ME. Has she gone?"

"She has gone."

Mrs. Presty looked round the room. "And taken Kitty with her?"
she asked.

"Don't speak of Kitty!" Catherine cried in the greatest distress.
"I have had to keep the poor innocent affectionate child apart
from Miss Westerfield by force. My heart aches when I think of

"I'm not surprised, Catherine. My granddaughter has been brought
up on the modern system. Children are all little angels--no
punishments--only gentle remonstrance--'Don't be naughty, dear,
because you will make poor mamma unhappy.' And then, mamma
grieves over it and wonders over it, when she finds her little
angel disobedient. What a fatal system of education! All my
success in life; every quality that endeared me to your father
and Mr. Presty; every social charm that has made me the idol of
society, I attribute entirely to judicious correction in early
life, applied freely with the open hand. We will change the
subject. Where is dear Bennydeck? I want to congratulate him on
his approaching marriage." She looked hard at her daughter, and
mentally added: "He'll live to regret it!"

Catherine knew nothing of the Captain's movements. "Like you,"
she told her mother, "I have something to say to him, and I don't
know where he is."

Mrs. Presty still kept her eyes fixed on her daughter. Nobody,
observing Catherine's face, and judging also by the tone of her
voice, would have supposed that she was alluding to the man whose
irresistible attractions had won her. She looked ill at ease, and
she spoke sadly.

"You don't seem to be in good spirits, my dear, Mrs. Presty
gently suggested. "No lovers' quarrel already, I hope?"

"Nothing of the kind."

"Can I be of any use to you?"'

"You might be of the greatest use. But I know only too well, you
would refuse."

Thus far, Mrs. Presty had been animated by curiosity. She began
now to feel vaguely alarmed. "After all that I have done for
you," she answered, "I don't think you ought to say that. Why
should I refuse?"

Catherine hesitated.

Her mother persisted in pressing her. "Has it anything to do with
Captain Bennydeck?"


"What is it?"

Catherine roused her courage.

"You know what it is as well as I do," she said. "Captain
Bennydeck believes that I am free to marry him because I am a
widow. You might help me to tell him the truth."


That exclamation of horror and astonishment was loud enough to
have been heard in the garden. If Mrs. Presty's hair had been all
her own, it must have been hair that stood on end.

Catherine quietly rose. "We won't discuss it," she said, with
resignation. "I knew you would refuse me." She approached the
door. Her mother got up and resolutely stood in the way. "Before
you commit an act of downright madness," Mrs. Presty said, "I
mean to try if I can stop you. Go back to your chair."

Catherine refused.

"I know how it will end," she answered; "and the sooner it ends
the better. You will find that I am quite as determined as you
are. A man who loves me as _he_ loves me, is a man whom I refuse
to deceive."

"Let's have it out plainly," Mrs. Presty insisted. "He believes
your first marriage has been dissolved by death. Do you mean to
tell him that it has been dissolved by Divorce?"

"I do."

"What right has he to know it?"

"A right that is not to be denied. A wife must have no secrets
from her husband."

Mrs. Presty hit back smartly.

"You're not his wife yet. Wait till you are married."

"Never! Who but a wretch would marry an honest man under false

"I deny the false pretenses! You talk as if you were an impostor.
Are you, or are you not, the accomplished lady who has charmed
him? Are you, or are you not, the beautiful woman whom he loves?
There isn't a stain on your reputation. In every respect you are
the wife he wants and the wife who is worthy of him. And you are
cruel enough to disturb the poor man about a matter that doesn't
concern him! you are fool enough to raise doubts of you in his
mind, and give him a reproach to cast in your teeth the first
time you do anything that happens to offend him! Any woman--I
don't care who she may be--might envy the home that's waiting for
you and your child, if you're wise enough to hold your tongue.
Upon my word, Catherine, I am ashamed of you. Have you no

She really meant it! The purely selfish considerations which she
urged on her daughter were so many undeniable virtues in Mrs.
Presty's estimation. She took the highest moral ground, and stood
up and crowed on it, with a pride in her own principles which the
Primate of all England might have envied.

But Catherine's rare resolution held as firm as ever. She got a
little nearer to the door. "Good-night, mamma," was the only
reply she made.

"Is that all you have to say to me?"

"I am tired, and I must rest. Please let me go."

Mrs. Presty threw open the door with a bang.

"You refuse to take my advice?" she said. "Oh, very well, have
your own way! You are sure to prosper in the end. These are the
days of exhibitions and gold medals. If there is ever an
exhibition of idiots at large, I know who might win the prize."

Catherine was accustomed to preserve her respect for her mother
under difficulties; but this was far more than her sense of
filial duty could successfully endure.

"I only wish I had never taken your advice," she answered. "Many
a miserable moment would have been spared me, if I had always
done what I am doing now. You have been the evil genius of my
life since Miss Westerfield first came into our house."

She passed through the open doorway--stopped--and came back
again. "I didn't mean to offend you, mamma--but you do say such
irritating things. Good-night."

Not a word of reply acknowledged that kindly-meant apology. Mrs.
Presty--vivacious Mrs. Presty of the indomitable spirit and the
ready tongue--was petrified. She, the guardian angel of the
family, whose experience, devotion, and sound sense had steered
Catherine through difficulties and dangers which must have
otherwise ended in utter domestic shipwreck--she, the model
mother--had been stigmatized as the evil genius of her daughter's
life by no less a person than that daughter herself! What was to
be said? What was to be done? What terrible and unexampled course
of action should be taken after such an insult as this? Mrs.
Presty stood helpless in the middle of the room, and asked
herself these questions, and waited and wondered
 and found no answer.

An interval passed. There was a knock at the door. A waiter
appeared. He said: "A gentleman to see Mrs. Norman."

The gentleman entered the room and revealed himself.

Herbert Linley!

Chapter XLVIII.

Be Careful!

The divorced husband looked at his mother-in-law without making
the slightest sacrifice to the claims of politeness. He neither
offered his hand nor made his bow. His frowning eyebrows, his
flushed face, betrayed the anger that was consuming him.

"I want to see Catherine," he said.

This deliberate rudeness proved to be the very stimulant that was
required to restore Mrs. Presty to herself. The smile that always
meant mischief made its threatening appearance on the old lady's

"What sort of company have you been keeping since I last saw
you?" she began.

"What have you got to do with the company I keep?"

"Nothing whatever, I am happy to say. I was merely wondering
whether you have been traveling lately in the south part of
Africa, and have lived exclusively in the society of Hottentots.
The only other explanation of your behavior is that I have been
so unfortunate as to offend you. But it seems improbable--I am
not your wife."

"Thank God for that!"

"Thank God, as you say. But I should really be glad (as a mere
matter of curiosity) to know what your extraordinary conduct
means. You present yourself in this room uninvited, you find a
lady here, and you behave as if you had come into a shop and
wanted to ask the price of something. Let me give you a lesson in
good manners. Observe: I receive you with a bow, and I say: How
do you do, Mr. Linley? Do you understand me?"

"I don't want to understand you--I want to see Catherine."

"Who is Catherine?"

"You know as well as I do--your daughter."

"My daughter, sir, is a stranger to you. We will speak of her, if
you please, by the name--the illustrious name--which she
inherited at her birth. You wish to see Mrs. Norman?"

"Call her what you like. I have a word to say to her, and I mean
to say it."

"No, Mr. Linley, you won't say it."

"We'll see about that! Where is she?"

"My daughter is not well."

"Well or ill, I shan't keep her long."

"My daughter has retired to her room."

"Where is her room?"

Mrs. Presty moved to the fireplace, and laid her hand on the

"Are you aware that this house is a hotel ?" she asked.

"It doesn't matter to me what it is."

"Oh yes, it does. A hotel keeps waiters. A hotel, when it is as
large as this, has a policeman in attendance. Must I ring?"

The choice between giving way to Mrs. Presty, or being
disgracefully dismissed, was placed plainly before him. Herbert's
life had been the life of a gentleman; he knew that he had
forgotten himself; it was impossible that he could hesitate.

"I won't trouble you to ring," he said; "and I will beg your
pardon for having allowed my temper to get the better of me. At
the same time it ought to be remembered, I think, in my favor,
that I have had some provocation."

"I don't agree with you," Mrs. Presty answered. She was deaf to
any appeal for mercy from Herbert Linley. "As to provocation,"
she added, returning to her chair without asking him to be
seated, "when you apply that word to yourself, you insult my
daughter and me. _You_ provoked? Oh, heavens!"

"You wouldn't say that," he urged, speaking with marked restraint
of tone and manner, "if you knew what I have had to endure--"

Mrs. Presty suddenly looked toward the door. "Wait a minute," she
said; "I think I hear somebody coming in."

In the silence that followed, footsteps were audible outside--not
approaching the door, however, but retiring from it. Mrs. Presty
had apparently been mistaken. "Yes?" she said resignedly,
permitting Herbert to proceed.

He really had something to say for himself, and he said it with
sufficient moderation. That he had been guilty of serious
offenses he made no attempt to deny; but he pleaded that he had
not escaped without justly suffering for what he had done. He had
been entirely in the wrong when he threatened to take the child
away from her mother by force of law; but had he not been
punished when his wife obtained her Divorce, and separated him
from his little daughter as well as from herself? (No: Mrs.
Presty failed to see it; if anybody had suffered by the Divorce,
the victim was her injured daughter.) Still patient, Herbert did
not deny the injury; he only submitted once more that he had
suffered his punishment. Whether his life with Sydney Westerfield
had or had not been a happy one, he must decline to say; he would
only declare that it had come to an end. She had left him. Yes!
she had left him forever. He had no wish to persuade her to
return to their guilty life; they were both penitent, they were
both ashamed of it. But she had gone away without the provision
which he was bound in honor to offer to her.

"She is friendless; she may be in a state of poverty that I
tremble to think of," Herbert declared. "Is there nothing to
plead for me in such anxiety as I am suffering now?" Mrs. Presty
stopped him there; she had heard enough of Sydney already.

"I see nothing to be gained," she said, "by dwelling on the past;
and I should be glad to know why you have come to this place

"I have come to see Kitty."

"Quite out of the question."

"Don't tell me that, Mrs. Presty! I'm one of the wretchedest men
living, and I ask for the consolation of seeing my child. Kitty
hasn't forgotten me yet, I know. Her mother can't be so cruel as
to refuse. She shall fix her own time, and send me away when she
likes; I'll submit to anything. Will you ask Catherine to let me
see Kitty?"

"I can't do it."

"Why not?"

"For private reasons."

"What reasons?"

"For reasons into which you have no right to inquire."

He got up from his chair. His face presented the same expression
which Mrs. Presty had seen on it when he first entered the room.

"When I came in here," he said, "I wished to be certain of one
thing. Your prevarication has told me what I wanted to know. The
newspapers had Catherine's own authority for it, Mrs. Presty,
when they called her widow. I know now why my brother, who never
deceived me before, has deceived me about this. I understand the
part that your daughter has been playing--and I am as certain as
if I had heard it, of the devilish lie that one of you--perhaps
both of you--must have told my poor child. No, no; I had better
not see Catherine. Many a man has killed his wife, and has not
had such good reason for doing it as I have. You are quite right
to keep me away from her."

He stopped--and looked suddenly toward the door. "I hear her," he
cried, "She's coming in!"

The footsteps outside were audible once more. This time, they
were approaching; they were close to the door. Herbert drew back
from it. Looking round to see that he was out of the way, Mrs.
Presty rushed forward--tore open the door in terror of what might
happen--and admitted Captain Bennydeck.

Chapter XLIX.

Keep the Secret.

The Captain's attention was first attracted by the visitor whom
he found in the room. He bowed to the stranger; but the first
impression produced on him did not appear to have been of the
favorable kind, when he turned next to Mrs. Presty.

Observing that she was agitated, he made the customary apologies,
expressing his regret if he had been so unfortunate as to commit
an intrusion. Trusting in the good sense and good breeding which
distinguished him on other occasions, Mrs. Presty anticipated
that he would see the propriety of leaving her alone again with
the person whom he had found in her company. To her dismay he
remained in the room; and, worse still, he noticed her daughter's
absence, and asked if there was any serious cause for it.

For the moment, Mrs. Presty was unable to reply. Her presence of
mind--or, to put it more correctly, her ready audacity--deserted
her, when she saw Catherine's husband that had been, and
Catherine's husband that was to be, meeting as strangers, and but
too likely to discover each other.

In all her experience she had never been placed in such a
position of embarrassment as the position in which she found
herself now. The sense of honor which had pr ompted Catherine's
resolution to make Bennydeck acquainted with the catastrophe of
married life, might plead her excuse in the estimation of a man
devotedly attached to her. But if the Captain was first informed
that he had been deceived by a person who was a perfect stranger
to him, what hope could be entertained of his still holding
himself bound by his marriage engagement? It was even possible
that distrust had been already excited in his mind. He must
certainly have heard a man's voice raised in anger when he
approached the door--and he was now observing that man with an
air of curiosity which was already assuming the appearance of
distrust. That Herbert, on his side, resented the Captain's
critical examination of him was plainly visible in his face.
After a glance at Bennydeck, he asked Mrs. Presty "who that
gentleman was."

"I may be mistaken," he added; "but I thought your friend looked
at me just now as if he knew me."

"I have met you, sir, before this." The Captain made the reply
with a courteous composure of tone and manner which apparently
reminded Herbert of the claims of politeness.

"May I ask where I had the honor of seeing you?" he inquired.

"We passed each other in the hall of the hotel at Sandyseal. You
had a young woman with you."

"Your memory is a better one than mine, sir. I fail to remember
the circumstance to which you refer."

Bennydeck let the matter rest there. Struck by the remarkable
appearance of embarrassment in Mrs. Presty's manner--and feeling
(in spite of Herbert's politeness of language) increased distrust
of the man whom he had found visiting her--he thought it might
not be amiss to hint that she could rely on him in case of
necessity. "I am afraid I have interrupted a confidential
interview," he began; "and I ought perhaps to explain--"

Mrs. Presty listened absently; preoccupied by the fear that
Herbert would provoke a dangerous disclosure, and by the
difficulty of discovering a means of preventing it. She
interrupted the Captain.

"Excuse me for one moment; I have a word to say to this
gentleman." Bennydeck immediately drew back, and Mrs. Presty
lowered her voice. "If you wish to see Kitty," she resumed,
attacking Herbert on his weak side, "it depends entirely on your

"What do you mean by discretion?"

"Be careful not to speak of our family troubles--and I promise
you shall see Kitty. That is what I mean."

Herbert declined to say whether he would be careful or not. He
was determined to find out, first, with what purpose Bennydeck
had entered the room. "The gentleman was about to explain himself
to you," he said to Mrs. Presty. "Why don't you give him the

She had no choice but to submit--in appearance at least. Never
had she hated Herbert as she hated him at that moment. The
Captain went on with his explanation. He had his reasons (he
said) for hesitating, in the first instance, to present himself
uninvited, and he accordingly retired. On second thoughts,
however, he had returned, in the hope--

"In the hope," Herbert interposed, "of seeing Mrs. Presty's

"That was one of my motives," Bennydeck answered.

"Is it indiscreet to inquire what the other motive was?"

"Not at all. I heard a stranger's voice, speaking in a tone
which, to say the least of it, is not customary in a lady's room
and I thought--"

Herbert interrupted him again. "And you thought your interference
might be welcome to the lady! Am I right?"

"Quite right."

"Am I making another lucky guess if I suppose myself to be
speaking to Captain Bennydeck?"

"I shall be glad to hear, sir, how you have arrived at the
knowledge of my name."

"Shall we say, Captain, that I have arrived at it by instinct?"

His face, as he made that reply, alarmed Mrs. Presty. She cast a
look at him, partly of entreaty, partly of warning. No effect was
produced by the look. He continued, in a tone of ironical
compliment: "You must pay the penalty of being a public
character. Your marriage is announced in the newspapers."

"I seldom read the newspapers."

"Ah, indeed? Perhaps the report is not true? As you don't read
the newspapers, allow me to repeat it. You are engaged to marry
the 'beautiful widow, Mrs. Norman.' I think I quote those last
words correctly?"

Mrs. Presty suddenly got up. With an inscrutable face that told
no tales, she advanced to the door. Herbert's insane jealousy of
the man who was about to become Catherine's husband had led him
into a serious error; he had driven Catherine's mother to
desperation. In that state of mind she recovered her lost
audacity, as a matter of course. Opening the door, she turned
round to the two men, with a magnificent impudence of manner
which in her happiest moments she had never surpassed.

"I am sorry to interrupt this interesting conversation," she
said; "but I have stupidly forgotten one of my domestic duties.
You will allow me to return, and listen with renewed pleasure,
when my household business is off my mind. I shall hope to find
you both more polite to each other than ever when I come back."
She was in such a frenzy of suppressed rage that she actually
kissed her hand to them as she left the room!

Bennydeck looked after her, convinced that some sinister purpose
was concealed under Mrs. Presty's false excuses, and wholly
unable to imagine what that purpose might be. Herbert still
persisted in trying to force a quarrel on the Captain.

"As I remarked just now," he proceeded, "newspaper reports are
not always to be trusted. Do you seriously mean, my dear sir, to
marry Mrs. Norman?"

"I look forward to that honor and that happiness. But I am at a
loss to know how it interests you."

"In that case allow me to enlighten you. My name is Herbert

He had held his name in reserve, feeling certain of the effect
which he would produce when he pronounced it. The result took him
completely by surprise. Not the slightest appearance of agitation
showed itself in Bennydeck's manner. On the contrary, he looked
as if there was something that interested him in the discovery of
the name.

"You are probably related to a friend of mine?" he said, quietly.

"Who is your friend?"

"Mr. Randal Linley."

Herbert was entirely unprepared for this discovery. Once more,
the Captain had got the best of it.

"Are you and Randal Linley intimate friends?" he inquired, as
soon as he had recovered himself.

"Most intimate."

"It's strange that he should never have mentioned me, on any
occasion when you and he were together."

"It does indeed seem strange."

Herbert paused. His brother's keen sense of the disgrace that he
had inflicted on the family recurred to his memory. He began to
understand Randal's otherwise unaccountable silence.

"Are you nearly related to Mr. Randal Linley?" the Captain asked.

"I am his elder brother."

Ignorant on his part of the family disgrace, Bennydeck heard that
reply with amazement. From his point of view, it was impossible
to account for Randal's silence.

"Will you think me very inquisitive," Herbert resumed, "if I ask
whether my brother approves of your marriage?"

There was a change in his tone, as he put that question which
warned Bennydeck to be on his guard. "I have not yet consulted my
friend's opinion," he answered, shortly.

Herbert threw off the mask. "In the meantime, you shall have my
opinion," he said. "Your marriage is a crime--and I mean to
prevent it."

The Captain left his chair, and sternly faced the man who had
spoken those insolent words.

"Are you mad?" he asked.

Herbert was on the point of declaring himself to have been
Catherine's husband, until the law dissolved their marriage--when
a waiter came in and approached him with a message. "You are
wanted immediately, sir."

"Who wants me?"

"A person outside, sir. It's a serious matter--there is not a
moment to lose."

Herbert turned to the Captain. "I must have your promise to wait
for me," he said, "or I don't leave the room."

"Make your mind easy. I shall not stir from this place till you
have explained yourself," was the firm reply.

The servant led the way out. He crossed the passage, and opened
the door of a waiting-room.  Herbert passed in--and found himself
face to face with his
 divorced wife.

Chapter L.

Forgiveness to the Injured Doth Belong.

Without one word of explanation, Catherine stepped up to him, and
spoke first.

"Answer me this," she said--"have you told Captain Bennydeck who
I am?"

"Not yet."

The shortest possible reply was the only reply that he could
make, in the moment when he first looked at her.

She was not the same woman whom he had last seen at Sandyseal,
returning for her lost book. The agitation produced by that
unexpected meeting had turned her pale; the overpowering sense of
injury had hardened and aged her face. This time, she was
prepared to see him; this time, she was conscious of a resolution
that raised her in her own estimation. Her clear blue eyes
glittered as she looked at him, the bright color glowed in her
cheeks; he was literally dazzled by her beauty.

"In the past time, which we both remember," she resumed, "you
once said that I was the most truthful woman you had ever known.
Have I done anything to disturb that part of your old faith in


She went on: "Before you entered this house, I had determined to
tell Captain Bennydeck what you have not told him yet. When I say
that, do you believe me?"

If he had been able to look away from her, he might have foreseen
what was coming; and he would have remembered that his triumph
over the Captain was still incomplete. But his eyes were riveted
on her face; his tenderest memories of her were pleading with
him. He answered as a docile child might have answered.

"I do believe you."

She took a letter from her bosom; and, showing it, begged him to
remark that it was not closed.

"I was in my bedroom writing," she said, "When my mother came to
me and told me that you and Captain Bennydeck had met in my
sitting-room. She dreaded a quarrel and an exposure, and she
urged me to go downstairs and insist on sending you away--or
permit her to do so, if I could not prevail on myself to follow
her advice. I refused to allow the shameful dismissal of a man
who had once had his claim on my respect. The only alternative
that I could see was to speak with you here, in private, as we
are speaking now. My mother undertook to manage this for me; she
saw the servant, and gave him the message which you received.
Where is Captain Bennydeck now?"

"He is waiting in the sitting-room."

"Waiting for you?


She considered a little before she said her next words.

"I have brought with me what I was writing in my own room," she
resumed, "wishing to show it to you. Will you read it?"

She offered the letter to him. He hesitated. "Is it addressed to
me?" he asked.

"It is addressed to Captain Bennydeck," she answered.

The jealousy that still rankled in his mind--jealousy that he had
no more lawful or reasonable claim to feel than if he had been a
stranger--urged him to assume an indifference which he was far
from feeling. He begged that Catherine would accept his excuses.

She refused to excuse him.

"Before you decide," she said, "you ought at least to know why I
have written to Captain Bennydeck, instead of speaking to him as
I had proposed. My heart failed me when I thought of the distress
that he might feel--and, perhaps of the contempt of myself which,
good and gentle as he is, he might not be able to disguise. My
letter tells him the truth, without concealment. I am obliged to
speak of the manner in which you have treated me, and of the
circumstances which forced me into acts of deception that I now
bitterly regret. I have tried not to misrepresent you; I have
been anxious to do you no wrong. It is for you, not for me, to
say if I have succeeded. Once more, will you read my letter?"

The sad self-possession, the quiet dignity with which she spoke,
appealed to his memory of the pardon that she had so generously
granted, while he and Sydney Westerfield were still guiltless of
the injury inflicted on her at a later time. Silently he took the
letter from her, and read it.

She kept her face turned away from him and from the light. The
effort to be still calm and reasonable--to suffer the heart-ache,
and not to let the suffering be seen--made cruel demands on the
self-betraying nature of a woman possessed by strong emotion.
There was a moment when she heard him sigh while he was reading.
She looked round at him, and instantly looked away again.

He rose and approached her; he held out the letter in one hand,
and pointed to it with the other. Twice he attempted to speak.
Twice the influence of the letter unmanned him.

It was a hard struggle, but it was for her sake: he mastered his
weakness, and forced his trembling voice to submit to his will.

"Is the man whom you are going to marry worthy of _this?_" he
asked, still pointing to the letter.

She answered, firmly: "More than worthy of it."

"Marry him, Catherine--and forget Me."

The great heart that he had so sorely wounded pitied him, forgave
him, answered him with a burst of tears. She held out one
imploring hand.

His lips touched it--he was gone.

Chapter LI.

Dum Spiro, Spero.

Brisk and smiling, Mrs. Presty presented herself in the
waiting-room. "We have got rid of our enemy!" she announced, "I
looked out of the window and saw him leaving the hotel." She
paused, struck with the deep dejection expressed in her
daughter's attitude. "Catherine!" she exclaimed, "I tell you
Herbert has gone, and you look as if you regretted it! Is there
anything wrong? Did my message fail to bring him here?"


"He was bent on mischief when I saw him last. Has he told
Bennydeck of the Divorce?"


"Thank Heaven for that! There is no one to be afraid of now.
Where is the Captain?"

"He is still in the sitting-room."

"Why don't you go to him?"

"I daren't!"

"Shall I go?"

"Yes--and give him this."

Mrs. Presty took the letter. "You mean, tear it up," she said,
and quite right, too."

"No; I mean what l say."

"My dear child, if you have any regard for yourself, if you have
any regard for me, don't ask me to give Bennydeck this mad
letter! You won't hear reason? You still insist on it?"

"I do."

"If Kitty ever behaves to you, Catherine, as you have behaved to
me--you will have richly deserved it. Oh, if you were only a
child again, I'd beat it out of you--I would!"

With that outburst of temper, she took the letter to Bennydeck.
In less than a minute she returned, a tamed woman. "He frightens
me," she said.

"Is he angry?"

"No--and that is the worst of it. When men are angry, I am never
afraid of them. He's quiet, too quiet. He said: 'I'm waiting for
Mr. Herbert Linley; where is he?' I said. 'He has left the
hotel.' He said: 'What does that mean?' I handed the letter to
him. 'Perhaps this will explain,' I said. He looked at the
address, and at once recognized your handwriting. 'Why does she
write to me when we are both in the same house? Why doesn't she
speak to me?' I pointed to the letter. He wouldn't look at it; he
looked straight at me. 'There's some mystery here,' he said; 'I'm
a plain man, I don't like mysteries. Mr. Linley had something to
say to me, when the message interrupted him. Who sent the
message? Do you know?' If there is a woman living, Catherine, who
would have told the truth, in such a position as mine was at that
moment, I should like to have her photograph. I said I didn't
know- and I saw he suspected me of deceiving him. Those kind eyes
of his--you wouldn't believe it of them!--looked me through and
through. 'I won't detain you any longer,' he said. I'm not easily
daunted, as you know--the relief it was to me to get away from
him is not to be told in words. What do you think I heard when I
got into the passage? I heard him turn the key of the door. He's
locked in, my dear; he's locked in! We are too near him here.
Come upstairs."

Catherine refused. "I ought to be near him," she said, hopefully;
"he may wish to see me."

Her mother reminded her that the waiting-room was a public room,
and might be wanted.

"Let's go into the garden," Mrs. Presty proposed. "We can tell
the servant who waits on us where we may be found."

Catherine yielded. Mrs. Presty's excitement found its overflow in
talking perpetually. Her daughter had nothing to say, and cared
nothing wh ere they went; all outward manifestation of life in
her seemed to be suspended at that terrible time of expectation.
They wandered here and there, in the quietest part of the
grounds. Half an hour passed--and no message was received. The
hotel clock struck the hour--and still nothing happened.

"I can walk no longer," Catherine said. She dropped on one of the
garden-chairs, holding by her mother's hand. "Go to him, for
God's sake!" she entreated. "I can endure it no longer."

Mrs. Presty--even bold Mrs. Presty--was afraid to face him again.
"He's fond of the child," she suggested; "let's send Kitty."

Some little girls were at play close by who knew where Kitty was
to be found. In a few minutes more they brought her back with
them. Mrs. Presty gave the child her instructions, and sent her
away proud of her errand, and delighted at the prospect of
visiting the Captain by herself, as if she "was a grown-up lady."

This time the period of suspense was soon at an end. Kitty came
running back. "It's lucky you sent me," she declared. "He
wouldn't have opened the door to anybody else--he said so

"Did you knock softly, as I told you?" Mrs. Presty asked.

"No, grandmamma, I forgot that. I tried to open the door. He
called out not to disturb him. I said, 'It's only me,' and he
opened the door directly. What makes him look so pale, mamma? Is
he ill?"

"Perhaps he feels the heat," Mrs. Presty suggested, judiciously.

"He said, 'Dear little Kitty,' and he caught me up in his arms
and kissed me. When he sat down again he took me on his knee, and
he asked if I was fond of him, and I said, 'Yes, I am,' and he
kissed me again, and he asked if I had come to stay with him and
keep him company. I forgot what you wanted me to say," Kitty
acknowledged, addressing Mrs. Presty; "so I made it up out of my
own head."

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him, mamma was as fond of him as I was, and I said, 'We
will both keep you company.' He put me down on the floor, and he
got up and went to the window and looked out. I told him that
wasn't the way to find her, and I said, 'I know where she is;
I'll go and fetch her.' He's an obstinate man, our nice Captain.
He wouldn't come away from the window. I said, 'You wish to see
mamma, don't you?' And he said 'Yes.' 'You mustn't lock the door
again,' I told him, 'she won't like that'; and what do you think
he said? He said 'Good-by, Kitty!' Wasn't it funny? He didn't
seem to know what he was talking about. If you ask my opinion,
mamma, I think the sooner you go to him the better." Catherine
hesitated. Mrs. Presty on one side, and Kitty on the other, led
her between them into the house.

Chapter LII.

L'homme propose, et Dieu dispose.

Captain Bennydeck met Catherine and her child at the open door of
the room. Mrs. Presty, stopping a few paces behind them, waited
in the passage; eager to see what the Captain's face might tell
her. It told her nothing.

But Catherine saw a change in him. There was something in his
manner unnaturally passive and subdued. It suggested the idea of
a man whose mind had been forced into an effort of self-control
which had exhausted its power, and had allowed the signs of
depression and fatigue to find their way to the surface. The
Captain was quiet, the Captain was kind; neither by word nor look
did he warn Catherine that the continuity of their intimacy was
in danger of being broken--and yet, her spirits sank, when they
met at the open door.

He led her to a chair, and said she had come to him at a time
when he especially wished to speak with her. Kitty asked if she
might remain with them. He put his hand caressingly on her head;
"No, my dear, not now."

The child eyed him for a moment, conscious of something which she
had never noticed in him before, and puzzled by the discovery.
She walked back, cowed and silent, to the door. He followed her
and spoke to Mrs. Presty.

"Take your grandchild into the garden; we will Join you there in
a little while. Good-by for the present, Kitty."

Kitty said good-by mechanically--like a dull child repeating a
lesson. Her grandmother led her away in silence.

Bennydeck closed the door and seated himself by Catherine.

"I thank you for your letter," he said. "If such a thing is
possible, it has given me a higher opinion of you than any
opinion that I have held yet."

She looked at him with a feeling of surprise, so sudden and so
overwhelming that she was at a loss how to reply. The last words
which she expected to hear from him, when he alluded to her
confession, were the words that had just passed his lips.

"You have owned to faults that you have committed, and deceptions
that you have sanctioned," he went on--"with nothing to gain, and
everything to lose, by telling the truth. Who but a good woman
would have done that?"

There was a deeper feeling in him than he had ventured to
express. It betrayed itself by a momentary trembling in his
voice. Catherine drew a little closer to him.

"You don't know how you surprise me, how you relieve me," she
said, warmly--and pressed his hand. In the eagerness of her
gratitude, in the gladness that had revived her sinking heart,
she failed to feel that the pressure was not returned.

"What have I said to surprise you?" he asked. "What anxiety have
I relieved, without knowing it?"

"I was afraid you would despise me."

"Why should I despise you?"

"Have I not gained your good opinion under false pretenses? Have
I not allowed you to admire me and to love me without telling you
that there was anything in my past life which I have reason to
regret? Even now, I can hardly realize that you excuse and
forgive me; you, who have read the confession of my worst faults;
you, who know the shocking inconsistencies of my character--"

"Say at once," he answered, "that I know you to be a mortal
creature. Is there any human character, even the noblest, that is
always consistently good?"

"One reads of them sometimes," she suggested, "in books."

"Yes," he said. "In the worst books you could possibly read--the
only really immoral books written in our time."

"Why are they immoral?"

"For this plain reason, that they deliberately pervert the truth.
Clap-trap, you innocent creature, to catch foolish readers! When
do these consistently good people appear in the life around us,
the life that we all see? Never! Are the best mortals that ever
lived above the reach of temptation to do ill, and are they
always too good to yield to it? How does the Lord's Prayer
instruct humanity? It commands us all, without exception, to pray
that we may not be led into temptation. You have been led into
temptation. In other words, you are a human being. All that a
human being could do you have done--you have repented and
confessed. Don't I know how you have suffered and how you have
been tried! Why, what a mean Pharisee I should be if I presumed
to despise you!"

She looked at him proudly and gratefully; she lifted her arm as
if to thank him by an embrace, and suddenly let it drop again at
her side.

"Am I tormenting myself without cause?" she said. "Or is there
something that looks like sorrow, showing itself to me in your

"You see the bitterest sorrow that I have felt in all my sad

"Is it sorrow for me?"

"No. Sorrow for myself."

"Has it come to you through me? Is it my fault?"

"It is more your misfortune than your fault."

"Then you can feel for me?"

"I can and do."

He had not yet set her at ease.

"I am afraid your sympathy stops somewhere," she said. "Where
does it stop?"

For the first time, he shrank from directly answering her. "I
begin to wish I had followed your example," he owned. "It might
have been better for both of us if I had answered your letter in

"Tell me plainly," she cried, "is there something you can't

"There is something I can't forget."

"What is it? Oh, what is it! When my mother told poor little
Kitty that her father was dead, are you even more sorry than I am
that I allowed it? Are you even more ashamed of me than I am of

"No. I regret that you allowed it; but I understand how you were
led into that error. Your husband's infidelity had shaken his
hold on your respect for him and your sympathy with him, and had
so left you without your natural safeguard against Mrs. Presty's
sophistical reasoning and bad example. But for _that_
wrong-doing, there is a remedy left. Enlighten your child as you
have enlightened me; and then--I have no personal motive for
pleading Mr. Herbert Linley's cause, after what I have seen of
him--and then, acknowledge the father's claim on the child."

"Do you mean his claim to see her?"

"What else can I mean? Yes! let him see her. Do (God help me, now
when it's too late!)--do what you ought to have done, on that
accursed day which will be the blackest day in my calendar, to
the end of my life."

"What day do you mean?"

"The day when you remembered the law of man, and forgot the law
of God; the day when you broke the marriage tie, the sacred tie,
by a Divorce!"

She listened--not conscious now of suspense or fear; she
listened, with her whole heart in revolt against him.

"You are too cruel!" she declared. "You can feel for me, you can
understand me, you can pardon me in everything else that I have
done. But you judge without mercy of the one blameless act of my
life, since my husband left me--the act that protected a mother
in the exercise of her rights. Oh, can it be you? Can it be you?"

"It can be," he said, sighing bitterly; "and it is."

"What horrible delusion possesses you? Why do you curse the happy
day, the blessed day, which saw me safe in the possession of my

"For the worst and meanest of reasons," he answered--"a selfish
reason. Don't suppose that I have spoken of Divorce as one who
has had occasion to think of it. I have had no occasion to think
of it; I don't think of it even now. I abhor it because it stands
between you and me. I loathe it, I curse it because it separates
us for life."

"Separates us for life? How?"

"Can you ask me?"

"Yes, I do ask you!"

He looked round him. A society of religious persons had visited
the hotel, and had obtained permission to place a copy of the
Bible in every room. One of those copies lay on the chimney-piece
in Catherine's room. Bennydeck brought it to her, and placed it
on the table near which she was sitting. He turned to the New
Testament, and opened it at the Gospel of Saint Matthew. With his
hand on the page, he said:

"I have done my best rightly to understand the duties of a
Christian. One of those duties, as I interpret them, is to let
what I believe show itself in what I do. You have seen enough of
me, I hope, to know (though I have not been forward in speaking
of it) that I am, to the best of my poor ability, a faithful
follower of the teachings of Christ. I dare not set my own
interests and my own happiness above His laws. If I suffer in
obeying them as I suffer now, I must still submit. They are the
laws of my life."

"Is it through me that you suffer?"

"It is through you."

"Will you tell me how?"

He had already found the chapter. His tears dropped on it as he
pointed to the verse.

"Read," he answered, "what the most compassionate of all Teachers
has said, in the Sermon on the Mount."

She read: "Whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth

Another innocent woman, in her place, might have pointed to that
first part of the verse, which pre-supposes the infidelity of the
divorced wife, and might have asked if those words applied to
_her_. This woman, knowing that she had lost him, knew also what
she owed to herself She rose in silence, and held out her hand at

He paused before he took her hand. "Can you forgive me?" he

She said: "I can pity you."

"Can you look back to the day of your marriage? Can you remember
the words which declared the union between you and your husband
to be separable only by death? Has he treated you with brutal


"Has he repented of his sin?"


"Ask your own conscience if there is not a worthier life for you
and your child than the life that you are leading now." He
waited, after that appeal to her. The silence remained unbroken.
"Do not mistake me," he resumed gently. "I am not thinking of the
calamity that has fallen on me in a spirit of selfish despair--I
am looking to _your_ future, and I am trying to show you the way
which leads to hope. Catherine! have you no word more to say to

In faint trembling tones she answered him at last:

"You have left me but one word to say. Farewell!"

He drew her to him gently, and kissed her on the forehead. The
agony in his face was more than she could support; she recoiled
from it in horror. His last act was devoted to the tranquillity
of the one woman whom he had loved. He signed to her to leave

Chapter LIII.

The Largest Nature, the Longest Love.

Mrs. Presty waited in the garden to be joined by her daughter and
Captain Bennydeck, and waited in vain. It was past her
grandchild's bedtime; she decided on returning to the house.

"Suppose we look for them in the sitting-room?" Kitty proposed.

"Suppose we wait a moment, before we go in?" her wise grandmother
advised. "If I hear them talking I shall take you upstairs to


Mrs. Presty favored Kitty with a hint relating to the management
of inquisitive children which might prove useful to her in
after-life. "When you grow up to be a woman, my dear, beware of
making the mistake that I have just committed. Never be foolish
enough to mention your reasons when a child asks, Why;"

"Was that how they treated _you_, grandmamma, when you were a
child yourself?"

"Of course it was!"


They had reached the sitting-room door by this time. Kitty opened
it without ceremony and looked in. The room was empty.

Having confided her granddaughter to the nursemaid's care, Mrs.
Presty knocked at Catherine's bedroom door. "May I come in?"

"Come in directly! Where is Kitty?"

"Susan is putting her to bed."

"Stop it! Kitty mustn't go to bed. No questions. I'll explain
myself when you come back." There was a wildness in her eyes, and
a tone of stern command in her voice, which warned her mother to
set dignity aside, and submit.

"I don't ask what has happened," Mrs. Presty resumed on her
return. "That letter, that fatal letter to the Captain, has
justified my worst fears. What in Heaven's name are we to do

"We are to leave this hotel," was the instant reply.



"Catherine! do you know what time it is?"

"Time enough to catch the last train to London. Don't raise
objections! If I stay at this place, with associations in every
part of it which remind me of that unhappy man, I shall go mad!
The shock I have suffered, the misery, the humiliation--I tell
you it's more than I can bear. Stay here by yourself if you like;
I mean to go."

She paced with frantic rapidity up and down the room. Mrs. Presty
took the only way by which it was possible to calm her. "Compose
yourself, Catherine, and all that you wish shall be done. I'll
settle everything with the landlord, and give the maid her
orders. Sit down by the open window; let the wind blow over you."

The railway service from Sydenham to London is a late service. At
a few minutes before midnight they were in time for the last
train. When they left the station, Catherine was calm enough to
communicate her plans for the future. The nearest hotel to the
terminus would offer them accommodation for that night. On the
next day they could find some quiet place in the country--no
matter where, so long as they were not disturbed. "Give me rest
and peace, and my mind will be easier," Catherine said. "Let
nobody know where to find me."

These conditions were strictly observed--with an exception in
favor of Mr. Sarrazin. While his client's pecuniary affairs were
still unsettled, the lawyer had his claim to be taken into her

             * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning found Captain Bennydeck still keeping his rooms
at Sydenham. The state of his mind presented a complete contrast
to the state of Catherine's mind. So far from sharing her
aversion to the personal associations which were connected with
the hotel, he found his one consolation in visiting the scenes
which reminded him of the beloved woman whom he had lost. The
reason f or this was not far to seek. His was the largest nature,
and his had been the most devoted love.

As usual, his letters were forwarded to him from his place of
residence in London. Those addressed in handwritings that he knew
were the first that he read. The others he took out with him to
that sequestered part of the garden in which he had passed the
happiest hours of his life by Catherine's side.

He had been thinking of her all the morning; he was thinking of
her now.

His better judgment protested; his accusing conscience warned him
that he was committing, not only an act of folly but (with his
religious convictions) an act of sin--and still she held her
place in his thoughts. The manager had told him of her sudden
departure from the hotel, and had declared with perfect truth
that the place of her destination had not been communicated to
him. Asked if she had left no directions relating to her
correspondence, he had replied that his instructions were to
forward all letters to her lawyer. On the point of inquiring next
for the name and address, Bennydeck's sense of duty and sense of
shame (roused at last) filled him with a timely contempt for
himself. In feeling tempted to write to Catherine--in encouraging
fond thoughts of her among scenes which kept her in his
memory--he had been false to the very principles to which he had
appealed at their farewell interview. She had set him the right
example, the example which he was determined to follow, in
leaving the place. Before he could falter in his resolution, he
gave notice of his departure. The one hope for him now was to
find a refuge from himself in acts of mercy. Consolation was
perhaps waiting for him in his Home.

His unopened correspondence offered a harmless occupation to his
thoughts, in the meanwhile. One after another he read the
letters, with an attention constantly wandering and constantly
recalled, until he opened the last of them that remained. In a
moment more his interest was absorbed. The first sentences in the
letter told him that the deserted creature whom he had met in the
garden--the stranger to whom he had offered help and consolation
in the present and in the future--was no other than the lost girl
of whom he had been so long in search; the daughter of Roderick
Westerfield, once his dearest and oldest friend.

In the pages that followed, the writer confided to him her sad
story; leaving it to her father's friend to decide whether she
was worthy of the sympathy which he had offered to her, when he
thought she was a stranger.

This part of her letter was necessarily a repetition of what
Bennydeck had read, in the confession which Catherine had
addressed to him. That generous woman had been guilty of one, and
but one, concealment of the truth. In relating the circumstances
under which the elopement from Mount Morven had taken place, she
had abstained, in justice to the sincerity of Sydney's
repentance, from mentioning Sydney's name. "Another instance,"
the Captain thought bitterly, as he closed the letter, "of the
virtues which might have made the happiness of my life!"

But he was bound to remember--and he did remember--that there was
now a new interest, tenderly associating itself with his life to
come. The one best way of telling Sydney how dear she was to him
already, for her father's sake, would be to answer her in person.
He hurried away to London by the first train, and drove at once
to Randal's place of abode to ask for Sydney's address.

Wondering what had become of the postscript to his letter, which
had given Bennydeck the information of which he was now in
search, Randal complied with his friend's request, and then
ventured to allude to the report of the Captain's marriage

"Am I to congratulate you?" he asked.

"Congratulate me on having discovered Roderick Westerfield's

That reply, and the tone in which it was given, led Randal to ask
if the engagement had been prematurely announced.

"There is no engagement at all," Bennydeck answered, with a look
which suggested that it might be wise not to dwell on the

But the discovery was welcome to Randal, for his brother's sake.
He ran the risk of consequences, and inquired if Catherine was
still to be found at the hotel.

The Captain answered by a sign in the negative.

Randal persisted. "Do you know where she has gone?"

"Nobody knows but her lawyer."

"In that case," Randal concluded, "I shall get the information
that I want." Noticing that Bennydeck looked surprised, he
mentioned his motive. "Herbert is pining to see Kitty," h
continued; "and I mean to help him. He has done all that a man
could do to atone for the past. As things are, I believe I shall
not offend Catherine, if I arrange for a meeting between father
and child. What do you say?"

Bennydeck answered, earnestly and eagerly: "Do it at once!"

They left the house together--one to go to Sydney's lodgings, the
other on his way to Mr. Sarrazin's office.

Chapter LIV.

Let Bygones Be Bygones.

When the servant at the lodgings announced a visitor, and
mentioned his name, Sydney's memory (instead of dwelling on the
recollection of the Captain's kindness) perversely recalled the
letter that she had addressed to him, and reminded her that she
stood in need of indulgence, which even so good a man might
hesitate to grant. Bennydeck's first words told the friendless
girl that her fears had wronged him.

My dear, how like your father you are! You have his eyes and his
smile; I can't tell you how pleasantly you remind me of my dear
old friend." He took her hand, and kissed her as he might have
kissed a daughter of his own. "Do you remember me at home,
Sydney, when you were a child? No: you must have been too young
for that."

She was deeply touched. In faint trembling tones she said; "I
remember your name; my poor father often spoke of you."

A man who feels true sympathy is never in danger of mistaking his
way to a woman's heart, when that woman has suffered. Bennydeck
consoled, interested, charmed Sydney, by still speaking of the
bygone days at home.

"I well remember how fond your father was of you, and what a
bright little girl you were," the Captain went on. "You have
forgotten, I dare say, the old-fashioned sea-songs that he used
to be so fond of teaching you. It was the strangest and prettiest
contrast, to hear your small piping child's voice singing of
storms and shipwrecks, and thunder and lightning, and reefing
sails in cold and darkness, without the least idea of what it all
meant. Your mother was strict in those days; you never amused her
as you used to amuse your father and me. When she caught you
searching my pockets for sweetmeats, she accused me of destroying
your digestion before you were five years old. I went on spoiling
it, for all that. The last time I saw you, my child, your father
was singing 'The Mariners of England,' and you were on his knee
trying to sing with him. You must have often wondered why you
never saw anything more of me. Did you think I had forgotten

"I am quite sure I never thought that!"

"You see I was in the Navy at the time," the Captain resumed;
"and we were ordered away to a foreign station. When I got back
to England, miserable news was waiting for me. I heard of your
father's death and of that shameful Trial. Poor fellow! He was as
innocent, Sydney, as you are of the offense which he was accused
of committing. The first thing I did was to set inquiries on foot
after your mother and her children. It was some consolation to me
to feel that I was rich enough to make your lives easy and
agreeable to you. I thought money could do anything. A serious
mistake, my dear--money couldn't find the widow and her children.
We supposed you were somewhere in London; and there, to my great
grief, it ended. From time to time--long afterward, when we
thought we had got the clew in our hands--I continued my
inquiries, still without success. A poor woman and her little
family are so easily engulfed in the big city! Years passed (more
of them than I like to reckon up) before I heard of you at last
by name. The person from whom I got  my information told me how
you were employed, and where."

"O h, Captain Bennydeck, who could the person have been?"

"A poor old broken-down actor, Sydney. You were his favorite
pupil. Do you remember him?"

"I should be ungrateful indeed if I could forget him. He was the
only person in the school who was kind to me. Is the good old man
still living?"

"No; he rests at last. I am glad to say I was able to make his
last days on earth the happiest days of his life."

"I wonder," Sydney confessed, "how you met with him."

"There was nothing at all romantic in my first discovery of him.
I was reading the police reports in a newspaper. The poor wretch
was brought before a magistrate, charged with breaking a window.
His one last chance of escaping starvation in the streets was to
get sent to prison. The magistrate questioned him, and brought to
light a really heart-breaking account of misfortune, imbittered
by neglect on the part of people in authority who were bound to
help him. He was remanded, so that inquiries might be made. I
attended the court on the day when he appeared there again, and
heard his statement confirmed. I paid his fine, and contrived to
put him in a way of earning a little money. He was very grateful,
and came now and then to thank me. In that way I heard how his
troubles had begun. He had asked for a small advance on the
wretched wages that he received. Can you guess how the
schoolmistress answered him?"

"I know but too well how she answered him," Sydney said; "I was
turned out of the house, too."

"And I heard of it," the Captain replied, "from the woman
herself. Everything that could distress me she was ready to
mention. She told me of your mother's second marriage, of her
miserable death, of the poor boy, your brother, missing, and
never heard of since. But when I asked where you had gone she had
nothing more to say. She knew nothing, and cared nothing, about
you. If I had not become acquainted with Mr. Randal Linley, I
might never have heard of you again. We will say no more of that,
and no more of anything that has happened in the past time. From
to-day, my dear, we begin a new life, and (please God) a happier
life. Have you any plans of your own for the future?"

"Perhaps, if I could find help," Sydney said resignedly, "I might
emigrate. Pride wouldn't stand in my way; no honest employment
would be beneath my notice. Besides, if I went to America, I
might meet with my brother."

"My dear child, after the time that has passed, there is no
imaginable chance of your meeting with your brother--and you
wouldn't know each other again if you did meet. Give up that vain
hope and stay here with me. Be useful and be happy in your own

"Useful?" Sydney repeated sadly. "Your own kind heart, Captain
Bennydeck, is deceiving you. To be useful means, I suppose, to
help others. Who will accept help from me?"

"I will, for one," the Captain answered.


"Yes. You can be of the greatest use to me--you shall hear how."

He told her of the founding of his Home and of the good it had
done. "You are the very person," he resumed, "to be the good
sister-friend that I want for my poor girls: _you_ can say for
them what they cannot always say to me for themselves."

The tears rose in Sydney's eyes. "It is hard to see such a
prospect as that," she said, "and to give it up as soon as it is

"Why give it up?"

"Because I am not fit for it. You are as good as a father to
those lost daughters of yours. If you give them a sister-friend
she ought to have set them a good example. Have I done that? Will
they listen to a girl who is no better than themselves?"

"Gladly! _Your_ sympathy will find its way to their hearts,
because it is animated by something that they can all feel in
common--something nearer and dearer to them than a sense of duty.
You won't consent, Sydney, for their sakes? Will you do what I
ask of you, for my sake?"

She looked at him, hardly able to understand--or, as it might
have been, perhaps afraid to understand him. He spoke to her more

"I have kept it concealed from you," he continued--"for why
should I lay my load of suffering on a friend so young as you
are, so cruelly tried already? Let me only say that I am in great
distress. If you were with me, my child, I might be better able
to bear it."

He held out his hand. Even a happy woman could hardly have found
it in her heart to resist him. In silent sympathy and respect,
Sydney kissed the hand that he had offered to her. It was the one
way in which she could trust herself to answer him.

Still encouraging her to see new hopes and new interests in the
future, the good Captain spoke of the share which she might take
in the management of the Home, if she would like to be his
secretary. With this view he showed her some written reports,
relating to the institution, which had been sent to him during
the time of his residence at Sydenham. She read them with an
interest and attention which amply justified his confidence in
her capacity.

"These reports," he explained to her, "are kept for reference;
but as a means of saving time, the substance of them is entered
in the daily journal of our proceedings. Come, Sydney! venture on
a first experiment in your new character. I see pen, ink, and
paper on the table; try if you can shorten one of the reports,
without leaving out anything which it is important to know. For
instance, the writer gives reasons for making his statement. Very
well expressed, no doubt, but we don't want reasons. Then, again,
he offers his own opinion on the right course to take. Very
creditable to him, but I don't want his opinion--I want his
facts. Take the pen, my secretary, and set down his facts. Never
mind his reflections."

Proud and pleased, Sydney obeyed him. She had made her little
abstract, and was reading it to him at his request, while he
compared it with the report, when they were interrupted by a
visitor. Randal Linley came in, and noticed the papers on the
table with surprise. "Is it possible that I am interrupting
business?" he asked.

Bennydeck answered with the assumed air of importance which was
in itself a compliment to Sydney: "You find me engaged on the
business of the Home with my new secretary."

Randal at once understood what had happened. He took his friend's
arm, and led him to the other end of the room.

"You good fellow!" he said. "Add to your kindness by excusing me
if I ask for a word with you in private."

Sydney rose to retire. After having encouraged her by a word of
praise, the Captain proposed that she should get ready to go out,
and should accompany him on a visit to the Home. He opened the
door for her as respectfully as if the poor girl had been one of
the highest ladies in the land.

"I have seen my friend Sarrazin," Randal began, "and I have
persuaded him to trust me with Catherine's present address. I can
send Herbert there immediately, if you will only help me."

"How can I help you?"

"Will you allow me to tell my brother that your engagement is
broken off?"

Bennydeck shrank from the painful allusion, and showed it.

Randal explained. "I am grieved," he said, "to distress you by
referring to this subject again. But if my brother is left under
the false impression that your engagement will be followed by
your marriage, he will refuse to intrude himself on the lady who
was once his wife."

The Captain understood. "Say what you please about me," he
replied. "Unite the father and child--and you may reconcile the
husband and wife."

"Have you forgotten," Randal asked, "that the marriage has been

Bennydeck's answer ignored the law. "I remember," he said, "that
the marriage has been profaned."

Chapter LV.

Leave It to the Child.

The front windows of Brightwater Cottage look out on a quiet
green lane in Middlesex, which joins the highroad within a few
miles of the market town of Uxbridge. Through the pretty garden
at the back runs a little brook, winding its merry way to a
distant river. The few rooms in this pleasant place of residence
are well (too well) furnished, having regard to the limits of a
building which is a cottage in the strictest sense of the word.
Water-color drawings by the old English masters of the art
ornament the dinin g-room. The parlor has been transformed into a
library. From floor to ceiling all four of its walls are covered
with books. Their old and well-chosen bindings, seen in the mass,
present nothing less than a feast of color to the eye. The
library and the works of art are described as heirlooms, which
have passed into the possession of the present proprietor--one
more among the hundreds of Englishmen who are ruined every year
by betting on the Turf.

So sorely in need of a little ready money was this victim of
gambling--tacitly permitted or conveniently ignored by the
audacious hypocrisy of a country which rejoiced in the extinction
of Baden, and which still shudders at the name of Monaco--that he
was ready to let his pretty cottage for no longer a term than one
month certain; and he even allowed the elderly lady, who drove
the hardest of hard bargains with him, to lessen by one guinea
the house-rent paid for each week. He took his revenge by means
of an ironical compliment, addressed to Mrs. Presty. "What a
saving it would be to the country, ma'am, if you were Chancellor
of the Exchequer!" With perfect gravity Mrs. Presty accepted that
well-earned tribute of praise. "You are quite right, sir; I
should be the first official person known to the history of
England who took proper care of the public money."

Within two days of the time when they had left the hotel at
Sydenham, Catherine and her little family circle had taken
possession of the cottage.

The two ladies were sitting in the library each occupied with a
book chosen from the well-stocked shelves. Catherine's reading
appeared to be more than once interrupted by Catherine's
thoughts. Noticing this circumstance, Mrs. Presty asked if some
remarkable event had happened, and if it was weighing heavily on
her daughter's mind.

Catherine answered that she was thinking of Kitty, and that
anxiety connected with the child did weigh heavily on her mind.

Some days had passed (she reminded Mrs. Presty) since the
interview at which Herbert Linley had bidden her farewell. On
that occasion he had referred to her proposed marriage (never to
be a marriage now!) in terms of forbearance and generosity which
claimed her sincerest admiration. It might be possible for her to
show a grateful appreciation of his conduct. Devotedly fond of
his little daughter, he must have felt acutely his long
separation from her; and it was quite likely that he might ask to
see Kitty. But there was an obstacle in the way of her willing
compliance with that request, which it was impossible to think of
without remorse, and which it was imperatively necessary to
remove. Mrs. Presty would understand that she alluded to the
shameful falsehood which had led the child to suppose that her
father was dead.

Strongly disapproving of the language in which her daughter had
done justice to the conduct of the divorced husband, Mrs. Presty
merely replied: "You are Kitty's mother; I leave it to you"--and
returned to her reading.

Catherine could not feel that she had deserved such an answer as
this. "Did I plan the deception?" she asked. "Did I tell the

Mrs. Presty was not in the least offended. "You are comparatively
innocent, my dear," she admitted, with an air of satirical
indulgence. "You only consented to the deception, and profited by
the lie. Suppose we own the truth? You are afraid."

Catherine owned the truth in the plainest terms:

"Yes, I _am_ afraid."

"And you leave it to me?"

"I leave it to you."

Mrs. Presty complacently closed her book. "I was quite prepared
to hear it," she said; "all the unpleasant complications since
your Divorce--and Heaven only knows how many of them have
presented themselves--have been left for me to unravel. It so
happens--though I was too modest to mention it prematurely--that
I have unraveled _this_ complication. If one only has eyes to see
it, there is a way out of every difficulty that can possibly
happen." She pushed the book that she had been reading across the
table to Catherine. "Turn to page two hundred and forty," she
said. "There is the way out."

The title of the book was "Disasters at Sea"; and the page
contained the narrative of a shipwreck. On evidence apparently
irresistible, the drowning of every soul on board the lost vessel
had been taken for granted--when a remnant of the passengers and
crew had been discovered on a desert island, and had been safely
restored to their friends. Having read this record of suffering
and suspense, Catherine looked at her mother, and waited for an

"Don't you see it?" Mrs. Presty asked.

"I can't say that I do."

The old lady's excellent temper was not in the least ruffled,
even by this.

"Quite inexcusable on my part," she acknowledged; "I ought to
have remembered that you don't inherit your mother's vivid
imagination. Age has left me in full possession of those powers
of invention which used to amaze your poor father. He wondered
how it was that I never wrote a novel. Mr. Presty's appreciation
of my intellect was equally sincere; but he took a different
view. 'Beware, my dear,' he said, 'of trifling with the
distinction which you now enjoy: you are one of the most
remarkable women in England--you have never written a novel.'
Pardon me; I am wandering into the region of literary anecdote,
when I ought to explain myself. Now pray attend to this:--I
propose to tell Kitty that I have found a book which is sure to
interest her; and I shall direct her attention to the lamentable
story which you have just read. She is quite sharp enough (there
are sparks of my intellectual fire in Kitty) to ask if the
friends of the poor shipwrecked people were not very much
surprised to see them again. To this I shall answer: 'Very much,
indeed, for their friends thought they were dead.' Ah, you dear
dull child, you see it now!"

Catherine saw it so plainly that she was eager to put the first
part of the experiment to an immediate trial.

Kitty was sent for, and made her appearance with a fishing-rod
over her shoulder. "I'm going to the brook," she announced;
"expect some fish for dinner to-day."

A wary old hand stopped Catherine, in the act of presenting
"Disasters at Sea," to Kitty's notice; and a voice, distinguished
by insinuating kindness, said to the child: "When you have done
fishing, my dear, come to me; I have got a nice book for you to
read.--How very absurd of you, Catherine," Mrs. Presty continued,
when they were alone again, "to expect the child to read, and
draw her own conclusions, while her head is full of fishing! If
there are any fish in the brook, _she_ won't catch them. When she
comes back disappointed and says: 'What am I to do now?' the
'Disasters at Sea' will have a chance. I make it a rule never to
boast; but if there is a thing that I understand, it's the
management of children. Why didn't I have a large family?"

Attended by the faithful Susan, Kitty baited her hook, and began
to fish where the waters of the brook were overshadowed by trees.

A little arbor covered by a thatched roof, and having walls of
wooden lattice-work, hidden by creepers climbing over them inside
and out, offered an attractive place of rest on this sheltered
side of the garden. Having brought her work with her, the
nursemaid retired to the summer-house and diligently plied her
needle, looking at Kitty from time to time through the open door.
The air was delightfully cool, the pleasant rippling of the brook
fell soothingly on the ear, the seat in the summer-house received
a sitter with the softly-yielding submission of elastic wires.
Susan had just finished her early dinner: in mind and body alike,
this good girl was entirely and deservedly at her ease. By finely
succeeding degrees, her eyelids began to show a tendency
downward; her truant needle-work escaped from her fingers, and
lay lazily on her lap. She snatched it up with a start, and sewed
with severe resolution until her thread was exhausted. The reel
was ready at her side; she took it up for a fresh supply, and
innocently rested her head against the leafy and flowery wall of
the arbor. Was it thought that gradually closed her eyes again?
or was it sleep? In either case, Susan was lost to all se nse of
passing events; and Susan's breathing became musically regular,
emulous of the musical regularity of the brook.

As a lesson in patience, the art of angling pursued in a shallow
brook has its moral uses. Kitty fished, and waited, and renewed
the bait and tried again, with a command of temper which would
have been a novelty in Susan's experience, if Susan had been
awake. But the end which comes to all things came also to Kitty's
patience. Leaving her rod on the bank, she let the line and hook
take care of themselves, and wandered away in search of some new

Lingering here and there to gather flowers from the beds as she
passed them, Kitty was stopped by a shrubbery, with a rustic seat
placed near it, which marked the limits of the garden on that
side. The path that she had been following led her further and
further away from the brook, but still left it well in view. She
could see, on her right hand, the clumsy old wooden bridge which
crossed the stream, and served as a means of communication for
the servants and the tradespeople, between the cottage and the
village on the lower ground a mile away.

The child felt hot and tired. She rested herself on the bench,
and, spreading the flowers by her side, began to arrange them in
the form of a nosegay. Still true to her love for Sydney, she had
planned to present the nosegay to her mother, offering the gift
as an excuse for returning to the forbidden subject of her
governess, and for asking when they might hope to see each other

Choosing flowers and then rejecting them, trying other colors and
wondering whether she had accomplished a change for the better,
Kitty was startled by the sound of a voice calling to her from
the direction of the brook.

She looked round, and saw a gentleman crossing the bridge. He
asked the way to Brightwater Cottage.

There was something in his voice that attracted her--how or why,
at her age, she never thought of inquiring. Eager and excited,
she ran across the lawn which lay between her and the brook,
before she answered the gentleman's question.

As they approached each other, his eyes sparkled, his face
flushed; he cried out joyfully, "Here she is!"--and then changed
again in an instant. A horrid pallor overspread his face as the
child stood looking at him with innocent curiosity. He startled
Kitty, not because he seemed to be shocked and distressed, she
hardly noticed that; but because he was so like--although he was
thinner and paler and older--oh, so like her lost father!

"This is the cottage, sir," she said faintly.

His sorrowful eyes rested kindly on her. And yet, it seemed as if
she had in some way disappointed him. The child ventured to say:
"Do you know me, sir?"

He answered in the saddest voice that Kitty had ever heard: "My
little girl, what makes you think I know you?"

She was at a loss how to reply, fearing to distress him. She
could only say: "You are so like my poor papa."

He shook and shuddered, as if she had said something to frighten
him. He took her hand. On that hot day, his fingers felt as cold
as if it had been winter time. He led her back to the seat that
she had left. "I'm tired, my dear," he said. "Shall we sit down?"
It was surely true that he was tired. He seemed hardly able to
lift one foot after the other; Kitty pitied him. "I think you
must be ill;" she said, as they took their places, side by side,
on the bench.

"No; not ill. Only weary, and perhaps a little afraid of
frightening you." He kept her hand in his hand, and patted it
from time to time. "My dear, why did you say '_poor_ papa,' when
you spoke of your father just now?"

"My father is dead, sir."

He turned his face away from her, and pressed both hands on his
breast, as if he had felt some dreadful pain there, and was
trying to hide it. But he mastered the pain; and he said a
strange thing to her--very gently, but still it was strange. He
wished to know who had told her that her father was dead.

"Grandmamma told me."

"Do you remember what grandmamma said?"

"Yes--she told me papa was drowned at sea."

He said something to himself, and said it twice over. "Not her
mother! Thank God, not her mother!" What did he mean?

Kitty looked and looked at him, and wondered and wondered. He put
his arm round her. "Come near to me," he said. "Don't be afraid
of me, my dear." She moved nearer and showed him that she was not
afraid. The poor man seemed hardly to understand her. His eyes
grew dim; he sighed like a person in distress; he said: "Your
father would have kissed you, little one, if he had been alive.
You say I am like your father. May I kiss you?"

She put her hands on his shoulder and lifted her face to him. In
the instant when he kissed her, the child knew him. Her heart
beat suddenly with an overpowering delight; she started back from
his embrace. "That's how papa used to kiss me!" she cried. "Oh!
you _are_ papa! Not drowned! not drowned!" She flung her arms
round his neck, and held him as if she would never let him go
again. "Dear papa! Poor lost papa!" His tears fell on her face;
he sobbed over her. "My sweet darling! my own little Kitty!"

The hysterical passion that had overcome her father filled her
with piteous surprise. How strange, how dreadful that he should
cry--that he should be so sorry when she was so glad! She took
her little handkerchief out of the pocket of her pinafore, and
dried his eyes. "Are you thinking of the cruel sea, papa? No! the
good sea, the kind, bright, beautiful sea that has given you back
to me, and to mamma--!"

They had forgotten her mother!--and Kitty only discovered it now.
She caught at one of her father's hands hanging helpless at his
side, and pulled at it as if her little strength could force him
to his feet. "Come," she cried, "and make mamma as happy as I

He hesitated. She sprang on his knee; she pressed her cheek
against his cheek with the caressing tenderness, familiar to him
in the first happy days when she was an infant. "Oh, papa, are
you going to be unkind to me for the first time in your life?"

His momentary resistance was at an end. He was as weak in her
hands now as if he had been the child and she had been the man.

Laughing and singing and dancing round him, Kitty led the way to
the window of the room that opened on the garden. Some one had
closed it on the inner side. She tapped impatiently at the glass.
Her mother heard the tapping; her mother came to the window; her
mother ran out to meet them. Since the miserable time when they
left Mount Morven, since the long unnatural separation of the
parents and the child, those three were together once more!


1.--The Lawyer's Apology.

That a woman of my wife's mature years should be jealous of one
of the most exemplary husbands that the records of matrimony can
produce is, to say the least of it, a discouraging circumstance.
A man forgets that virtue is its own reward, and asks, What is
the use of conjugal fidelity?

However, the motto of married life is (or ought to be): Peace at
any price. I have been this day relieved from the condition of
secrecy that has been imposed on me. You insisted on an
explanation some time since. Here it is at last.

For the ten-thousandth time, my dear, in our joint lives, you are
again right. That letter, marked private, which I received at the
domestic tea-table, was what you positively declared it to be, a
letter from a lady--a charming lady, plunged in the deepest
perplexity. We had been well known to each other for many years,
as lawyer and client. She wanted advice on this occasion
also--and wanted it in the strictest confidence. Was it
consistent with my professional duty to show her letter to my
wife? Mrs. Sarrazin says Yes; Mrs. Sarrazin's husband says No.

Let me add that the lady was a person of unblemished reputation,
and that she was placed in a false position through no fault of
her own. In plain English, she was divorced. Ah, my dear (to
speak in the vivid language of the people), do you smell a rat?

Yes: my client was Mrs. Norman; and to her pretty cottage in the
country I betook myself the next day. There I found my excellent
friend Randal Linley, present by special inv itation.

Stop a minute. Why do I write all this, instead of explaining
myself by word of mouth? My love, you are a member of an old and
illustrious family; you honored me when you married me; and you
have (as your father told me on our wedding day) the high and
haughty temper of your race. I foresee an explosion of this
temper, and I would rather have my writing-paper blown up than be
blown up myself.

Is this a cowardly confession on my part? All courage, Mrs.
Sarrazin, is relative; the bravest man living has a cowardly side
to his character, though it may not always be found out. Some
years ago, at a public dinner, I sat next to an officer in the
British army. At one time in his life he had led a forlorn hope.
At another time, he had picked up a wounded soldier, and had
carried him to the care of the surgeons through a hail-storm of
the enemy's bullets. Hot courage and cool courage, this true hero
possessed both. _I_ saw the cowardly side of his character. He
lost his color; perspiration broke out on his forehead; he
trembled; he talked nonsense; he was frightened out of his wits.
And all for what? Because he had to get on his legs and make a

Well: Mrs. Norman, and Randal Linley, and I, sat down to our
consultation at the cottage.

What did my fair client want?

She contemplated marrying for the second time, and she wanted my
advice as a lawyer, and my encouragement as an old friend. I was
quite ready; I only waited for particulars. Mrs. Norman became
dreadfully embarrassed, and said: "I refer you to my

I looked at Randal. "Once her brother-in-law, no doubt," I said;
"but after the Divorce--" My friend stopped me there. "After the
Divorce," he remarked, "I may be her brother-in-law again."

If this meant anything, it meant that she was actually going to
marry Herbert Linley again. This was too ridiculous. "If it's a
joke," I said, "I have heard better fun in my time. If it's only
an assertion, I don't believe it."

"Why not?" Randal asked.

"Saying I do want you, in one breath--and I don't want you, in
another--seems to be a little hard on Divorce," I ventured to

"Don't expect _me_ to sympathize with Divorce," Randal said.

I answered that smartly. "No; I'll wait till you are married."

He took it seriously. "Don't misunderstand me," he replied.
"Where there is absolute cruelty, or where there is deliberate
desertion, on the husband's part, I see the use and the reason
for Divorce. If the unhappy wife can find an honorable man who
will protect her, or an honorable man who will offer her a home,
Society and Law, which are responsible for the institution of
marriage, are bound to allow a woman outraged under the shelter
of their institution to marry again. But, where the husband's
fault is sexual frailty, I say the English law which refuses
Divorce on that ground alone is right, and the Scotch law which
grants it is wrong. Religion, which rightly condemns the sin,
pardons it on the condition of true penitence. Why is a wife not
to pardon it for the same reason? Why are the lives of a father,
a mother, and a child to be wrecked, when those lives may be
saved by the exercise of the first of Christian
virtues--forgiveness of injuries? In such a case as this I regret
that Divorce exists; and I rejoice when husband and wife and
child are one flesh again, re-united by the law of Nature, which
is the law of God."

I might have disputed with him; but I thought he was right. I
also wanted to make sure of the facts. "Am I really to
understand," I asked, "that Mr. Herbert Linley is to be this
lady's husband for the second time?"

"If there is no lawful objection to it," Randal said-- "decidedly

My good wife, in all your experience you never saw your husband
stare as he stared at that moment. Here was a lady divorced by
her own lawful desire and at her own personal expense, thinking
better of it after no very long interval, and proposing to marry
the man again. Was there ever anything so grossly improbable?
Where is the novelist who would be bold enough to invent such an
incident as this?

Never mind the novelist. How did it end?

Of course it could only end in one way, so far as I was
concerned. The case being without precedent in my experience, I
dropped my professional character at the outset. Speaking next as
a friend, I had only to say to Mrs. Norman: "The Law has declared
you and Mr. Herbert Linley to be single people. Do what other
single people do. Buy a license, and give notice at a church--and
by all means send wedding cards to the judge who divorced you."

Said; and, in another fortnight, done. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Linley were married again this morning; and Randal and I were the
only witnesses present at the ceremony, which was strictly

2.--The Lawyer's Defense.

I wonder whether the foregoing pages of my writing-paper have
been torn to pieces and thrown into the waste-paper basket? You
wouldn't litter the carpet. No. I may be torn in pieces, but I do
you justice for all that.

What are the objections to the divorced husband and wife becoming
husband and wife again? Mrs. Presty has stated them in the
following order. Am I wrong in assuming that, on this occasion at
least, you will agree with Mrs. Presty?

First Objection: Nobody has ever done such a thing before.

Second Objection: Penitent or not penitent, Mr. Herbert Linley
doesn't deserve it.

Third Objection: No respectable person will visit them.

First Reply: The question is not whether the thing has been done
before, but whether the doing of the thing is right in itself
There is no clause in the marriage service forbidding a wife to
forgive her husband; but there is a direct prohibition to any
separation between them. It is, therefore, not wrong to forgive
Mr. Herbert Linley, and it is absolutely right to marry him

Second Reply: When their child brings him home, and takes it for
granted that her father and mother should live together,
_because_ they are her father and mother, innocent Kitty has
appealed from the Law of Divorce to the Law of Nature. Whether
Herbert Linley has deserved it or whether he has not, there he is
in the only fit place for him--and there is an end of the second

Third Reply: A flat contradiction to the assertion that no
respectable person will visit her. Mrs. Sarrazin will visit her.
Yes, you will, my dear! Not because I insist upon it--Do I ever
insist on anything? No; you will act on your own responsibility,
out of compassion for a misguided old woman. Judge for yourself
when you read what follows, if Mrs. Presty is not sadly in need
of the good example of an ornament to her sex.

The Evil Genius of the family joined us in the cottage parlor
when our consultations had come to an end. I had the honor of
communicating the decision at which we had arrived. Mrs. Presty
marched to the door; and, from that commanding position,
addressed a few farewell remarks to her daughter.

"I have done with you, Catherine. You have reached the limits of
my maternal endurance at last. I shall set up my own
establishment, and live again--in memory--with Mr. Norman and Mr.
Presty. May you be happy. I don't anticipate it."

She left the room--and came back again for a last word, addressed
this time to Randal Linley.

"When you next see your friend, Captain Bennydeck, give him my
compliments, Mr. Randal, and say I congratulate him on having
been jilted by my daughter. It would have been a sad thing,
indeed, if such a sensible man had married an idiot.

She left the room again, and came back again for another last
word, addressed on this occasion to me. Her better nature made an
effort to express itself, not altogether without success.

"I think it is quite likely, Mr. Sarrazin, that some dreadful
misfortune will fall on my daughter, as the punishment of her
undutiful disregard of her mother's objections. In that case, I
shall feel it my duty to return and administer maternal
consolation. When you write, address me at my banker's. I make
allowances for a lawyer, sir; I don't blame You."

She opened the door for the third time--stepped out, and stepped
back again into the room--suddenly g ave her daughter a fierce
kiss--returned to the door--shook her fist at Mrs. Linley with a
theatrically-threatening gesture--said, "Unnatural child!"--and,
after this exhibition of her better nature, and her worse, left
us at last. When you visit the remarried pair on their return
from their second honeymoon, take Mrs. Presty with you.

3.--The Lawyer's Last Word.

"When you force this ridiculous and regrettable affair on my
attention" (I think I hear Mrs. Sarrazin say), "the least you can
do is to make your narrative complete. But perhaps you propose to
tell me personally what has become of Kitty, and what
well-deserved retribution has overtaken Miss Westerfield."

No: I propose in this case also to communicate my information in
writing--at the safe distance from home of Lincoln's Inn Fields.

Kitty accompanies her father and mother to the Continent, of
course. But she insisted on first saying good-by to the dear
friend, once the dear governess, whom she loves. Randal and I
volunteered to take her (with her mother's ready permission) to
see Miss Westerfield. Try not to be angry. Try not to tear me up.

We found Captain Bennydeck and his pretty secretary enjoying a
little rest and refreshment, after a long morning's work for the
good of the Home. The Captain was carving the chicken; and
Sydney, by his side, was making the salad. The house-cat occupied
a third chair, with her eyes immovably fixed on the movements of
the knife and fork. Perhaps I was thinking of sad past days.
Anyway, it seemed to me to be as pretty a domestic scene as a man
could wish to look at. The arrival of Kitty made the picture

Our visit was necessarily limited by a due remembrance of the
hour of departure, by an early tidal tram. Kitty's last words to
Sydney bade her bear their next meeting in mind, and not be
melancholy at only saying good-by for a time. Like all children,
she asks strange questions. When we were out in the street again,
she said to her uncle: "Do you think my nice Captain will marry

Randal had noticed, in Captain Bennydeck's face, signs which
betrayed that the bitterest disappointment of his life was far
from being a forgotten disappointment yet. If it had been put by
any other person, poor Kitty's absurd question might have met
with a bitter reply. As it was, her uncle only said: "My dear
child, that is no business of yours or mine."

Not in the least discouraged, Kitty turned to me. "What do _you_
think, Samuel?"

I followed Randal's lead, and answered, "How should I know?"

The child looked from one to the other of us. "Shall I tell you
what I think?" she said, "I think you are both of you humbugs."